Unfettered Capitalism Fails

most of those existed before 1914
Wrong. You don't know squat about American history. That true of most snowflakes
other than medicaid and social security everthing you listed existed before 1914....are you people so fucking retarded you think public schools didn't exist before 1914?
Wrong. We had no government regulatory agencies. No government built infrastructure. No government subsidies. No Medicare. No welfare. And very few government schools
seriously who brainwashed you?
No one brainwashed me. That's why I know the facts and not some pinko version of American history. Can you name an example of government built infrastructure prior to 1914?
who do you think built the infrastructure? actually first of all ....what do you think infrastructure even is?
...time and time again. It doesnt work.
Here are at least 18 of the failures.
1800, 1823, 1837, 1857,1880, 1896,1900, 1903, 1907, 1929, 1937, 1938,1946, 1963, 1969, 1987, 1989 and 2008.

There are good times, there are bad times.

Some people refuse to endure bad times. These types of individuals usually look to substances that never allow them to feel a low. Usually this leads to alcoholism or worse, shortening their life span and quality of life significantly.

These are the types of folks who promote a centralized approach to the economy that refuse to ever let the country experience a low.
You are proof that 65 years of corporate backed, gov indoctrination does work

Corporations are a government creation dingleberry

Ok, and....
So you create the Frankenstein and walk away pretending you had no culpability?


Whether I walk away or not or whether it is typical or not...even if I created a monster as you said...whether or not I have culpability or not or 5 foot five or have black shoes on today or drive a car or not does not matter at all...all that matters is weather or not the truth has been told and realized by thinking people.
And I know how corporations are formed. I had one. An LLC.
You are proof that 65 years of corporate backed, gov indoctrination does work

Corporations are a government creation dingleberry

Ok, and....
So you create the Frankenstein and walk away pretending you had no culpability?


Whether I walk away or not or whether it is typical or not...even if I created a monster as you said...whether or not I have culpability or not or 5 foot five or have black shoes on today or drive a car or not does not matter at all...all that matters is weather or not the truth has been told and realized by thinking people.
And I know how corporations are formed. I had one. An LLC.

The fall out from the massive debt created to avoid economic down turns will make someone who is crashing from a heroin addiction of 10 years look like a walk in the park.

It will be catastrophic.
...time and time again. It doesnt work.
Here are at least 18 of the failures.
1800, 1823, 1837, 1857,1880, 1896,1900, 1903, 1907, 1929, 1937, 1938,1946, 1963, 1969, 1987, 1989 and 2008.

There are good times, there are bad times.

Some people refuse to endure bad times. These types of individuals usually look to substances that never allow them to feel a low. Usually this leads to alcoholism or worse, shortening their life span and quality of life significantly.

These are the types of folks who promote a centralized approach to the economy that refuse to ever let the country experience a low.

Good times and bad time??!! Lol, for who?! Are you kidding? Would the bad times happen if the banks knew there wasnt a taxpayer bailout coming? No.
You are proof that 65 years of corporate backed, gov indoctrination does work

Corporations are a government creation dingleberry

Ok, and....
So you create the Frankenstein and walk away pretending you had no culpability?


Whether I walk away or not or whether it is typical or not...even if I created a monster as you said...whether or not I have culpability or not or 5 foot five or have black shoes on today or drive a car or not does not matter at all...all that matters is weather or not the truth has been told and realized by thinking people.
And I know how corporations are formed. I had one. An LLC.

The fall out from the massive debt created to avoid economic down turns will make someone who is crashing from a heroin addiction of 10 years look like a walk in the park.

It will be catastrophic.

Yes. Epic.
There is no possible bailout but it is legal for the banks to take your savings and retirement now. The result from the 553tusd bubble will be the last failure of capitalism as we see it now.
Corporations are a government creation dingleberry

Ok, and....
So you create the Frankenstein and walk away pretending you had no culpability?


Whether I walk away or not or whether it is typical or not...even if I created a monster as you said...whether or not I have culpability or not or 5 foot five or have black shoes on today or drive a car or not does not matter at all...all that matters is weather or not the truth has been told and realized by thinking people.
And I know how corporations are formed. I had one. An LLC.

The fall out from the massive debt created to avoid economic down turns will make someone who is crashing from a heroin addiction of 10 years look like a walk in the park.

It will be catastrophic.

Yes. Epic.
There is no possible bailout but it is legal for the banks to take your savings and retirement now. The result from the 553tusd bubble will be the last failure of capitalism as we see it now.

