Unemployment rate drops to 3.8%

Apparently the HVAC sector must be hiring. My AC quit today and can't get anyone out here until the end of next week. Wife is pissed and I'm a sweathog.
Please please please tell me you’re not serious. There are people that dumb, but I didn’t think you were one of them, calling infants and military, among others, unemployed

Unemployed means NOT Employed
176 million are NOT EMPLOYED

REAL Unemployment
You are fucking silly. You are making up your own alternative definition of an already precisely defined term of art.

Why don't you just admit to yourself that you were wrong? Is you ego so fucking fragile that you are unable to admit it to yourself when you have made a mistake?

People with your mentality are hard learners. Unnecessarily retarded, you remain stupid by choice. You are willful ignorant.
How can I be wrong if I am only providing the definition that Trump used when referring to Obama’s unemployment numbers?
Now you are simply fabricating excuses to justify your choice to remain stupid in defense of your delicate ego that refuses to let you admit that you are wrong.

That is a very common manifestation of TDS.

Why do you choose to be stupid?

Trump said the following during the campaign:

'If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%.'

Donald Trump Explains All

The official unemployment rate was 5.1% then.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Trump's meaningless unscripted off-the-cuff comment was incorrect, jackass!

You collective moonbats are some dumb motherfuckers.
Unemployed means NOT Employed
176 million are NOT EMPLOYED

REAL Unemployment
You are fucking silly. You are making up your own alternative definition of an already precisely defined term of art.

Why don't you just admit to yourself that you were wrong? Is you ego so fucking fragile that you are unable to admit it to yourself when you have made a mistake?

People with your mentality are hard learners. Unnecessarily retarded, you remain stupid by choice. You are willful ignorant.
How can I be wrong if I am only providing the definition that Trump used when referring to Obama’s unemployment numbers?
Now you are simply fabricating excuses to justify your choice to remain stupid in defense of your delicate ego that refuses to let you admit that you are wrong.

That is a very common manifestation of TDS.

Why do you choose to be stupid?

Trump said the following during the campaign:

'If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%.'

Donald Trump Explains All

The official unemployment rate was 5.1% then.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Trump's meaningless unscripted off-the-cuff comment was incorrect, jackass!

You collective moonbats are some dumb motherfuckers.
That Time interview was NOT the only time Donnie Dirt Bag made that same claim! He said it throughout his campaign, it was a standard part of his stump speech.

That Time interview was NOT the only time Donnie Dirt Bag made that same claim! He said it throughout his campaign, it was a standard part of his stump speech.
Why are you lying?

You just look silly when you do that.
Trump bests Obama again just 2 years into his first term :eusa_clap:

How so?

Trumpo was handed a very good economy and he has 15 straight months of job growth. The first six months in reality had nothing to do with Trumpo.

Obama set a record of 75 straight months of job growth.

Your Trumpo has a long way to go to beat that. And he won’t since he will end his debacle in one term if he makes it that far.
Trump bests Obama again just 2 years into his first term :eusa_clap:

How so?

Trumpo was handed a very good economy and he has 15 straight months of job growth. The first six months in reality had nothing to do with Trumpo.

Obama set a record of 75 straight months of job growth.

Your Trumpo has a long way to go to beat that. And he won’t since he will end his debacle in one term if he makes it that far.
Obama presided over a sluggish economy. Trump is presiding over a booming economy.

All the whining in the world isn't going to change that.
Trump bests Obama again just 2 years into his first term :eusa_clap:

How so?

Trumpo was handed a very good economy and he has 15 straight months of job growth. The first six months in reality had nothing to do with Trumpo.

Obama set a record of 75 straight months of job growth.

Your Trumpo has a long way to go to beat that. And he won’t since he will end his debacle in one term if he makes it that far.
Oh, yeah? Who you clowns got? What message you got? Nobody and nothing. Zero. Nada. Zilch. You worthless leftist traitors ain't gonna win shit.
That Time interview was NOT the only time Donnie Dirt Bag made that same claim! He said it throughout his campaign, it was a standard part of his stump speech.
Why are you lying?

You just look silly when you do that.
I noticed you edited out the videos of Donnie Dirt Bag saying it over and over when you posted your lie.

Your MessiahRushie also spread the 42% claim.

