Union Boss salaries- They have a lot in common with the people they represent

I didn't say I didn't think Mormonism or scientology weren't whacky. I said I judge people as individuals, not based on some preconceived bias I may have. People with whom I may vigorously disagree on politics or theology may otherwise be very solid individuals. I know lots of people like that. I've dealt with Mormons and they are no different than any other people. Refusing to deal with people because of their religion is just as bad as refusing to deal with someone because of their race.

Not at all.

If deceit is the foundation of your belief system, how can I ever trust you, this is my point.

When the White-Shirts show up at your doorstep, they don't go right into talking about Nephites and Golden Plates and such nonsense. They start out trying to whittle away, find the vulnerable, and they don't spring the crazy on them until they got their hooks into them.

Mormonism (and Scientology, for that matter) were lies on day one. YOu can't build anything on a foundation of lies any more than a foundation of sand.

And once again, the one time I made the mistake of trusting Mormons, I paid a very steep price for it. I don't make the same mistake twice.

You're an atheist. If you're an atheist, then the foundations Christianity - that Jesus was the son of God - is also a lie.

Ergo, how can you trust Christians?

And Huckabee - probably the most Christian of all the potential candidates - was your boy.
JoeB: And once again, the one time I made the mistake of trusting Mormons, I paid a very steep price for it. I don't make the same mistake twice.

No one really cares, JoeB, until you share with us and allow us to judge the worth of your feelings on that matter. For all we know, you tried to do them wrong, they caught you, they made you pay for it. Just saying,
You're an atheist. If you're an atheist, then the foundations Christianity - that Jesus was the son of God - is also a lie.

Ergo, how can you trust Christians?

And Huckabee - probably the most Christian of all the potential candidates - was your boy.

Except there was not a "fundemental lie" at the bottom of Christianity.

There was a land called Judea. There (probably) was a guy named Jesus who founded a religious movement. It wasn't all made up as a scam to cheat people out of money and their daughter's virginity.

Now how much of that you can pick apart is interesting. One can look at the internal contradictions in the Gospels to realize that these guys were working off second and third hand narratives. But in the conflicts, you can also see what they got that was fairly consistant, and consistant with pagan writings...

There was some truth at the foundation, and probably some misinformation piled on top of that.

Mormonism, no such wiggle room. Either Joseph Smith was talking to God, or he was making the shit up.

All the empirical evidence is, yup, he was making it up. I could run down the list as I have many times, but I won't here.

And on some level, the leadership of the LDS know it's a lie. In fact, a Linguist hired by the Church in the 1920s concluded that after studying the Book of Mormon, that Joseph Smith alone was the author. It was not an account of a Hebrew nation in the Americas.
You project once again, JoeB. You are "short" until you can explain your hatred of Mormons specifically. Your behavior is unsettling, and one worries for your personal mental health. You are increasingly unstable.
You project once again, JoeB. You are "short" until you can explain your hatred of Mormons specifically. Your behavior is unsettling, and one worries for your personal mental health. You are increasingly unstable.

Not at all.

Crazy cults started by pedophiles are worthy of contempt.

When I was in college I met Moonies and Mormons.

The Mormons made the Moonies seem almost normal.
Specifically, JoeB, what happened to you from the Mormons in military training in1983?

Stop tapdancing and tell us.
you're just dying to know, aren't you..

Sufficiently bad to make me despise their cult and want to show it more contempt than I normally show religious idiots...
That does not cut it, big boy. No one cares about the generalities, which only make you look adolescent.
You're an atheist. If you're an atheist, then the foundations Christianity - that Jesus was the son of God - is also a lie.

Ergo, how can you trust Christians?

And Huckabee - probably the most Christian of all the potential candidates - was your boy.

Except there was not a "fundemental lie" at the bottom of Christianity.

There was a land called Judea. There (probably) was a guy named Jesus who founded a religious movement. It wasn't all made up as a scam to cheat people out of money and their daughter's virginity.

Now how much of that you can pick apart is interesting. One can look at the internal contradictions in the Gospels to realize that these guys were working off second and third hand narratives. But in the conflicts, you can also see what they got that was fairly consistant, and consistant with pagan writings...

There was some truth at the foundation, and probably some misinformation piled on top of that.

Mormonism, no such wiggle room. Either Joseph Smith was talking to God, or he was making the shit up.

All the empirical evidence is, yup, he was making it up. I could run down the list as I have many times, but I won't here.

And on some level, the leadership of the LDS know it's a lie. In fact, a Linguist hired by the Church in the 1920s concluded that after studying the Book of Mormon, that Joseph Smith alone was the author. It was not an account of a Hebrew nation in the Americas.

Smith claimed to have talked to God, Jesus claimed to have been the son of God. Seems pretty obvious - if you're an atheist - that claiming you're the son of God is orders of magnitude more duplicitous than claiming you talked to God.

Smith claimed to have talked to God, Jesus claimed to have been the son of God. Seems pretty obvious - if you're an atheist - that claiming you're the son of God is orders of magnitude more duplicitous than claiming you talked to God.

Or that maybe Jesus like Bhudda was a guy who just had a philosophy, and later on his followers beatified him...

That's the problem with a "many hands in the pot" kind of religion. You have Gospels that were copies of other gospels, and mulitple gospels out there and the later Church picks 4 out of the 100 or so that are available.

The fact is, we don't know for sure if Jesus made such claims, or that if there were multiple guys named Jesus who got conflated into a single composite character.

It's kind of the difference between being wrong and just making stuff up. That's the difference. Smith knew he was lying the minute he put pen to paper. The leaders of the cult know he was lying, and spend millions every year covering it up or trying to delude the stupid sheep.
You know no such thing, JoeB. You take it on faith, and on your silly personal hatred for the LDS. People read your stuff and go "whatever".
Were you up all night waiting for me to come back, Jakey?

That's kind of a sad life.
You were waiting on me, in fact. Anybody can check the usage. Answer the questions, bub.
Um, no guy, actually the stalking is getting a bit weird...

I'm wondering if I can get someone else here to adopt you.
You came after me this morning, JoeB. You did not have to, you know. :lol: You are the stalker squeaker. Here, I will show you and the board. Here, boy, come here :eusa_whistle: :lol:

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