Unfinished business’: Obama ready to bypass Congress and tackle gun control

Let the government keep pressing, They know what they're doing

3-oclock school bell at Little Big Horn

Everyone needs to understand. a President CAN NOT bypass Congress. he doesn't have the kind of power. And that he is even thinking of doing it, means he's taking a dump on the oath he took as YOUR PRESIDENT to follow our constitution and uphold our laws
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Being reported world wide. He's coming for your guns and bragging on it.

Oh and in the article they are bragging on the power of the Presidency to go around the will of the people.

"In his efforts to work around a Congress that has often been politically gridlocked, Obama has made aggressive use of executive power, particularly on immigration. It has been an increasingly effective presidential tool."

'Unfinished business': Obama ready to bypass Congress and tackle gun control
Background checks are only coming for your guns if you are a criminal or crazy...

Which are you?

When a relative can bitch about you to authorities and have your guns removed as they can in California your rights have been violated.
Bitch about what?
Being reported world wide. He's coming for your guns and bragging on it.

Oh and in the article they are bragging on the power of the Presidency to go around the will of the people.

"In his efforts to work around a Congress that has often been politically gridlocked, Obama has made aggressive use of executive power, particularly on immigration. It has been an increasingly effective presidential tool."

'Unfinished business': Obama ready to bypass Congress and tackle gun control
Background checks are only coming for your guns if you are a criminal or crazy...

Which are you?

These new laws will be ignored as they are not reasonable.

You are free to ignore any law......and suffer the consequences

There are suppose to be consequences for gun crime violations, except Obama doesn't enforce them. So why not throw more useless laws on the books? Have at it lol


Of course Obama enforces our gun laws. Repeating that lie does not help your case.
There are too many loopholes in our gun laws....Obama is merely trying to close them
There isnt much he can legally do here. If he could have, he would have done it already.

The 2nd doesn't cover bullets. You have a right to a gun you see. But no right to ammunition. This has been a UN mission. You have also been backdoored by the EPA.
It would be the same thing.
In any case trying to ban ammo would be even less effective than banning guns.
Being reported world wide. He's coming for your guns and bragging on it.

Oh and in the article they are bragging on the power of the Presidency to go around the will of the people.

"In his efforts to work around a Congress that has often been politically gridlocked, Obama has made aggressive use of executive power, particularly on immigration. It has been an increasingly effective presidential tool."

'Unfinished business': Obama ready to bypass Congress and tackle gun control
Background checks are only coming for your guns if you are a criminal or crazy...

Which are you?

These new laws will be ignored as they are not reasonable.

You are free to ignore any law......and suffer the consequences

There are suppose to be consequences for gun crime violations, except Obama doesn't enforce them. So why not throw more useless laws on the books? Have at it lol


Of course Obama enforces our gun laws. Repeating that lie does not help your case.
There are too many loopholes in our gun laws....Obama is merely trying to close them
The thing about you, Nutjobber, is that whatever absurd assertion you make it is so easily shown to be wrong it's like shooting fish in a barrel. I seldom bother anymore because it's so easy. Like here:
Being reported world wide. He's coming for your guns and bragging on it.

Oh and in the article they are bragging on the power of the Presidency to go around the will of the people.

"In his efforts to work around a Congress that has often been politically gridlocked, Obama has made aggressive use of executive power, particularly on immigration. It has been an increasingly effective presidential tool."

'Unfinished business': Obama ready to bypass Congress and tackle gun control
Background checks are only coming for your guns if you are a criminal or crazy...

Which are you?

These new laws will be ignored as they are not reasonable.

You are free to ignore any law......and suffer the consequences

There are suppose to be consequences for gun crime violations, except Obama doesn't enforce them. So why not throw more useless laws on the books? Have at it lol


Of course Obama enforces our gun laws. Repeating that lie does not help your case.
There are too many loopholes in our gun laws....Obama is merely trying to close them

Whats he doing about inner city shooters?
That being the biggest problem and all.....
Background checks are only coming for your guns if you are a criminal or crazy...

Which are you?

These new laws will be ignored as they are not reasonable.

