Unemployment Dropped Lower in 4 Months Under Trump Than 4 Years Under Obama

Obama GDP growth 2015: 2.9%
Trump GDP growth 2018: 2.9%
So tell us how much better Trump was that he couldn’t even beat Obama?
Especially since Trump promised GDP growth of 5% even 6% in order to pay for his tax cuts.

Which explains why Trump increased the deficit to over a Trillion, and climbing each year in office.

Trumps tax cuts paid for themsel
So why did I get a tax cut? I'm not in the one percent.
Everybody got a tax cut, the question is how BIG was your tax cut?

The 1%'ers for hundeds of thousands or more cut from their taxes.

Did you even save enough to replace a muffler?

The wealthy didn't get hundreds of thousands, Gene, they got millions. Their corporations got billions, and they used those billions to buy back shares, getting rid of the small shareholders, and concentrating the wealth at the top.

Cool story wacko canuck. Why did I get a tax cut was the question?
Biden has not laid out intelligently how he is going to better on jobs. If you take his word that increased regulation ( greendeal ) and higher taxes are going to yield jobs, then you don’t understand economics.

It is YOU that doesn't understand economics. You're simply regurgitating Republican lies. And they are lying about this issue. The facts just don't support their economic views.

Trump cut taxes and regulations and crashed the economy. W cut taxes and cut regulations and crashed the economy. Reagan cut taxes and regulations and crashed the economy.

Conversely, Clinton raised taxes, increased regulation, and had higher job creation than any St. Ronnie, balanced the budget, and restored the economy.

Obama raised taxes, rewrote regulations and set off the longest period of growth and high job creation in the history of the nation.

3 out of 4 Republicans Presidents crashed the economy, transferred massive amounts wealth to the 1%, and left millions of working Americans broke and unemployed.

2 out of 2 Democrats cleaned up the Republicans messes, increased employment and set the economy on a stable path.

Clinton and Obama growth did come until a Republican Congress was in place to reign in their regulations. That is a fact. And stop the wealth transfer bullshit. The rich always get richer regardless if it is an Obama or Trump as President. The true measure is if the Middle Class is doing better. Under Reagan, W, and Trump, the Middle Class keep more of their paychecks.
Unemployment Dropped Lower in 4 Months Under Trump Than 4 Years Under Obama

Umm yea thats pure bs spin.



nearly 700,000 people stopped looking for scarce jobs and dropped out of the labor force in September. As such they aren’t counted in the unemployment rate.

More broadly, the size of the labor force dropped to 160.1 million last month from 164.5 million in February, the last month before the viral outbreak in the U.S. That means 4.4 million people have basically fallen off the map.

This considering we are 4 Trillion dollars in the hole for this year, a deficit level not seen since World War II effort.
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You need to update your citations. Current unemployment rate is almost twice where Obama left it.

I enjoy seeing the leftists lie to themselves and pretend unemployment isn't high due to covid shutdowns.

We know that the layoff are due to the shutdowns. The shutdown was supposed to be about quashing the virus to stop the spread of the virus, but you have stop the transmission before reopening. You can't reopen as soon as cases dip and you have to re-open slowly.

Because Trump opened too soon, and too fast, he accelerated the rate of transmission leading more sickness and death, but also to longer shut downs and an inability to contain the epidemic.

Your GDP contracted by 32% in Q2, and 5.2% in Q1, even though you started re-opening in May. Our economy contracted by 2.1 in Q1, and 11.1% in Q2, despite us having closed earlier, closed harder, and opened and more slowly. BECAUSE we followed the scientists advice.

Small businesses are closing due to the length of othe shutdown, many permanently. We've lost some businesses too, but we focussed on businesses with more than 10 employees, and you focussed on big corporations. We gave NOTHING to big companies. My son's company, with 2500 employees, got nothing - too big. The owners closed all of their stores and went to online retail, with curbside pick up. They changed their manufacturing division from speakers and amplifiers (Yorkville Sound), to making motherboards and electronics and ventilators. But it was a big experiment creating a safe working environment and keeping their workers safe. Not one employee got sick, and they were never closed.

Trump shovelled barrels full of money to big companies, and left the little guys with fewer resources, hanging in the wind. We did the opposite. None of our big corporations were lost. Walmart didn't close their doors, but there were sections of their stores which weren't allowed to be open. But mom and pop stores were, and those were the ones who got the help.

