Unemployment rates were made worse by Bush, not Obama!

If it was lower before 1973, then it is not a "RECORD" low.
It's a record the 92 million is a record you stupid waste od a fuck you should have been condomized
It's a "record" EVERY president breaks!!!!!
Bush didn't Clinton didn't So fuck off.
Of course Bush & Clinton both had record numbers of people not in the labor force during their respective presidencies. Every president has...

LOL! Wow that graph just demonstrates it all. Chiefly it demonstrates you are a dimbuilb.

No matter how dim that bulb may be, it is still bright enough to illuminate your ignorance.
If it was lower before 1973, then it is not a "RECORD" low.
It's a record the 92 million is a record you stupid waste od a fuck you should have been condomized
It's a "record" EVERY president breaks!!!!!
Bush didn't Clinton didn't So fuck off.
Of course Bush & Clinton both had record numbers of people not in the labor force during their respective presidencies. Every president has...

LOL! Wow that graph just demonstrates it all. Chiefly it demonstrates you are a dimbuilb.
It demonstrates what was said here, which is clearly too complex for your limited comprehension ... that every president had more people who were not in the labor force than any previous president going as far back as the data allows.
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Asswipe...Bush didn't push bad loans on minority groups and let banks run wild with risky deals......those were put in place under Clinton and Carter.

If that's the case then why did Reagan start with a lower workforce participation rate than he ended with?
Do you think the entire number of people leaving are baby boomers retiring?
Why do you think they are choosing now to retire, rather than continue working, which would increase their income?
You're not terribly well informed here. Just saying.
Over 2.5 million every year since Obama became president whereas St Ronnie averaged only 1.6 million each year.

Beneficiary Data
View attachment 33138
WOW showing off obama's war on women wealth inequality
You remain insane.
Insanity is still being an obama supporter you stupid fuck
Nothing is saner than an Obama voter when compared to a Bush voter. Bush almost doubled unemployment from 4.2% to 7.8%. Obama cleaned up Bush's mess and reduced unemployment from 7.8% to 5.9%.
Shitstain....Bush had nothing to do with home loan programs for poor people mostly blacks based on the CRA put in place by Jimmy bucktooth Carter and banks doing shady deals thanks to Glass–Steagall being repealed by Democraps.

Liberal policies/laws put in place before Bush took office are to blame, just like Clinton is responsible for 9-11 due to his lack of action against AQ.

Starting in Jan. 20, 2001, at the beginning of George W. Bush’s administration, the rate was 2.4 percent, but by the time he left in January 2009 it had reached 7 percent. The rate now is 5.9% and is on track to get even lower.
You're a fucking nut like biggulpernc and rabbit, huh? So Bush didn't get down payments waived so more minorities could afford a home, huh? He didn't put that program on the backs of the GSE's, huh?
Asswipe...Bush didn't push bad loans on minority groups and let banks run wild with risky deals......those were put in place under Clinton and Carter.

Over 2.5 million every year since Obama became president whereas St Ronnie averaged only 1.6 million each year.

Beneficiary Data
View attachment 33138
WOW showing off obama's war on women wealth inequality
You remain insane.
Insanity is still being an obama supporter you stupid fuck
Nothing is saner than an Obama voter when compared to a Bush voter. Bush almost doubled unemployment from 4.2% to 7.8%. Obama cleaned up Bush's mess and reduced unemployment from 7.8% to 5.9%.
You clearly have no fucking clue to what you're talking about, rightie. You're talking about the CRA which did not cause the crash and ultimately produced just 6% of the toxic loans which did. And that 6% fell into the normal range of how many CRA loans go bad over that period of time.
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Bush's people were called racist by Cummings and other scum in the HoR for asking to tighten the rules on giving out home loans like candy to minorities living in ghettos.

The banks were allowed to run wild thanks to Clinton and other Democrap scum, the party just came to an end when Bush was sitting in office.

Liberal scum like you caused the housing crisis and baking crisis but of course blame Bush.

It is not by chance the economy has sputtered under Obama doing the same shit as Carter and Clinton.

You ha
Asswipe...Bush didn't push bad loans on minority groups and let banks run wild with risky deals......those were put in place under Clinton and Carter.

WOW showing off obama's war on women wealth inequality
You remain insane.
Insanity is still being an obama supporter you stupid fuck
Nothing is saner than an Obama voter when compared to a Bush voter. Bush almost doubled unemployment from 4.2% to 7.8%. Obama cleaned up Bush's mess and reduced unemployment from 7.8% to 5.9%.
You clearly have no fucking clue to what you're talking about, rightie. You're talking about the CRA which did not cause the crash and ultimately produced just 6% of the toxic loans which did.
Bush's people were called racist by Cummings and other scum in the HoR for asking to tighten the rules on giving out home loans like candy to minorities living in ghettos.

