Unemployment went from 8.1 to 8.2

Obama creates more than four million new jobs and saves countless more existing jobs and gets no credit. Rs filibuster and obstruct jobs bills and get no blame. They could pass the highway bill and we'd have three million jobs but they refuse to invest in their own country.

This is the first time in our history that we've expected our president to magically bypass the congress on every issue.

I think it might also be the first time we have seen an entire political party sabotage our country, work for economical collapse AND have our citizens cheer a recession.

Reading the posts here, reading so-called Americans hoping for the failure of their country makes me very ashamed. You're the very same people who have cheered Mitts investing ing foreign banks and foreign companies. You've cheered his destroying of American companies and firing people. You've cheered his almost daily lies. And, you've said you plan to vote for him so he can destroy more. And, apparently, you feel no shame in wanting your own country to fail.

where are those 4 million jobs?.....the biggest economy in the country is at 11% unemployment....

If you look at the total number of employed persons in the US, it's pretty close today to what it was when BO took office. To be sure, when he came in we were losing jobs in tremendous numbers, which isn't his fault IMHO. But his policies have not led to the economic turnaround that we usually get out of recessions since WWII, and his stimulus bill didn't lower the UE rate down to 6%, which is I beleive what it was supposed to be by now. Granted, this was the worst since the 1930s, but still the recovery has been next to non-existent.

So, the number of jobs hasn't gone up much at all, certainly not by 4 million. Obama must be counting the number of new jobs creating but not the number of jobs lost. Not very honest IMHO. Seems like if we've got about 133 million employed people now, which is about the same as in Jan 2009, isn't it a bit disingenuous to claim 4 million new jobs?

hence why he and his administration uses the unfounded and unsubstantiated 'jobs saved' claim
Control over the masses. Short and sweet. ;)

Well you seem to support corporate/Madison Ave control over the masses. Yeah, that's a great check and balance, moron.

Please show where any corporation has governmental power or the power to take away your freedoms and rights...

We'll be waiting

Who in the hell do you think is planning to fill the power vacuum when right wing trash shrinks government to point where they can drown it in a bathtub? I guess you're really stupid enough to believe that corporate largess doesn't have significant control over government right now. I guess you're too idiotic to understand that further shrinking of government won't give corporations more power of control over the people.

Less regulation. Let the free market be free. Nice sounding words, but an idiotic ceding of a good balance of power. Here's some facts. Corporations don't give a shit about anything but profit. That's all there is for them. It's neither good nor bad in and of itself. The only check that the American people have to control excess and public harm is through government.

I'm sure a faux libertarian like yourself actually believes that an individual can seek judicial remedy. You're a total idiot.
Well you seem to support corporate/Madison Ave control over the masses. Yeah, that's a great check and balance, moron.

Please show where any corporation has governmental power or the power to take away your freedoms and rights...

We'll be waiting

Who in the hell do you think is planning to fill the power vacuum when right wing trash shrinks government to point where they can drown it in a bathtub? I guess you're really stupid enough to believe that corporate largess doesn't have significant control over government right now. I guess you're too idiotic to understand that further shrinking of government won't give corporations more power of control over the people.

Less regulation. Let the free market be free. Nice sounding words, but an idiotic ceding of a good balance of power. Here's some facts. Corporations don't give a shit about anything but profit. That's all there is for them. It's neither good nor bad in and of itself. The only check that the American people have to control excess and public harm is through government.

I'm sure a faux libertarian like yourself actually believes that an individual can seek judicial remedy. You're a total idiot.

Translation: "I Tick Duck have to defend BIG GOVERNMENT because I am afraid of my own liberty and choices..."
If I am a betting person . I would say this is the wrong direction No link yet just seen it on the news

It went from 8.1 to 8.2 with only about 63,000 jobs created? Makes no sense, of course if those jobs where public sector it would, which reenforces the fact that Obama has and is continuing to grow the government and could care less about the private citizens in this country.
The House has sent 39 employment related bills to the Senate, which the Senate has not taken up. Looks like the Democrats are mucking up the economy again.
Like every CON$ervoFascist lie, it gets exaggerated every time it's told!!!!

The GOP's own website only lists 27 phony "jobs" bills which are mostly anti-environment, anti-union, and anti-oversight bills. Boner himself then exaggerated the 27 to 30 phony "jobs" bills, and then YOU exaggerated the made up 30 bills to 39 bills. Do I hear 50, who will bid 50? 39 going once....... going twice.......