Trump's covid response was designed to further enrich big corporations and our was designed to save our economy.
Biden has not laid out intelligently how he is going to better on jobs. If you take his word that increased regulation ( greendeal ) and higher taxes are going to yield jobs, then you don’t understand economics.

It is YOU that doesn't understand economics. You're simply regurgitating Republican lies. And they are lying about this issue. The facts just don't support their economic views.

Trump cut taxes and regulations and crashed the economy. W cut taxes and cut regulations and crashed the economy. Reagan cut taxes and regulations and crashed the economy.

Conversely, Clinton raised taxes, increased regulation, and had higher job creation than any St. Ronnie, balanced the budget, and restored the economy.

Obama raised taxes, rewrote regulations and set off the longest period of growth and high job creation in the history of the nation.

3 out of 4 Republicans Presidents crashed the economy, transferred massive amounts wealth to the 1%, and left millions of working Americans broke and unemployed.

2 out of 2 Democrats cleaned up the Republicans messes, increased employment and set the economy on a stable path.

Clinton and Obama growth did come until a Republican Congress was in place to reign in their regulations. That is a fact. And stop the wealth transfer bullshit. The rich always get richer regardless if it is an Obama or Trump as President. The true measure is if the Middle Class is doing better. Under Reagan, W, and Trump, the Middle Class keep more of their paychecks.

BULLSHIT and Republican lies. All good things are because of Republicans, including the success of the Obama economy which Republicans fought tooth and nail, and all bad things, including the 2008 crash, and Trump's crash, are the fault of the Democrats. They even blamed Obama for W's Katrina's response.

While the rich get richer, their percentage of the wealth of the nation doesn't increase. In a healthy economy, if the company is doing well, everyone gets a raise. When I was a banker back in the early 1970's, I got the same raise, by percentage, as the President of the bank. Except I got 2% of $15,000 and he got 2% of $500,000. Over the past forty years, US executive compensation has gone up by 1000%, while front line workers, got nothing, and lost buying power, ending up worse off than they were when Reagan was elected.

The New Deal ushered in the greatest era of wealth and properity in history, and created the American Middle Class out of the ashes of the Great Depression. Reagan's tax code tilted to pie to favour the wealthy, and started the greatest transfer of wealth to the 20%, the world has ever seen.

It has impoverished the working class, making them dependent on government handouts, and weakened the middle class. The American middle class is shrinking, and more people are falling back into poverty, than are moving into the weathly class. It's now all but impossible to rise out of poverty, into the middle class. The American middle class is the only middle class in the first world which is shrinking.

LBJ's War on Poverty, which Reagan ended, lifted millions of americans out of poverty. The poverty rate went from 25% to 10%, and enraged Republicans. Republicans HATE it when working people have money. They view working class workers and lazy, good for nothings, who have to be kept in desperate straights to motivate them to work. Also not true.

The numbers just do not support any of the Republicans economic claims or policies. All the Republican Party has is lies. No one is going to vote for poverty and unemployment, but that is all that Republicans have delivered to working Americans over the past 40 years.
Biden has not laid out intelligently how he is going to better on jobs. If you take his word that increased regulation ( greendeal ) and higher taxes are going to yield jobs, then you don’t understand economics.

It is YOU that doesn't understand economics. You're simply regurgitating Republican lies. And they are lying about this issue. The facts just don't support their economic views.

Trump cut taxes and regulations and crashed the economy. W cut taxes and cut regulations and crashed the economy. Reagan cut taxes and regulations and crashed the economy.

Conversely, Clinton raised taxes, increased regulation, and had higher job creation than any St. Ronnie, balanced the budget, and restored the economy.

Obama raised taxes, rewrote regulations and set off the longest period of growth and high job creation in the history of the nation.

3 out of 4 Republicans Presidents crashed the economy, transferred massive amounts wealth to the 1%, and left millions of working Americans broke and unemployed.

2 out of 2 Democrats cleaned up the Republicans messes, increased employment and set the economy on a stable path.

Clinton and Obama growth did come until a Republican Congress was in place to reign in their regulations. That is a fact. And stop the wealth transfer bullshit. The rich always get richer regardless if it is an Obama or Trump as President. The true measure is if the Middle Class is doing better. Under Reagan, W, and Trump, the Middle Class keep more of their paychecks.

BULLSHIT and Republican lies. All good things are because of Republicans, including the success of the Obama economy which Republicans fought tooth and nail, and all bad things, including the 2008 crash, and Trump's crash, are the fault of the Democrats. They even blamed Obama for W's Katrina's response.

