Unintended Consequences when LIBERALISM takes control.....

^ Post it again.
World faces wave of epic debt defaults, fears central bank veteran
The global financial system has become dangerously unstable and faces an avalanche of bankruptcies that will test social and political stability, a leading monetary theorist has warned.
"The situation is worse than it was in 2007. Our macroeconomic ammunition to fight downturns is essentially all used up," said William White, the Swiss-based chairman of the OECD's review committee and former chief economist of the Bank for International.
Back in 2007 George Bush was president and the liberal blamed him for the crash. That was 9 years ago, and who has been the president of the US since? Barrack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm, and his policies of extreme radical far left liberalism has created this mess. Liberals have no clue about economics, only ways to steal from one person and give it to another. When those who work get tired of the theft, then there is no more money. Now we are seeing its effect. Liberalism is all about equality. Everyone will be equally poor and equally miserable, unless you are a liberal elite, like Al Gore, George Soros, Bill Clinton, Warren Buffet and many others. They got theirs but we cant have ours.
World faces wave of epic debt defaults, fears central bank veteran
The global financial system has become dangerously unstable and faces an avalanche of bankruptcies that will test social and political stability, a leading monetary theorist has warned.
"The situation is worse than it was in 2007. Our macroeconomic ammunition to fight downturns is essentially all used up," said William White, the Swiss-based chairman of the OECD's review committee and former chief economist of the Bank for International.
Back in 2007 George Bush was president and the liberal blamed him for the crash. That was 9 years ago, and who has been the president of the US since? Barrack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm, and his policies of extreme radical far left liberalism has created this mess. Liberals have no clue about economics, only ways to steal from one person and give it to another. When those who work get tired of the theft, then there is no more money. Now we are seeing its effect. Liberalism is all about equality. Everyone will be equally poor and equally miserable, unless you are a liberal elite, like Al Gore, George Soros, Bill Clinton, Warren Buffet and many others. They got theirs but we cant have ours.

What does this have to do with the PPACA?
World faces wave of epic debt defaults, fears central bank veteran
The global financial system has become dangerously unstable and faces an avalanche of bankruptcies that will test social and political stability, a leading monetary theorist has warned.
"The situation is worse than it was in 2007. Our macroeconomic ammunition to fight downturns is essentially all used up," said William White, the Swiss-based chairman of the OECD's review committee and former chief economist of the Bank for International.
Back in 2007 George Bush was president and the liberal blamed him for the crash. That was 9 years ago, and who has been the president of the US since? Barrack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm, and his policies of extreme radical far left liberalism has created this mess. Liberals have no clue about economics, only ways to steal from one person and give it to another. When those who work get tired of the theft, then there is no more money. Now we are seeing its effect. Liberalism is all about equality. Everyone will be equally poor and equally miserable, unless you are a liberal elite, like Al Gore, George Soros, Bill Clinton, Warren Buffet and many others. They got theirs but we cant have ours.

What does this have to do with the PPACA?
If the ACA didn't take over 2/3rds of the economy and allowed it to be free in market, maybe this downward spiral wouldn't be happening. The world will never know. libtards are dumber than a box of rocks.
I know you don't want to talk about the death spiral of the DOW and S &P and squirrel away from the discussion of it. So you can just keep your head up your ass, and watch trillions of dollars disappear, err, you wont see trillions of dollars disappear, but you will see a lot of shit up where your head is.
I know you don't want to talk about the death spiral of the DOW and S &P and squirrel away from the discussion of it. So you can just keep your head up your ass, and watch trillions of dollars disappear, err, you wont see trillions of dollars disappear, but you will see a lot of shit up where your head is.

I'm waiting for you to show that the ACA "took over two-thirds of the economy." Please show the data.
how would we know until we have had years of capitalism to set the free market price!!! See why we are positive that a liberal will be too slow to understand how capitalism works

Kindly give us an example of a genuinely capitalist (by your definition) system and show how it makes cancer treatments as cheap as a bag of Doritos.

100% stupid!! Red China had communism and the instant they switched to capitalism they eliminated 40% of the entire world's poverty!

See why we have to be 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance!!!

Kindly give us an example of a genuinely capitalist (by your definition) system and show how it makes cancer treatments as cheap as a bag of Doritos.

I don't recall him claiming it was that cheap.

