Unemployment rate under republicans, and then Pelosi took over in 2007.

Bush and the GOP, with some compliant Dem help, created the Great Recession and that is how the history books will record it.

LBJ and the Dems, with some complain GOP help, passed the Civil Rights and Voting acts and that his how history books will record it

The far right reactionary rewrite is merely and exercise in futility.
Bush and the GOP, with some compliant Dem help, created the Great Recession and that is how the history books will record it.

LBJ and the Dems, with some complain GOP help, passed the Civil Rights and Voting acts and that his how history books will record it

The far right reactionary rewrite is merely and exercise in futility.

Keep on thinking that. We already know who rewrites history. I am sure you know who passed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs for instance. You will now look at up and pretend you knew.

Who desegregated the schools? Oh, was that Eisenhower? Right.....cause he was a liberal.

Who signed MLK Day as an official holiday? You need to google that too.

Who passed the Clean Air Act? Oh no. You may need to google that too.

Why did Al Gore Sr protest against desegregation? He did. You saying most republicans did not vote in favor of the 1964 civil rights act?

Who freed the slaves again?

Freaking hilarious.
Another little contributor to the housing collapse.

State Sen. Barack Obama and crackpot priest Michael Pfleger led a protest in Chicago in January 2000. (NBC 5 Week of January 3, 2000)

In 1994, Barack Obama was one of the plaintiffs in a class action lawsuit, alleging that Citibank had engaged in practices that discriminated against minorities. The lawsuit forced the bank to ease its lending practices.
The Daily Caller reported:

President Barack Obama was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure notices…

…Obama has pursued the same top-down mortgage lending policies in the White House.

Obama’s lawsuit was one element of a national “anti-redlining” campaign led by Chicago’s progressive groups, who argued that banks unfairly refused to lend money to people living within so-called “redlines” around African-American communities. The campaign was powered by progressives’ moral claim that their expertise could boost home ownership among the United States’ most disadvantaged minority, African-Americans.


Fact Check: Obama Had More to Do With 2008 Economic Meltdown Than Bush Ever Did
Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, September 5, 2012, 2:02 PM

Fact Check: Obama Had More to Do With 2008 Economic Meltdown Than Bush Ever Did | The Gateway Pundit

I love people like you who try to blame the global economic crash on darkies. It cracks me up. It really does.

I like to imagine the negroes of Iceland forcing whitey banks to make really bad loans. And the "black Irish" bringing down Allied Irish Bank. :lol:

Black Irish, get it? I crack me up.

You people are so clueless one can only laugh at the desperate credulousness that actually believes the hogwash which retroactively pins the crash on Obama. Hoooooooooolleeeeeeeee shiiiiiiiiit, that is funny! :lmao:
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Another little contributor to the housing collapse.

State Sen. Barack Obama and crackpot priest Michael Pfleger led a protest in Chicago in January 2000. (NBC 5 Week of January 3, 2000)

In 1994, Barack Obama was one of the plaintiffs in a class action lawsuit, alleging that Citibank had engaged in practices that discriminated against minorities. The lawsuit forced the bank to ease its lending practices.
The Daily Caller reported:

President Barack Obama was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure notices…

…Obama has pursued the same top-down mortgage lending policies in the White House.

Obama’s lawsuit was one element of a national “anti-redlining” campaign led by Chicago’s progressive groups, who argued that banks unfairly refused to lend money to people living within so-called “redlines” around African-American communities. The campaign was powered by progressives’ moral claim that their expertise could boost home ownership among the United States’ most disadvantaged minority, African-Americans.


Fact Check: Obama Had More to Do With 2008 Economic Meltdown Than Bush Ever Did
Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, September 5, 2012, 2:02 PM

Fact Check: Obama Had More to Do With 2008 Economic Meltdown Than Bush Ever Did | The Gateway Pundit

I love people like you who try to blame the global economic crash on darkies. It cracks me up. It really does.

I like to imagine the negroes of Iceland forcing whitey banks to make really bad loans. And the "black Irish" bringing down Allied Irish Bank. :lol:

Black Irish, get it? I crack me up.

You people are so clueless one can only laugh at the desperate credulousness that actually believes the hogwash which retroactively pins the crash on Obama. Hoooooooooolleeeeeeeee shiiiiiiiiit, that is funny! :lmao:

I blamed it on darkies?


