Unemployment went from 8.1 to 8.2

It's good to see that the America-hating CON$ervoFascists, who were suicidal over the dropping gas prices, are now excitedly euphoric over the one tenth of one percent increase in unemployment.

It's good to see that the regular lying liberal legions, (not all liberals, just those in the legions), are seeing the uptick at small, though went bananas when it went down. Problem is, the trend is not going where they need it. If only they'd cared when perhaps something could have been done to influence the failing policies.
Well you seem to support corporate/Madison Ave control over the masses. Yeah, that's a great check and balance, moron.

Please show where any corporation has governmental power or the power to take away your freedoms and rights...

We'll be waiting

Who in the hell do you think is planning to fill the power vacuum when right wing trash shrinks government to point where they can drown it in a bathtub? I guess you're really stupid enough to believe that corporate largess doesn't have significant control over government right now. I guess you're too idiotic to understand that further shrinking of government won't give corporations more power of control over the people.

Less regulation. Let the free market be free. Nice sounding words, but an idiotic ceding of a good balance of power. Here's some facts. Corporations don't give a shit about anything but profit. That's all there is for them. It's neither good nor bad in and of itself. The only check that the American people have to control excess and public harm is through government.

I'm sure a faux libertarian like yourself actually believes that an individual can seek judicial remedy. You're a total idiot.


Please show where any corporation has governmental power or the power to take away your freedoms and rights...

We'll be waiting
Bankruptcy fixed GM, not a bailout.

Bullshit. If it weren't for the bailout, GM would have been forced into Chapter 7, and our largest domestic auto company would have gone belly up. That would have meant loseing tens of thousands of good paying jobs, and tens of thousands more in supporting economies.

Now it's 7? Make up your mind Tick.:cuckoo:

So you want to dwell on my mistake of using chapter 13, when I clearly meant chapter 7. Go at it. It shows what a petty pissant you are, and want to use trivia to avoid the facts.
It's good to see that the America-hating CON$ervoFascists, who were suicidal over the dropping gas prices, are now excitedly euphoric over the one tenth of one percent increase in unemployment.

It's good to see that the regular lying liberal legions, (not all liberals, just those in the legions), are seeing the uptick at small, though went bananas when it went down. Problem is, the trend is not going where they need it. If only they'd cared when perhaps something could have been done to influence the failing policies.

maybe when the adjustment for this one comes out next week it will be revised down instead of up like it has the last 10 months ;).
Bad news, altogether. No excuses.

A comparison, however:

Europe is now averaging their highest unemployment since the depression. This after austerity measures like those proposed by US Republicans to fight debt.

Since we are obviously doing WAY better than they are, how is it that you think Obama's policies are "preventing job growth".

Euro-Area Unemployment Reaches Record 11%, Led by Spain

Also, since Asian economic indicators have fallen through the floor recently, a .1% rise in unemployment is not really looking that bad by comparison.

China factory surveys signal wider economic weakness | The Republic
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Bullshit. If it weren't for the bailout, GM would have been forced into Chapter 7, and our largest domestic auto company would have gone belly up. That would have meant loseing tens of thousands of good paying jobs, and tens of thousands more in supporting economies.

Now it's 7? Make up your mind Tick.:cuckoo:

So you want to dwell on my mistake of using chapter 13, when I clearly meant chapter 7. Go at it. It shows what a petty pissant you are, and want to use trivia to avoid the facts.

Bad news, altogether. No excuses.

A comparison, however:

Europe is now averaging their highest unemployment since the depression. This after austerity measures like those proposed by US Republicans to fight debt.

Since we are obviously doing WAY better than they are, how is it that you think Obama's policies are "preventing job growth".

Euro-Area Unemployment Reaches Record 11%, Led by Spain

Also, since Asian economic indicators have fallen through the floor recently, a .1% rise in unemployment is not really looking that bad by comparison.

China factory surveys signal wider economic weakness | The Republic

Yup it sucks no matter how we slice it. It (the economy) has sucked since bush's last few months to be honest.

Just imagine if we kept those who are no longer eligible to file for unemployment but are not working figured into the numbers! It would look even more horrible.
It's good to see that the America-hating CON$ervoFascists, who were suicidal over the dropping gas prices, are now excitedly euphoric over the one tenth of one percent increase in unemployment.

It's good to see that the regular lying liberal legions, (not all liberals, just those in the legions), are seeing the uptick at small, though went bananas when it went down. Problem is, the trend is not going where they need it. If only they'd cared when perhaps something could have been done to influence the failing policies.

maybe when the adjustment for this one comes out next week it will be revised down instead of up like it has the last 10 months ;).

You're confused. The Unemployment Insurance Claims numbers come out every week and are revised the next week.

The Unemployment Rate comes out monthly and is not revised.
If I am a betting person . I would say this is the wrong direction No link yet just seen it on the news

It went from 8.1 to 8.2 with only about 63,000 jobs created? Makes no sense, of course if those jobs where public sector it would, which reenforces the fact that Obama has and is continuing to grow the government and could care less about the private citizens in this country.