The House Republican Plan for America's Job Creators - GOP.gov
House Republicans are committed to taking every possible step to spur job creation and get our economy back on track so that Americans can do what they do best: create, innovate and lead.

These 27 job creating measures have been passed by the House and are awaiting action in the Democrat-controlled Senate.

GOP's Claim That House Passed 30 Jobs Bills? Bogus. | Crooks and Liars

I keep hearing this ridiculous canard in Republican debates and now from John Boehner about the alleged jobs bills the Republicans have passed that the "Democrat Senate" refuses to act upon. Since I watched the better part of their activity in real time, I know this is a lie. But most people aren't obsessive-compulsive about government and politics and might not realize just how much of a lie it is. So without further ado, let me debunk this claim made by the disingenuous Speaker of the House.
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The House has sent 39 employment related bills to the Senate, which the Senate has not taken up. Looks like the Democrats are mucking up the economy again.
Like every CON$ervoFascist lie, it gets exaggerated every time it's told!!!!

The GOP's own website only lists 27 phony "jobs" bills which are mostly anti-environment, anti-union, and anti-oversight bills. Boner himselg then exaggerated the 27 to 30 phony "jobs" bills, and then YOU exaggerated the made up 30 bills to 39 bills. Do I hear 50, who will bis 50? 39 going once....... going twice.......

The House Republican Plan for America's Job Creators - GOP.gov
House Republicans are committed to taking every possible step to spur job creation and get our economy back on track so that Americans can do what they do best: create, innovate and lead.

These 27 job creating measures have been passed by the House and are awaiting action in the Democrat-controlled Senate.

GOP's Claim That House Passed 30 Jobs Bills? Bogus. | Crooks and Liars

I keep hearing this ridiculous canard in Republican debates and now from John Boehner about the alleged jobs bills the Republicans have passed that the "Democrat Senate" refuses to act upon. Since I watched the better part of their activity in real time, I know this is a lie. But most people aren't obsessive-compulsive about government and politics and might not realize just how much of a lie it is. So without further ado, let me debunk this claim made by the disingenuous Speaker of the House.

For a moment there, thought you were talking about number of states and Obama.
The House has sent 39 employment related bills to the Senate, which the Senate has not taken up. Looks like the Democrats are mucking up the economy again.
Like every CON$ervoFascist lie, it gets exaggerated every time it's told!!!!

The GOP's own website only lists 27 phony "jobs" bills which are mostly anti-environment, anti-union, and anti-oversight bills. Boner himselg then exaggerated the 27 to 30 phony "jobs" bills, and then YOU exaggerated the made up 30 bills to 39 bills. Do I hear 50, who will bis 50? 39 going once....... going twice.......

The House Republican Plan for America's Job Creators - GOP.gov
House Republicans are committed to taking every possible step to spur job creation and get our economy back on track so that Americans can do what they do best: create, innovate and lead.

These 27 job creating measures have been passed by the House and are awaiting action in the Democrat-controlled Senate.

GOP's Claim That House Passed 30 Jobs Bills? Bogus. | Crooks and Liars

I keep hearing this ridiculous canard in Republican debates and now from John Boehner about the alleged jobs bills the Republicans have passed that the "Democrat Senate" refuses to act upon. Since I watched the better part of their activity in real time, I know this is a lie. But most people aren't obsessive-compulsive about government and politics and might not realize just how much of a lie it is. So without further ado, let me debunk this claim made by the disingenuous Speaker of the House.

Why is the senate holding up those bills for a vote? Are democrats the party of no?
What a lying piece of shit you are. Economists and executives said GM would have been forced into chapter 13 if the feds didn't give them a helping hand.

Bankruptcy fixed GM, not a bailout.

Bullshit. If it weren't for the bailout, GM would have been forced into Chapter 7, and our largest domestic auto company would have gone belly up. That would have meant loseing tens of thousands of good paying jobs, and tens of thousands more in supporting economies.
If I am a betting person . I would say this is the wrong direction No link yet just seen it on the news

WTF this sucks!

I wish the government didn't try to "help" the economy. If they just left it alone, they being the house/senate and president, things would be doing so much better today.

However, the powers in charge (dems) and the powers in the minority (reps) have been using the economy as a political football instead of trying to fix it.

