Unintended Consequences when LIBERALISM takes control.....

Dow sheds 200 after jobs report; Fed eyed
U.S. equities fell on Friday as mixed U.S. employment data raised concerns that the Federal Reserve may raise rates this year.

The U.S. economy added 151,000 jobs in January, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Friday. Economists were expecting a gain of 190,000. The unemployment rate, however, fell to 4.9 percent from 5.0 percent, while wages rose 0.5 percent.
Hope you don't bust a blood vessel with this information. I guess pretty soon the Experts will be looking for 100,000 jobs as the normal and when it is 90,000 then it wont look so bad. By the way,

GEORGE BUSH - has been out of office now for over 7 years. You know who owns this economy? BARRACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, mmm,mmm,mmm. the only thing missing from the little Nazi's is the swastika symbol on their sleeves.

Why would I "bust a blood vessel" over that? The stock market is a long term investment. Though my 401K is down from recent months, it's more than double what it was when George Bush left office.

Yes , you already said that you don't give a rats ass, to those less fortunate. But how can your 401K be down with the economy in recovery? Clinton might strengthen Social Security by taxing investments
Clinton might strengthen Social Security by taxing investments
If the Vagina gets in the Rainblow House, your 401K would be in the tank, as everyone would be bailing out on the market. Then you could join the rest of American living in Obamaville.

View attachment 62425

You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

I didn't say I don't care about the less fortunate.

a) I was talking about folks who don't want to work. How does that make them less fortunate? Seems to me, people in a position to not have to work are not less fortunate.

b) I didn't say I don't care about them, I said I don't care what "YOU" do with them. Why would I care about anything you want to do?

Nov 14, 2011
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I don't care what you do with them, they don't want to work. You're an idiot for portraying them as though they lost their job and can't find another.

Need me to define the word, "you," for you?
12 eerie images of enormous Chinese cities completely empty of people
Throughout China, there are hundreds of cities that have almost everything one needs for a modern, urban lifestyle: high-rise apartment complexes, developed waterfronts, skyscrapers, and even public art. Everything, that is, except one major factor: the people.
Back in the 1960s LBJ tried this with black people in Chicago called "the Projects" that went over real well. Russia did this when it was the U.S.S.R. where no one owned anything and everyone lived in these apartments and if they didn't like it, ended up in a gulag or dead. The liberals(Socialists) of today want to take your property away, force you to live like the Chinese, and if you don't like it , will put you in education readjustment camps. That way the have better control of US people who they deem stupid like the architect Jonathan Gruber did when he got Obamacare passed. Problem with this liberal plan... see 2nd amendment.
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12 eerie images of enormous Chinese cities completely empty of people
Throughout China, there are hundreds of cities that have almost everything one needs for a modern, urban lifestyle: high-rise apartment complexes, developed waterfronts, skyscrapers, and even public art. Everything, that is, except one major factor: the people.
Back in the 1960s LBJ tried this with black people in Chicago called "the Projects" that went over real well. Russia did this when it was the U.S.S.R. where no one owned anything and everyone lived in these apartments and if they didn't like it, ended up in a gulag or dead. The liberals(Socialists) of today want to take your property away, force you to live like the Chinese, and if you don't like it , will put you in education readjustment camps. That way the have better control of US people who they deem stupid. Problem with this liberal plan... see 2nd amendment.

Still don't see any mention of the PPACA, health insurance, health care, or much of anything there...
12 eerie images of enormous Chinese cities completely empty of people
Throughout China, there are hundreds of cities that have almost everything one needs for a modern, urban lifestyle: high-rise apartment complexes, developed waterfronts, skyscrapers, and even public art. Everything, that is, except one major factor: the people.
Back in the 1960s LBJ tried this with black people in Chicago called "the Projects" that went over real well. Russia did this when it was the U.S.S.R. where no one owned anything and everyone lived in these apartments and if they didn't like it, ended up in a gulag or dead. The liberals(Socialists) of today want to take your property away, force you to live like the Chinese, and if you don't like it , will put you in education readjustment camps. That way the have better control of US people who they deem stupid like the architect Jonathan Gruber did when he got Obamacare passed. Problem with this liberal plan... see 2nd amendment.

