Unfortunately, Liberal Keep Being Liberals

That would be way too much blame to assign - but based on your past posts it is apparent that you blame society for everything that doesn't go exactly as your warped sense of self worth dictates. You are not as hopeless as many libtards - but you're still a "Brat"

So far as the rest of your post ...lol ... yes - i am certain in my diagnosis that the mental illness which afflicted you in your childhood has not diminished - but has steadfastly grown with you - there's no hope for people like you - just stiock your thumb back in your mouth [That is your thumb isn't it ?] , sit in a corner , choke your chicken and STFU.

^^^^^ Impetuous, spoiled brat can't have a debate without:

1 Taking unnecessary personal pot-shots..

2 Name calling and uttering unintelligible, immature taunts...

3 Making unfounded, highly inaccurate observations like - "apparent you blame society for everything that doesn't go exactly as your warped sense of self worth dictates." What would you base this on? Go ahead, I'll wait.

You are intellectually dishonest and YOU, YOURSELF, seek to blame others for your own shortcomings, by constantly blaming other people for your own lack of integrity (Hello, Mr. Billy Zane!) and your complete failure to actually contribute to any thread that you unfortunately even bother to post in.
Say whatever you like kiddos but if you lose your job or your life falls apart because of it, that is the price to be paid for shooting your mouth off. Free Speech can be very expensive.
Free Speech can be very expensive in a dictatorship.
Thanks, Liberals.
Liberals gave you Free Speech, but we never said there wouldn't be a price to be paid.

You have posted, several times, to a thread which proves that Liberals have done the diametrically opposite......restricted and punished free speech.

Clarify for me: are you the personification of Pinocchio....or simply abysmally, galactically stupid????
White Guilt/privilege is a concept taught ion almost every major College/University throughout the land - if you are unfamiliar with it - kindly educate yourself little fella - for at your present level of knowledge you are wholly unqualified to discuss/debate this topic.

... And you are nowhere NEAR qualified enough to be telling other members that they can't participate in a discussion; the moderators will handle that duty, you're just the janitor and quite a lousy one at that.
Say whatever you like kiddos but if you lose your job or your life falls apart because of it, that is the price to be paid for shooting your mouth off. Free Speech can be very expensive.
Free Speech can be very expensive in a dictatorship.
Thanks, Liberals.
Liberals gave you Free Speech, but we never said there wouldn't be a price to be paid.
You have posted, several times, to a thread which proves that Liberals have done the diametrically opposite......restricted and punished free speech.
Clarify for me: are you the personification of Pinocchio....or simply abysmally, galactically stupid????
Unlike most Americans, including yourself Korean Doll, I'm not dumb as dog shit and being a true Liberal, I will defend your right to say stupid shit to the death. What I won't do is tell you that you have the right to shoot your mouth off and there will be no price to be paid for doing so. If you work for me and you say the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person, you are available to work for someone else, immediately. That's life and it isn't fair but there it is.
That would be way too much blame to assign - but based on your past posts it is apparent that you blame society for everything that doesn't go exactly as your warped sense of self worth dictates. You are not as hopeless as many libtards - but you're still a "Brat"

So far as the rest of your post ...lol ... yes - i am certain in my diagnosis that the mental illness which afflicted you in your childhood has not diminished - but has steadfastly grown with you - there's no hope for people like you - just stiock your thumb back in your mouth [That is your thumb isn't it ?] , sit in a corner , choke your chicken and STFU.

^^^^^ Impetuous, spoiled brat can't have a debate without:

1 Taking unnecessary personal pot-shots..

2 Name calling and uttering unintelligible, immature taunts...

3 Making unfounded, highly inaccurate observations like - "apparent you blame society for everything that doesn't go exactly as your warped sense of self worth dictates." What would you base this on? Go ahead, I'll wait.

You are intellectually dishonest and YOU, YOURSELF, seek to blame others for your own shortcomings, by constantly blaming other people for your own lack of integrity (Hello, Mr. Billy Zane!) and your complete failure to actually contribute to any thread that you unfortunately even bother to post in.

Taking unnecessary personal pot-shots.

No pot shots at a Liberal are unnecessary .