David Stockman Shock Blog: The Real Unemployment Rate Is 42.9%
June 30, 2015
RUSH: Anyway, Stockman has run a bunch of numbers and has been able to put all of this in context and has concluded that the actual unemployment rate in the United States of America is not 5.5%, and it's not 12.5% or 13%. It is 42.9%.
Please please please tell me you’re not serious. There are people that dumb, but I didn’t think you were one of them, calling infants and military, among others, unemployed

Unemployed means NOT Employed
176 million are NOT EMPLOYED

REAL Unemployment
You are fucking silly. You are making up your own alternative definition of an already precisely defined term of art.

Why don't you just admit to yourself that you were wrong? Is you ego so fucking fragile that you are unable to admit it to yourself when you have made a mistake?

People with your mentality are hard learners. Unnecessarily retarded, you remain stupid by choice. You are willful ignorant.
How can I be wrong if I am only providing the definition that Trump used when referring to Obama’s unemployment numbers?
Now you are simply fabricating excuses to justify your choice to remain stupid in defense of your delicate ego that refuses to let you admit that you are wrong.

That is a very common manifestation of TDS.

Why do you choose to be stupid?

Trump said the following during the campaign:

'If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%.'

Donald Trump Explains All

The official unemployment rate was 5.1% then.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
I have no problem if Trump wants to calculate unemployment on total people unemployed. In that case, his number is 52 percent

What he can’t do is use the U3 employment numbers he mocked Obama over
more bad news for our friends on the left
the unemployment rate was 3.8 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.
Donnie Dirt Bag himself says that number is FAKE!
He says the real number is the "not in labor force" total which increased by 170,000 causing the LFPR to drop another .1%
Donnie Dirt Bag's unemployment percent is due to loss of available workers.

JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.

Laughing Out Loud and Oh My Goodness! You are simply dishonest. When some conservatives cited the U-6 rate during the Obama years, you guys hollered up and down that it was "irrelevant," "meaningless," etc., etc. You insisted on just going by the U-3 rate. My, my, how times have changed. Of course, you insisted on ignoring the U-6 rate because it was historically high under Obama.

I have personally already shown you that the U-6 rate is at historically low levels. Right now it's at 7.6%. Do you know the last time it was that low? May 2001, 17 years ago. Under Obama, the U-6 was at 9%-plus for most of his presidency and only dipped below 8% one time (to 7.9% in October 2017).

By the way, the economy added 18,000 manufacturing jobs in May, another solid increase in this vital field.
more bad news for our friends on the left


Payrolls rise by better than expected 223,000 in May, jobless rate drops to 3.8%

The U.S. economy continued to add jobs at a solid clip in May, with nonfarm payrolls up 223,000 while the unemployment rate was 3.8 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.

Economists had been expecting payroll growth of 188,000 and the jobless to hold steady at 3.9 percent.

The unemployment rate was last this low in April 2000.
And for the purposes of adding insult to injury and pouring salt on the wound(s), heard some “source” during a radio news break yesterday speculating 2Q GDP could be in the 4.4 neighborhood.

It’s getting to be buzz kills on steroids for the hopelessly lost lefty lunatics these days. Fun, huh?

That Time interview was NOT the only time Donnie Dirt Bag made that same claim! He said it throughout his campaign, it was a standard part of his stump speech.
Why are you lying?

You just look silly when you do that.
I noticed you edited out the videos of Donnie Dirt Bag saying it over and over when you posted your lie.

Your MessiahRushie also spread the 42% claim.

David Stockman Shock Blog: The Real Unemployment Rate Is 42.9%
June 30, 2015
RUSH: Anyway, Stockman has run a bunch of numbers and has been able to put all of this in context and has concluded that the actual unemployment rate in the United States of America is not 5.5%, and it's not 12.5% or 13%. It is 42.9%.
Trumps Jobs Numbers are FAKE! There are way more Unemployed US Citizens than Employed! 53% are currently UNEMPLOYED

172 million are NOT EMPLOYED
155 million are employed.
Last edited:
That Time interview was NOT the only time Donnie Dirt Bag made that same claim! He said it throughout his campaign, it was a standard part of his stump speech.
Why are you lying?