I don't see what cities those are.

Some of them look familiar.

I've spent time in China (on the eastern side) and those cities are crawling with people.
12 eerie images of enormous Chinese cities completely empty of people
Throughout China, there are hundreds of cities that have almost everything one needs for a modern, urban lifestyle: high-rise apartment complexes, developed waterfronts, skyscrapers, and even public art. Everything, that is, except one major factor: the people.
Back in the 1960s LBJ tried this with black people in Chicago called "the Projects" that went over real well. Russia did this when it was the U.S.S.R. where no one owned anything and everyone lived in these apartments and if they didn't like it, ended up in a gulag or dead. The liberals(Socialists) of today want to take your property away, force you to live like the Chinese, and if you don't like it , will put you in education readjustment camps. That way the have better control of US people who they deem stupid like the architect Jonathan Gruber did when he got Obamacare passed. Problem with this liberal plan... see 2nd amendment.

I don't see what cities those are.

Some of them look familiar.

I've spent time in China (on the eastern side) and those cities are crawling with people.

It is true that China went through a phase of trying to persuade rural residents to move to cities. It didn't go well.

Like 90% of the content of this thread, it had nothing to do with health care.
12 eerie images of enormous Chinese cities completely empty of people
Throughout China, there are hundreds of cities that have almost everything one needs for a modern, urban lifestyle: high-rise apartment complexes, developed waterfronts, skyscrapers, and even public art. Everything, that is, except one major factor: the people.
Back in the 1960s LBJ tried this with black people in Chicago called "the Projects" that went over real well. Russia did this when it was the U.S.S.R. where no one owned anything and everyone lived in these apartments and if they didn't like it, ended up in a gulag or dead. The liberals(Socialists) of today want to take your property away, force you to live like the Chinese, and if you don't like it , will put you in education readjustment camps. That way the have better control of US people who they deem stupid like the architect Jonathan Gruber did when he got Obamacare passed. Problem with this liberal plan... see 2nd amendment.

I don't see what cities those are.

Some of them look familiar.

I've spent time in China (on the eastern side) and those cities are crawling with people.

Back in the 1960's and 1970's those cities where the project was created, 10,000 or more people of color were herded into that 1 mile square area, in the hope that the people there would be happy(they were given a place to stay and free food, drugs and crime were rampant), but as typical of a liberal, instead of giving a person a meaning for them to live(personal responsibility and satisfaction) it was easier to control them by corralling those individuals and keep them there. It was a total failure, but since history doesn't teach about this, soon it was forgotten. Liberalism is all about failure and the more you fail the more you get higher up in the party. Just look at HRC(vagina candidate) who failed her Ambassador, the 3 people who tried to protect him, Russia reset, and many women who were abused by her "Hubby" and she turned a blinds eye.
The 7 Most Infamous U.S. Public Housing Projects
1) Cabrini Green, Chicago IL
2) Marcy Projects, Brooklyn NY
3) Magnolia Projects, New Orleans LA
4) Jordan Downs, Watts CA
5) Robert Taylor Homes, Chicago IL
6) Queensbridge Houses, Queens NY
7) Pruitt-Igoe, St. Louis MO

Ah, so the China Scenario didn't get you the applause you were looking for, so you've come back to the states.

Basic premise: stack-a-prole doesn't work.

