Unemployment rate drops to 3.8%

more bad news for our friends on the left

Payrolls rise by better than expected 223,000 in May, jobless rate drops to 3.8%

The U.S. economy continued to add jobs at a solid clip in May, with nonfarm payrolls up 223,000 while the unemployment rate was 3.8 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.

Economists had been expecting payroll growth of 188,000 and the jobless to hold steady at 3.9 percent.

The unemployment rate was last this low in April 2000.

Obama's economy still chugging along.

Or can you post up links that show anything that Trump did has had any effect on anything. Other than stuffing money into the pockets of wealthy people which numerous articles already show hasn't increased their hiring or pay.

Republicans always tank the economy, a Democrat comes in and saves it, then a Republican takes credit.

Something in conservative DNA they always take credit for someone else's work. Like Trump who hired many middle class contractors that did great work and then Trump stiffed them for the bill.
I recall nutty conservatives giving Reagan credit for the economic boom under Clinton. Now they suddenly flip and claim Trump should get credit for the economy from even before he became president. :cuckoo:

They always live in fantasy world and they always try to take credit for someone else's hard work.
The full employment Obama handed Silver Spoon Donny.

In what alternate universe? You libs and your fake news you funny :21:
i am still waiting for Bin Biden to make the statement that the Stimulus Vibrator bill of 2009 is creating all of these jobs

The corrupt Dem regime funneled the stimulus money to their party donors, shocker.
oh now you tell me? !!!!!:aug08_031:

Did you know that since there weren't any "shovel ready jobs" Dem states used the stimulus money for public employee salaries, bonuses, and benefits? This is why at the peak of the recession and unemployment, public employee unemployment was unchanged at 3.8%.
everyone knew where most of the 800 Billion (0r was it milion} went !!!,,,,,it certainly didnt go to the middle class of whom were screwed by the democrats in 2009!,,,,the Dems told the middle class to go F themselves after the election.
Liberals keep claiming that they are only doing what we did to them regarding good economic news under Obama, but that is simply erroneous. Trump's recovery contains key aspects that were missing from Obama's recovery, such as a huge bump in manufacturing jobs, a sizable drop in the U-6 unemployment rate (it's now at a 17-year low), a huge increase in the return of American money parked overseas (thanks to the repatriation tax rate in the Trump tax cuts), an $80-$400 increase in net monthly pay for people in the third and fourth tax brackets, etc., etc.
Liberals keep claiming that they are only doing what we did to them regarding good economic news under Obama, but that is simply erroneous. Trump's recovery contains key aspects that were missing from Obama's recovery, such as a huge bump in manufacturing jobs, a sizable drop in the U-6 unemployment rate (it's now at a 17-year low), a huge increase in the return of American money parked overseas (thanks to the repatriation tax rate in the Trump tax cuts), an $80-$400 increase in net monthly pay for people in the third and fourth tax brackets, etc., etc.

Well the drop in the U-3 means nothing.

Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the “Biggest Hoaxes in Politics”

And he was dead right...the U-3 is a complete and total joke.

And even if you want to attach yourself to the U-3, the rate of decline is no better under Trump Than Obama:


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

And you are forgetting the big jump in the deficit under Trump.

CBO Economic Report: Trillion Dollar Budget Deficits Under Trump For His Entire Presidency

And I don't see a HUGE bump in manufacturing jobs.


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

I see a solid increase. But if you call the above 'huge' (over Obama's time in office)...than you appear to be biased and/or easily impressed.

And Trump has done virtually nothing to address the market distortions brought on by the Federal Reserve. And that should be his number one priority.
In what alternate universe? You libs and your fake news you funny :21:
i am still waiting for Bin Biden to make the statement that the Stimulus Vibrator bill of 2009 is creating all of these jobs

The corrupt Dem regime funneled the stimulus money to their party donors, shocker.
oh now you tell me? !!!!!:aug08_031:

Did you know that since there weren't any "shovel ready jobs" Dem states used the stimulus money for public employee salaries, bonuses, and benefits? This is why at the peak of the recession and unemployment, public employee unemployment was unchanged at 3.8%.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof of this? Not some biased article. But a link to unbiased, government statistics on this.