You are free to ignore any law......and suffer the consequences

There are suppose to be consequences for gun crime violations, except Obama doesn't enforce them. So why not throw more useless laws on the books? Have at it lol


Of course Obama enforces our gun laws. Repeating that lie does not help your case.
There are too many loopholes in our gun laws....Obama is merely trying to close them
The thing about you, Nutjobber, is that whatever absurd assertion you make it is so easily shown to be wrong it's like shooting fish in a barrel. I seldom bother anymore because it's so easy. Like here:

That dude was just destroyed by Cruz

These new laws will be ignored as they are not reasonable.

You are free to ignore any law......and suffer the consequences

There are suppose to be consequences for gun crime violations, except Obama doesn't enforce them. So why not throw more useless laws on the books? Have at it lol


Of course Obama enforces our gun laws. Repeating that lie does not help your case.
There are too many loopholes in our gun laws....Obama is merely trying to close them
The thing about you, Nutjobber, is that whatever absurd assertion you make it is so easily shown to be wrong it's like shooting fish in a barrel. I seldom bother anymore because it's so easy. Like here:

That dude was just destroyed by Cruz


And of course Nutjobber runs away like the little bytch he is.
Hip hip hooray, Americans believe firmly in their right to be shot dead, it is in their Constitution. The NRA believes too death is inevitable, why attempt to stop it, all eternal life schemes fail, so Americans get a gun and test your right to shoot or be shot. Stuff happens remember. Do this simple test with your gun or guns, should you be well armed. Make sure your gun is not a dud. Aim at your wall, your TV, your foot, test it on yourself, remember it is your right, written in your constitution. Get your neighbors together, form exercises with your guns, have someone run out with an AR15 with body armour. See who can shoot them first. Make sure you are all on opposite sides of the machine gun packing American NRA constitution loving gun lover with their AR15. If anyone dies, no biggee, stuff happens, you're only be adhering to your beliefs and rights. Living real those rights as they now happen so often in American massacres, upholding your god given right to bear arms. No one lives forever. You're tougher than those sissy Australians, show them your stuff. Hope all goes well. Oh and one more thing make sure your insurance is paid up. Eric (Columbine) is with you as he practiced what he preached. Shot at school, shot in a movie theater, going out in a hail of bullets, all as American as apple pie.

More proof America is one dumb nation. Texas has so many gun deaths people are addressed Merry Christmas early in May as by December they may just be another gun statistic. A New Year wish is that they hope to make it through the year. Nations away from gun worship and pee their pants Americans often ask why so many are gunned down in America. No one has yet to figure out why. Some wonder if 72 virgins await them, but that is part of another religious ideological nonsense. With Armageddon right around the corner, Alfred E. Neuman's immortal phrase has become the new slogan, far surpassing 'the land of the free and the home of the brave.' Others think 'brave' should be replaced with armed, and yet other think 'afraid' may fit better?

"How gun control works in America, compared with 4 other rich countries" German Lopez, December 6, 2015

How gun control works in America, compared with 4 other rich countries
The real reason the NRA is so powerful

What a stupid country we have become when arguments are given over how high you stand in gun ownership. Can you say stupid primitive uncivilized or idiot nation. In America leave your radio on, and if you hear there is a mass shooting feel safe for killing is over for that day. Tomorrow is another day to be afraid. Too ridiculous.

'Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free' by Charles P. Pierce
More laws will not save a single life, The opposite is true the more laws more death. While law obiding people follow laws criminals by their very nature don't follow these laws that you think will solve everything.
Again, are you people so thick as not to realize more laws, regulation and restrictions equals much less freedom.
And by the way and just because says an ar15 doesn't mean it's so called "assault weapon". You obviously don't have a clue as to the difference of a sporting model and a military grade Model. Dumbass
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Being reported world wide. He's coming for your guns and bragging on it.

Oh and in the article they are bragging on the power of the Presidency to go around the will of the people.

"In his efforts to work around a Congress that has often been politically gridlocked, Obama has made aggressive use of executive power, particularly on immigration. It has been an increasingly effective presidential tool."

'Unfinished business': Obama ready to bypass Congress and tackle gun control
Background checks are only coming for your guns if you are a criminal or crazy...

Which are you?

These new laws will be ignored as they are not reasonable.

You are free to ignore any law......and suffer the consequences

The dear leader can't pass laws, only congress can do that. Any EO that is not implementing an existing law isn't worth the paper it's printed on or the powder it would take to blow it's authors brains out.

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