The banks were allowed to run wild thanks to Clinton and other Democrap scum, the party just came to an end when Bush was sitting in office.

Liberal scum like you caused the housing crisis and baking crisis but of course blame Bush.

It is not by chance the economy has sputtered under Obama doing the same shit as Carter and Clinton.
Repeating your idiocy is not going to help you, rightie. Bush did not tighten standards,he loosened them with the American Dream Act. CRA loans did not cause the crash.

Learn what the fuck happened before you post.
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You can't even quote correctly on this page, but act as if you understand economics......liberals like you should be locked up for life.

Bush's people were called racist by Cummings and other scum in the HoR for asking to tighten the rules on giving out home loans like candy to minorities living in ghettos.

The banks were allowed to run wild thanks to Clinton and other Democrap scum, the party just came to an end when Bush was sitting in office.

Liberal scum like you caused the housing crisis and baking crisis but of course blame Bush.

It is not by chance the economy has sputtered under Obama doing the same shit as Carter and Clinton.

You ha
Asswipe...Bush didn't push bad loans on minority groups and let banks run wild with risky deals......those were put in place under Clinton and Carter.
Repeating your idiocy is not going to help you, rightie. Bush did not tighten standards,he loosened them with the American Dream Act. CRA loans did not cause the crash.

Learn what the fuck happened before you post.

Oh, noooo, not the Barney video....

Imbecile. Barney Frank was a member of the minority party. He wasn't the one in charge of setting policies. Republicans were.

My goodness, you fruit loop dinguses have no fucking clue. :eusa_doh: Well here's another clue for ya...

Thanks to OUR POLICIES, home ownership in America is at an all time high." - George Bush, 2004 RNC acceptance speech

Exactly whose "policies" does your rightarded brain think Bush was crediting when he said, "OURS?" Bill Clinton's policies? Jimmy Carter's policies???

You really are too fucking stupid to know what happened. i.e., a typical Conservative. :lol:
You stupid sack of shit.

Democraps blocked Bush's initiatives in Congress as a minority and majority party during his 8 years.....you stupid son of a bitch.

I'm done with a stupid fuck like you.....go kill yourself.

Oh, noooo, not the Barney video....

Imbecile. Barney Frank was a member of the minority party. He wasn't the one in charge of setting policies. Republicans were.

My goodness, you fruit loop dinguses have no fucking clue. :eusa_doh: Well here's another clue for ya...

Thanks to OUR POLICIES, home ownership in America is at an all time high." - George Bush, 2004 RNC acceptance speech

Exactly whose "policies" does your rightarded brain think Bush was crediting when he said, "OURS?" Bill Clinton's policies? Jimmy Carter's policies???

You really are too fucking stupid to know what happened. i.e., a typical Conservative. :lol:
You can't even quote correctly on this page, but act as if you understand economics......liberals like you should be locked up for life.
Imbecile .... I can fix the quote ... you can't fix your retarded brain.
You stupid sack of shit.

Democraps blocked Bush's initiatives in Congress as a minority and majority party during his 8 years.....you stupid son of a bitch.

I'm done with a stupid fuck like you.....go kill yourself.

Oh, noooo, not the Barney video....

Imbecile. Barney Frank was a member of the minority party. He wasn't the one in charge of setting policies. Republicans were.

My goodness, you fruit loop dinguses have no fucking clue. :eusa_doh: Well here's another clue for ya...

Thanks to OUR POLICIES, home ownership in America is at an all time high." - George Bush, 2004 RNC acceptance speech

Exactly whose "policies" does your rightarded brain think Bush was crediting when he said, "OURS?" Bill Clinton's policies? Jimmy Carter's policies???

You really are too fucking stupid to know what happened. i.e., a typical Conservative. :lol:

You're a flaming idiot, flaming idiot. Democrats didn't block a single reform bill. You can't lie your way out of the hole you dug yourself into. Republicans were in charge. Republicans wouldn't pass reform.
You stupid sack of shit.

Democraps blocked Bush's initiatives in Congress as a minority and majority party during his 8 years.....you stupid son of a bitch.

I'm done with a stupid fuck like you.....go kill yourself.

Oh, noooo, not the Barney video....

Imbecile. Barney Frank was a member of the minority party. He wasn't the one in charge of setting policies. Republicans were.

My goodness, you fruit loop dinguses have no fucking clue. :eusa_doh: Well here's another clue for ya...

Thanks to OUR POLICIES, home ownership in America is at an all time high." - George Bush, 2004 RNC acceptance speech

Exactly whose "policies" does your rightarded brain think Bush was crediting when he said, "OURS?" Bill Clinton's policies? Jimmy Carter's policies???