Did you even address what Obama led in 1994? Or is it all racism? Wait, with you and your types, we know what it is all about.

Way to obfuscate. The best thing white limo libs do. Pretend to care about the minority plight. When getting schooled in a debate, obfuscate to the race card.

You are pathetic G5000.
It was the securitization rush which brought down the house.

Prior to Wall Street dominating the secondary market, the GSEs required banks to make conforming loans. They would not buy a loan from a bank unless it met strict guidelines. A large down payment (about 25%), good credit score, good income, etc.

These loans would then be bundled into mortgage backed securities and sold to investors.

The GSEs buying loans from banks allowed the banks to turn around and make more loans instead of having their cash tied up.

This system worked pretty well for decades.

Wall Street began getting involved in securitization in the 90s, and began increasing the use of derivatives. With the CFMA and FSMA, they managed to protect these derivatives from regulation.

Their cause was further aided by a couple of accounting and corruption scandals at the GSEs in the early part of the 00's. This opened up a vacuum which Wall Street rushed into.

With the advent of the CDO, Wall Street had a hot new product. And this hot new product was very popular with investors.

Those investors, by the way, were in large part YOU. Your 401k manager, your insurance company, your local college endowment fund, your city treasurer, your public employee pension fund backed by your tax dollars.

You. You were the one ultimately being robbed. Your 401k took a hit, your insurance rates have gone up, your tuition has gone up, your taxes have gone up. You have been robbed. A massive transfer of YOUR wealth into the pockets of frauds. Wake up.

There were sovereign funds and rich people getting robbed, too. But you were right there in the mix, kids.

With these hot new products, instead of GSEs funneling money from investors to banks to borrowers into stodgy conforming loans, Wall Street began to get very creative. They got creative because investors were screaming for more and more product.

These investment products were built on loans. If you have more investor cash than you have borrowers, then you need to create more borrowers. And how do you do that?

You lower your lending standards.

And that is what Wall Street did.

And that is how toxic loans began streaming into their products.

And that is how our economy was brought down.

The negroes no longer had to demand the banks loan to them. The banks were chasing after them, throwing money at them.

But here's another thing. A negro with bad credit can only borrow so much. It is better to loan to a white guy with better credit. A middle class white guy can borrow a shit ton more money. The more money you lend, the more product you can sell to investors. So where you might have loaned $200K in a conforming loan to a white guy before, Wall Street now lends him $750K in an ARM or Pick-A-Pay loan.

So the primary target was middle and upper class white guys, you goons!

Did you notice all your neighbors who blew up? Did you say to yourself, "I had no idea Biff was a negro!" Huh? Did you notice your neighbors getting HELOCs so they could go to Disney World or buy a boat?

This idea the GLOBAL economic crash was caused by darkies is about as idiotic as it gets.
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I blamed it on darkies?

Yes. You did.

The whole "blame it on the CRA" started about two weeks after the collapse of Lehman, by idiots who knew nothing about what happened.

This piss was swallowed by a lot of ignorant fools, one of whom was a Congressman who was stupid enough to ask Dick Fuld how much the CRA was responsible for the crash of Lehman Brothers. Dick responded, "De minimus." But that hasn't slowed down the idiots for one second.
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Bush and the GOP, with some compliant Dem help, created the Great Recession and that is how the history books will record it.

LBJ and the Dems, with some complain GOP help, passed the Civil Rights and Voting acts and that his how history books will record it

The far right reactionary rewrite is merely and exercise in futility.

Far left propaganda alert!
Bush and the GOP, with some compliant Dem help, created the Great Recession and that is how the history books will record it.

LBJ and the Dems, with some complain GOP help, passed the Civil Rights and Voting acts and that his how history books will record it

The far right reactionary rewrite is merely and exercise in futility.

Far left propaganda alert!

I will quote FJO and Little Acorn:

This isn't really your best post, is it?

"When you can't refute, insult."
Bush and the GOP, with some compliant Dem help, created the Great Recession and that is how the history books will record it.

LBJ and the Dems, with some complain GOP help, passed the Civil Rights and Voting acts and that his how history books will record it

The far right reactionary rewrite is merely and exercise in futility.

Far left propaganda alert!

