Unhinged Sarah Silverman was "scared, started freaking out" when boyfriend hoisted the US flag

So Jews all hate flags? Perhaps you can explain why they don't hate the Israeli flag?
Like watching the blind lead the blind...

More like you pulling shit outa your hole
Well it was your hole...

“I had no idea why I was freaking out,” Silverman explained. “I just — I had this very visceral reaction, and my sister, who knows s**t because she’s a rabbi in Israel, explained to me, she was like, ‘Dude, nationalism is innately terrifying for Jews. Think about it: flags, marching, blind allegiance? These things tend to ring a bell for us.'”

“Right,” Silverman added. “Of course. Duh. It made sense.”

Is there more?
Silverman segued into a talk about nationalism, which she ultimately ended up calling “tacky.”

The liberal comedian noted that patriotism is loving your country, while nationalism is saying, “We’re number one!”

Later in her monologue, Silverman added, “I fear that that ‘We’re number one’ nationalism is really like an old bed buddy of racism and xenophobia.”
Liberal comedian says she was ‘scared,’ ‘shaken,’ ‘freaking out’ when boyfriend flew American flag

I've seen some dipshit half assed posters before but you guys take the cake....Have a good night...
So the simple act of flying a non Israeli flag is nationalism now huh so all post offices all military bases schools and government buildings are practicing nationalism I swear you lefties are beyond stupid.
So the simple act of flying a non Israeli flag is nationalism now huh so all post offices all military bases schools and government buildings are practicing nationalism I swear you lefties are beyond stupid.
It's a Jew thang...


why is it always the most unhinged people like you who start threads calling others unhinged?

Why is they u present one red herring after another and never condemn utter nonsense from the left. Are you really that partisan?

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Look at their horrified, sobbing, raging, Mexican-flag-waving convulsions they had every time Trump mentioned putting American interests first. Liberals are the most stinking, disloyal, ungrateful traitors in the history of any country. Those filthy gutter rats without a speck of honor.
Why is Silverman even famous anyway? She was funny only once - count it, ONCE - and that's when she wrote that guitar Christmas song about "Santa Claus giving the Hebrew girl a gift." Hell, anyone on USMB who's familiar with my posts knows I'm funnier than she ever was! In a stand-up comedy contest, who do you think would win, me or her? Be honest.
What an unfunny broad (except when she's taking herself seriously - that shit is hilarious).


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