Unemployment rates were made worse by Bush, not Obama!

It's a record the 92 million is a record you stupid waste od a fuck you should have been condomized
It's a "record" EVERY president breaks!!!!!
Bush didn't Clinton didn't So fuck off.
Of course Bush & Clinton both had record numbers of people not in the labor force during their respective presidencies. Every president has...

LOL! Wow that graph just demonstrates it all. Chiefly it demonstrates you are a dimbuilb.

No matter how dim that bulb may be, it is still bright enough to illuminate your ignorance.
Maybe the two of you could get a room and leave the rest of us alone.

OK, tell me what the graph illustrates. This ought to be good.
It's a record the 92 million is a record you stupid waste od a fuck you should have been condomized
It's a "record" EVERY president breaks!!!!!
Bush didn't Clinton didn't So fuck off.
Of course Bush & Clinton both had record numbers of people not in the labor force during their respective presidencies. Every president has...

LOL! Wow that graph just demonstrates it all. Chiefly it demonstrates you are a dimbuilb.
It demonstrates what was said here, which is clearly too complex for your limited comprehension ... that every president had more people who were not in the labor force than any previous president going as far back as the data allows.
It actually doesn't demonstrate that. Nor is the assertion true.
Here's a graph of the workforce participation rate. Note that it goes up from 1970 to about 1990, then starts to decline. After 2008 it declines more severely.
People entered the labor force because they perceived job opportunities. They left for pretty much the opposite reason. Under Obama there is hardly any incentive to work at all.
It's a "record" EVERY president breaks!!!!!
Bush didn't Clinton didn't So fuck off.
Of course Bush & Clinton both had record numbers of people not in the labor force during their respective presidencies. Every president has...

LOL! Wow that graph just demonstrates it all. Chiefly it demonstrates you are a dimbuilb.
It demonstrates what was said here, which is clearly too complex for your limited comprehension ... that every president had more people who were not in the labor force than any previous president going as far back as the data allows.
It actually doesn't demonstrate that. Nor is the assertion true.
Here's a graph of the workforce participation rate. Note that it goes up from 1970 to about 1990, then starts to decline. After 2008 it declines more severely.
People entered the labor force because they perceived job opportunities. They left for pretty much the opposite reason. Under Obama there is hardly any incentive to work at all.
Poor, forum jester. Yes, the graph I posted shows a record number of people out of the labor force during each administration going as far back as the data goes. That was in response to the other rightard who suddenly cares the number is up to a record high 92 million.

Did you really think your understanding of that is a requirement to show it's true?


:lmao: :laugh2: :lmao: :laugh2: :lmao:
That chart shows it began dropping in 2001 ... how come you righties never talked about it until around 2009?
Sorry buba obama has a record low have not seen this since 1973 DON'T LIKE IT? I DON'T GIVE A FUCK YOU SUPPORTED THIS NOW DEAL WITH IT.
If it was lower before 1973, then it is not a "RECORD" low.
It's a record the 92 million is a record you stupid waste od a fuck you should have been condomized
It's a "record" EVERY president breaks!!!!!
Bush didn't Clinton didn't So fuck off.
Both Bushes did Reagan did, Clinton did, Carter did, Ford did, Nixon did. The next president will no matter who it is!
Complete and utter BULLSHIT! The GOP reform bill passed over Frank's objections in the GOP controlled House and the GOP controlled Senate killed the bill in committee. The GOP leader of the Senate, Bill Frist, refused to bring it to the floor for a vote because there were not enough Republican votes to pass it. The GOP and Bush only gave lip service to reform without ever going through with it. It was Speaker Pelosi who finally got a reform bill passed and signed!!!!!!
You stupid sack of shit.

Democraps blocked Bush's initiatives in Congress as a minority and majority party during his 8 years.....you stupid son of a bitch.

I'm done with a stupid fuck like you.....go kill yourself.

Oh, noooo, not the Barney video....

Imbecile. Barney Frank was a member of the minority party. He wasn't the one in charge of setting policies. Republicans were.

My goodness, you fruit loop dinguses have no fucking clue. :eusa_doh: Well here's another clue for ya...

Thanks to OUR POLICIES, home ownership in America is at an all time high." - George Bush, 2004 RNC acceptance speech

Exactly whose "policies" does your rightarded brain think Bush was crediting when he said, "OURS?" Bill Clinton's policies? Jimmy Carter's policies???