I will quote FJO and Little Acorn:

This isn't really your best post, is it?

"When you can't refute, insult."

And once again you can not deal with the fact that it is far left propaganda.

Then again you are a far left Obama drone.
Bush and the GOP, with some compliant Dem help, created the Great Recession and that is how the history books will record it.

LBJ and the Dems, with some complain GOP help, passed the Civil Rights and Voting acts and that his how history books will record it

The far right reactionary rewrite is merely and exercise in futility.

Keep on thinking that. We already know who rewrites history. I am sure you know who passed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs for instance. You will now look at up and pretend you knew.

Who desegregated the schools? Oh, was that Eisenhower? Right.....cause he was a liberal.

Who signed MLK Day as an official holiday? You need to google that too.

Who passed the Clean Air Act? Oh no. You may need to google that too.

Why did Al Gore Sr protest against desegregation? He did. You saying most republicans did not vote in favor of the 1964 civil rights act?

Who freed the slaves again?

Freaking hilarious.

We hold these truths to be self evident; past performance does not guarantee future results. To bad that's the case with mutual funds and political parties.

Were you alive in the 1960ties dude? Even YOU would have voted for the Clean Air Act.
Fuck in some cities, you couldn't breath the air. WTF did you expect a politician to do. Shut down the government?

And Eisenhower. That guy who headed up that socialist organization known as the Army. Who realized that black soldiers bled the same color as white soldiers. That guy. Yes sir he supported desegregation. He saw that the Army was desegregated. That man knew what was the right thing to do when he saw it.

You all Repubs should dig up some of these past politicians. Maybe with the new genetic breeding programs, a new breed of politician could be made. Like the old ones were. Just better men.

Even LBJ was man enough to give up the WH when he realized what the Viet Nam war was all about. He just couldn't watch as all those troops were killed for nothing.

Then we got Nixon. What party gave us Nixon? Nixon and Bush Jr. Two of the worst that I've seen. Don't dig up Nixon.

But won't Dick Cheney EVER die? He could take over for Nixon. Cause even though you all don't like to admit it, Cheney was da MAN during the 8 long years of Bush.
Bush and the GOP, with some compliant Dem help, created the Great Recession and that is how the history books will record it.

LBJ and the Dems, with some complain GOP help, passed the Civil Rights and Voting acts and that his how history books will record it

The far right reactionary rewrite is merely and exercise in futility.

Keep on thinking that. We already know who rewrites history. I am sure you know who passed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs for instance. You will now look at up and pretend you knew.

Who desegregated the schools? Oh, was that Eisenhower? Right.....cause he was a liberal.

Who signed MLK Day as an official holiday? You need to google that too.

Who passed the Clean Air Act? Oh no. You may need to google that too.

Why did Al Gore Sr protest against desegregation? He did. You saying most republicans did not vote in favor of the 1964 civil rights act?

Who freed the slaves again?

Freaking hilarious.

None of your comments does anything but underline how the good men and women in the parties, the liberals and moderates and responsible conservatives, changed America for the better.

Your comments above clearly identify that far right reactionary conservatism, regardless of party, was the bane of America, and that good men and women changed it.

Your exercise in futility remains apparent.
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The republicans had majority of the power from 1994 till 2006.

Yes, 1994.....till.....2006.

The last time the republicans had majority power, the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent. Of course, the media reported virtually the ENTIRE time that the gas prices were too high and the economy was HORRIBLE during this time.

Get that? The same praetorian media which attacked Bush for the high gas prices during 2006 due to crony capitalism (BUSH OIL BUSH OIL BUSH OIL narrative) never mentioned a thing about the low unemployment rate.

What does the same praetorian media do in the 2012 campaign? They let out cheers and joy for the lying unemployment rate "dropping to 7.8 percent" AND they hardly made a mention that the gas prices were the highest ever at the pump.

Get that?

Funny, how the left think it is conservatives that are brainwashed by FOX News.

Hey, why does FOX News employ so many liberals on their staff and let them contribute on such a regular basis, and ALL of those other networks hardly employ anyone with conservative voices?

Can you all explain that? No, don't try. I will make the list of the liberals on FOX News, and I will then ask you to name the conservatives on those other networks. I will make you look more foolish than you already do. So....don't make....me do it.

