Unfortunately, "conservative" talking is big business now


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
WOW! what a great job.
You blab on the radio and people pay you millions to hear your opinion.
(Rush = 33+ million yearly)

Most of the conservative talk show hosts are from New York, ...that hotbed of conservatism.

It's time for all of us to face the fact that people are willing to put on a conservative act to make millions.

Such a great selection to choose from,

Bill O'reilly, the original phony , the "independent" who begged John Kerry to visit his show, while he trashed GWBush in the last days of the election.
Michael Medved says he's a Republican. (I don't why, because he's a moderate lefty)
Glenn Beck , the big radical, then when some states threatened to secede , Beck almost passed out from fear.
Ann Coulter , never short on words to trash Trump. Things are fin ally starting to go a different direction, and there's Ann Coulter...trashing Trump.
Mark Levin made himself into a cartoon character, boy he sounds mad and serious, even as he goes right from anger over corruption, into his commercials.
Telling us that a trade deficit is good for us? ...mighty suspicious Mark.

You see, after many years , things have just started to go a different way, and when people like Coulter and Levin are criticizing because things don't look perfect, that's a form of left-wing propaganda. Sorry, but it's the truth.

Any conservative tall host that criticized Trump after he won the nomination, ...to give ammo to Hillary...should be in suspicion.

Trump has been doing a great job.

The average person's opinion is one thing, but when someone claims they are an expert in analyzing politics, ...and they don't recognize that.
That's a problem.
This has been true for a long time. Are you just now realizing it?

Funny...the same it true of liberals in the media...who make millions spouting their BS. Have you seen the salaries of Rachel Madcow, Wolf Blitzed, or the two fools on Morning Joke?
WOW! what a great job.
You blab on the radio and people pay you millions to hear your opinion.
(Rush = 33+ million yearly)

Most of the conservative talk show hosts are from New York, ...that hotbed of conservatism.

It's time for all of us to face the fact that people are willing to put on a conservative act to make millions.

Such a great selection to choose from,

Bill O'reilly, the original phony , the "independent" who begged John Kerry to visit his show, while he trashed GWBush in the last days of the election.
Michael Medved says he's a Republican. (I don't why, because he's a moderate lefty)
Glenn Beck , the big radical, then when some states threatened to secede , Beck almost passed out from fear.
Ann Coulter , never short on words to trash Trump. Things are fin ally starting to go a different direction, and there's Ann Coulter...trashing Trump.
Mark Levin made himself into a cartoon character, boy he sounds mad and serious, even as he goes right from anger over corruption, into his commercials.
Telling us that a trade deficit is good for us? ...mighty suspicious Mark.

You see, after many years , things have just started to go a different way, and when people like Coulter and Levin are criticizing because things don't look perfect, that's a form of left-wing propaganda. Sorry, but it's the truth.

Any conservative tall host that criticized Trump after he won the nomination, ...to give ammo to Hillary...should be in suspicion.

Trump has been doing a great job.

The average person's opinion is one thing, but when someone claims they are an expert in analyzing politics, ...and they don't recognize that.
That's a problem.
Well, the Division Pimps (those who have a vested professional interest in distorting reality to keep us angry, divided and tuning in) exist on both ends of the spectrum, and yes, they're a real problem. They distort reality by ignoring, avoiding and manipulating all facts that are contrary to their schtick to keep those ratings up.

But they'll be around and influential as long as their flocks keep enabling them by flocking to them.
WOW! what a great job.
You blab on the radio and people pay you millions to hear your opinion.
(Rush = 33+ million yearly)

Most of the conservative talk show hosts are from New York, ...that hotbed of conservatism.

It's time for all of us to face the fact that people are willing to put on a conservative act to make millions.

Such a great selection to choose from,

Bill O'reilly, the original phony , the "independent" who begged John Kerry to visit his show, while he trashed GWBush in the last days of the election.
Michael Medved says he's a Republican. (I don't why, because he's a moderate lefty)
Glenn Beck , the big radical, then when some states threatened to secede , Beck almost passed out from fear.
Ann Coulter , never short on words to trash Trump. Things are fin ally starting to go a different direction, and there's Ann Coulter...trashing Trump.
Mark Levin made himself into a cartoon character, boy he sounds mad and serious, even as he goes right from anger over corruption, into his commercials.
Telling us that a trade deficit is good for us? ...mighty suspicious Mark.

You see, after many years , things have just started to go a different way, and when people like Coulter and Levin are criticizing because things don't look perfect, that's a form of left-wing propaganda. Sorry, but it's the truth.

Any conservative tall host that criticized Trump after he won the nomination, ...to give ammo to Hillary...should be in suspicion.

Trump has been doing a great job.

The average person's opinion is one thing, but when someone claims they are an expert in analyzing politics, ...and they don't recognize that.
That's a problem.

Wat?? Rush Limbaugh broadcasts from Florida, not New York.
I like Coulter. Excellent writer, brave in that she will go on any shitlib broadcast and jab with them not matter the ratio...usually 3:1. She speaks truth to power. She was an extremely ardent Trump supporter and actually called his win over a year out. Yeah, Ann is alright in my book.
Silly liberals!

Don'cha know conservatives have jobs and are at work?

It's only breathless libbies "monitoring" that hike the stats for right-thinking American talk show hosts.

If they'd but turn their radios off (are they allowed "off" switches by their party masters?) then the numbers would fall.

Fortunately they're not bright enough to figure that out. Even this post will just confuse them.
WOW! what a great job.
You blab on the radio and people pay you millions to hear your opinion.
(Rush = 33+ million yearly)

Most of the conservative talk show hosts are from New York, ...that hotbed of conservatism.

It's time for all of us to face the fact that people are willing to put on a conservative act to make millions.

Such a great selection to choose from,

Bill O'reilly, the original phony , the "independent" who begged John Kerry to visit his show, while he trashed GWBush in the last days of the election.
Michael Medved says he's a Republican. (I don't why, because he's a moderate lefty)
Glenn Beck , the big radical, then when some states threatened to secede , Beck almost passed out from fear.
Ann Coulter , never short on words to trash Trump. Things are fin ally starting to go a different direction, and there's Ann Coulter...trashing Trump.
Mark Levin made himself into a cartoon character, boy he sounds mad and serious, even as he goes right from anger over corruption, into his commercials.
Telling us that a trade deficit is good for us? ...mighty suspicious Mark.

You see, after many years , things have just started to go a different way, and when people like Coulter and Levin are criticizing because things don't look perfect, that's a form of left-wing propaganda. Sorry, but it's the truth.

Any conservative tall host that criticized Trump after he won the nomination, ...to give ammo to Hillary...should be in suspicion.

Trump has been doing a great job.

The average person's opinion is one thing, but when someone claims they are an expert in analyzing politics, ...and they don't recognize that.
That's a problem.
Oh shit!! Someone on TV and/or radio doesn't add up to your standards........!!!!!!!

Tissue? Tampon?

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