I am not saying it is wrong...but I am not just talking your word for it either.

It was widely reported in the news, go search for it.
Trump bests Obama again just 2 years into his first term :eusa_clap:
If unemployment was trending downward under Obama, and it continued trending downward under trump, how is trump besting Obama? And why do you care so much? Low unemployment is a good thing. Toxic hateful rhetoric is not. See the op and his glee that the left will some how be hurt by low unemployment. That's unamerican behavior. Its certainly beta behavior wanting fellow Americans to be hurt.

Come on the clown Obama had 8 years, his anti jobs anti business policies were like a wet blanket hence both are taking off under Trump.
In what alternate universe? You libs and your fake news you funny :21:
i am still waiting for Bin Biden to make the statement that the Stimulus Vibrator bill of 2009 is creating all of these jobs

The corrupt Dem regime funneled the stimulus money to their party donors, shocker.
oh now you tell me? !!!!!:aug08_031:

Did you know that since there weren't any "shovel ready jobs" Dem states used the stimulus money for public employee salaries, bonuses, and benefits? This is why at the peak of the recession and unemployment, public employee unemployment was unchanged at 3.8%.
everyone knew where most of the 800 Billion (0r was it milion} went !!!,,,,,it certainly didnt go to the middle class of whom were screwed by the democrats in 2009!,,,,the Dems told the middle class to go F themselves after the election.

BILLION with a "B". Imagine if congress gave Trump $800 billion the winning would be off the charts.
I wonder how many jobs were created with the Frank Dodd Act?
Just what policies did Obama enact in his eight years to create jobs and strengthen our economy??

Trump got it right, its not the Dem's or the Rep's its the DC Swamp the lot of those incompetent morons. First they create a big huge mess, then they blame someone else for their mess, then they pass some dumb ass legislation so it looks like they are doing something about a problem they created in the first place.
i am still waiting for Bin Biden to make the statement that the Stimulus Vibrator bill of 2009 is creating all of these jobs

The corrupt Dem regime funneled the stimulus money to their party donors, shocker.
oh now you tell me? !!!!!:aug08_031:

Did you know that since there weren't any "shovel ready jobs" Dem states used the stimulus money for public employee salaries, bonuses, and benefits? This is why at the peak of the recession and unemployment, public employee unemployment was unchanged at 3.8%.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof of this? Not some biased article. But a link to unbiased, government statistics on this.

I am not saying it is wrong...but I am not just talking your word for it either.

It was widely reported in the news, go search for it.

You made the statement - it is up to you to back it up - not me to prove it is wrong.

Any idiot can make a statement - backing it up is what counts.

For the last time, either offer unbiased, factual evidence to prove your statement or it means NOTHING and that you made it up.

If it was SO widely reported, you should have no trouble finding it.
You made the statement - it is up to you to back it up - not me to prove it is wrong. Any idiot can make a statement - backing it up is what counts. For the last time, either offer unbiased, factual evidence to prove your statement or it means NOTHING and that you made it up. If it was SO widely reported, you should have no trouble finding it.

You are one confused liberal :auiqs.jpg: how long do you think it would take me to link ignorant liberals to what they don't know? I already took pity on you, showed you something you didn't know, told you to go google it that it was widely reported in the news at the time. Instead you chose to remain ignorant and that's entirely on you. Hell I posted it at least once likely more than once in this very forum when it hit the news. Here have one of these :itsok:
You made the statement - it is up to you to back it up - not me to prove it is wrong. Any idiot can make a statement - backing it up is what counts. For the last time, either offer unbiased, factual evidence to prove your statement or it means NOTHING and that you made it up. If it was SO widely reported, you should have no trouble finding it.

You are one confused liberal :auiqs.jpg: how long do you think it would take me to link ignorant liberals to what they don't know? I already took pity on you, showed you something you didn't know, told you to go google it that it was widely reported in the news at the time. Instead you chose to remain ignorant and that's entirely on you. Hell I posted it at least once likely more than once in this very forum when it hit the news. Here have one of these :itsok:

Just as I thought (which is why I asked you in the first place)...no link.

You clearly made it up.


We are done here.