Making unfounded, highly inaccurate observations like - "apparent you blame society for everything that doesn't go exactly as your warped sense of self worth dictates." What would you base this on? Go ahead, I'll wait.

Beg to differ dumbass - they are not unfounded and in all likelihood- not inaccurate. I have a masters degree in Psychology - Master of Science (M.S.) and a bachelors in a semi related field - [recently acquired] and given your apparent low level of level of intelligence and high degree of mental instability -I could probably have you quivering in a corner within a relatively short time span - but there's nothing in it for me . You're an intellectual Bitch and a liberal zombie

So far as the OP "
Unfortunately, Liberals Keep Being Liberals .... What say ye - Bitch
Say whatever you like kiddos but if you lose your job or your life falls apart because of it, that is the price to be paid for shooting your mouth off. Free Speech can be very expensive.
Free Speech can be very expensive in a dictatorship.
Thanks, Liberals.
Liberals gave you Free Speech, but we never said there wouldn't be a price to be paid.
You have posted, several times, to a thread which proves that Liberals have done the diametrically opposite......restricted and punished free speech.
Clarify for me: are you the personification of Pinocchio....or simply abysmally, galactically stupid????
Unlike most Americans, including yourself Korean Doll, I'm not dumb as dog shit and being a true Liberal, I will defend your right to say stupid shit to the death. What I won't do is tell you that you have the right to shoot your mouth off and there will be no price to be paid for doing so. If you work for me and you say the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person, you are available to work for someone else, immediately. That's life and it isn't fair but there it is.

Since only non-Liberal speech is the one that is penalized......in the spirit of the season, I'll give you the benefit of assuming that you are not stupid.

You're a liar.

You have posted, several times, to a thread which proves that Liberals have done the diametrically opposite......restricted and punished free speech.

Clarify for me: are you the personification of Pinocchio....or simply abysmally, galactically stupid????

PC, your way of limiting free speech is to discourage members who's ideas you find repugnant, by attempting to implement negative reinforcement (i.e., calling them "stupid," etc.) and not even addressing their sincere replies to your discombobulated snark.
White Guilt/privilege is a concept taught ion almost every major College/University throughout the land - if you are unfamiliar with it - kindly educate yourself little fella - for at your present level of knowledge you are wholly unqualified to discuss/debate this topic.

... And you are nowhere NEAR qualified enough to be telling other members that they can't participate in a discussion; the moderators will handle that duty, you're just the janitor and quite a lousy one at that.

Read the post bitch - I said "unqualified" never said he couldn't - we have a little thing called freedom of speech on this forum - which is why I am unable to bitch smack you all I want - so long as I stay within certain parameters - so far as "The Janitor" sorry dumb-ass - I'm not even the janitor - just another participant of a much higher caliber than you could ever dream of. Regards
Beg to differ dumbass - they are not unfounded and in all likelihood- not inaccurate. I have a masters degree in Psychology - Master of Science (M.S.) and a bachelors in a semi related field - [recently acquired] and given your apparent low level of level of intelligence and high degree of mental instability -I could probably have you quivering in a corner within a relatively short time span - but there's nothing in it for me . You're an intellectual Bitch and a liberal zombie

So far as the OP "
Unfortunately, Liberals Keep Being Liberals .... What say ye - Bitch

You out yourself as an ordinary and uninteresting schizotypal, with every ridiculously transparent attempt at sounding important that your feeble mind can muster!
Say whatever you like kiddos but if you lose your job or your life falls apart because of it, that is the price to be paid for shooting your mouth off. Free Speech can be very expensive.
Free Speech can be very expensive in a dictatorship.
Thanks, Liberals.
Liberals gave you Free Speech, but we never said there wouldn't be a price to be paid.
You have posted, several times, to a thread which proves that Liberals have done the diametrically opposite......restricted and punished free speech.
Clarify for me: are you the personification of Pinocchio....or simply abysmally, galactically stupid????
Unlike most Americans, including yourself Korean Doll, I'm not dumb as dog shit and being a true Liberal, I will defend your right to say stupid shit to the death. What I won't do is tell you that you have the right to shoot your mouth off and there will be no price to be paid for doing so. If you work for me and you say the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person, you are available to work for someone else, immediately. That's life and it isn't fair but there it is.

