Union Boss salaries- They have a lot in common with the people they represent

No comparison

CEO's earn a portion of his salary for building a company that returns wealth to its employees and shareholders, in the millions

What does the high salary of union bosses do
except show their hypocrisy

Horseshit. They get the big ticket salaries when their companies Lose money.

Not even a nice try, to compare six figure salaries of union bosses to 8 figure salaries of CEO's.

Again, in Japan, the UK, Germany, this sort of insanity doesn't happen.

Perhaps you shoud move to Japan, the UK or Germany.
The far righties are worried about the unions and their elected leaders supporting candidates?

Really? With all the money the CEOs and the corporations (who are people, remember) are donating?

Really? Wow.

:eusa_whistle: here, Neo, heel

I did notice Wall Street CEO's and their employees gave more to Obama than to Bush last election.
Rather near sighted, foxfyre, and slanted.

We the People believe in inalienable rights.

We the People believe in self-governance and in republican government.

We the People understand that liberty may not violate ethics and values of decency and goodness.

We the People understand that property rights are not absolute.

We the People understand that we are our brother and sister's keeper.

Well sorry Jake, but American exceptionalism allows people to be "greedy" in earning prosperity. It does NOT allow people to be "greedy" in wanting the government to give them what other people have earned.

And it does NOT expect people to be other people's keepers which assumes that some people need to be kept. (I have long taught that the passage in Genesis is grossly misinterpreted by you folks on the left and being somebody's 'keeper' is not something anybody should aspire to be.)

Not only near sighted and slanted but also shifted. "Greedy" is fine as long as it does not violate the law. And, yes, the American social compact has been part of our inheritance since the 17th century in America. That you misunderstand Genesis is also apparent.

The separation of Church and State that is preached by you liberals should prohibit the passage in Genesis from being government policy, don't you agree?
While the Constitution separates church and state, We the People overwhelmingly employ our religious values in informing our political decisions. Too Tall's failure to comprehend this truth clearly reveals his pretend conservative credentials.
Well sorry Jake, but American exceptionalism allows people to be "greedy" in earning prosperity. It does NOT allow people to be "greedy" in wanting the government to give them what other people have earned.

And it does NOT expect people to be other people's keepers which assumes that some people need to be kept. (I have long taught that the passage in Genesis is grossly misinterpreted by you folks on the left and being somebody's 'keeper' is not something anybody should aspire to be.)

Not only near sighted and slanted but also shifted. "Greedy" is fine as long as it does not violate the law. And, yes, the American social compact has been part of our inheritance since the 17th century in America. That you misunderstand Genesis is also apparent.

The separation of Church and State that is preached by you liberals should prohibit the passage in Genesis from being government policy, don't you agree?

LOL, indeed. Jake is very fond of telling people what they do or don't think or what they do or don't understand. He's a good guy but his posting style is most annoying and someties offensive. But oh my, the leftists do like that "brother's keeper' passage in Genesis and quote it often even as they denigrate those who study and appreciate the Bible. And Jake, like the others, object when the accurate deifnition of 'keeper' is pointed out.

In Old Testament times, a 'keeper' was the herder of the flocks, the tiller of the soil, and the master of the slaves. Thus to be 'kept' was not something anyone should aspire to be and to be somebody's 'keeper' suggests that the other person is inferior and subordinate.''

The Left wants to use the term to justify social programs designed to keep folks on the 'plantation' and voting Democrat for generations.
No comparison

CEO's earn a portion of his salary for building a company that returns wealth to its employees and shareholders, in the millions

What does the high salary of union bosses do
except show their hypocrisy

Horseshit. They get the big ticket salaries when their companies Lose money.

Not even a nice try, to compare six figure salaries of union bosses to 8 figure salaries of CEO's.

Again, in Japan, the UK, Germany, this sort of insanity doesn't happen.

Perhaps you shoud move to Japan, the UK or Germany.

Or we can fix this country.

Let's have a vote on Maximum wages. Why not? You think you'd win that? I don't.

No executive can make more than 10 times his average employee or 20 times his lowest paid employee. That sounds actually, kind of reasonable.
The far righties are worried about the unions and their elected leaders supporting candidates?

Really? With all the money the CEOs and the corporations (who are people, remember) are donating?

Really? Wow.

:eusa_whistle: here, Neo, heel

I did notice Wall Street CEO's and their employees gave more to Obama than to Bush last election.

