Unemployment went from 8.1 to 8.2

It's good to see that the America-hating CON$ervoFascists, who were suicidal over the dropping gas prices, are now excitedly euphoric over the one tenth of one percent increase in unemployment.

Us conservatives are not "excitedly euphoric" about our economy hurting, but this type of news just proves that liberal economic policies by Dems AND repubs (Both Bush's, Clinton and Obama) are not working.
I just wish that folks like you would open your partisan eyes and see it for what it is... socialism has never been successful.

I am pissed that my life has been in the shitter since about mid 2009...I was in the energy sector... So, no I'm not better off than I was 4 yrs ago. Not even close!
It's good to see that the America-hating CON$ervoFascists, who were suicidal over the dropping gas prices, are now excitedly euphoric over the one tenth of one percent increase in unemployment.

Us conservatives are not "excitedly euphoric" about our economy hurting, but this type of news just proves that liberal economic policies by Dems AND repubs (Both Bush's, Clinton and Obama) are not working.
I just wish that folks like you would open your partisan eyes and see it for what it is... socialism has never been successful.

I am pissed that my life has been in the shitter since about mid 2009...I was in the energy sector... So, no I'm not better off than I was 4 yrs ago. Not even close!

YOU and millions of us that will send a clear message and demand an enema to the District of Criminals.
It's good to see that the America-hating CON$ervoFascists, who were suicidal over the dropping gas prices, are now excitedly euphoric over the one tenth of one percent increase in unemployment.

Us conservatives are not "excitedly euphoric" about our economy hurting, but this type of news just proves that liberal economic policies by Dems AND repubs (Both Bush's, Clinton and Obama) are not working.
I just wish that folks like you would open your partisan eyes and see it for what it is... socialism has never been successful.

I am pissed that my life has been in the shitter since about mid 2009...I was in the energy sector... So, no I'm not better off than I was 4 yrs ago. Not even close!

YOU and millions of us that will send a clear message and demand an enema to the District of Criminals.

It started in 2010, and will continue in 2012.

Yup it sucks no matter how we slice it. It (the economy) has sucked since bush's last few months to be honest.

Just imagine if we kept those who are no longer eligible to file for unemployment but are not working figured into the numbers! It would look even more horrible.

Indeed. When tens of trillions of dollars disappear when a bubble bursts, it leads to a crappy-assed economy.

I will say that Obama certainly could have done better in helping a recovery. Though the methods I would suggest would probably not be the ones some others would favor.
I will say that Obama certainly could have done better in helping a recovery. Though the methods I would suggest would probably not be the ones some others would favor.

Try us

Founding Principles, every time!
1st link shows lower participation in the work force
2nd link shows revised figures from TDM's charts

and you want a link to net job loss??
Graph: Total nonfarm payroll employment (seasonally adjusted)

It still doesn't support your claim about job growth. Hint, you simpleton, it's not a BLS stat.

Hint: The number when he took office is higher than the current number

The % of people in the workforce is down
The number of people who stopped looking for work is up
Unemployment is up

you sir, are a lying sack of shit.. and the world would be better off if you stepped in front of a speeding locomotive

This proves you're a liar.


Source: ADP ADP Employment Report
With a world full of people more than willing to work for peanuts, we can count on 8% American unemployment to be the new norm.

Welcome to the reality of the 21st Century.

Bullshit... We should never settle for this!

Unacceptable :doubt:

Mr. Clean never understood 'American Exceptionalism', but has bought into the new 'Statist/Marxist Standard' that Obama is employing in his declared WAR on what made us great.

Mr. Clean should re-examine quite a few things and shed the shit a failed Gubmint Schrool system has taught him.
facts mean nothing to these people

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
U.S. job growth stumbles, raising pressure on Fed
1st link shows lower participation in the work force
2nd link shows revised figures from your charts

and you want a link to net job loss??
Graph: Total nonfarm payroll employment (seasonally adjusted)

You don't deal in facts, knobgobbler.. you deal in propaganda and delusion
Your first link shows that the Boomers are retiring. DUH!

And your last link shows a gain of 3.755 MILLION jobs since bottom of the Bush Depression, jobs being a LAGGING indicator.
0bama's job plan is a proven failure...
At least in effect. His "Plan" all along was to destroy the private sector as he is in a war against private industry, private citizens...

What a tin foil idiot you are. If Obama wanted to destroy the private sector, he could have just let the banks fail.
You mean the ones that contribute to him?

What a fuckin' RUBE you are.

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