Since only non-Liberal speech is the one that is penalized......in the spirit of the season, I'll give you the benefit of assuming that you are not stupid.

You're a liar.

All speech can get you nailed to a tree little friend. This isn't a new thing. Someday you'll just have to accept that and move along.
You have posted, several times, to a thread which proves that Liberals have done the diametrically opposite......restricted and punished free speech.

Clarify for me: are you the personification of Pinocchio....or simply abysmally, galactically stupid????

PC, your way of limiting free speech is to discourage members who's ideas you find repugnant, by attempting to implement negative reinforcement (i.e., calling them "stupid," etc.) and not even addressing their sincere replies to your discombobulated snark.
Oh look the zombie learned a new word = negative reinforcement - If you feel you are not worthy of the "Stupid" moniker than prove it - you've been bitch smacked - are you going to fight back - do you have anything to arm yourself with , or are you just a quivering bitch
Read the post bitch - I said "unqualified" never said he couldn't - we have a little thing called freedom of speech on this forum - which is why I am unable to bitch smack you all I want - so long as I stay within certain parameters - so far as "The Janitor" sorry dumb-ass - I'm not even the janitor - just another participant of a much higher caliber than you could ever dream of. Regards

How about if I PAID you one hundred dollars to stop posting, today? Seriously, please shut your pie hole.

Yes, you certainly are "UNABLE" to bitch-smack me, as we are online, if we weren't you would piss your pants if I walked over to you, because you are nothing but a creepy punk who acts like a bad-ass ... ONLINE!

Last edited:
Beg to differ dumbass - they are not unfounded and in all likelihood- not inaccurate. I have a masters degree in Psychology - Master of Science (M.S.) and a bachelors in a semi related field - [recently acquired] and given your apparent low level of level of intelligence and high degree of mental instability -I could probably have you quivering in a corner within a relatively short time span - but there's nothing in it for me . You're an intellectual Bitch and a liberal zombie

So far as the OP "
Unfortunately, Liberals Keep Being Liberals .... What say ye - Bitch

You out yourself as an ordinary and uninteresting schizotypal, with every ridiculously transparent attempt at sounding important that your feeble mind can muster!
The disorder you are describing is someone who can not maintain close relationships. - Explain the relevance Bitch, or did you just pull that out of your ass ?
You have posted, several times, to a thread which proves that Liberals have done the diametrically opposite......restricted and punished free speech.

Clarify for me: are you the personification of Pinocchio....or simply abysmally, galactically stupid????

PC, your way of limiting free speech is to discourage members who's ideas you find repugnant, by attempting to implement negative reinforcement (i.e., calling them "stupid," etc.) and not even addressing their sincere replies to your discombobulated snark.

So.....what's ya' point???
Read the post bitch - I said "unqualified" never said he couldn't - we have a little thing called freedom of speech on this forum - which is why I am unable to bitch smack you all I want - so long as I stay within certain parameters - so far as "The Janitor" sorry dumb-ass - I'm not even the janitor - just another participant of a much higher caliber than you could ever dream of. Regards

How about if I PAID you one hundred dollars to stop posting, today? Seriously, please shut your pie hole.

Yes, you certainly are "UNABLE" to bitch-smack me, as we are online, if we weren't you would piss your pants if I walked over to you, because you are nothing but a creepy punk who acts like a bad-ass ... ONLINE!

So you want to pay me One Hundred dollars to back off ?? You're funny - see you're starting to quiver and I'm just getting warmed up -you could of course put me on ignore - but then I'd be able to ridicule you to the whole forum without you being able to see my posts - What say Ye - Show me proof that you donated $100 to the Media Research Center or put me on ignore - what say ye bitch ?
Beg to differ dumbass - they are not unfounded and in all likelihood- not inaccurate. I have a masters degree in Psychology - Master of Science (M.S.) and a bachelors in a semi related field - [recently acquired] and given your apparent low level of level of intelligence and high degree of mental instability -I could probably have you quivering in a corner within a relatively short time span - but there's nothing in it for me . You're an intellectual Bitch and a liberal zombie

So far as the OP "
Unfortunately, Liberals Keep Being Liberals .... What say ye - Bitch

You out yourself as an ordinary and uninteresting schizotypal, with every ridiculously transparent attempt at sounding important that your feeble mind can muster!
The disorder you are describing is someone who can not maintain close relationships. - Explain the relevance Bitch, or did you just pull that out of your ass ?