Personally I think the government has been cooking the books on the unemployment and job creation numbers for some time now. When the members of USMB pretty well span the country and, except for one or two folks, most of us are not seeing any substantial improvement in our local economies, we aren't seeing much increase in revenues into the national treasury, and every news media is reporting plans for more layoffs and few plans to hire, you just have to figure something is rotten in Denmark somewhere.
Bankruptcy fixed GM, not a bailout.

Bullshit. If it weren't for the bailout, GM would have been forced into Chapter 7, and our largest domestic auto company would have gone belly up. That would have meant loseing tens of thousands of good paying jobs, and tens of thousands more in supporting economies.

Actually it would have meant more solid companies like ford would have seen a huge increase in business and employment.

The bullshit is thinking that by spending borrowed tax money, to prop up a company that could not survive on its own due to bloated compensation packages and poor sales, we did the right thing. I'm not a fan of giving out corporate welfare to big/rich companies like GM. I'm also not a fan of giving govt handouts to union workers that make over 50 bucks an hour in total compensation already (the handout comes in the forum of the bailout to GM to pay their WAY ABOVE THE AVERAGE salaries).

Not hardly. It would have meant less choices for the consumer, a greater dependence on foreign manufacture, and put a dent in national security interests. It would have also resulted in higher prices for the consumer, due to less competition.

GM/Chrysler were on the verge of bankruptcy because capitalism failed. The Bush near depression was a result of Wall Street greed, and a real ponzi scheme using mortgage derivitves, predatory lending, and credit default swaps in a way that was unsustainable. It wasn't a stupid mistake, it was a calculated strategy fo fuck over the market. GM, and all automotive companies were on the shit end of the stick, when America lost close to 10% of its wealth, do to the Wall Street scheme.
Bad news, altogether. No excuses.

A comparison, however:

Europe is now averaging their highest unemployment since the depression. This after austerity measures like those proposed by US Republicans to fight debt.

Since we are obviously doing WAY better than they are, how is it that you think Obama's policies are "preventing job growth".

Euro-Area Unemployment Reaches Record 11%, Led by Spain

Also, since Asian economic indicators have fallen through the floor recently, a .1% rise in unemployment is not really looking that bad by comparison.

China factory surveys signal wider economic weakness | The Republic

Yup it sucks no matter how we slice it. It (the economy) has sucked since bush's last few months to be honest.

Just imagine if we kept those who are no longer eligible to file for unemployment but are not working figured into the numbers! It would look even more horrible.

As has been pointed out to you many times, the Unemployment Rate is not and has never been based on UI benefits. The rate does include those no longer receiving benefits, those who never received benefits, and even people who never worked and are looking for their first job.
It's good to see that the regular lying liberal legions, (not all liberals, just those in the legions), are seeing the uptick at small, though went bananas when it went down. Problem is, the trend is not going where they need it. If only they'd cared when perhaps something could have been done to influence the failing policies.

maybe when the adjustment for this one comes out next week it will be revised down instead of up like it has the last 10 months ;).

You're confused. The Unemployment Insurance Claims numbers come out every week and are revised the next week.

The Unemployment Rate comes out monthly and is not revised.

Well then it really sucks, I was kind of hoping it was an error and would be revised down.
If I am a betting person . I would say this is the wrong direction No link yet just seen it on the news

It went from 8.1 to 8.2 with only about 63,000 jobs created? Makes no sense, of course if those jobs where public sector it would, which reenforces the fact that Obama has and is continuing to grow the government and could care less about the private citizens in this country.

Personally I think the government has been cooking the books on the unemployment and job creation numbers for some time now. When the members of USMB pretty well span the country and, except for one or two folks, most of us are not seeing any substantial improvement in our local economies, we aren't seeing much increase in revenues into the national treasury, and every news media is reporting plans for more layoffs and few plans to hire, you just have to figure something is rotten in Denmark somewhere.

If you think that, you don't know what you're talking about. The BLS statistics are clearly disclosed, and accepted as best statistical practice numbers. But if you prefer to be a paranoid, and believe there's some secret conspiracy, involving thousands of co-conspirators, feel free. Right wingers do tend toward the tin foil, and you'll feel very at home there.
How is showing the whole Obama record a distraction?

Why do you refuse to show the whole record??


Bullshit. If it weren't for the bailout, GM would have been forced into Chapter 7, and our largest domestic auto company would have gone belly up. That would have meant loseing tens of thousands of good paying jobs, and tens of thousands more in supporting economies.

Actually it would have meant more solid companies like ford would have seen a huge increase in business and employment.

The bullshit is thinking that by spending borrowed tax money, to prop up a company that could not survive on its own due to bloated compensation packages and poor sales, we did the right thing. I'm not a fan of giving out corporate welfare to big/rich companies like GM. I'm also not a fan of giving govt handouts to union workers that make over 50 bucks an hour in total compensation already (the handout comes in the forum of the bailout to GM to pay their WAY ABOVE THE AVERAGE salaries).