You really are too fucking stupid to know what happened. i.e., a typical Conservative. :lol:
It's a "record" EVERY president breaks!!!!!
Bush didn't Clinton didn't So fuck off.
Of course Bush & Clinton both had record numbers of people not in the labor force during their respective presidencies. Every president has...

LOL! Wow that graph just demonstrates it all. Chiefly it demonstrates you are a dimbuilb.
It demonstrates what was said here, which is clearly too complex for your limited comprehension ... that every president had more people who were not in the labor force than any previous president going as far back as the data allows.
It actually doesn't demonstrate that. Nor is the assertion true.
Here's a graph of the workforce participation rate. Note that it goes up from 1970 to about 1990, then starts to decline. After 2008 it declines more severely.
People entered the labor force because they perceived job opportunities. They left for pretty much the opposite reason. Under Obama there is hardly any incentive to work at all.

Your graph show the percentages of people participating in the workforce in a given year. It does not show how many actually had jobs. Faun's graph shows the number of people who were in the workforce but were unemployed in a given year. The LPR and UE are two different things.
Bush didn't Clinton didn't So fuck off.
Of course Bush & Clinton both had record numbers of people not in the labor force during their respective presidencies. Every president has...

LOL! Wow that graph just demonstrates it all. Chiefly it demonstrates you are a dimbuilb.
It demonstrates what was said here, which is clearly too complex for your limited comprehension ... that every president had more people who were not in the labor force than any previous president going as far back as the data allows.
It actually doesn't demonstrate that. Nor is the assertion true.
Here's a graph of the workforce participation rate. Note that it goes up from 1970 to about 1990, then starts to decline. After 2008 it declines more severely.
People entered the labor force because they perceived job opportunities. They left for pretty much the opposite reason. Under Obama there is hardly any incentive to work at all.

Your graph show the percentages of people participating in the workforce in a given year. It does not show how many actually had jobs. Faun's graph shows the number of people who were in the workforce but were unemployed in a given year. The LPR and UE are two different things.
The forum :laugh2:jester:laugh2: lacks the brain power to discern the difference; which he managed to demonstrate most eloquently.
Bush didn't Clinton didn't So fuck off.
Of course Bush & Clinton both had record numbers of people not in the labor force during their respective presidencies. Every president has...

LOL! Wow that graph just demonstrates it all. Chiefly it demonstrates you are a dimbuilb.
It demonstrates what was said here, which is clearly too complex for your limited comprehension ... that every president had more people who were not in the labor force than any previous president going as far back as the data allows.
It actually doesn't demonstrate that. Nor is the assertion true.
Here's a graph of the workforce participation rate. Note that it goes up from 1970 to about 1990, then starts to decline. After 2008 it declines more severely.
People entered the labor force because they perceived job opportunities. They left for pretty much the opposite reason. Under Obama there is hardly any incentive to work at all.
Poor, forum jester. Yes, the graph I posted shows a record number of people out of the labor force during each administration going as far back as the data goes. That was in response to the other rightard who suddenly cares the number is up to a record high 92 million.

Did you really think your understanding of that is a requirement to show it's true?


:lmao: :laugh2: :lmao: :laugh2: :lmao:
Your graph showed no such thing. I am waiting for you to explain what you think it actually shows. And why you think that is important.
Average jobs creation per month, last 5 Republican administrations: 71,940
Average job creation per month, last 5 Democratic administrations: 156,003
six yrs later and we still hear BOOOOOOSH!!!! from the LWNJ echo chamber....
They're so desperate they have to show that Obama is better than Bush, the worst president ever, according to them. How good can Obama be if he is only just better than Bush?
Obama sucks. His administration is a joke. His policies are gross failures. That anyone fails to see this is remarkable for its stupidity.
1961 to 2012

Republican president job growth - 24 million jobs in 28 years.

Democratic president job growth - 42 million jobs in 24 years.

Bill Clinton says Democratic presidents top Republican presidents in job creation PolitiFact
Is that significant in some way? DOes the president hire and fire people?
In 2008 our economy went thourgh the worst recession since 1929.Obama took office in 2009 and did the following to help:
- Passed the stimulus without even one Republican vote: As soon as the stimulus passed job growth and unemployment claims started to recover. In all the stimulus ended up suppoorting about 3.5 miilion jobs.
- Bailed out the auto industry: the U.S. auto industry has added nearly 250,000 jobs -- the fastest pace of job growth in more than a decade.
- Passed middle-class tax cuts that provided tax relief for 160 million workers and helped jumpstart the economy.
- Expanded and Accelerated Payment on Government Contracts: The first two years of the Obama Administration saw the largest two-year increase in the percentage of federal contracting dollars going to small businesses in a decade.
And while businesses have created more than 9.7 million private sector jobs in the past 52 months Republcans have blocked the following economic purposals:
- A private-public jobs bill (Reagan idea) that would have been fully paid for and added another 1 million jobs.
- Comprehensive corporate tax reform: this would have stopped rewarding businesses that ship jobs overseas.
- A minimum wage increase: this would have benefited 16 miilion low wage Americans by putting more money in their pockets, and the economy that is 70% based on consumer spending.
1961 to 2012

Republican president job growth - 24 million jobs in 28 years.