Its a damn shame. In the end, just like in the end during the 8 years of bush, it all comes down to a failure for Obama in the area of the economy. That is the only silver lining, it makes Obama look bad.....and I call it a silver lining because I think his presidency is moving the country backwards economically and further apart politically.
What a lying piece of shit you are. Economists and executives said GM would have been forced into chapter 13 if the feds didn't give them a helping hand.

Bankruptcy fixed GM, not a bailout.

Bullshit. If it weren't for the bailout, GM would have been forced into Chapter 7, and our largest domestic auto company would have gone belly up. That would have meant loseing tens of thousands of good paying jobs, and tens of thousands more in supporting economies.

Now it's 7? Make up your mind Tick.:cuckoo:
What a lying piece of shit you are. Economists and executives said GM would have been forced into chapter 13 if the feds didn't give them a helping hand.

Bankruptcy fixed GM, not a bailout.

Bullshit. If it weren't for the bailout, GM would have been forced into Chapter 7, and our largest domestic auto company would have gone belly up. That would have meant loseing tens of thousands of good paying jobs, and tens of thousands more in supporting economies.

Actually it would have meant more solid companies like ford would have seen a huge increase in business and employment.

The bullshit is thinking that by spending borrowed tax money, to prop up a company that could not survive on its own due to bloated compensation packages and poor sales, we did the right thing. I'm not a fan of giving out corporate welfare to big/rich companies like GM. I'm also not a fan of giving govt handouts to union workers that make over 50 bucks an hour in total compensation already (the handout comes in the forum of the bailout to GM to pay their WAY ABOVE THE AVERAGE salaries).
If I am a betting person . I would say this is the wrong direction No link yet just seen it on the news

It went from 8.1 to 8.2 with only about 63,000 jobs created?
The "jobs created" numbers aren't used to calculate the UE rate. The jobs numbers are only non-agricultural jobs at companies that contribute to UI taxes. The UE rate uses total employment from a household survey. Total Employment went up 422,000 and total unemployment went up 220,000.

Makes no sense, of course if those jobs where public sector it would, which reenforces the fact that Obama has and is continuing to grow the government and could care less about the private citizens in this country.

No, the jobs were all Private Sector. Private Sector was +82,000, Public Sector was -15,000 for a net change of +69,000
Bankruptcy fixed GM, not a bailout.

Bullshit. If it weren't for the bailout, GM would have been forced into Chapter 7, and our largest domestic auto company would have gone belly up. That would have meant loseing tens of thousands of good paying jobs, and tens of thousands more in supporting economies.

Now it's 7? Make up your mind Tick.:cuckoo:

Well since the fool didn't know 13 won't work, he decided on 7...........see it's all Ducky Tucky can figure out, how he can say the chosen one saved the auto industry. So what if the Unions still got their $ and the investors got screwed just like the taxpayers. Unions must come first. :)
Bullshit. If it weren't for the bailout, GM would have been forced into Chapter 7, and our largest domestic auto company would have gone belly up. That would have meant loseing tens of thousands of good paying jobs, and tens of thousands more in supporting economies.

Now it's 7? Make up your mind Tick.:cuckoo:

Well since the fool didn't know 13 won't work, he decided on 7...........see it's all Ducky Tucky can figure out, how he can say the chosen one saved the auto industry. So what if the Unions still got their $ and the investors got screwed just like the taxpayers. Unions must come first. :)

Indeed. Unions got thier payback. Private industry and thier backers got the shaft.
It's good to see that the America-hating CON$ervoFascists, who were suicidal over the dropping gas prices, are now excitedly euphoric over the one tenth of one percent increase in unemployment.
If I am a betting person . I would say this is the wrong direction No link yet just seen it on the news

WTF this sucks!

I wish the government didn't try to "help" the economy. If they just left it alone, they being the house/senate and president, things would be doing so much better today.

However, the powers in charge (dems) and the powers in the minority (reps) have been using the economy as a political football instead of trying to fix it.

Its a damn shame. In the end, just like in the end during the 8 years of bush, it all comes down to a failure for Obama in the area of the economy. That is the only silver lining, it makes Obama look bad.....and I call it a silver lining because I think his presidency is moving the country backwards economically and further apart politically.

It's good to see that the America-hating CON$ervoFascists, who were suicidal over the dropping gas prices, are now excitedly euphoric over the one tenth of one percent increase in unemployment.

These 2 posts are on THE SAME PAGE people! :lol:

ed you are too silly sometimes, you made yourself look a bit unaware there.

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