Unintended Consequences when LIBERALISM takes control.....

Murder in ‘The Jungle': Deadly mass shooting at Seattle homeless camp deepens crisis
Two homeless men had been fatally shot inside of a tent, police said. Three other homeless people, including two women, were injured in the shooting, which cops called “very targeted.”

The deadly incident underlined the mayor’s desperate plea for state and federal assistance to combat vagrancy in Seattle. In November, after 66 homeless died during the year in King County, Murray declared a state of emergency, comparing the epidemic of deaths to a natural disaster.
So lets keep allowing the HORDE to cross the border, then put them in these concentration camps, then allow more to come in and perform executions and those that do SURVIVE, we can send to the emergency room and give the ACA.(See I did bring ACA into this). Liberal compassion, without it more people would be alive today.

And who'll oversee those concentration camps, Obergrupenfuhrer?
World faces wave of epic debt defaults, fears central bank veteran
The global financial system has become dangerously unstable and faces an avalanche of bankruptcies that will test social and political stability, a leading monetary theorist has warned.
"The situation is worse than it was in 2007. Our macroeconomic ammunition to fight downturns is essentially all used up," said William White, the Swiss-based chairman of the OECD's review committee and former chief economist of the Bank for International.
Back in 2007 George Bush was president and the liberal blamed him for the crash. That was 9 years ago, and who has been the president of the US since? Barrack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm, and his policies of extreme radical far left liberalism has created this mess. Liberals have no clue about economics, only ways to steal from one person and give it to another. When those who work get tired of the theft, then there is no more money. Now we are seeing its effect. Liberalism is all about equality. Everyone will be equally poor and equally miserable, unless you are a liberal elite, like Al Gore, George Soros, Bill Clinton, Warren Buffet and many others. They got theirs but we cant have ours.

They know the answers to the questions.

Stop replying to her stupid posts and maybe she'll stop wasting bandwidth like she wastes oxygen.
Remember this ?

How Obamacare is cutting your salary -- and your vacation budget
Economic reality is catching up with the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, according to two recent reports.

The problem is that while acts of Congress can be repealed, the basic laws of economics cannot. In this case, the law in question is one that most students are taught on the first day of economics class: There is no such thing as a free lunch. Someone always pays.

Obamacare: Voters, are you stupid? - CNN.com
Obamacare: Liberal Voters, are you stupid?
Remember this ?

How could we forget? One of you replays it at least once a week.

What can be said about a political POV that relies on indoctrination by repetition and an obsession with photos and soundbites? Hmmm...
Remember this ?

How could we forget? One of you replays it at least once a week.

What can be said about a political POV that relies on indoctrination by repetition and an obsession with photos and soundbites? Hmmm...

I have to keep reminding you liberals(who sit in your parents basement, smoking dope, and bitching how your lives suck) who has made your life that way. When you keep voting for Socialists, who steal your money through taxation and make themselves very rich, an adult needs to tell you who is at fault. Elections have consequences, just like with Obummercare, many more are finding out they were screwed.
Remember this ?

How could we forget? One of you replays it at least once a week.

What can be said about a political POV that relies on indoctrination by repetition and an obsession with photos and soundbites? Hmmm...

And life sucks for you , when I keep pointing out how stupid you were for voting for Obama. Jonathan Gruber called you stupid, I am just repeating what he said.
Remember this ?

How could we forget? One of you replays it at least once a week.

What can be said about a political POV that relies on indoctrination by repetition and an obsession with photos and soundbites? Hmmm...

And life sucks for you.

My life is fine. You're the one starting these ANGRY THREADS!!!111!

Post it again.

You libtards always call the TRUTH, angry threads. ROTFLMAO.
Remember this ?

How could we forget? One of you replays it at least once a week.

What can be said about a political POV that relies on indoctrination by repetition and an obsession with photos and soundbites? Hmmm...

And life sucks for you.

My life is fine. You're the one starting these ANGRY THREADS!!!111!

Post it again.

You libtards always call the TRUTH, angry threads. ROTFLMAO.

If you're not angry, why do you have to CAPITALIZE in the middle of a sentence?

How would you characterize your OP?
Remember this ?

How could we forget? One of you replays it at least once a week.

What can be said about a political POV that relies on indoctrination by repetition and an obsession with photos and soundbites? Hmmm...

And life sucks for you.

My life is fine. You're the one starting these ANGRY THREADS!!!111!

Post it again.

You libtards always call the TRUTH, angry threads. ROTFLMAO.

If you're not angry, why do you have to CAPITALIZE in the middle of a sentence?

How would you characterize your OP?

Just emphasizing the important words. You know like TRUTH, that sure seems to make you libs very angry. And also you rant and rave when I put up your Muslim in Chief, and what he said, but you forgot. Maybe if you cut back on the drugs.....