It's abundantly apparent that you have NO CLUE how to interact with ANYONE.

Go back and read your posts, Mr. "I'll Google it to find out what the hell the Mad Cabbie is talking about!"

People don't like you because you act like a complete asshole, so it made you a bitter, small, man who tries to make up for his lack of stature by endlessly insulting other people in order to become somehow relevant - you aren't; you are a pathetic human and a waste of my free time, take care!
Free Speech can be very expensive in a dictatorship.
Thanks, Liberals.
Liberals gave you Free Speech, but we never said there wouldn't be a price to be paid.
You have posted, several times, to a thread which proves that Liberals have done the diametrically opposite......restricted and punished free speech.
Clarify for me: are you the personification of Pinocchio....or simply abysmally, galactically stupid????
Unlike most Americans, including yourself Korean Doll, I'm not dumb as dog shit and being a true Liberal, I will defend your right to say stupid shit to the death. What I won't do is tell you that you have the right to shoot your mouth off and there will be no price to be paid for doing so. If you work for me and you say the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person, you are available to work for someone else, immediately. That's life and it isn't fair but there it is.

Since only non-Liberal speech is the one that is penalized......in the spirit of the season, I'll give you the benefit of assuming that you are not stupid.

You're a liar.

All speech can get you nailed to a tree little friend. This isn't a new thing. Someday you'll just have to accept that and move along.

Perhaps I was wrong....maybe you are stupid.

"Students Rally Around Peer With ‘No Sympathy’ For Dead Cops At $60,000-A-Year Brandeis
“i have no sympathy for the nypd officers who were murdered today,” Lynch had spouted on Saturday afternoon.

“lmao, all i just really dont have sympathy for the cops who were shot. i hate this racist fucking country,” the junior also tweeted.
“We recognize your right to speak freely,” the Asian-American students publicly told Lynch. However, the group pointedly did not recognize Mael’s right to speak freely. It did end its email with the hashtag “‪#‎StandWithKhadijah.”
Brandeis Students Rally Around Cop-Hating Student The Daily Caller

In Liberalville....only Liberals have free speech.
Beg to differ dumbass - they are not unfounded and in all likelihood- not inaccurate. I have a masters degree in Psychology - Master of Science (M.S.) and a bachelors in a semi related field - [recently acquired] and given your apparent low level of level of intelligence and high degree of mental instability -I could probably have you quivering in a corner within a relatively short time span - but there's nothing in it for me . You're an intellectual Bitch and a liberal zombie

So far as the OP "
Unfortunately, Liberals Keep Being Liberals .... What say ye - Bitch

You out yourself as an ordinary and uninteresting schizotypal, with every ridiculously transparent attempt at sounding important that your feeble mind can muster!
The disorder you are describing is someone who can not maintain close relationships. - Explain the relevance Bitch, or did you just pull that out of your ass ?

It's abundantly apparent that you have NO CLUE how to interact with ANYONE.

Go back and read your posts, Mr. "I'll Google it to find out what the hell the Mad Cabbie is talking about!"

People don't like you because you act like a complete asshole, so it made you a bitter, small, man who tries to make up for his lack of stature by endlessly insulting other people in order to become somehow relevant - you aren't; you are a pathetic human and a waste of my free time, take care!

Do you see me insulting other conservatives ?? There's even a few Liberals I have respect for - very few [lol] - No I prefer to pick on the lame and mentally unstable - such as yourself - sometimes a good boot up the ass is what people such as yourself need . Feel free to try and kick me back -if you can .... now I'm gonna lay back a tad, out of respect for the other posters and I'll be looking for proof of that donation to the Media Research Center - regards and have a nice day bitch.

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