Back to the graph and facts about the unemployment rate and what happened after the democrats took over the senate, house and Pelosi stole the hammer in 2007.


This is a classic example of how the CINO-RINO camp does nothing but fuel dysfunctional government and politics in our country today. This graphic clearly shows a three year upward trend in unemployment rates, beginning in 2006, under a GOP administration. When a Democratic administration takes over we see a downward trend occur.

You want to cherry pick one piece of information. But the liberals can simply turn around and choose a different piece of information to cherry pick, and make their own case to support their policies. Yours any better than theirs? Any reasonably intelligent and rationally thinking person can see that easily. Your interest is not in building a stronger country. Your interest is in hating Democrats.
If correlation is not causation then --------------

You lose all credibility right here. If you don't know or understand one of the most fundamental rules of logical thought, then you are admitting that you don't have the ability to present a rational argument.
A wingnut Myth & Legend: The Super-Awesome Bush Presidency was going well till the Democrats took Congress in 2007.

This claim is laughable, of course.

If the GOP was doing such a great job, then why did Pelosi take over as Speaker?

If the liberal media are so influential, then how did the GOP ever take unified power? Wouldn't the liberal media have used it's magical powers to sway elections before the 2006 election?

Your post is embarrassing.

Did you even attempt to read ANYTHING I typed in regards to why they won in the 2006 midterms?

Lets see if you can follow along with that brainwashed, left wing hack mind of yours.

In 2006 the MSM (that is MAIN STREAM MEDIA) harped on the high gas prices at the pump. They sure as shit did not make a big deal about the unemployment rate that was 4.6 percent.

That SAME MSM cheered loud cheers in 2012 about the FAKE FRAUDULENT numbers about the unemployment rate that supposedly DROPPED TO 7.8 percent.


Also, that same MSM that harped about the high gas prices in 2006 did not say shit about the high gas prices in 2012. Considering the price at the pump was the highest it had ever been, you would think (just logically) that the media would report that. I mean they did not say shit about the 4.6 percent in 2006, cheered about the fake numbers in 2012 that was 7.8 percent.

Wow, are you liberals ignorant as hell.

You're the simpleton that can't read.

If the liberal media were so powerful, then how the hell did the GOP ever take unified power from 2001-2007? Wouldn't the liberal media have used their supposed amazing powers of persuasion to stop unified GOP power? I wish they were as powerful as you stupid conservatives always claim. They would have stopped the worst Presidency in modern American history, the cross-eyed, Bushtarded War Monkey President.

BTW, a simple google search will show that gas prices skyrocketd in the summer of 2008, in the Boooosh War Monkey's last, pathetic months. The Bush Recession came a few month after.

No wonder the GOP has lost the last two elections. They deserved to, and they only have themselves to blame.
A wingnut Myth & Legend: The Super-Awesome Bush Presidency was going well till the Democrats took Congress in 2007.

This claim is laughable, of course.

If the GOP was doing such a great job, then why did Pelosi take over as Speaker?

If the liberal media are so influential, then how did the GOP ever take unified power? Wouldn't the liberal media have used it's magical powers to sway elections before the 2006 election?

Your post is embarrassing.

Did you even attempt to read ANYTHING I typed in regards to why they won in the 2006 midterms?

Lets see if you can follow along with that brainwashed, left wing hack mind of yours.

In 2006 the MSM (that is MAIN STREAM MEDIA) harped on the high gas prices at the pump. They sure as shit did not make a big deal about the unemployment rate that was 4.6 percent.

That SAME MSM cheered loud cheers in 2012 about the FAKE FRAUDULENT numbers about the unemployment rate that supposedly DROPPED TO 7.8 percent.


Also, that same MSM that harped about the high gas prices in 2006 did not say shit about the high gas prices in 2012. Considering the price at the pump was the highest it had ever been, you would think (just logically) that the media would report that. I mean they did not say shit about the 4.6 percent in 2006, cheered about the fake numbers in 2012 that was 7.8 percent.

Wow, are you liberals ignorant as hell.

You're the simpleton that can't read.

If the liberal media were so powerful, then how the hell did the GOP ever take unified power from 2001-2007? Wouldn't the liberal media have used their supposed amazing powers of persuasion to stop unified GOP power? I wish they were as powerful as you stupid conservatives always claim. They would have stopped the worst Presidency in modern American history, the cross-eyed, Bushtarded War Monkey President.