I think this has been the plan all along. Destroy the system and replace it with a world wide centralized system.

Men such as Hitler and Stalin and Moa have dreamed of such a system. We have never been closer than we are today.
...time and time again. It doesnt work.
Here are at least 18 of the failures.
1800, 1823, 1837, 1857,1880, 1896,1900, 1903, 1907, 1929, 1937, 1938,1946, 1963, 1969, 1987, 1989 and 2008.

There are good times, there are bad times.

Some people refuse to endure bad times. These types of individuals usually look to substances that never allow them to feel a low. Usually this leads to alcoholism or worse, shortening their life span and quality of life significantly.

These are the types of folks who promote a centralized approach to the economy that refuse to ever let the country experience a low.

Good times and bad time??!! Lol, for who?! Are you kidding? Would the bad times happen if the banks knew there wasnt a taxpayer bailout coming? No.

The bad times would be when banks and corporations were allowed to go under for their mistakes. Then new ones would rise from the ashes
Ok, and....
So you create the Frankenstein and walk away pretending you had no culpability?


Whether I walk away or not or whether it is typical or not...even if I created a monster as you said...whether or not I have culpability or not or 5 foot five or have black shoes on today or drive a car or not does not matter at all...all that matters is weather or not the truth has been told and realized by thinking people.
And I know how corporations are formed. I had one. An LLC.

The fall out from the massive debt created to avoid economic down turns will make someone who is crashing from a heroin addiction of 10 years look like a walk in the park.

It will be catastrophic.

Yes. Epic.
There is no possible bailout but it is legal for the banks to take your savings and retirement now. The result from the 553tusd bubble will be the last failure of capitalism as we see it now.

I think this has been the plan all along. Destroy the system and replace it with a world wide centralized system.

Men such as Hitler and Stalin and Moa have dreamed of such a system. We have never been closer than we are today.

...time and time again. It doesnt work.
Here are at least 18 of the failures.
1800, 1823, 1837, 1857,1880, 1896,1900, 1903, 1907, 1929, 1937, 1938,1946, 1963, 1969, 1987, 1989 and 2008.

There are good times, there are bad times.

Some people refuse to endure bad times. These types of individuals usually look to substances that never allow them to feel a low. Usually this leads to alcoholism or worse, shortening their life span and quality of life significantly.

These are the types of folks who promote a centralized approach to the economy that refuse to ever let the country experience a low.

Good times and bad time??!! Lol, for who?! Are you kidding? Would the bad times happen if the banks knew there wasnt a taxpayer bailout coming? No.

The bad times would be when banks and corporations were allowed to go under for their mistakes. Then new ones would rise from the ashes

So you create the Frankenstein and walk away pretending you had no culpability?


Whether I walk away or not or whether it is typical or not...even if I created a monster as you said...whether or not I have culpability or not or 5 foot five or have black shoes on today or drive a car or not does not matter at all...all that matters is weather or not the truth has been told and realized by thinking people.
And I know how corporations are formed. I had one. An LLC.

The fall out from the massive debt created to avoid economic down turns will make someone who is crashing from a heroin addiction of 10 years look like a walk in the park.

It will be catastrophic.

Yes. Epic.
There is no possible bailout but it is legal for the banks to take your savings and retirement now. The result from the 553tusd bubble will be the last failure of capitalism as we see it now.

I think this has been the plan all along. Destroy the system and replace it with a world wide centralized system.

Men such as Hitler and Stalin and Moa have dreamed of such a system. We have never been closer than we are today.


Hang in there, your tyrannical utopia is fast approaching.

This sort of vision has been predicted since the book of Revelation.

A world wide system where you need a "mark" to buy or sell.
Protectionism is the economic policy of restraining trade between states (countries) through methods such as tariffs on imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other government regulations designed to allow (according to proponents) fair competition between imports and goods and services produced domestically.