Liberal voters are Homer Simpsons, Conservatives have a brain and are not afraid to use them.
How could we forget? One of you replays it at least once a week.

What can be said about a political POV that relies on indoctrination by repetition and an obsession with photos and soundbites? Hmmm...
And life sucks for you.

My life is fine. You're the one starting these ANGRY THREADS!!!111!

Post it again.
You libtards always call the TRUTH, angry threads. ROTFLMAO.

If you're not angry, why do you have to CAPITALIZE in the middle of a sentence?

How would you characterize your OP?
Just emphasizing the important words. You know like TRUTH, that sure seems to make you libs very angry. And also you rant and rave when I put up your Muslim in Chief, and what he said, but you forgot. Maybe if you cut back on the drugs.....

View attachment 62172

Liberal voters are Homer Simpsons, Conservatives have a brain and are not afraid to use them.

Cool rant, off-topic again. Post it again.
Remember this ?

How could we forget? One of you replays it at least once a week.

What can be said about a political POV that relies on indoctrination by repetition and an obsession with photos and soundbites? Hmmm...

And life sucks for you.

My life is fine. You're the one starting these ANGRY THREADS!!!111!

Post it again.

How about those 94 million who have stopped looking for work, because Obamanomics have made it harder to find 40 hour work weeks? Or those who cannot afford ACA so are opting out of paying and cant even afford to pay the penalty? Sure am glad that you are fine, typical of a liberal to think only of him/herself while others around them are suffering. But then again, this is the fundamental transformation of America where everyone will be equal, equally poor and equally miserable. That is liberalism in a nutshell.

Remember this ?

How could we forget? One of you replays it at least once a week.

What can be said about a political POV that relies on indoctrination by repetition and an obsession with photos and soundbites? Hmmm...

And life sucks for you.

My life is fine. You're the one starting these ANGRY THREADS!!!111!

Post it again.

How about those 94 million who have stopped looking for work, because Obamanomics have made it harder to find 40 hour work weeks? Or those who cannot afford ACA so are opting out of paying and cant even afford to pay the penalty? Sure am glad that you are fine, typical of a liberal to think only of him/herself while others around them are suffering. But then again, this is the fundamental transformation of America where everyone will be equal, equally poor and equally miserable. That is liberalism in a nutshell.

View attachment 62277

94 million people have not stopped looking for work. Have you stopped beating your wife?

You truly are brain-dead.
Remember this ?

How could we forget? One of you replays it at least once a week.

What can be said about a political POV that relies on indoctrination by repetition and an obsession with photos and soundbites? Hmmm...

And life sucks for you.

My life is fine. You're the one starting these ANGRY THREADS!!!111!

Post it again.

How about those 94 million who have stopped looking for work, because Obamanomics have made it harder to find 40 hour work weeks? Or those who cannot afford ACA so are opting out of paying and cant even afford to pay the penalty? Sure am glad that you are fine, typical of a liberal to think only of him/herself while others around them are suffering. But then again, this is the fundamental transformation of America where everyone will be equal, equally poor and equally miserable. That is liberalism in a nutshell.

View attachment 62277

94 million people have not stopped looking for work. Have you stopped beating your wife?

You truly are brain-dead.

More Americans than ever before are not working
More Americans than ever before are not working with 92 MILLION people out of the workforce.
94,446,000 Americans NOT In Work Force - Breitbart
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 94,446,000 people (ages 16 and over) in the U.S. were neither employed nor had made an effort to find work in the prior four weeks during the month of October.
Call me brain dead all you want, but until you pull your HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS, then you will continue to look like the idiot you are. It is hard to see what is happening in the world when your ears and eyes are full of shit.

How could we forget? One of you replays it at least once a week.

What can be said about a political POV that relies on indoctrination by repetition and an obsession with photos and soundbites? Hmmm...
And life sucks for you.

My life is fine. You're the one starting these ANGRY THREADS!!!111!

Post it again.
How about those 94 million who have stopped looking for work, because Obamanomics have made it harder to find 40 hour work weeks? Or those who cannot afford ACA so are opting out of paying and cant even afford to pay the penalty? Sure am glad that you are fine, typical of a liberal to think only of him/herself while others around them are suffering. But then again, this is the fundamental transformation of America where everyone will be equal, equally poor and equally miserable. That is liberalism in a nutshell.

View attachment 62277
94 million people have not stopped looking for work. Have you stopped beating your wife?

You truly are brain-dead.
More Americans than ever before are not working
More Americans than ever before are not working with 92 MILLION people out of the workforce.
94,446,000 Americans NOT In Work Force - Breitbart
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 94,446,000 people (ages 16 and over) in the U.S. were neither employed nor had made an effort to find work in the prior four weeks during the month of October.
Call me brain dead all you want, but until you pull your HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS, then you will continue to look like the idiot you are. It is hard to see what is happening in the world when your ears and eyes are full of shit.