You just look silly when you do that.
I noticed you edited out the videos of Donnie Dirt Bag saying it over and over when you posted your lie.

Your MessiahRushie also spread the 42% claim.

David Stockman Shock Blog: The Real Unemployment Rate Is 42.9%
June 30, 2015
RUSH: Anyway, Stockman has run a bunch of numbers and has been able to put all of this in context and has concluded that the actual unemployment rate in the United States of America is not 5.5%, and it's not 12.5% or 13%. It is 42.9%.
Trumps Jobs Numbers are FAKE! There are way more Unemployed US Citizens than Employed! 53% are currently UNEMPLOYED

172 million are NOT EMPLOYED
155 million are employed.

This is kooky. You realize that there are only 250 million adults in the U.S., and that the rest of our 323 million population are children, right? Right? How could the U-6 rate be 7.6% if 172 million of the 250 million adults are unemployed?!

Do you remember when Bernie Sanders insisted during the 2016 primary campaign that the U-6 was a more reliable measurement of the employment situation? Remember that? Well, the U-6 rate is lower than it has been in 17 years--7.6%.
That Time interview was NOT the only time Donnie Dirt Bag made that same claim! He said it throughout his campaign, it was a standard part of his stump speech.
Why are you lying?

You just look silly when you do that.
I noticed you edited out the videos of Donnie Dirt Bag saying it over and over when you posted your lie.

Your MessiahRushie also spread the 42% claim.

David Stockman Shock Blog: The Real Unemployment Rate Is 42.9%
June 30, 2015
RUSH: Anyway, Stockman has run a bunch of numbers and has been able to put all of this in context and has concluded that the actual unemployment rate in the United States of America is not 5.5%, and it's not 12.5% or 13%. It is 42.9%.
Trumps Jobs Numbers are FAKE! There are way more Unemployed US Citizens than Employed! 53% are currently UNEMPLOYED

172 million are NOT EMPLOYED
155 million are employed.

This is kooky. You realize that there are only 250 million adults in the U.S., and that the rest of our 323 million population are children, right? Right? How could the U-6 rate be 7.6% if 172 million of the 250 million adults are unemployed?!

Do you remember when Bernie Sanders insisted during the 2016 primary campaign that the U-6 was a more reliable measurement of the employment situation? Remember that? Well, the U-6 rate is lower than it has been in 17 years--7.6%.

You are either working or you are not

Stop making excuses. Trumps employment estimations are based solely on who is working and makes no allowances for retirees, housewives, the handicapped or even children
more bad news for our friends on the left
the unemployment rate was 3.8 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.
Donnie Dirt Bag himself says that number is FAKE!
He says the real number is the "not in labor force" total which increased by 170,000 causing the LFPR to drop another .1%
Donnie Dirt Bag's unemployment percent is due to loss of available workers.

JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.

Laughing Out Loud and Oh My Goodness! You are simply dishonest. When some conservatives cited the U-6 rate during the Obama years, you guys hollered up and down that it was "irrelevant," "meaningless," etc., etc. You insisted on just going by the U-3 rate. My, my, how times have changed. Of course, you insisted on ignoring the U-6 rate because it was historically high under Obama.

I have personally already shown you that the U-6 rate is at historically low levels. Right now it's at 7.6%. Do you know the last time it was that low? May 2001, 17 years ago. Under Obama, the U-6 was at 9%-plus for most of his presidency and only dipped below 8% one time (to 7.9% in October 2017).

By the way, the economy added 18,000 manufacturing jobs in May, another solid increase in this vital field.
Those were not manufacturing jobs. They were burger flipping jobs. I guess Trump figures making a hamburger counts as manufacturing
more bad news for our friends on the left
the unemployment rate was 3.8 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.
Donnie Dirt Bag himself says that number is FAKE!
He says the real number is the "not in labor force" total which increased by 170,000 causing the LFPR to drop another .1%
Donnie Dirt Bag's unemployment percent is due to loss of available workers.

JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.

Laughing Out Loud and Oh My Goodness! You are simply dishonest. When some conservatives cited the U-6 rate during the Obama years, you guys hollered up and down that it was "irrelevant," "meaningless," etc., etc. You insisted on just going by the U-3 rate. My, my, how times have changed. Of course, you insisted on ignoring the U-6 rate because it was historically high under Obama.