Still has nothing to do with the PPACA.
According to your article, 58 rural hospitals closed from 2010 to the present. The PPACA was implemented in 2014.
The Unaffordable Care Act was created by then Nancy Pelosi(behind closed doors) and not one Republican voted for it(Democrats only with a simple majority) then it was ratified by Dirty Harry Reid and the liberal scumbags in the Senate, then signed into law by B.O.(Stinky) to save healthcare. To make it more affordable, saving everyone $2,500 and people be allowed to keep their doctors and hospitals. This was done before 2010, and after these traitors FORCED upon us(what ever happened to choice) this Obamination of a disaster, all it did was expedite the doom of healthcare. Nothing is FREE, someone has to pay for it, the government TAKES from US and gives it to those not DESERVING. You sir are insane.
Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," said Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
And if you DONT give the liberal FREE stuff they burn the cities down.

View attachment 52045
Nice rant, but you're derailing your own topic. Not a wise move, unless all you really wanted to do was release this rant.

Again, hospital closures didn't magically start in January 2014. They've occurred for decades and for a variety of reasons - shifting demographics, financial mismanagement, local politicians slashing or failing to deliver funding, etc.

Now, do you actually want to discuss hospital closures, or just rant?
And typical of the idiocy of liberals, when not enough people can pay into the hospitals that Ted Kennedy put the screws into, someone else must pay and it usually was insured patients. Typical of people like you(probably sitting in your parents basements getting welfare and FREE healthcare till your 26) you don't give a rats ass, how detrimental ObamaUnHealthcare is going to affect people. When the FREE stuff runs out, like it did in Detroit, the only ones left are the poor, because they were too poor to leave. Dumbasses vote Dumbocrat.

We need a simple model to make the point.

When I give numbers to a right or left winger...they tend to choke.
According to your article, 58 rural hospitals closed from 2010 to the present. The PPACA was implemented in 2014.
The Unaffordable Care Act was created by then Nancy Pelosi(behind closed doors) and not one Republican voted for it(Democrats only with a simple majority) then it was ratified by Dirty Harry Reid and the liberal scumbags in the Senate, then signed into law by B.O.(Stinky) to save healthcare. To make it more affordable, saving everyone $2,500 and people be allowed to keep their doctors and hospitals. This was done before 2010, and after these traitors FORCED upon us(what ever happened to choice) this Obamination of a disaster, all it did was expedite the doom of healthcare. Nothing is FREE, someone has to pay for it, the government TAKES from US and gives it to those not DESERVING. You sir are insane.
Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," said Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
And if you DONT give the liberal FREE stuff they burn the cities down.

View attachment 52045
Nice rant, but you're derailing your own topic. Not a wise move, unless all you really wanted to do was release this rant.

Again, hospital closures didn't magically start in January 2014. They've occurred for decades and for a variety of reasons - shifting demographics, financial mismanagement, local politicians slashing or failing to deliver funding, etc.

Now, do you actually want to discuss hospital closures, or just rant?
And typical of the idiocy of liberals, when not enough people can pay into the hospitals that Ted Kennedy put the screws into, someone else must pay and it usually was insured patients. Typical of people like you(probably sitting in your parents basements getting welfare and FREE healthcare till your 26) you don't give a rats ass, how detrimental ObamaUnHealthcare is going to affect people. When the FREE stuff runs out, like it did in Detroit, the only ones left are the poor, because they were too poor to leave. Dumbasses vote Dumbocrat.

We need a simple model to make the point.

When I give numbers to a right or left winger...they tend to choke.

Maybe if either of you could actually stay on topic, the sound you wouldn't hear is the rest of us laughing.
According to your article, 58 rural hospitals closed from 2010 to the present. The PPACA was implemented in 2014.
The Unaffordable Care Act was created by then Nancy Pelosi(behind closed doors) and not one Republican voted for it(Democrats only with a simple majority) then it was ratified by Dirty Harry Reid and the liberal scumbags in the Senate, then signed into law by B.O.(Stinky) to save healthcare. To make it more affordable, saving everyone $2,500 and people be allowed to keep their doctors and hospitals. This was done before 2010, and after these traitors FORCED upon us(what ever happened to choice) this Obamination of a disaster, all it did was expedite the doom of healthcare. Nothing is FREE, someone has to pay for it, the government TAKES from US and gives it to those not DESERVING. You sir are insane.
Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," said Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
And if you DONT give the liberal FREE stuff they burn the cities down.