View attachment 62280
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The links you posted discuss how there are 94 million people not looking for work.

That was not your claim.

Your moronic claim was that 94 million people "stopped looking for work."

Your links don't support your idiocy. :mm:
And life sucks for you.

My life is fine. You're the one starting these ANGRY THREADS!!!111!

Post it again.
How about those 94 million who have stopped looking for work, because Obamanomics have made it harder to find 40 hour work weeks? Or those who cannot afford ACA so are opting out of paying and cant even afford to pay the penalty? Sure am glad that you are fine, typical of a liberal to think only of him/herself while others around them are suffering. But then again, this is the fundamental transformation of America where everyone will be equal, equally poor and equally miserable. That is liberalism in a nutshell.

View attachment 62277
94 million people have not stopped looking for work. Have you stopped beating your wife?

You truly are brain-dead.
More Americans than ever before are not working
More Americans than ever before are not working with 92 MILLION people out of the workforce.
94,446,000 Americans NOT In Work Force - Breitbart
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 94,446,000 people (ages 16 and over) in the U.S. were neither employed nor had made an effort to find work in the prior four weeks during the month of October.
Call me brain dead all you want, but until you pull your HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS, then you will continue to look like the idiot you are. It is hard to see what is happening in the world when your ears and eyes are full of shit.

View attachment 62280
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The links you posted discuss how there are 94 million people not looking for work.

That was not your claim.

Your moronic claim was that 94 million people "stopped looking for work."

Your links don't support your idiocy. :mm:
In Obama's roaring economy why aren't they working? Because they cant find a fucking job, so they don't bother to look and are collecting WELFARE. My, my, my how dumb you are. Can I call you Bimbo?
My life is fine. You're the one starting these ANGRY THREADS!!!111!

Post it again.
How about those 94 million who have stopped looking for work, because Obamanomics have made it harder to find 40 hour work weeks? Or those who cannot afford ACA so are opting out of paying and cant even afford to pay the penalty? Sure am glad that you are fine, typical of a liberal to think only of him/herself while others around them are suffering. But then again, this is the fundamental transformation of America where everyone will be equal, equally poor and equally miserable. That is liberalism in a nutshell.

View attachment 62277
94 million people have not stopped looking for work. Have you stopped beating your wife?

You truly are brain-dead.
More Americans than ever before are not working
More Americans than ever before are not working with 92 MILLION people out of the workforce.
94,446,000 Americans NOT In Work Force - Breitbart
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 94,446,000 people (ages 16 and over) in the U.S. were neither employed nor had made an effort to find work in the prior four weeks during the month of October.
Call me brain dead all you want, but until you pull your HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS, then you will continue to look like the idiot you are. It is hard to see what is happening in the world when your ears and eyes are full of shit.

View attachment 62280
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The links you posted discuss how there are 94 million people not looking for work.

That was not your claim.

Your moronic claim was that 94 million people "stopped looking for work."

Your links don't support your idiocy. :mm:
In Obama's roaring economy why aren't they working? Because they cant find a fucking job, so they don't bother to look and are collecting WELFARE. My, my, my how dumb you are. Can I call you Bimbo?
Many aren't working because they're in school. Many aren't working because they stay at home raising their kids while their spouse goes to work. Many aren't working because they retired. Many are working but not reporting their job because they don't report their income.

See why I say you're brain-dead? None of this even occurred to you.

And again, since you didn't address it ... you moronically claimed 94 million people "stopped looking for work." Yet the articles you linked don't support your idiocy.

As far as calling me names... why would I care what a brain-dead conservative calls me? :dunno: Call me what ever makes you feel better. I'm still gonna highlight your lunacy.
And life sucks for you.

My life is fine. You're the one starting these ANGRY THREADS!!!111!

Post it again.
How about those 94 million who have stopped looking for work, because Obamanomics have made it harder to find 40 hour work weeks? Or those who cannot afford ACA so are opting out of paying and cant even afford to pay the penalty? Sure am glad that you are fine, typical of a liberal to think only of him/herself while others around them are suffering. But then again, this is the fundamental transformation of America where everyone will be equal, equally poor and equally miserable. That is liberalism in a nutshell.

View attachment 62277
94 million people have not stopped looking for work. Have you stopped beating your wife?

