Unemployment rate drops to 7.4%

They've spent at the same rate since 2009 every year, s9nce DC can't seem to pass a budget. So basically we've had 5 years of "stimulus" spending that hasn't stimulated shit.
It's actually worse than that Pete, they used much of the "temporary stimulus" spending to pad the baseline budget which then is used for determining budget increases (so in effect the so called "temporary stimulus" is embedded in the budget FOREVER), how's that for deceptive accounting? they should get an a "Liars of the Millennium" award for that one.

I also notice every time they come out with a "better" rate, the numbers are "revised" a couple weeks later.

Yep good old federal bait & switch, gotta love it. :)
As long as Obama is in office, it won't matter how low the unemployment numbers go down. Dispute that.
Yes, so fast say I ....

300,000 are retiring each month and dropping out of the work force

10,000 Boomers to Retire Each Day for 19 Years

So they were looking for work, then just up and decided to retire?

Do you have any clue how fucking stupid such a claim is?
This is horrible news! Just horrible!

Quite the contrary, it's GREAT news if you enjoy being deceived. :deal:

What am I being deceived about?

Have we not had 41 consecutive months of private sector job growth?

Did we not just add 160,000 jobs in June?

Is my business not up 18% year on year?

Is the economy not growing?

Horrible. All of it just horrible.
Obama took office in January 2009.

Here is the January 2009 Employment Situation Summary: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/archives/empsit_02062009.pdf

We were bleeding about 600,000 jobs a month when he took office. It would be unrealistic to expect that to stop immediately upon his taking of the oath of office.

Here is the October 2009 Employment Situation Summary: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/archives/empsit_11062009.pdf

And here is the July 2013 Employment Situation Summary: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf

We find full time jobs plummeted to about 110 million by October 2009. They now stand at 116 million.

Part time jobs in October 2009 were 27 million. They now stand at 28 million.

If the GOP is not successful in stalling the economy with a shutdown or a refusal to pay our debts......it looks like we'll experience slow but steady growth...as we have for the past couple of years.

Just horrible, horrible news............isn't it nutters?
Obama took office in January 2009.

Here is the January 2009 Employment Situation Summary: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/archives/empsit_02062009.pdf

We were bleeding about 600,000 jobs a month when he took office. It would be unrealistic to expect that to stop immediately upon his taking of the oath of office.

Here is the October 2009 Employment Situation Summary: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/archives/empsit_11062009.pdf

And here is the July 2013 Employment Situation Summary: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf

We find full time jobs plummeted to about 110 million by October 2009. They now stand at 116 million.

Part time jobs in October 2009 were 27 million. They now stand at 28 million.

Fuckin' A! That's like 7 MILLION JOBS!!!!!!

As long as Obama is in office, it won't matter how low the unemployment numbers go down. Dispute that.

except they are NOT going down :lol:

See what I mean. Case in point. Thanks for playing.

The real numbers of unemployed are not going down; it's all a shell game and you know that.

I was hoping this board had some honest debaters but I see it's the usual gang of ass munching Obama sucking faggots who think they are clever.

Just once I'd like to find some honesty on the left. Just once.
This is horrible news! Just horrible!

Quite the contrary, it's GREAT news if you enjoy being deceived. :deal:

What am I being deceived about?

Have we not had 41 consecutive months of private sector job growth?

Did we not just add 160,000 jobs in June?

Is my business not up 18% year on year?

Is the economy not growing?

Horrible. All of it just horrible.

And let's not forget the auto industry. They are doing well too. Go Obama!
It's the same old DEMENTED story on the unemployment rate. Horrendous employment numbers, yet the UR goes down because so many people 'leave' the job market! That is not the road to recovery.

Well put, if you want to get a better picture of where the labor market stands don't look at unemployment look at civilian labor force participation.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Notice the steep downward trend since 2008? and that's AFTER blowing nearly a trillion dollars of tax payer money in Keynesian "stimulus" in 2009.

I'm no obama fan, but to be honest the labor force participation is going to drop for the next 10-15 years regardless of anything, and while Scamulus was in large part waste, we did narrowly avert a 1930s round of deflation, and we probably would not have done so it the tea party anti-govt folks been in charge. We saw what austerity brought the EU.

No, you saw what someone else told you austerity brought the EU.

Most likely the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM. And believe me, in this case, they earned their name...

The Myth of European Austerity - US News and World Report

However, it turns out that those blasting Europe's experience with spending restraint omit some critical facts. Contrary to what you may have heard, spending cuts have largely been lacking in Europe's economic crisis response. Instead, in most European nations, austerity has mostly taken the form of higher taxes. We shouldn't be surprised Europe is struggling: when you raise taxes in a weak economy, it has a negative effect on investment and economic growth.

[See a collection of political cartoons on the economy.]

