Unhinged David Hogg loses it, calls for Marvelous Michelle Obama to run in 2020: "End This Madness!"

Michelle was in the White House for 8 years, Parkland happened under her and Trump's watch!

David Hogg calls for Michelle Obama to run in 2020: 'End this madness'

"Parkland happened under her and Trump's watch"? Hate to tell you, but the Parkland shooting happened on 14 Feb, 2018, over a year after Michelle left the WH with Barack.

What the hell are you smoking, and what did you lace it with?
are you arguing that she couldn't have implemented policies that would have prevented Parkland? you're stupid.

Actually, even if she did put some policies in place, with the way Trump spent his first year feverishly trying to undo everything that Obama had put in place, no, Trump would have gotten rid of them with an EO.

Trying to lay the blame at Michelle's feet is just stupid.
You do realize the people that voted for Trump and the Libertarian candidate were in dire straits because of Obama’s policies?
David Hogg's sister Lauren said she was "wailing demonically" after the Parkland shooting, scaring her parents.

never again, folks, never again!
Emma Gonzalez is 18 Cuban and bisexual. she's so indecisive that she cant pick a favorite color. she likes to draw and do all kinds of things with her hands while watching Netflix...people are telling her to run for president when she comes of age.
Nik Cruz described to police a demon voice in his head that said: "burn, kill, destroy"...he described himself as worthless and stupid...a coward...he repeatedly said he wanted to die...THAT CAN BE ARRANGED! DEATH PENALTY!
Cameron Kasky came up with the hashtag #NeverAgain on his toilet in his Ghostbusters pajamas, he told The New Yorker. THAT'S THE POWER OF CHANGE! THAT'S THE POWER OF CHANGE!
Hogg's rules:

no singling out of Republicans.
no endorsing any candidates, just ideas.
no contradiction of each other or bickering on twitter, that just emboldens the NRA.

they've certainly stayed true to those rules, especially no endorsing of candidates. these kids are an example to us all.
BREAKING: "City of Aurora, Illinois has issued active shooter alert in industrial area. Reports say multiple people have been shot."

This. Is. The. Goddamned. National. Emergency. Aurora, Illinois
Whenever I hear about that twit i think of this song!

BREAKING: "City of Aurora, Illinois has issued active shooter alert in industrial area. Reports say multiple people have been shot."

This. Is. The. Goddamned. National. Emergency. Aurora, Illinois

Indeed it is, denying people the ability to defend themselves is a emergency.
Hogg is converting the narrative of "angry kids" to pro-active kids, taking control of his own destiny.

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