This is a classic tactic of yours....to ascribe things to people they never said.

Cheap is a relative term.....moron.
how would we know until we have had years of capitalism to set the free market price!!! See why we are positive that a liberal will be too slow to understand how capitalism works

Kindly give us an example of a genuinely capitalist (by your definition) system and show how it makes cancer treatments as cheap as a bag of Doritos.

100% stupid!! Red China had communism and the instant they switched to capitalism they eliminated 40% of the entire world's poverty!

See why we have to be 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance!!!

Kindly give us an example of a genuinely capitalist (by your definition) system and show how it makes cancer treatments as cheap as a bag of Doritos.

I don't recall him claiming it was that cheap.

And you have no problem with anything else he's posted? Remarkable.
Kindly give us an example of a genuinely capitalist (by your definition) system and show how it makes cancer treatments as cheap as a bag of Doritos.

dear pure genuine capitalism or communism does not exist so asking for an example is stupid and liberal. A cancer cure and a car get commonly affordable over time under capitalism because capitalism forces the price down to the lowest possible level.

Do you understand now?
Kindly give us an example of a genuinely capitalist (by your definition) system and show how it makes cancer treatments as cheap as a bag of Doritos.

dear pure genuine capitalism or communism does not exist so asking for an example is stupid and liberal. A cancer cure and a car get commonly affordable over time under capitalism because capitalism forces the price down to the lowest possible level.

Do you understand now?

Sun Devil 92 apparently has no problem with your posts. Talk to him.
Kindly give us an example of a genuinely capitalist (by your definition) system and show how it makes cancer treatments as cheap as a bag of Doritos.

dear pure genuine capitalism or communism does not exist so asking for an example is stupid and liberal. A cancer cure and a car get commonly affordable over time under capitalism because capitalism forces the price down to the lowest possible level.

Do you understand now?

Sun Devil 92 apparently has no problem with your posts. Talk to him.

translation: I lack the IQ to respond.
how would we know until we have had years of capitalism to set the free market price!!! See why we are positive that a liberal will be too slow to understand how capitalism works

Kindly give us an example of a genuinely capitalist (by your definition) system and show how it makes cancer treatments as cheap as a bag of Doritos.

100% stupid!! Red China had communism and the instant they switched to capitalism they eliminated 40% of the entire world's poverty!

See why we have to be 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance!!!

Kindly give us an example of a genuinely capitalist (by your definition) system and show how it makes cancer treatments as cheap as a bag of Doritos.

I don't recall him claiming it was that cheap.

And you have no problem with anything else he's posted? Remarkable.

What I have a problem with is your self-righteous attitude that makes you think you can make things up.

Did I say I had no problem with what he posted ?

Can you show me where I said that ?

Please...right after showing us where UHC lied (with your vaporous primary sources).
Murder in ‘The Jungle': Deadly mass shooting at Seattle homeless camp deepens crisis
Two homeless men had been fatally shot inside of a tent, police said. Three other homeless people, including two women, were injured in the shooting, which cops called “very targeted.”

The deadly incident underlined the mayor’s desperate plea for state and federal assistance to combat vagrancy in Seattle. In November, after 66 homeless died during the year in King County, Murray declared a state of emergency, comparing the epidemic of deaths to a natural disaster.
So lets keep allowing the HORDE to cross the border, then put them in these concentration camps, then allow more to come in and perform executions and those that do SURVIVE, we can send to the emergency room and give the ACA.(See I did bring ACA into this). Liberal compassion, without it more people would be alive today.
New lawsuit seeks replacement of Flint's lead pipes
Environmental and civil rights groups are asking a federal judge to order the prompt replacement of all lead pipes in Flint's water system to ensure residents of the Michigan city have a safe drinking supply.
For many years, the Democrats have had the city and state houses and during that time, instead of fixing problems that were going to show up in the future, they pandered to special interest unions, promised many pay raises to those unions, and raised taxes to pay for them. So now that the golden goose has fled to friendlier places, we find infrastructure breaking down, poor and miserable Democrat voters bitching that they are left with the cesspool. So we can see the unintended consequences when liberals are in charge, and now that the US healthcare system has been put in the care of the liberals, we are going to see it look like Flint a few years down the road. If it inst broke, then a liberal hasn't been put in charge yet. If it is broke, then the liberal in charge is going to blame the local Republican.

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