Democratic president job growth - 42 million jobs in 24 years.

Bill Clinton says Democratic presidents top Republican presidents in job creation PolitiFact
Is that significant in some way? DOes the president hire and fire people?
In 2008 our economy went thourgh the worst recession since 1929.Obama took office in 2009 and did the following to help:
- Passed the stimulus without even one Republican vote: As soon as the stimulus passed job growth and unemployment claims started to recover. In all the stimulus ended up suppoorting about 3.5 miilion jobs.
- Bailed out the auto industry: the U.S. auto industry has added nearly 250,000 jobs -- the fastest pace of job growth in more than a decade.
- Passed middle-class tax cuts that provided tax relief for 160 million workers and helped jumpstart the economy.
- Expanded and Accelerated Payment on Government Contracts: The first two years of the Obama Administration saw the largest two-year increase in the percentage of federal contracting dollars going to small businesses in a decade.
And while businesses have created more than 9.7 million private sector jobs in the past 52 months Republcans have blocked the following economic purposals:
- A private-public jobs bill (Reagan idea) that would have been fully paid for and added another 1 million jobs.
- Comprehensive corporate tax reform: this would have stopped rewarding businesses that ship jobs overseas.
- A minimum wage increase: this would have benefited 16 miilion low wage Americans by putting more money in their pockets, and the economy that is 70% based on consumer spending.
More ignorance.
Republicans voted for the Stimulus.
The Senate called a special Saturday debate session for February 7 at the urging of President Obama. The Senate voted, 61–36 (with 2 not voting) on February 9 to end debate on the bill and advance it to the Senate floor to vote on the bill itself.[12] On February 10, the Senate voted 61–37 (with one not voting)[13] All the Democrats voted in favor, but only three Republicans voted in favor (Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, and Arlen Specter), with Specter later switching to the Democratic party.[14] At one point, the Senate bill stood at $838 billion.[15]]
We have the worst growth post recession on record, the most government dependence, the lowest job creation, the highest debt. How anyone can spin that as some kind of success if simply bizarre.
Of course Bush & Clinton both had record numbers of people not in the labor force during their respective presidencies. Every president has...

LOL! Wow that graph just demonstrates it all. Chiefly it demonstrates you are a dimbuilb.
It demonstrates what was said here, which is clearly too complex for your limited comprehension ... that every president had more people who were not in the labor force than any previous president going as far back as the data allows.
It actually doesn't demonstrate that. Nor is the assertion true.
Here's a graph of the workforce participation rate. Note that it goes up from 1970 to about 1990, then starts to decline. After 2008 it declines more severely.
People entered the labor force because they perceived job opportunities. They left for pretty much the opposite reason. Under Obama there is hardly any incentive to work at all.
Poor, forum jester. Yes, the graph I posted shows a record number of people out of the labor force during each administration going as far back as the data goes. That was in response to the other rightard who suddenly cares the number is up to a record high 92 million.

Did you really think your understanding of that is a requirement to show it's true?


:lmao: :laugh2: :lmao: :laugh2: :lmao:
Your graph showed no such thing. I am waiting for you to explain what you think it actually shows. And why you think that is important.

you're a dishonest idiot Rabid, you graph reflects the record number of baby boomers retiring from the work force. The effects of their numbers is and has been documented. If you're interested in looking like a bigger FOOL than you already appear to be I'll post the numbers AGAIN just so the idiot RW's can vanish like cockroaches down a crack... like you always do when I post the link. it's been explained to you, you're too dishonest and stupid to understand it.

here ya go you little cockroach, see ya.