Was Bush running last election?
Not only near sighted and slanted but also shifted. "Greedy" is fine as long as it does not violate the law. And, yes, the American social compact has been part of our inheritance since the 17th century in America. That you misunderstand Genesis is also apparent.

The separation of Church and State that is preached by you liberals should prohibit the passage in Genesis from being government policy, don't you agree?

LOL, indeed. Jake is very fond of telling people what they do or don't think or what they do or don't understand. He's a good guy but his posting style is most annoying and someties offensive. But oh my, the leftists do like that "brother's keeper' passage in Genesis and quote it often even as they denigrate those who study and appreciate the Bible. And Jake, like the others, object when the accurate deifnition of 'keeper' is pointed out.

In Old Testament times, a 'keeper' was the herder of the flocks, the tiller of the soil, and the master of the slaves. Thus to be 'kept' was not something anyone should aspire to be and to be somebody's 'keeper' suggests that the other person is inferior and subordinate.''

The Left wants to use the term to justify social programs designed to keep folks on the 'plantation' and voting Democrat for generations.

You are right! I am a good guy :lol:, Foxfyre, but I don't mind telling you I could care less if you find the truth "annoying." Because you don't comprehend Old Testament verbiage and definitions continues to be your problem, not mine. The story of Cain and Abel is not about flocks and subordination, it is about your duty to your fellow man. Foxfyre, own your issues, don't pass them onto me.
Horseshit. They get the big ticket salaries when their companies Lose money.

Not even a nice try, to compare six figure salaries of union bosses to 8 figure salaries of CEO's.

Again, in Japan, the UK, Germany, this sort of insanity doesn't happen.

Perhaps you shoud move to Japan, the UK or Germany.

Or we can fix this country.

Let's have a vote on Maximum wages. Why not? You think you'd win that? I don't.

No executive can make more than 10 times his average employee or 20 times his lowest paid employee. That sounds actually, kind of reasonable.

That's a terrible idea. It would discourage risk taking, investment and jobs. That's something they'd do in Argentina. They have all sorts of basket-case laws like that.

A better idea would be to reform corporate governance so that corporate boards are comprised of the owners of the company, nomination and compensation committees and comprised of shareholders, and the Chairman of the Board and the CEO are always separate positions, amongst other reforms. That's what they do in Scandinavia.
The separation of Church and State that is preached by you liberals should prohibit the passage in Genesis from being government policy, don't you agree?

LOL, indeed. Jake is very fond of telling people what they do or don't think or what they do or don't understand. He's a good guy but his posting style is most annoying and someties offensive. But oh my, the leftists do like that "brother's keeper' passage in Genesis and quote it often even as they denigrate those who study and appreciate the Bible. And Jake, like the others, object when the accurate deifnition of 'keeper' is pointed out.

In Old Testament times, a 'keeper' was the herder of the flocks, the tiller of the soil, and the master of the slaves. Thus to be 'kept' was not something anyone should aspire to be and to be somebody's 'keeper' suggests that the other person is inferior and subordinate.''

The Left wants to use the term to justify social programs designed to keep folks on the 'plantation' and voting Democrat for generations.

You are right! I am a good guy :lol:, Foxfyre, but I don't mind telling you I could care less if you find the truth "annoying." Because you don't comprehend Old Testament verbiage and definitions continues to be your problem, not mine. The story of Cain and Abel is not about flocks and subordination, it is about your duty to your fellow man. Foxfyre, own your issues, don't pass them onto me.

Sigh, all those years of study and all I had to do was just let Jake tell me what to think.

I could have saved so much time and money. Oh well.
That's a terrible idea. It would discourage risk taking, investment and jobs. That's something they'd do in Argentina. They have all sorts of basket-case laws like that.

A better idea would be to reform corporate governance so that corporate boards are comprised of the owners of the company, nomination and compensation committees and comprised of shareholders, and the Chairman of the Board and the CEO are always separate positions, amongst other reforms. That's what they do in Scandinavia.

Right. It's like you guys can always find a third world country to cite as an example of why we shouldn't do something about their greed.

I think the years of dictatorships had a lot more to do with that... Just saying.

Frankly, I'm just not seeing how limiting someone to a MERE 10 times what his line employee makes is really discouraging him. I mean, if the average line worker makes $40,000, it's not like this guy is going to starve on $400,000, is it?
That's a terrible idea. It would discourage risk taking, investment and jobs. That's something they'd do in Argentina. They have all sorts of basket-case laws like that.