I have personally already shown you that the U-6 rate is at historically low levels. Right now it's at 7.6%. Do you know the last time it was that low? May 2001, 17 years ago. Under Obama, the U-6 was at 9%-plus for most of his presidency and only dipped below 8% one time (to 7.9% in October 2017).

By the way, the economy added 18,000 manufacturing jobs in May, another solid increase in this vital field.
Those were not manufacturing jobs. They were burger flipping jobs. I guess Trump figures making a hamburger counts as manufacturing
Keep digging, stupid jackass.
more bad news for our friends on the left
the unemployment rate was 3.8 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.
Donnie Dirt Bag himself says that number is FAKE!
He says the real number is the "not in labor force" total which increased by 170,000 causing the LFPR to drop another .1%
Donnie Dirt Bag's unemployment percent is due to loss of available workers.

JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.

Laughing Out Loud and Oh My Goodness! You are simply dishonest. When some conservatives cited the U-6 rate during the Obama years, you guys hollered up and down that it was "irrelevant," "meaningless," etc., etc. You insisted on just going by the U-3 rate. My, my, how times have changed. Of course, you insisted on ignoring the U-6 rate because it was historically high under Obama.

I have personally already shown you that the U-6 rate is at historically low levels. Right now it's at 7.6%. Do you know the last time it was that low? May 2001, 17 years ago. Under Obama, the U-6 was at 9%-plus for most of his presidency and only dipped below 8% one time (to 7.9% in October 2017).

By the way, the economy added 18,000 manufacturing jobs in May, another solid increase in this vital field.
Those were not manufacturing jobs. They were burger flipping jobs. I guess Trump figures making a hamburger counts as manufacturing

I'm sure you have a link on that.

Even if it were true, a burger job will make a heck of a lot more than a "shovel-ready" job....dumbass.
I see, so you want to compare the recession Obama was handed with the good economy Trump was handed, to say look, Trump is doing better. :lol:

Yes, he is doing better.
Of course he is. He wasn't handed the worst economy in generations. Had he been handed an unemployment rate of 7.8% and growing, he wouldn't be able to boast how black unemployment is at an all time low, or how the overall unemployment rate is 3.8%.

Yes, yes...

You can tell all the stories in the world you want, but the fact is the economy is great.. Lowest black unemployment ever!

Scrap that, the economy is actually shit, but by modern terms it's excellent. And most importantly will get Trump re-elected 2020. MAGA!

That's like crediting a backup QB for a team's highest score because he came in and threw one TD at the end of a game to give them a team record -- which ignoring the starting QB who threw for 6 TD's earlier.

Are you saying that Trump is worse at improving the economy having built a billion dollar business, than a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER?

That's a bit tough one to sell, with some serious Dunning Kruger thrown in. But either way, people won't care. They will see only the results and elect Trump again.
Well the community organizer gave us the unprecedented streak of some 76 consecutive months of job growth and brought the unemployment rate down 5.2 points from its recession high of 10% to 4.8%. Not too shabby for a community organizer. And folks aren’t as blind as you seem to hope they are; that’s why until recently, a plurality of those polled still credited Obama with the economy for a year into Trump’s presidency.
more bad news for our friends on the left

Payrolls rise by better than expected 223,000 in May, jobless rate drops to 3.8%

The U.S. economy continued to add jobs at a solid clip in May, with nonfarm payrolls up 223,000 while the unemployment rate was 3.8 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.

Economists had been expecting payroll growth of 188,000 and the jobless to hold steady at 3.9 percent.

The unemployment rate was last this low in April 2000.

Obama's economy still chugging along.

Or can you post up links that show anything that Trump did has had any effect on anything. Other than stuffing money into the pockets of wealthy people which numerous articles already show hasn't increased their hiring or pay.

Republicans always tank the economy, a Democrat comes in and saves it, then a Republican takes credit.

Something in conservative DNA they always take credit for someone else's work. Like Trump who hired many middle class contractors that did great work and then Trump stiffed them for the bill.
I recall nutty conservatives giving Reagan credit for the economic boom under Clinton. Now they suddenly flip and claim Trump should get credit for the economy from even before he became president. :cuckoo:

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