While the rich get richer, their percentage of the wealth of the nation doesn't increase. In a healthy economy, if the company is doing well, everyone gets a raise. When I was a banker back in the early 1970's, I got the same raise, by percentage, as the President of the bank. Except I got 2% of $15,000 and he got 2% of $500,000. Over the past forty years, US executive compensation has gone up by 1000%, while front line workers, got nothing, and lost buying power, ending up worse off than they were when Reagan was elected.

The New Deal ushered in the greatest era of wealth and properity in history, and created the American Middle Class out of the ashes of the Great Depression. Reagan's tax code tilted to pie to favour the wealthy, and started the greatest transfer of wealth to the 20%, the world has ever seen.

It has impoverished the working class, making them dependent on government handouts, and weakened the middle class. The American middle class is shrinking, and more people are falling back into poverty, than are moving into the weathly class. It's now all but impossible to rise out of poverty, into the middle class. The American middle class is the only middle class in the first world which is shrinking.

LBJ's War on Poverty, which Reagan ended, lifted millions of americans out of poverty. The poverty rate went from 25% to 10%, and enraged Republicans. Republicans HATE it when working people have money. They view working class workers and lazy, good for nothings, who have to be kept in desperate straights to motivate them to work. Also not true.

The numbers just do not support any of the Republicans economic claims or policies. All the Republican Party has is lies. No one is going to vote for poverty and unemployment, but that is all that Republicans have delivered to working Americans over the past 40 years.

America is the only country left with a true Middle Class. You bitch about only getting a two percent raise. You should have gone to another back that would give you a higher percentage wage increase and a higher salary. Johnson’s War on Poverty has cost US more than any benefit it yielded. For starters, it has created multi generations dependent on the government. It is a fallacy to think it has LIFTED Americans out of poverty. Hence, the working class is diminishing. Republicans LOVE it when working class has money.
What's missing here is while unemployment favors Trump as do all measures, the unemployment numbers under Obama were highly inflated in the first place, because in time people fell off the roles and many left the market for good. That doesn't apply in Trump's case due to the short-time period and extended benefits.

Obama's answer to a recession was Obummercare which is exactly the opposite what was needed. At least PROGS have the comfort of knowing all that money spent went toward govt. and waste.

The market swung 2K in the two month's following Trump's election, and he hadn't even taken office yet. Ask yourselves is that because of faith in Trump and/or the lack of faith in O'bummer?
There’s 4 million fewer employed Americans now than when Trump took office.

So yeah, it really favors Trump.

You say that with a straight face fucker considering COVID and it's your Demonicrat Govornors who have shut down their States?
Trump said he had the virus totally under control.
so do his doctors
if the vile scum demonrats didnt put their $$$ in the petri dish, hence ..no covid
Biden has not laid out intelligently how he is going to better on jobs. If you take his word that increased regulation ( greendeal ) and higher taxes are going to yield jobs, then you don’t understand economics.

It is YOU that doesn't understand economics. You're simply regurgitating Republican lies. And they are lying about this issue. The facts just don't support their economic views.

Trump cut taxes and regulations and crashed the economy. W cut taxes and cut regulations and crashed the economy. Reagan cut taxes and regulations and crashed the economy.

Conversely, Clinton raised taxes, increased regulation, and had higher job creation than any St. Ronnie, balanced the budget, and restored the economy.

Obama raised taxes, rewrote regulations and set off the longest period of growth and high job creation in the history of the nation.

3 out of 4 Republicans Presidents crashed the economy, transferred massive amounts wealth to the 1%, and left millions of working Americans broke and unemployed.

2 out of 2 Democrats cleaned up the Republicans messes, increased employment and set the economy on a stable path.

Clinton and Obama growth did come until a Republican Congress was in place to reign in their regulations. That is a fact. And stop the wealth transfer bullshit. The rich always get richer regardless if it is an Obama or Trump as President. The true measure is if the Middle Class is doing better. Under Reagan, W, and Trump, the Middle Class keep more of their paychecks.

BULLSHIT and Republican lies. All good things are because of Republicans, including the success of the Obama economy which Republicans fought tooth and nail, and all bad things, including the 2008 crash, and Trump's crash, are the fault of the Democrats. They even blamed Obama for W's Katrina's response.