A better idea would be to reform corporate governance so that corporate boards are comprised of the owners of the company, nomination and compensation committees and comprised of shareholders, and the Chairman of the Board and the CEO are always separate positions, amongst other reforms. That's what they do in Scandinavia.

Right. It's like you guys can always find a third world country to cite as an example of why we shouldn't do something about their greed.

I think the years of dictatorships had a lot more to do with that... Just saying.

Frankly, I'm just not seeing how limiting someone to a MERE 10 times what his line employee makes is really discouraging him. I mean, if the average line worker makes $40,000, it's not like this guy is going to starve on $400,000, is it?

You know little about economics and economic history, so what you think happened in Argentina doesn't mean much. Argentina is a second world country, not a third world country, and they have tried many of the things you advocate, which is a big reason why they went from being one of the richest countries in the world to a middling, second-rate basket-case.

I don't have a problem creating mechanisms that dampen executive pay. It is an empirical fact that there is no correlation between executive pay and performance, for example, which is ridiculous. But retarded policies like capping pay would destroy so many jobs, its mind-numbing any thinking person would contemplate such an idea.
Horseshit. They get the big ticket salaries when their companies Lose money.

Not even a nice try, to compare six figure salaries of union bosses to 8 figure salaries of CEO's.

Again, in Japan, the UK, Germany, this sort of insanity doesn't happen.

Perhaps you shoud move to Japan, the UK or Germany.

Or we can fix this country.

Let's have a vote on Maximum wages. Why not? You think you'd win that? I don't.

No executive can make more than 10 times his average employee or 20 times his lowest paid employee. That sounds actually, kind of reasonable.

Sounds like a huge expansion of government power.
I wonder if it would cause any companies to move away?
Sounds like a huge expansion of government power.
I wonder if it would cause any companies to move away?

You move out, you don't get to sell here, or if you do, you sell at a ridiculously high tariff.

Once again, I know this is hard for you to process, America is the only country that doesn't restrict what CEO's make.

A Japanese or German CEO only makes about 11 times what his line workers make.

I know, I mean, it's absolutely crazy, man, giving the money to the folks who actually did the work. How fucking nuts is that?
Sounds like a huge expansion of government power.
I wonder if it would cause any companies to move away?

You move out, you don't get to sell here, or if you do, you sell at a ridiculously high tariff.

Once again, I know this is hard for you to process, America is the only country that doesn't restrict what CEO's make.

A Japanese or German CEO only makes about 11 times what his line workers make.

I know, I mean, it's absolutely crazy, man, giving the money to the folks who actually did the work. How fucking nuts is that?

Wow, sounds like an even larger growth of government than your first suggestion.
Liberals will love it!

America is the only country that doesn't restrict what CEO's make.

Do you have a link to any of these foreign laws you love so much?

it's absolutely crazy, man, giving the money to the folks who actually did the work.

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
Works for me...

Only in America have a few greedy people seen our economy as a quick place to loot. no other country would stand for this sort of economic treason.

You know why Toyota and Nissan and Sony are such powerful companies? Because Japan sees them as a source of national pride.

Incidently, in my career, I've worked for a Japanese company, three American companies and I currently work for a British company. The foreign owned companies have it more together...
Works for me...

Only in America have a few greedy people seen our economy as a quick place to loot. no other country would stand for this sort of economic treason.

You know why Toyota and Nissan and Sony are such powerful companies? Because Japan sees them as a source of national pride.

Incidently, in my career, I've worked for a Japanese company, three American companies and I currently work for a British company. The foreign owned companies have it more together...

No links?
Union Boss salaries- They have a lot in common with the people they represent


yes the 1%

Michael J. Sullivan, general president of the Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association
Salary: $1,043,023

Robert A. Scardelletti, international president of the Transportation Communications Union
Salary: $748,531

Newton B. Jones, president of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers
Salary: $607,022

Terence M. O’Sullivan, general president of the Laborers’ International Union of North America
Salary: $589,124

John T. Niccollai, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 464A
Salary: $532,752

Gerald McEntee, international president of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
Salary: $512,369
I keep asking the gung ho unions are to worshiped people if in their lives they had ever seen a poor or even middle class union boss.
They never acknowledge the question. Because if they do acknowledge it, they are fucked.

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