BTW, a simple google search will show that gas prices skyrocketd in the summer of 2008, in the Boooosh War Monkey's last, pathetic months. The Bush Recession came a few month after.

No wonder the GOP has lost the last two elections. They deserved to, and they only have themselves to blame.

Ignorant as hell. This entire post.

You do not think the gas price at the pump was high in 2006, and yet at the time it was the highest it had ever been. The MEDIA did harp on it. They certainly did not do back flips over the FACT that the unemployment rate was at 4.6 percent the last time the republicans had majority power.

You cannot get past that fact. You cannot shake that fact. No matter what you say, the democrats have been a complete disaster. More specifically, liberal policies.

You are utterly brainwashed, and whats more you and your types are pathetic if you do not think there is CLEAR liberal slant in the MAIN STREAM media. Hell, that is not even a remote debate anymore.

Keep on entertaining us with your ignorance by blaming only Bush and the republicans for the economic collapse. In the mean time, go ahead and give loud cheers for the 7.8 percent unemployment rate which has been proven out to be yet another bold faced lie by this pathetic commie in chief in the white house.
Did you even attempt to read ANYTHING I typed in regards to why they won in the 2006 midterms?

Lets see if you can follow along with that brainwashed, left wing hack mind of yours.

In 2006 the MSM (that is MAIN STREAM MEDIA) harped on the high gas prices at the pump. They sure as shit did not make a big deal about the unemployment rate that was 4.6 percent.

That SAME MSM cheered loud cheers in 2012 about the FAKE FRAUDULENT numbers about the unemployment rate that supposedly DROPPED TO 7.8 percent.


Also, that same MSM that harped about the high gas prices in 2006 did not say shit about the high gas prices in 2012. Considering the price at the pump was the highest it had ever been, you would think (just logically) that the media would report that. I mean they did not say shit about the 4.6 percent in 2006, cheered about the fake numbers in 2012 that was 7.8 percent.

Wow, are you liberals ignorant as hell.

You're the simpleton that can't read.

If the liberal media were so powerful, then how the hell did the GOP ever take unified power from 2001-2007? Wouldn't the liberal media have used their supposed amazing powers of persuasion to stop unified GOP power? I wish they were as powerful as you stupid conservatives always claim. They would have stopped the worst Presidency in modern American history, the cross-eyed, Bushtarded War Monkey President.

BTW, a simple google search will show that gas prices skyrocketd in the summer of 2008, in the Boooosh War Monkey's last, pathetic months. The Bush Recession came a few month after.

No wonder the GOP has lost the last two elections. They deserved to, and they only have themselves to blame.

Ignorant as hell. This entire post.

You do not think the gas price at the pump was high in 2006, and yet at the time it was the highest it had ever been. The MEDIA did harp on it. They certainly did not do back flips over the FACT that the unemployment rate was at 4.6 percent the last time the republicans had majority power.

You cannot get past that fact. You cannot shake that fact. No matter what you say, the democrats have been a complete disaster. More specifically, liberal policies.

You are utterly brainwashed, and whats more you and your types are pathetic if you do not think there is CLEAR liberal slant in the MAIN STREAM media. Hell, that is not even a remote debate anymore.

Keep on entertaining us with your ignorance by blaming only Bush and the republicans for the economic collapse. In the mean time, go ahead and give loud cheers for the 7.8 percent unemployment rate which has been proven out to be yet another bold faced lie by this pathetic commie in chief in the white house.

The American people were right to fire the GOP congress in the 2006 elections. By then then negative effects of six years of GOP unified rule in DC had plenty of time to start taking their excruciating toll. Mostly due to the blood soaked mistake of the Iraq War, of course,. The mistake of the reelection of the Buuush War Monkey was deeply regretted by most Americans by 2006. It's on conservatives to learn lessons from their policy and political mistakes that led to their justified humiliation and defeat in 2006 and 2008. They haven't yet. Maybe President Hillary will give them a refresher in 2016.
You're the simpleton that can't read.