In fact, most countries in Europe are spending more today than they did before the 2008 crash, according to financial reports from the European Commission, the European Union's executive arm. Yet austerity critics want to attribute the sluggish European economy entirely to spending cuts. France and the United Kingdom, for example, have made virtually no effort to cut spending; they've seen spending increase nearly every year over the last decade.
except they are NOT going down :lol:

See what I mean. Case in point. Thanks for playing.

The real numbers of unemployed are not going down; it's all a shell game and you know that.

I was hoping this board had some honest debaters but I see it's the usual gang of ass munching Obama sucking faggots who think they are clever.

Just once I'd like to find some honesty on the left. Just once.

Hello, Pennywise.

Is the formula used to determine the unemployment rate any different now than it was before President Obama took office? If that number is derived by some slight of hand....can you point us to the point where this shell game took place?

You have seen honesty from the left here. For once, I'd like to find a nutter who acknowledges my honesty. Just once. You arrogant fuck.
except they are NOT going down :lol:

See what I mean. Case in point. Thanks for playing.

The real numbers of unemployed are not going down; it's all a shell game and you know that.

I was hoping this board had some honest debaters but I see it's the usual gang of ass munching Obama sucking faggots who think they are clever.

Just once I'd like to find some honesty on the left. Just once.

All this was said when it was at 10%. What number will it go down to before the right says they are real? The day obama leaves office?

Oh and Speaking of clever...sucking faggots? You will fit in just fine on the right.
This is horrible news! Just horrible!

Quite the contrary, it's GREAT news if you enjoy being deceived. :deal:

What am I being deceived about?

Have we not had 41 consecutive months of private sector job growth?

Did we not just add 160,000 jobs in June?

Is my business not up 18% year on year?

Is the economy not growing?

Horrible. All of it just horrible.

Because you're seeing only what you want to see instead of attempting to see what's actually happening (you know looking below the surface like a good economist is supposed to do), did you look at the LFP chart I posted? do you understand what it indicates? let me help you out , it indicates that people that should be working and that actually are working are on a trend to becoming an endangered species. It means that we are in an environment of ever increasing risk that the Fed with it's idiotic dual mandate (that was imposed on it) will be placed in a position of simultaneously having two diametrically opposed objectives, currency stability and employment stimulation, the Fed doesn't have any scalpels in it's toolbox it has hammers and chisels which means they won't be able to serve either objective without causing massive structural damage to the economy that will take years to repair.

It also means that given our ever increasing public debt and unfunded liability burden there will be literally NOTHING that politically feasible fiscal policy can do to break the vicious cycle, they will not have a productive labor force to tax in order to do anything meaningful, unless of course you think tripling the effective income tax rates on EVERYBODY is going fly.

So I ask you, how does the choice between hyper-inflation or REAL (not the fictional crap that you are quoting) unemployment rates that will make those of the great depression look like a picnic sound to you?

If you aren't worried about the long term health of the economy you are either not capable of understanding it or you are a master of self-deception.
See what I mean. Case in point. Thanks for playing.

The real numbers of unemployed are not going down; it's all a shell game and you know that.

I was hoping this board had some honest debaters but I see it's the usual gang of ass munching Obama sucking faggots who think they are clever.

Just once I'd like to find some honesty on the left. Just once.

Hello, Pennywise.

Is the formula used to determine the unemployment rate any different now than it was before President Obama took office? If that number is derived by some slight of hand....can you point us to the point where this shell game took place?

You have seen honesty from the left here. For once, I'd like to find a nutter who acknowledges my honesty. Just once. You arrogant fuck.
Those formulas only work when the right are in office. i look forward to this person's response though.
See what I mean. Case in point. Thanks for playing.

The real numbers of unemployed are not going down; it's all a shell game and you know that.

I was hoping this board had some honest debaters but I see it's the usual gang of ass munching Obama sucking faggots who think they are clever.

Just once I'd like to find some honesty on the left. Just once.

Hello, Pennywise.

Is the formula used to determine the unemployment rate any different now than it was before President Obama took office? If that number is derived by some slight of hand....can you point us to the point where this shell game took place?

You have seen honesty from the left here. For once, I'd like to find a nutter who acknowledges my honesty. Just once. You arrogant fuck.

I was not aware I was making a point that somehow the numbers are now counted dishonestly but before they were honest. The numbers are lies, always have been. It's the leftist queers who are trying to make claims of gains now.

Your attempt to deflect the issue is noted. If you perceive arrogance, it is because you are weak.
The Markets are so excited about the U3 news that....

The DJIA and the S&P are both down as of now.

The Big Boys (Mutual Funds, etc) usually start hitting the Boards with their trades around 2:30PM - 3:00PM. But it's also Summer time. And August.

The Hot Shots, the real shakers and movers, they're on a ski vacation in Chile or at the Beach in the Hamptons or..... wherever. And the underlings that are doing the trading won't take any chances. They'll just go with the flow.

The main Decision Makers won't be back until after Labor Day. At the earliest.

And that's what I see happening today.

The people who vote with their dollars have given the news a great big 'Ho-Hum'

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