While the rich get richer, their percentage of the wealth of the nation doesn't increase. In a healthy economy, if the company is doing well, everyone gets a raise. When I was a banker back in the early 1970's, I got the same raise, by percentage, as the President of the bank. Except I got 2% of $15,000 and he got 2% of $500,000. Over the past forty years, US executive compensation has gone up by 1000%, while front line workers, got nothing, and lost buying power, ending up worse off than they were when Reagan was elected.

The New Deal ushered in the greatest era of wealth and properity in history, and created the American Middle Class out of the ashes of the Great Depression. Reagan's tax code tilted to pie to favour the wealthy, and started the greatest transfer of wealth to the 20%, the world has ever seen.

It has impoverished the working class, making them dependent on government handouts, and weakened the middle class. The American middle class is shrinking, and more people are falling back into poverty, than are moving into the weathly class. It's now all but impossible to rise out of poverty, into the middle class. The American middle class is the only middle class in the first world which is shrinking.

LBJ's War on Poverty, which Reagan ended, lifted millions of americans out of poverty. The poverty rate went from 25% to 10%, and enraged Republicans. Republicans HATE it when working people have money. They view working class workers and lazy, good for nothings, who have to be kept in desperate straights to motivate them to work. Also not true.

The numbers just do not support any of the Republicans economic claims or policies. All the Republican Party has is lies. No one is going to vote for poverty and unemployment, but that is all that Republicans have delivered to working Americans over the past 40 years.
i suppose its the #s you want to see and not the TRUTH., something scum demonrats know nothing about
What's missing here is while unemployment favors Trump as do all measures, the unemployment numbers under Obama were highly inflated in the first place, because in time people fell off the roles and many left the market for good. That doesn't apply in Trump's case due to the short-time period and extended benefits.

Obama's answer to a recession was Obummercare which is exactly the opposite what was needed. At least PROGS have the comfort of knowing all that money spent went toward govt. and waste.

The market swung 2K in the two month's following Trump's election, and he hadn't even taken office yet. Ask yourselves is that because of faith in Trump and/or the lack of faith in O'bummer?
There’s 4 million fewer employed Americans now than when Trump took office.

So yeah, it really favors Trump.

You say that with a straight face fucker considering COVID and it's your Demonicrat Govornors who have shut down their States?
Trump said he had the virus totally under control.

Yeah, your mother said she had you under control too, now you're a PROG
I guess if Trump actually had the virus under control then he wouldn’t have to deal with the fact that there are fewer employed now than when he took over.

Facts suck, don’t they?
your biased ones do for you. try something other than nbc and the like, you may learn alot more than you think.
Good. Write a fucking paper on it. Get published in the local paper. You're still a stupid Trump Tool.
and you are still a scum of the vile demonrat race---how deplorable
Right wingers only have fallacy not valid arguments, how deplorable.
thats the best you could come up with?
Trump ran trillion dollar deficits and he couldn’t even beat Obama on GDP growth. Pathetic.
Plus the Fed is making what it did after the Meltdown look like pennies, and the NY Fed had to pour another $1.5T to calm credit markets.

Trump has leveraged the budget and the Fed to inflate the numbers, just like he did with Deutsche and his "businesses".

These folks aren't told that, though, so it's "fake news". :laugh:
i wonder what the employment would be if cally and new nork would open up

I wonder what the death numbers would be at if they didn't take the measures they did because of Trumps failure to provide any leadership.
I wonder what you would post if someone hadn't removed your brain.
and to this day, these {fill in the blank} actually are trying to convince the world that Trump created the virus in a lab or that Trump is a psychic and knew about what was going on in China and didnt use his psychic abilities to stop all planes from coming the USA

Trump was told what was going on in China on January 2nd. He told Bob Woodward all about it and how dangerous it was in February. And he did NOTHING other than try to wish it away, and he's still trying to wish it away.

No one thinks Trump created the virus, but EVERYONE thinks that his response to the virus, was both irresponsible and criminally negligent. The New England Journal of Medicine said that Donald Trump should be tried for negligence. 210,000 people did not need to die. It's not happening in any other first world country in the world.

And to this day, you keep trying to convince us that none of this is Trump's fault, even though he failed to prepare, failed to restock, and failed to get tests out and failed to do anything except deny the problem or say it would "disappear like magic", until March 15th, and then he told Mike Pence to deal with it.

You still don't have a national testing program, or an effective plan to slow or stop the virus.

Are you lying or just uninformed Dragon-PROG?

You need to update your citations. Current unemployment rate is almost twice where Obama left it.
It said after 4 years of Obama, not 8. Can't you read?