Not hardly. It would have meant less choices for the consumer, a greater dependence on foreign manufacture, and put a dent in national security interests. It would have also resulted in higher prices for the consumer, due to less competition.

GM/Chrysler were on the verge of bankruptcy because capitalism failed. The Bush near depression was a result of Wall Street greed, and a real ponzi scheme using mortgage derivitves, predatory lending, and credit default swaps in a way that was unsustainable. It wasn't a stupid mistake, it was a calculated strategy fo fuck over the market. GM, and all automotive companies were on the shit end of the stick, when America lost close to 10% of its wealth, do to the Wall Street scheme.

Capitalism didn't fail. It was GM's crap products, low demand, union demands that failed them. Govt has failed us by taking our 35 billion and not returning it to us.
Please show where any corporation has governmental power or the power to take away your freedoms and rights...

We'll be waiting

Who in the hell do you think is planning to fill the power vacuum when right wing trash shrinks government to point where they can drown it in a bathtub? I guess you're really stupid enough to believe that corporate largess doesn't have significant control over government right now. I guess you're too idiotic to understand that further shrinking of government won't give corporations more power of control over the people.

Less regulation. Let the free market be free. Nice sounding words, but an idiotic ceding of a good balance of power. Here's some facts. Corporations don't give a shit about anything but profit. That's all there is for them. It's neither good nor bad in and of itself. The only check that the American people have to control excess and public harm is through government.

I'm sure a faux libertarian like yourself actually believes that an individual can seek judicial remedy. You're a total idiot.


Please show where any corporation has governmental power or the power to take away your freedoms and rights...

We'll be waiting

Who, besides yourself, do you claim to be representing? Please define "we", so I know which pissants I'll be addressing.
Bad news, altogether. No excuses.

A comparison, however:

Europe is now averaging their highest unemployment since the depression. This after austerity measures like those proposed by US Republicans to fight debt.

Since we are obviously doing WAY better than they are, how is it that you think Obama's policies are "preventing job growth".

Euro-Area Unemployment Reaches Record 11%, Led by Spain

Also, since Asian economic indicators have fallen through the floor recently, a .1% rise in unemployment is not really looking that bad by comparison.

China factory surveys signal wider economic weakness | The Republic

Yup it sucks no matter how we slice it. It (the economy) has sucked since bush's last few months to be honest.

Just imagine if we kept those who are no longer eligible to file for unemployment but are not working figured into the numbers! It would look even more horrible.

As has been pointed out to you many times, the Unemployment Rate is not and has never been based on UI benefits. The rate does include those no longer receiving benefits, those who never received benefits, and even people who never worked and are looking for their first job.

They do a CPS and use the number claiming benefits from that sample to figure it for the whole country. http://www.bls.gov/cps/cps_htgm.pdf
Actually it would have meant more solid companies like ford would have seen a huge increase in business and employment.

The bullshit is thinking that by spending borrowed tax money, to prop up a company that could not survive on its own due to bloated compensation packages and poor sales, we did the right thing. I'm not a fan of giving out corporate welfare to big/rich companies like GM. I'm also not a fan of giving govt handouts to union workers that make over 50 bucks an hour in total compensation already (the handout comes in the forum of the bailout to GM to pay their WAY ABOVE THE AVERAGE salaries).

Not hardly. It would have meant less choices for the consumer, a greater dependence on foreign manufacture, and put a dent in national security interests. It would have also resulted in higher prices for the consumer, due to less competition.

GM/Chrysler were on the verge of bankruptcy because capitalism failed. The Bush near depression was a result of Wall Street greed, and a real ponzi scheme using mortgage derivitves, predatory lending, and credit default swaps in a way that was unsustainable. It wasn't a stupid mistake, it was a calculated strategy fo fuck over the market. GM, and all automotive companies were on the shit end of the stick, when America lost close to 10% of its wealth, do to the Wall Street scheme.

Capitalism didn't fail. It was GM's crap products, low demand, union demands that failed them. Govt has failed us by taking our 35 billion and not returning it to us.

And they still OWE us.
Bad news, altogether. No excuses.

A comparison, however:

Europe is now averaging their highest unemployment since the depression. This after austerity measures like those proposed by US Republicans to fight debt.

Since we are obviously doing WAY better than they are, how is it that you think Obama's policies are "preventing job growth".

Euro-Area Unemployment Reaches Record 11%, Led by Spain

Also, since Asian economic indicators have fallen through the floor recently, a .1% rise in unemployment is not really looking that bad by comparison.

China factory surveys signal wider economic weakness | The Republic

As goes the USA, so usually goes the rest of the free world., We are the last remaining super power--innovatively, economically, and militarily--though Obama seems to be doing his damndest to see that we lose that status as quickly as possible. If we can get our act together, the rest of the world will be able to do much better. If only we had a leadership who understood that. Or cared.

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