View attachment 52045
Nice rant, but you're derailing your own topic. Not a wise move, unless all you really wanted to do was release this rant.

Again, hospital closures didn't magically start in January 2014. They've occurred for decades and for a variety of reasons - shifting demographics, financial mismanagement, local politicians slashing or failing to deliver funding, etc.

Now, do you actually want to discuss hospital closures, or just rant?
And typical of the idiocy of liberals, when not enough people can pay into the hospitals that Ted Kennedy put the screws into, someone else must pay and it usually was insured patients. Typical of people like you(probably sitting in your parents basements getting welfare and FREE healthcare till your 26) you don't give a rats ass, how detrimental ObamaUnHealthcare is going to affect people. When the FREE stuff runs out, like it did in Detroit, the only ones left are the poor, because they were too poor to leave. Dumbasses vote Dumbocrat.

We need a simple model to make the point.

When I give numbers to a right or left winger...they tend to choke.

Maybe if either of you could actually stay on topic, the sound you wouldn't hear is the rest of us laughing.
If you don't what we are saying, you can always leave. Once again, just because it says Obamacare(what a joke) that is an unintended consequence of many that you and other liberals voted for. We are on topic, but you don't like it.

Obama not at fault.jpeg
Ah, so the China Scenario didn't get you the applause you were looking for, so you've come back to the states.

Basic premise: stack-a-prole doesn't work.

Still has nothing to do with the PPACA.
Just pointing out that liberals hate people who HAVE things. That is why you hear them talking about "those that have" vs "those that have not". So like the USSR, China and the liberals of US, want US to give up our houses and move into apartments, then everyone will be equal, equally poor and equally miserable, just like in the projects. Except the liberal elites in charge who will have, as typical of liberalism. Dumbass
Just pointing out that liberals hate people who HAVE things.

Republicans hate anything at all that benefits the people ...they hate folks having health insurance and they hate that poor kids can eat with Food assistance program...they love this guy though :
and the mother fuckling Republicans hate that children should have clean water with no lead...it cost too much
Did you know that Obama is at war with Muslims in the Middle East paying for it with a credit card that the FED give unlimited credit to? Apple, GE, GM, and other liberal companies have offshored and you don't seem to be pissed at that? Why is it Jamie Dimon who was of liberal Fannie Mae, caused the housing collapse then gets to be CEO of JP Morgan Chase, who got bailed out and is making billions of dollars because of FED chaimman Janet Yellow, appointed by Barrack Hussein Obama? Ah yes those double standards.
Just pointing out that liberals hate people who HAVE things.

Republicans hate anything at all that benefits the people ...they hate folks having health insurance and they hate that poor kids can eat with Food assistance program...they love this guy though :
We don't hate things that benefit people, if you say that Welfare and other War on Poverty items, have benefited people, yet today under Obama "THE MOST PEOPLE EVER IN THE HISTORY OF AMERICA" are in POVERTY. And I don't think giving FREE STUFF to people here illegally is a good thing, but as long as they vote to keep the Dumbocrats in power, you love them.
Did you know that Obama is at war with Muslims in the Middle East paying for it with a credit card that the FED give unlimited credit to? Apple, GE, GM, and other liberal companies have offshored and you don't seem to be pissed at that? Why is it Jamie Dimon who was of liberal Fannie Mae, caused the housing collapse then gets to be CEO of JP Morgan Chase, who got bailed out and is making billions of dollars because of FED chaimman Janet Yellow, appointed by Barrack Hussein Obama? Ah yes those double standards.

Obama has gone to a great deal of pain to say he is not at war with Muslims ...yeah you can point at what you pointed and your fix is what ?>??
Vote for the GOP are you Fucking kidding me ...you are going to recommend voting GOP in order to reduce Corporate Influence on Govt...you have to be drunk

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