You really are too fucking stupid to know what happened. i.e., a typical Conservative. :lol:

Does this mean you're not going to answer, exactly whose "policies" does your rightarded brain think Bush was crediting when he said, "OURS?" Bill Clinton's policies? Jimmy Carter's policies???

Run, Forrest! Run!!! :lmao:

Shitstain....Bush had nothing to do with home loan programs for poor people mostly blacks based on the CRA put in place by Jimmy bucktooth Carter and banks doing shady deals thanks to Glass–Steagall being repealed by Democraps.

Liberal policies/laws put in place before Bush took office are to blame, just like Clinton is responsible for 9-11 due to his lack of action against AQ.

Starting in Jan. 20, 2001, at the beginning of George W. Bush’s administration, the rate was 2.4 percent, but by the time he left in January 2009 it had reached 7 percent. The rate now is 5.9% and is on track to get even lower.
You're a fucking nut like biggulpernc and rabbit, huh? So Bush didn't get down payments waived so more minorities could afford a home, huh? He didn't put that program on the backs of the GSE's, huh?
Shut your lying ass up
Setting the Record Straight Six Years of Unheeded Warnings for GSE Reform
Today, the Washington Times incorrectly accused the White House of ignoring warnings of trouble ahead for government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) and neglecting to "adopt any reform until this summer," when it was too late. "Neither the White House nor Congress heeded the warnings, Fannie and Freddie retained strong bipartisan support during the 1990s and early part of this decade." (Editorial, "Hear, See And Speak No Evil About Fannie And Freddie," The Washington Times, 10/9/08)

Over the past six years, the President and his Administration have not only warned of the systemic consequences of failure to reform GSEs but also put forward thoughtful plans to reduce the risk that either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac would encounter such difficulties. In fact, it was Congress that flatly rejected President Bush's call more than five years ago to reform the GSEs. Over the years, the President's repeated attempts to reform the supervision of these entities were thwarted by the legislative maneuvering of those who emphatically denied there were problems with the GSEs.
Faun = troll
Cries the rightard who's running away from my question an fast as his walker allows.

Exactly whose "policies" does your rightarded brain think Bush was crediting when he said, "OURS?" Bill Clinton's policies? Jimmy Carter's policies??? Or Republicans

By the way, rightie, you don't have to answer ... I already gave the answer. He was talking to Republicans about Republican policies. I just wanted to see if you had the balls to be honest.

:gay: You don't. :gay:
Shitstain....Bush had nothing to do with home loan programs for poor people mostly blacks based on the CRA put in place by Jimmy bucktooth Carter and banks doing shady deals thanks to Glass–Steagall being repealed by Democraps.

Liberal policies/laws put in place before Bush took office are to blame, just like Clinton is responsible for 9-11 due to his lack of action against AQ.

Starting in Jan. 20, 2001, at the beginning of George W. Bush’s administration, the rate was 2.4 percent, but by the time he left in January 2009 it had reached 7 percent. The rate now is 5.9% and is on track to get even lower.
You're a fucking nut like biggulpernc and rabbit, huh? So Bush didn't get down payments waived so more minorities could afford a home, huh? He didn't put that program on the backs of the GSE's, huh?
Shut your lying ass up
Setting the Record Straight Six Years of Unheeded Warnings for GSE Reform
Today, the Washington Times incorrectly accused the White House of ignoring warnings of trouble ahead for government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) and neglecting to "adopt any reform until this summer," when it was too late. "Neither the White House nor Congress heeded the warnings, Fannie and Freddie retained strong bipartisan support during the 1990s and early part of this decade." (Editorial, "Hear, See And Speak No Evil About Fannie And Freddie," The Washington Times, 10/9/08)

Over the past six years, the President and his Administration have not only warned of the systemic consequences of failure to reform GSEs but also put forward thoughtful plans to reduce the risk that either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac would encounter such difficulties. In fact, it was Congress that flatly rejected President Bush's call more than five years ago to reform the GSEs. Over the years, the President's repeated attempts to reform the supervision of these entities were thwarted by the legislative maneuvering of those who emphatically denied there were problems with the GSEs.
You idiot, do you even read what you post??

In fact, it was Congress that flatly rejected President Bush's call more than five years ago to reform the GSEs.​

From 2003 through the end of 2006, Congress was run by Republicans. Democrats did not block a single bill to reform the GSEs. When Democrats took over in 2007, the passed a reform bill.

Now you know. Will you learn? No, you're not capable. But now you know.
Shitstain....Bush had nothing to do with home loan programs for poor people mostly blacks based on the CRA put in place by Jimmy bucktooth Carter and banks doing shady deals thanks to Glass–Steagall being repealed by Democraps.