This policy contrasts with free trade, where government barriers to trade are kept to a minimum. In recent years, protectionism has become closely aligned with anti-globalization and anti-immigrationn. The term is mostly used in the context of economics, where protectionism refers to policies or doctrines which protect businesses and workers within a country by restricting or regulating trade with foreign nations.
In economics, protectionism is the economic policy of restraining trade between states (countries) through methods such as tariffs on imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other government regulations. Protectionist policies protect the producers, businesses and workers of the import-competing sector in a country from foreign competitors.[1] According to proponents, these policies can counteract unfair trade practices, to allow fair competition between imports and goods and services produced domestically. Protectionists may favor the policy in order to decrease the trade deficit, maintain employment in certain sectors, or favor the growth of certain industries.[2] In recent years, protectionism has become closely aligned with the anti-globalization movement.[3]

The doctrine of protectionism contrasts with the doctrine of free trade, where governments reduce as much as possible the barriers to trade. There is a broad consensus among economists that the impact of protectionism on economic growth (and on economic welfare in general) is largely negative, although the impact on specific industries and groups of people may be positive.[4]
Wrong. You don't know squat about American history. That true of most snowflakes
other than medicaid and social security everthing you listed existed before 1914....are you people so fucking retarded you think public schools didn't exist before 1914?
Wrong. We had no government regulatory agencies. No government built infrastructure. No government subsidies. No Medicare. No welfare. And very few government schools
seriously who brainwashed you?
No one brainwashed me. That's why I know the facts and not some pinko version of American history. Can you name an example of government built infrastructure prior to 1914?
who do you think built the infrastructure? actually first of all ....what do you think infrastructure even is?
Private companies built the infrastructure, moron. Who do you think built the railroads?
It is in so much as how it regulates trade between China and the US. As noted in the bill it sets tariff rates - that is a trade deal, calling it something other than a trade deal doesn't change the "essence" of what it does...

As per the bill: "Division A: Normal Trade Relations for the People's Republic of China - Title I: Normal Trade Relations - Authorizes the President to extend nondiscriminatory treatment (normal trade relations treatment) to the products of the People's Republic of China, provided, prior to such determination, the President certifies to Congress that the terms and conditions for China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) are at least equivalent to those agreed between the United States and China on November 15, 1999.

(Sec. 103) Amends the Trade Act of 1974 to direct the President to increase duties and impose other import restrictions on products of China that are being imported into the United States in such increased quantities or under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause market disruption to the U.S. producers of a like or directly competitive product."


"Subtitle B: Authorization to Promote Compliance with Trade Agreements - Authorizes appropriations for FY 2001, and each ensuing fiscal year, for additional resources for specified Federal agencies engaged in monitoring and enforcement of U.S. trade agreements and trade laws with respect to China, including a Trade Law Technical Assistance Center to assist small- and medium-sized businesses, workers, and unions in evaluating potential remedies available under U.S. trade laws with respect to trade involving China."
other than medicaid and social security everthing you listed existed before 1914....are you people so fucking retarded you think public schools didn't exist before 1914?
Wrong. We had no government regulatory agencies. No government built infrastructure. No government subsidies. No Medicare. No welfare. And very few government schools
seriously who brainwashed you?
No one brainwashed me. That's why I know the facts and not some pinko version of American history. Can you name an example of government built infrastructure prior to 1914?
who do you think built the infrastructure? actually first of all ....what do you think infrastructure even is?
Private companies built the infrastructure, moron. Who do you think built the railroads?
First Transcontinental Railroad - Wikipedia
It is in so much as how it regulates trade between China and the US. As noted in the bill it sets tariff rates - that is a trade deal, calling it something other than a trade deal doesn't change the "essence" of what it does...

As per the bill: "Division A: Normal Trade Relations for the People's Republic of China - Title I: Normal Trade Relations - Authorizes the President to extend nondiscriminatory treatment (normal trade relations treatment) to the products of the People's Republic of China, provided, prior to such determination, the President certifies to Congress that the terms and conditions for China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) are at least equivalent to those agreed between the United States and China on November 15, 1999.

(Sec. 103) Amends the Trade Act of 1974 to direct the President to increase duties and impose other import restrictions on products of China that are being imported into the United States in such increased quantities or under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause market disruption to the U.S. producers of a like or directly competitive product."


"Subtitle B: Authorization to Promote Compliance with Trade Agreements - Authorizes appropriations for FY 2001, and each ensuing fiscal year, for additional resources for specified Federal agencies engaged in monitoring and enforcement of U.S. trade agreements and trade laws with respect to China, including a Trade Law Technical Assistance Center to assist small- and medium-sized businesses, workers, and unions in evaluating potential remedies available under U.S. trade laws with respect to trade involving China."
It instructs the USG how to proceed in relation to China, it is not an agreement that holds the Chinese to act in a specific way. Though the Chinese ascension into the WTO did do that. Maybe you think the Chinese aren't honoring their commitment to the WTO? I still don't see where they have a specific commitment to the US outside of the WTO.

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