If the liberal media were so powerful, then how the hell did the GOP ever take unified power from 2001-2007? Wouldn't the liberal media have used their supposed amazing powers of persuasion to stop unified GOP power? I wish they were as powerful as you stupid conservatives always claim. They would have stopped the worst Presidency in modern American history, the cross-eyed, Bushtarded War Monkey President.

BTW, a simple google search will show that gas prices skyrocketd in the summer of 2008, in the Boooosh War Monkey's last, pathetic months. The Bush Recession came a few month after.

No wonder the GOP has lost the last two elections. They deserved to, and they only have themselves to blame.

Ignorant as hell. This entire post.

You do not think the gas price at the pump was high in 2006, and yet at the time it was the highest it had ever been. The MEDIA did harp on it. They certainly did not do back flips over the FACT that the unemployment rate was at 4.6 percent the last time the republicans had majority power.

You cannot get past that fact. You cannot shake that fact. No matter what you say, the democrats have been a complete disaster. More specifically, liberal policies.

You are utterly brainwashed, and whats more you and your types are pathetic if you do not think there is CLEAR liberal slant in the MAIN STREAM media. Hell, that is not even a remote debate anymore.

Keep on entertaining us with your ignorance by blaming only Bush and the republicans for the economic collapse. In the mean time, go ahead and give loud cheers for the 7.8 percent unemployment rate which has been proven out to be yet another bold faced lie by this pathetic commie in chief in the white house.

The American people were right to fire the GOP congress in the 2006 elections. By then then negative effects of six years of GOP unified rule in DC had plenty of time to start taking their excruciating toll. Mostly due to the blood soaked mistake of the Iraq War, of course,. The mistake of the reelection of the Buuush War Monkey was deeply regretted by most Americans by 2006. It's on conservatives to learn lessons from their policy and political mistakes that led to their justified humiliation and defeat in 2006 and 2008. They haven't yet. Maybe President Hillary will give them a refresher in 2016.

Oh my the far left propaganda comes pouring out!
I remember when the unemployment rate was at 4.7% and Pelosi was all over the news yelling, "Where are the jobs, Mr. President?" When the rate was nearly 10% under Obama, she calmly commented that it might be the new norm. Pelosi is one crazy bitch and I don't think she helped the country at all, in fact, quite the opposite.
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The republicans had majority of the power from 1994 till 2006.

Yes, 1994.....till.....2006.

The last time the republicans had majority power, the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent. Of course, the media reported virtually the ENTIRE time that the gas prices were too high and the economy was HORRIBLE during this time.

Get that? The same praetorian media which attacked Bush for the high gas prices during 2006 due to crony capitalism (BUSH OIL BUSH OIL BUSH OIL narrative) never mentioned a thing about the low unemployment rate.

What does the same praetorian media do in the 2012 campaign? They let out cheers and joy for the lying unemployment rate "dropping to 7.8 percent" AND they hardly made a mention that the gas prices were the highest ever at the pump.

Get that?

Funny, how the left think it is conservatives that are brainwashed by FOX News.

Hey, why does FOX News employ so many liberals on their staff and let them contribute on such a regular basis, and ALL of those other networks hardly employ anyone with conservative voices?

Can you all explain that? No, don't try. I will make the list of the liberals on FOX News, and I will then ask you to name the conservatives on those other networks. I will make you look more foolish than you already do. So....don't make....me do it.

Back to the graph and facts about the unemployment rate and what happened after the democrats took over the senate, house and Pelosi stole the hammer in 2007.


Yeah, you are barking up the wrong tree. Go look at the employment to population ratio. It climed to a maximum in about 2000, then began to fall. Unemployment rate really isn't a good long term measure as it eliminates the changing labor force participation rate. It is really only good as a short term measure.


The economy changed when China started ramping up. It became primarily driven by the housing market. And we know how that went....

(not to mention that your graph presents unadulterated bs. Everyone knows that it was the recession that drove employment rates up. That wasn't something that just happened. It was a long build up.)
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I remember when the unemployment rate was at 4.7% and Pelosi was all over the news yelling, "Where are the jobs, Mr. President?" When the rate was nearly 10% under Obama, she claimed commented that it might be the new norm. Pelosi is one crazy bitch and I don't think she helped the country at all, in fact, quite the opposite.

I believe that Obama claimed that having a 5.7% unemployment rate was "immoral".

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