You truly are brain-dead.
More Americans than ever before are not working
More Americans than ever before are not working with 92 MILLION people out of the workforce.
94,446,000 Americans NOT In Work Force - Breitbart
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 94,446,000 people (ages 16 and over) in the U.S. were neither employed nor had made an effort to find work in the prior four weeks during the month of October.
Call me brain dead all you want, but until you pull your HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS, then you will continue to look like the idiot you are. It is hard to see what is happening in the world when your ears and eyes are full of shit.

View attachment 62280
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The links you posted discuss how there are 94 million people not looking for work.

That was not your claim.

Your moronic claim was that 94 million people "stopped looking for work."

Your links don't support your idiocy. :mm:
Oh let me see if I get this straight. Could it be like the meaning of "IS" is?
I mean if 94 million people are not looking for work, then at one time they "STOPPED" looking for work(or they could of just come out of failed public education) . Are you a teachers aide or something?

My life is fine. You're the one starting these ANGRY THREADS!!!111!

Post it again.
How about those 94 million who have stopped looking for work, because Obamanomics have made it harder to find 40 hour work weeks? Or those who cannot afford ACA so are opting out of paying and cant even afford to pay the penalty? Sure am glad that you are fine, typical of a liberal to think only of him/herself while others around them are suffering. But then again, this is the fundamental transformation of America where everyone will be equal, equally poor and equally miserable. That is liberalism in a nutshell.

View attachment 62277
94 million people have not stopped looking for work. Have you stopped beating your wife?

You truly are brain-dead.
More Americans than ever before are not working
More Americans than ever before are not working with 92 MILLION people out of the workforce.
94,446,000 Americans NOT In Work Force - Breitbart
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 94,446,000 people (ages 16 and over) in the U.S. were neither employed nor had made an effort to find work in the prior four weeks during the month of October.
Call me brain dead all you want, but until you pull your HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS, then you will continue to look like the idiot you are. It is hard to see what is happening in the world when your ears and eyes are full of shit.

View attachment 62280
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The links you posted discuss how there are 94 million people not looking for work.

That was not your claim.

Your moronic claim was that 94 million people "stopped looking for work."

Your links don't support your idiocy. :mm:
Oh let me see if I get this straight. Could it be like the meaning of "IS" is?
I mean if 94 million people are not looking for work, then at one time they "STOPPED" looking for work(or they could of just come out of failed public education) . Are you a teachers aide or something?

View attachment 62283

A senior citizen retires ... when did they "stop looking for work?"

Students in high school and college who never had a job nor ever looked for one ... when did they "stop looking for work?"

People who work in the shadow economy ... when did they "stop looking for work?"
How about those 94 million who have stopped looking for work, because Obamanomics have made it harder to find 40 hour work weeks? Or those who cannot afford ACA so are opting out of paying and cant even afford to pay the penalty? Sure am glad that you are fine, typical of a liberal to think only of him/herself while others around them are suffering. But then again, this is the fundamental transformation of America where everyone will be equal, equally poor and equally miserable. That is liberalism in a nutshell.

View attachment 62277
94 million people have not stopped looking for work. Have you stopped beating your wife?

You truly are brain-dead.
More Americans than ever before are not working
More Americans than ever before are not working with 92 MILLION people out of the workforce.
94,446,000 Americans NOT In Work Force - Breitbart
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 94,446,000 people (ages 16 and over) in the U.S. were neither employed nor had made an effort to find work in the prior four weeks during the month of October.
Call me brain dead all you want, but until you pull your HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS, then you will continue to look like the idiot you are. It is hard to see what is happening in the world when your ears and eyes are full of shit.

View attachment 62280
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The links you posted discuss how there are 94 million people not looking for work.

That was not your claim.

Your moronic claim was that 94 million people "stopped looking for work."

Your links don't support your idiocy. :mm:
In Obama's roaring economy why aren't they working? Because they cant find a fucking job, so they don't bother to look and are collecting WELFARE. My, my, my how dumb you are. Can I call you Bimbo?
Many aren't working because they're in school. Many aren't working because they stay at home raising their kids while their spouse goes to work. Many aren't working because they retired. Many are working but not reporting their job because they don't report their income.

See why I say you're brain-dead? None of this even occurred to you.

And again, since you didn't address it ... you moronically claimed 94 million people "stopped looking for work." Yet the articles you linked don't support your idiocy.

As far as calling me names... why would I care what a brain-dead conservative calls me? :dunno: Call me what ever makes you feel better. I'm still gonna highlight your lunacy.
Now that you have had your nice rant, maybe we can get back to why America is bleeding trillions of dollars, the most in poverty ever in the history of America, hordes of illegal crossing the border, and the Dictator in Chief just sits back and bashes American Citizens for not trusting Muslims. Oh well, sure am glad you aren't one of those 94 million, but with the way Obamanomics is working, your pink slip could be coming in the next few weeks. But then you can blame Bush for all your troubles, which is typical of a failed liberal.

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