Have a nice day.
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You made the statement - it is up to you to back it up - not me to prove it is wrong. Any idiot can make a statement - backing it up is what counts. For the last time, either offer unbiased, factual evidence to prove your statement or it means NOTHING and that you made it up. If it was SO widely reported, you should have no trouble finding it.

You are one confused liberal :auiqs.jpg: how long do you think it would take me to link ignorant liberals to what they don't know? I already took pity on you, showed you something you didn't know, told you to go google it that it was widely reported in the news at the time. Instead you chose to remain ignorant and that's entirely on you. Hell I posted it at least once likely more than once in this very forum when it hit the news. Here have one of these :itsok:

Just as I thought (which is why I asked you in the first place)...no link.

You made it up and are a liar.


Have a nice day, liar.

LMAO what part of I previously posted it on the forum don't you understand? Tell me how many times do I have to post a link? Its not my fault you are ignorant. You had a chance to become less ignorant and instead you chose continued ignorance. Here's you :aargh: and here's me :auiqs.jpg:
Did you know that since there weren't any "shovel ready jobs" Dem states used the stimulus money for public employee salaries, bonuses, and benefits?
Did you know that is a Limbaugh Lie!
It was the 31 GOP governors who refused to apply the stimulus grants to creating jobs because they wanted to make Obama a one term president. They chose to use it to pay down their state's debt, which was mostly public employee pension funds they had raided.

South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford (R) told reporters that the stimulus represents "the lottery of all lotteries" and that state governments should spend some of the money "prudently" by paying down debt. "We think it is incredibly important to pay first for the political promises that are on the table before you go out and make a bunch of additional political promises,"
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Trump bests Obama again just 2 years into his first term :eusa_clap:

How so?

Trumpo was handed a very good economy and he has 15 straight months of job growth. The first six months in reality had nothing to do with Trumpo.

Obama set a record of 75 straight months of job growth.

Your Trumpo has a long way to go to beat that. And he won’t since he will end his debacle in one term if he makes it that far.
According to the right who insisted Reagan’s economy lasted for 12 years after he left office, Obama’s economy is good for another 11.

LOL what Obama economy :21:
The full employment Obama handed Silver Spoon Donny.

In what alternate universe? You libs and your fake news you funny :21:
Aww, you poor rightard. Reality is such an annoyance to you, huh?

The U.S. Economy Is Finally at Full Employment
Liberals keep claiming that they are only doing what we did to them regarding good economic news under Obama, but that is simply erroneous. Trump's recovery contains key aspects that were missing from Obama's recovery, such as a huge bump in manufacturing jobs, a sizable drop in the U-6 unemployment rate (it's now at a 17-year low), a huge increase in the return of American money parked overseas (thanks to the repatriation tax rate in the Trump tax cuts), an $80-$400 increase in net monthly pay for people in the third and fourth tax brackets, etc., etc.
Rightards are truly insane. :cuckoo:

The U-6 has also been declining steadily for the last 8½ years since peaking at 17.1% from Bush's Great Recession. If Trump is as great as you claim, and Obama as bad as you, should it be declining at a much faster rate now than when Obama was president? Why can't the world's greatest businessman and negotiator do any better than a community organizer?

I wonder how many jobs were created with the Frank Dodd Act?
Just what policies did Obama enact in his eight years to create jobs and strengthen our economy??
According to nuts on the right, policies aren't needed, just mere presence. You know, like how they claim Trump's been adding jobs even before being sworn in and passing policies.
I wonder how many jobs were created with the Frank Dodd Act?
Just what policies did Obama enact in his eight years to create jobs and strengthen our economy??
According to nuts on the right, policies aren't needed, just mere presence. You know, like how they claim Trump's been adding jobs even before being sworn in and passing policies.
Either way, Crazy Donald won't get elected.

I wonder how many jobs were created with the Frank Dodd Act?
Just what policies did Obama enact in his eight years to create jobs and strengthen our economy??
According to nuts on the right, policies aren't needed, just mere presence. You know, like how they claim Trump's been adding jobs even before being sworn in and passing policies.
The term "perception" from the election helped, the American people took a more positive attitude towards the economy.

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