It's nothing but cherry picking. Obama cut unemployment in his first term, while it looks like Trump will have actually increased unemployment in his.
And as for which term to use. Think bookends.

You're a fucking idiot.
What's missing here is while unemployment favors Trump as do all measures, the unemployment numbers under Obama were highly inflated in the first place, because in time people fell off the roles and many left the market for good. That doesn't apply in Trump's case due to the short-time period and extended benefits.

Obama's answer to a recession was Obummercare which is exactly the opposite what was needed. At least PROGS have the comfort of knowing all that money spent went toward govt. and waste.

The market swung 2K in the two month's following Trump's election, and he hadn't even taken office yet. Ask yourselves is that because of faith in Trump and/or the lack of faith in O'bummer?
There’s 4 million fewer employed Americans now than when Trump took office.

So yeah, it really favors Trump.

You say that with a straight face fucker considering COVID and it's your Demonicrat Govornors who have shut down their States?
Trump said he had the virus totally under control.
9 out of 10 things trumps say are bullshit and the other one is just a lie

Is that right? Post a video of Trump, we'll put your emotions to the test. Any video with do.

Say Colfax, you like to talk a lot, let's see that video. Any video will do.
Biden has not laid out intelligently how he is going to better on jobs. If you take his word that increased regulation ( greendeal ) and higher taxes are going to yield jobs, then you don’t understand economics.
Trump’s record on jobs is no better than Obama’s prior to COVID.

All Biden has to do is manage crises like COVID better and he’s beaten Trump easily.

That’s a tall order you are expecting from Old Joe given that his first response to COVID was to lambast Trump for closing the borders. He doesn’t lead on COVID. He Monday morning quarterbacks Trump based on hindsight. What’s Biden’s vision? Make everyone keep their masks on indefinitely and keep cities in lockdown? And you think that’s going to yield jobs???
Problem is that Biden never mentioned anything about Trump “closing the borders” which he didn’t really do anyway. At the very least, Biden wouldn’t have lied to the American people as Trump did. Trump didn’t lead, that’s a huge part of the problem. He just sat back and watched as it went to hell.
Don't be an anal retentive jackass. Biden called Trump "zenophobic" for stopping travel from China.
That’s a tall order you are expecting from Old Joe given that his first response to COVID was to lambast Trump for closing the borders.
That's because Trumps order was RACIST. It didn't stop people in china (even in wuhan) from entering the USA, it only stopped them if they were chinese nationals.

Only Chinese nationals That's racist.
Trump cannot prevent American citizens from returning to their home, you fucking moron. Apparently following the law and the Constitution is "racist."

What a fucking douchebag.
That’s a tall order you are expecting from Old Joe given that his first response to COVID was to lambast Trump for closing the borders.
Problem is that Biden never mentioned anything about Trump “closing the borders” which he didn’t really do anyway.
Trump cut off chinese nationals from entering from china, but let anybody else in china come into america.
That's true, and turds like you condemned him for that. At the time, China was the only place we were aware of that had the virus.

You are so fucking dumb it must hurt.
Biden has not laid out intelligently how he is going to better on jobs. If you take his word that increased regulation ( greendeal ) and higher taxes are going to yield jobs, then you don’t understand economics.
What about infrastructure?? Think that could put millions back working good paying jobs?? Trump did squat about our infrastructure Just lowered taxes for 1%
The Dims were busy trying to impeach him, you fucking dumbass.
What about infrastructure?? Think that could put millions back working good paying jobs?? Trump did squat about our infrastructure Just lowered taxes for 1%

How 'Infrastructure Week' Became a Long-Running Joke - The ...
www.nytimes.com › U.S. › Politics

May 22, 2019 — WASHINGTON — At this point in the Trump presidency, “Infrastructure Week” is less a date on the calendar than it is a “Groundhog Day”

'Infrastructure Week' has become a running joke on the Trump ...
www.cnn.com › 2019/05/23 › politics › donald-trump-inf...

May 26, 2019 — It all began back on Monday, June 5, 2017. Trump had a $1 trillion infrastructure plan to sell -- and he had a week of events on the docket from a ...

Infrastructure Week Is Still Just a Joke in Washington - The ...
www.theatlantic.com › politics › archive › 2019/05 › in...

May 24, 2019 — The first Infrastructure Week, in June 2017, set the tone, when Trump's plan to promote an overhaul of the nation's air-traffic-control system ...
It overlapped with "impeachment week," you fucking moron.

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