Baby Boomers Are Retiring - Business Insider
LOL! Wow that graph just demonstrates it all. Chiefly it demonstrates you are a dimbuilb.
It demonstrates what was said here, which is clearly too complex for your limited comprehension ... that every president had more people who were not in the labor force than any previous president going as far back as the data allows.
It actually doesn't demonstrate that. Nor is the assertion true.
Here's a graph of the workforce participation rate. Note that it goes up from 1970 to about 1990, then starts to decline. After 2008 it declines more severely.
People entered the labor force because they perceived job opportunities. They left for pretty much the opposite reason. Under Obama there is hardly any incentive to work at all.
Poor, forum jester. Yes, the graph I posted shows a record number of people out of the labor force during each administration going as far back as the data goes. That was in response to the other rightard who suddenly cares the number is up to a record high 92 million.

Did you really think your understanding of that is a requirement to show it's true?


:lmao: :laugh2: :lmao: :laugh2: :lmao:
Your graph showed no such thing. I am waiting for you to explain what you think it actually shows. And why you think that is important.

you're a dishonest idiot Rabid, you graph reflects the record number of baby boomers retiring from the work force. The effects of their numbers is and has been documented. If you're interested in looking like a bigger FOOL than you already appear to be I'll post the numbers AGAIN just so the idiot RW's can vanish like cockroaches down a crack... like you always do when I post the link. it's been explained to you, you're too dishonest and stupid to understand it.
You're an ignorant fucking moron. Here's that noted rightwing source, CBS, explaining that retiring baby boomers account for only half those dropping out. And in any case that isnt an explanation. Why are they choosing not to work when they could easily continue to age 70?
Why are people leaving the workforce - CBS News
It demonstrates what was said here, which is clearly too complex for your limited comprehension ... that every president had more people who were not in the labor force than any previous president going as far back as the data allows.
It actually doesn't demonstrate that. Nor is the assertion true.
Here's a graph of the workforce participation rate. Note that it goes up from 1970 to about 1990, then starts to decline. After 2008 it declines more severely.
People entered the labor force because they perceived job opportunities. They left for pretty much the opposite reason. Under Obama there is hardly any incentive to work at all.
Poor, forum jester. Yes, the graph I posted shows a record number of people out of the labor force during each administration going as far back as the data goes. That was in response to the other rightard who suddenly cares the number is up to a record high 92 million.

Did you really think your understanding of that is a requirement to show it's true?


:lmao: :laugh2: :lmao: :laugh2: :lmao:
Your graph showed no such thing. I am waiting for you to explain what you think it actually shows. And why you think that is important.

you're a dishonest idiot Rabid, you graph reflects the record number of baby boomers retiring from the work force. The effects of their numbers is and has been documented. If you're interested in looking like a bigger FOOL than you already appear to be I'll post the numbers AGAIN just so the idiot RW's can vanish like cockroaches down a crack... like you always do when I post the link. it's been explained to you, you're too dishonest and stupid to understand it.
You're an ignorant fucking moron. Here's that noted rightwing source, CBS, explaining that retiring baby boomers account for only half those dropping out. And in any case that isnt an explanation. Why are they choosing not to work when they could easily continue to age 70?
Why are people leaving the workforce - CBS News

too stupid to understand retirement eh sport ? figures.

now go away after you belittle me trying to salvage your own ass.
It actually doesn't demonstrate that. Nor is the assertion true.
Here's a graph of the workforce participation rate. Note that it goes up from 1970 to about 1990, then starts to decline. After 2008 it declines more severely.
People entered the labor force because they perceived job opportunities. They left for pretty much the opposite reason. Under Obama there is hardly any incentive to work at all.
Poor, forum jester. Yes, the graph I posted shows a record number of people out of the labor force during each administration going as far back as the data goes. That was in response to the other rightard who suddenly cares the number is up to a record high 92 million.

Did you really think your understanding of that is a requirement to show it's true?


:lmao: :laugh2: :lmao: :laugh2: :lmao:
Your graph showed no such thing. I am waiting for you to explain what you think it actually shows. And why you think that is important.

you're a dishonest idiot Rabid, you graph reflects the record number of baby boomers retiring from the work force. The effects of their numbers is and has been documented. If you're interested in looking like a bigger FOOL than you already appear to be I'll post the numbers AGAIN just so the idiot RW's can vanish like cockroaches down a crack... like you always do when I post the link. it's been explained to you, you're too dishonest and stupid to understand it.
You're an ignorant fucking moron. Here's that noted rightwing source, CBS, explaining that retiring baby boomers account for only half those dropping out. And in any case that isnt an explanation. Why are they choosing not to work when they could easily continue to age 70?
Why are people leaving the workforce - CBS News

too stupid to understand retirement eh sport ? figures.

now go away after you belittle me trying to salvage your own ass.
I post evidence refuting your position and your response is to double down on stupid.
You're a worthless fucking troll. Go away.

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