Union Boss salaries- They have a lot in common with the people they represent

I was waiting for it. "a few problems"?

I enjoy educating you, gadawag. Let's continue.

Let's talk about those "few problems", hmmm? Tell us.

You tell me Mr. Know it All.
Tell me the problems you had in Georgia with integration.
As hard as you try Jake, you just can never polish a turd.
Now again Jake, where did I claim that it was "outside agitation"?
You have run from that Jake like a monkey on fire.
Because you are wrong and not man enough to admit it.
Where is it Jake? Where did I state it?
Where in Georgia did you grow up Jake and when were you born?
Specifics Jake, you are talking in circles.
Self education is best, Gadawag.

You said there were a "few" difficulties with integration in GA.

Come on, Gadawag, since you say you are the GA boy, which is very doubtful, educate us.

Now don't waste our time, son.

:eusa_whistle: come here, boy
Self education is best, Gadawag.

You said there were a "few" difficulties with integration in GA.

Come on, Gadawag, since you say you are the GA boy, which is very doubtful, educate us.

Now don't waste our time, son.

:eusa_whistle: come here, boy

"very doubtful" I am from Georgia?:cuckoo::cuckoo:
How about a 100K bet on that Jake.
Put up or shut up.
I have already educated you.
I went to school during integration here. Few problems in our schools here.
What school did you attend here?
Come on, G boy, you say you are the champ.

You said there were a "few" difficulties with integration in GA.

Come on, Gadawag, since you say you are the GA boy, which is very doubtful, educate us.

Now don't waste our time, son.

:eusa_whistle: come here, boy
Yup. Takes real smarts to run the unions.

Wonder if the dues paying members have any idea what the heads of those unions are pulling in every year??

I have a friend who is UAW at the detroit Mustang plant, he said they get 1 week vacation a year, and if they have to call in sick it has to be approved by your supervisor, and even if it is approved and you get that one day sick off you cannot call in sick again for another 180 days and if you do you get leave without pay. UAW boss's make a killing on salary and dont appear to be doing shit for the actual workers. That's what happens when it is not a right to work state.
He also said the Union raped their strike fund for over 75 million dollars to donate it to obamas campaign in 2008 without putting it up for a vote among the members "Now we know why the UAW owns the majority of GM and chrysler".
I dropped my union membership when I found out at the national level they where skimming our dues and donating them to politicians that almost none of us supported. They still deny doing that even today but in 2008 it was on the news that the AFGE donated a couple mill to Obama. At the local level there are good people, at the national level they are a bunch of rat bastards that rob from the members. I will never be in another union again, fuck'em.
Grunt11B, that is called anecdotal evidence. What do you have from union literature to support your point?
Union Boss salaries- They have a lot in common with the people they represent


yes the 1%

Michael J. Sullivan, general president of the Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association
Salary: $1,043,023

Robert A. Scardelletti, international president of the Transportation Communications Union
Salary: $748,531

Newton B. Jones, president of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers
Salary: $607,022

Terence M. O’Sullivan, general president of the Laborers’ International Union of North America
Salary: $589,124

John T. Niccollai, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 464A
Salary: $532,752

Gerald McEntee, international president of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
Salary: $512,369

Compared to CEO salaries, you mean?

The Pay at the Top - The New York Times

Viacom Philippe P. Dauman $84,000,000

Occidental Petroleum Ray R. Irani $76,000,000

Oracle Lawrence J. Ellison $70.1 million.

Theres a difference between running a company and robbing membership dues. Who do you think pay the union bosses salaries? If they truly represented the members, they would take a cut in pay to make it more equal right? Or does that only apply to everyone else and not the socialist/marxist?
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Jake makes all kinds of claims he never backs up all the while asking for "literature" from everyone else.
Grunt gives an anecdotal story, which I believe, but is or is not characteristic of the whole.

Gadawag talks about "a few instances" of problems with integration in GA.

I ask them both to share more, and they both run around in circles.

Now I am whistling you two up :eusa_whistle: to share more or admit your faking your major points.
I happen to believe Grunt's story, but it is anecdotal not representative based on data.

Gadawag is a different matter for two reasons. (1) He insists that 'purchasing power', which has remained flat for the lower middling and poorer classes is an improper measure of how wealth off are those classes in fact, and (2) he insists GA did well on integration with only a "few" instances, but he won't discuss those instances.

He needs to do better.
Atlanta is run 100% by Democrats.
But the Legislature meets here and they are 100% run by Republicans.
The power base is that majority AND the contracts at Hartsfield Jackson airport which are controlled 100% by Democrats.
And the airport runs flawlessly other than a few kick backs and bribes.
Go to Philly and see the union run airport. JOKE. Delays and a river of dirty $$$.
Try flying out of any union controlled airport in a holiday season and see the laziness of the workers there.
Just a fact. Their job is more important to them thant customer service.

So some union guys beat you up once when you crossed a picket line, didn't they, you little scab?
Atlanta is run 100% by Democrats.
But the Legislature meets here and they are 100% run by Republicans.
The power base is that majority AND the contracts at Hartsfield Jackson airport which are controlled 100% by Democrats.
And the airport runs flawlessly other than a few kick backs and bribes.
Go to Philly and see the union run airport. JOKE. Delays and a river of dirty $$$.
Try flying out of any union controlled airport in a holiday season and see the laziness of the workers there.
Just a fact. Their job is more important to them thant customer service.

So some union guys beat you up once when you crossed a picket line, didn't they, you little scab?

No, I was the guy videotaping the union strikes in many midwestern states in the mid 80s through the early 90s. We made many a case for the prosecution of goon mob attacks on good citizens who only wanted to work. Sent many guys like you to jail. Funny thing was watching the denials of you guys when we had your clear faces on tape. Not even man enough to admit your crimes.
I have been self employed since 1982. Worked for law firms out of college and then before that for repo firms and did bounty hunting for a while also in the late 70s.
But it would take "guys" as you state Joe as that is the only way you pussies can win any fight. It takes a mob with you milk weak farts. Not one of you could beat yourself out of a wet paper bag.
I happen to believe Grunt's story, but it is anecdotal not representative based on data.

Gadawag is a different matter for two reasons. (1) He insists that 'purchasing power', which has remained flat for the lower middling and poorer classes is an improper measure of how wealth off are those classes in fact, and (2) he insists GA did well on integration with only a "few" instances, but he won't discuss those instances.

He needs to do better.

In the real world you are supposed to TELL US WHAT YOU BELIEVE, not what you assume others believe.

You won't discuss what happened here in Georgia in the early and mid 60s Jake because you were not here then and have no personal experiences from that era here to offer anything other than RANK HEARSAY AND OPINION ONLY.

You need to do better but we understand why you can not.
No, I was the guy videotaping the union strikes in many midwestern states in the mid 80s through the early 90s. We made many a case for the prosecution of goon mob attacks on good citizens who only wanted to work. Sent many guys like you to jail. Funny thing was watching the denials of you guys when we had your clear faces on tape. Not even man enough to admit your crimes.
I have been self employed since 1982. Worked for law firms out of college and then before that for repo firms and did bounty hunting for a while also in the late 70s.
But it would take "guys" as you state Joe as that is the only way you pussies can win any fight. It takes a mob with you milk weak farts. Not one of you could beat yourself out of a wet paper bag.

So essentially, you admit you are a parasite who lives off the misery of others, then?

Frankly, you cross a picket line, you deserve a beating like you deserve a beating for having sex with a married woman.

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