Unemployment went from 8.1 to 8.2

Who, besides yourself, do you claim to be representing? Please define "we", so I know which pissants I'll be addressing.


"I have nothing. So I will act like I have a point and go back to spouting the same shit in hopes that someone will believe me"


Please show where any corporation has governmental power or the power to take away your freedoms and rights...

Was it too tough of a question? You claimed to be speaking for someone other than yourself. So if you're not delusional, please state who it is you claim to speak for.

We refers to everyone here who is calling you out on your bullshit... your opposition here on this message board.. .if that was too tough for you to understand, God help you

Evidently it was too tough of a request for you...

Let me ask you to do this one more time.. thus backing up your claim

Please show where any corporation has governmental power or the power to take away your freedoms and rights...
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Because job growth was outstripped by existing job losses. pinqy is right. We need to focus on the problem and not the messenger. The problem is two pronged. We tried to fix the housing market by bailing out the banks instead of the homeowners. We tried to use government to create jobs.
They do a CPS and use the number claiming benefits from that sample to figure it for the whole country. http://www.bls.gov/cps/cps_htgm.pdf

Read your link again. It specifically says they do NOT use benefits data. It's not even asked in the survey: http://www.census.gov/cps/files/questionnaire/Labor Force.pdf

Unemployed means did not work during the reference week, could have taken a job if offered in the reference week, and actively looked for work in the 4 weeks ending with the reference week. (those on temporary layoff don't have to look to be classified as unemployed). Look at Table A-11. Unemployed persons by reason for unemployment and note that most of those categories are not eligible for UI benefits.

So since you're so smart how about you tell us how and why unemployment is up again??

Well, in April there were 141,865,000 Employed and 12,500,000 unemployed for a UE rate of 12,500,000/(141,865,000+12,500,000) = 8.1% and in May there were 142,287,000 Employed and 12,720,000 Unemployed for a UE rate of 12,720,000/(142,287,000+12,720,000) = 8.2%

Basically, many people who had not been looking for work, started looking and became Unemployed.

Now, the margin of error for the rate is about 0.2 percentage points, so it went from between 7.9% and 8.3% to between 8% and 8.4%. Not a statistically significant change.

Note that the Employment numbers from the CPS do NOT (and never will) match the "Jobs" numbers. Different survey, different sample, different Universe.
Because job growth was outstripped by existing job losses. pinqy is right. We need to focus on the problem and not the messenger. The problem is two pronged. We tried to fix the housing market by bailing out the banks instead of the homeowners. We tried to use government to create jobs.

Jobs for whom?

Depends, can Obama count Finnish and French workers working with bailout money?
Because job growth was outstripped by existing job losses. pinqy is right. We need to focus on the problem and not the messenger. The problem is two pronged. We tried to fix the housing market by bailing out the banks instead of the homeowners. We tried to use government to create jobs.

Jobs for whom?

Depends, can Obama count Finnish and French workers working with bailout money?

? You lost me. Sorry.
We're at about 15 minutes to closing the markets. Hope there is some movement away from the low:

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12,122.43 Down 271.02(2.19%) 3:43PM EDT
Depends, can Obama count Finnish and French workers working with bailout money?

? You lost me. Sorry.

I think what Save means is can Obama count anybody who benefitted from all the stimulus money that we have sent to other countries as a U.S. job created?

Why would WE be sending anything to anyone right now to clear the splinter in thier eye when WE are continually being leveled with a railroad tie?
If I am a betting person . I would say this is the wrong direction No link yet just seen it on the news

It went from 8.1 to 8.2 with only about 63,000 jobs created? Makes no sense, of course if those jobs where public sector it would, which reenforces the fact that Obama has and is continuing to grow the government and could care less about the private citizens in this country.

Personally I think the government has been cooking the books on the unemployment and job creation numbers for some time now. When the members of USMB pretty well span the country and, except for one or two folks, most of us are not seeing any substantial improvement in our local economies, we aren't seeing much increase in revenues into the national treasury, and every news media is reporting plans for more layoffs and few plans to hire, you just have to figure something is rotten in Denmark somewhere.
Only the CON$ are making those claims, and CON$ are perfect contrarian indicators, whatever CON$ say the opposite is true.

Even the non-governmental Gallup, who is no Liberal, has UE at 8.0%, so if anything the government is cooking the numbers AGAINST Obama!!!

Gallup Daily: U.S. Employment
We're at about 15 minutes to closing the markets. Hope there is some movement away from the low:

Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)

12,122.43 Down 271.02(2.19%) 3:43PM EDT

and this proves what in you disgruntled brain?
With a world full of people more than willing to work for peanuts, we can count on 8% American unemployment to be the new norm.

Welcome to the reality of the 21st Century.

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