Liberal policies/laws put in place before Bush took office are to blame, just like Clinton is responsible for 9-11 due to his lack of action against AQ.

Starting in Jan. 20, 2001, at the beginning of George W. Bush’s administration, the rate was 2.4 percent, but by the time he left in January 2009 it had reached 7 percent. The rate now is 5.9% and is on track to get even lower.
You're a fucking nut like biggulpernc and rabbit, huh? So Bush didn't get down payments waived so more minorities could afford a home, huh? He didn't put that program on the backs of the GSE's, huh?
Shut your lying ass up
Setting the Record Straight Six Years of Unheeded Warnings for GSE Reform
Today, the Washington Times incorrectly accused the White House of ignoring warnings of trouble ahead for government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) and neglecting to "adopt any reform until this summer," when it was too late. "Neither the White House nor Congress heeded the warnings, Fannie and Freddie retained strong bipartisan support during the 1990s and early part of this decade." (Editorial, "Hear, See And Speak No Evil About Fannie And Freddie," The Washington Times, 10/9/08)

Over the past six years, the President and his Administration have not only warned of the systemic consequences of failure to reform GSEs but also put forward thoughtful plans to reduce the risk that either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac would encounter such difficulties. In fact, it was Congress that flatly rejected President Bush's call more than five years ago to reform the GSEs. Over the years, the President's repeated attempts to reform the supervision of these entities were thwarted by the legislative maneuvering of those who emphatically denied there were problems with the GSEs.
You idiot, do you even read what you post??

In fact, it was Congress that flatly rejected President Bush's call more than five years ago to reform the GSEs.​

From 2003 through the end of 2006, Congress was run by Republicans. Democrats did not block a single bill to reform the GSEs. When Democrats took over in 2007, the passed a reform bill.

Now you know. Will you learn? No, you're not capable. But now you know.
stupid fuck it was the democrats in congress that whined the republicans didn't want to be called RACIST you dumb son of a bitch.
But you have continuly blame bush Go shut the fuck up you have been shown just how fucking wrong you are.
Shitstain....Bush had nothing to do with home loan programs for poor people mostly blacks based on the CRA put in place by Jimmy bucktooth Carter and banks doing shady deals thanks to Glass–Steagall being repealed by Democraps.

Liberal policies/laws put in place before Bush took office are to blame, just like Clinton is responsible for 9-11 due to his lack of action against AQ.

Starting in Jan. 20, 2001, at the beginning of George W. Bush’s administration, the rate was 2.4 percent, but by the time he left in January 2009 it had reached 7 percent. The rate now is 5.9% and is on track to get even lower.
You're a fucking nut like biggulpernc and rabbit, huh? So Bush didn't get down payments waived so more minorities could afford a home, huh? He didn't put that program on the backs of the GSE's, huh?
Shut your lying ass up
Setting the Record Straight Six Years of Unheeded Warnings for GSE Reform
Today, the Washington Times incorrectly accused the White House of ignoring warnings of trouble ahead for government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) and neglecting to "adopt any reform until this summer," when it was too late. "Neither the White House nor Congress heeded the warnings, Fannie and Freddie retained strong bipartisan support during the 1990s and early part of this decade." (Editorial, "Hear, See And Speak No Evil About Fannie And Freddie," The Washington Times, 10/9/08)

Over the past six years, the President and his Administration have not only warned of the systemic consequences of failure to reform GSEs but also put forward thoughtful plans to reduce the risk that either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac would encounter such difficulties. In fact, it was Congress that flatly rejected President Bush's call more than five years ago to reform the GSEs. Over the years, the President's repeated attempts to reform the supervision of these entities were thwarted by the legislative maneuvering of those who emphatically denied there were problems with the GSEs.
You idiot, do you even read what you post??

In fact, it was Congress that flatly rejected President Bush's call more than five years ago to reform the GSEs.​

From 2003 through the end of 2006, Congress was run by Republicans. Democrats did not block a single bill to reform the GSEs. When Democrats took over in 2007, the passed a reform bill.

Now you know. Will you learn? No, you're not capable. But now you know.
stupid fuck it was the democrats in congress that whined the republicans didn't want to be called RACIST you dumb son of a bitch.
But you have continuly blame bush Go shut the fuck up you have been shown just how fucking wrong you are.
You really can't get any more retarded, no matter how hard you try. Moron ... "whining" doesn't prevent the majority party from passing legislation. On the flip side, the Senate majority, who's in charge of placing bills on the legislative calendar, can prevent bills from passing by not allowing an up/down vote by the full Senate, which is what the majority party Republicans did. You can't even lie about it because all of the major actions of every one of those bills has been documented and made available in the Internet (Thank you, Al Gore).

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