Union Boss salaries- They have a lot in common with the people they represent

Attention deficit
Perhaps, if you paid better attention in school
you would not be at such a non-informed level

Did everything, sure you did
What were those things that took us from crony capitalism
to a free market in the last 20 years?

No of course not, it is too late for us to drive
now that Papa Obama has driven us over the cliff

Ummm,,, we went off the cliff on Bush's watch, not Obama's.. Why do you all try to pretend that this isn't the case?

The Economy crashed in 2008. After Bush cut taxes, and let 50,000 factories relocate to China. We did all the stuff you guys said we should do, and it was a fucking disaster.
Attention deficit
Perhaps, if you paid better attention in school
you would not be at such a non-informed level

Did everything, sure you did
What were those things that took us from crony capitalism
to a free market in the last 20 years?

No of course not, it is too late for us to drive
now that Papa Obama has driven us over the cliff

Ummm,,, we went off the cliff on Bush's watch, not Obama's.. Why do you all try to pretend that this isn't the case?

The Economy crashed in 2008. After Bush cut taxes, and let 50,000 factories relocate to China. We did all the stuff you guys said we should do, and it was a fucking disaster.

Spent what Bush did in eight years in less than four
with worse results... one of the worst recoveries in history
Indeed, Papa Obama's lowest unemployment numbers still come
from the first day he took over the office from Bush

Whatever helps the Left/concerned trolls sleep at night


Here boy
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Sure it is The unions actually have to keep the labour supply constrained to keep the wages high
and form anti free market contracts/restrictions. Really, with everything, crony capitalism is bad for everyone in the long run.

Again, horseshit.

We enjoyed a far better standard of living- even non-union guys- when unions were bigger and more powerful.

Wages for working people have remained flat when adjusted for inflation since 1980. Wages for CEO's have increased 600 percent in the same time period.

The only greed is on those who run the companies, not those doing the actual work.

Not really- Econ 101 Apples to Oranges When it comes to unions and corporations the left loves to live in the past. Sorry, it is not going to happen... Unless we have another "world war", where is the US is left as the remaining productive super power, the US will never reach that poont again under our current system of crony capitalism. If however, the US was to adopt a more free market approach and drop the crony capitalism, wages would lift for all, in the long run.

My squeaker stalker, NeoCronyCapitalist, never took Econ 101, and certainly can't support his economic contentions theoretically or in actuality. He lives about 1900 in his mind. Unions are fine. Megariches of the CEO are not good for America, :eusa_whistle: here, Neo, come here
Spent what Bush did in eight years in less than four
with worse results...

Whatever helps the Left sleep at night


Here boy

Well, that's not true, either.

I'm assuming you can read a graph, right.

Government Spending Chart: United States 2002-2014 - Federal State Local Data

It is very true- even the right wing CBS notes



It even gets worse

Sure stick with real numbers
The Congressional Budget Office said Friday that President Barack Obama’s tax and spending policies
will yield $6.4 trillion in deficits over the next decade, more than double the shortfall in CBO’s own fiscal baseline — even after taking credit for reduced war costs.

Papa Obama can not just help himself
poor leadership with poor policies, is why he spends so much

No one believes that Papa Obama has spent less than Bush
Except the left

Sorry, that is just the way it is

here boy

the camel flea is back
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I am always amused how conservatives vilify unions.

Let's be honest what happened here. Once upon a time, most private sector jobs were unionized or enjoyed good benefits because their employers didn't want them to join a union, start a union or go looking for a union job. The Wealthy paid a healthy share of the taxes, as they should. There were tariffs in place that protected our industries (vital to our national defense and economy) from unfair foreign competition. You had a vibrant middle class, Mom could stay home with the kids while Dad worked, people could enjoy vacations.

Then these idiots went along with the Plutocrats' oky-dokes.

"Give up your unions, and your right to collectively bargain. We’ll recognize you for your hard work and merit. We’ll use nice sounding terms like ‘right to work’ and ‘At Will employment’ to describe this."

"Dooooooy, Oky-doke!" said the middle class.

So they find themselves working harder for less money, and eventually get put out on the street at 50 because the company can always find someone younger who'll work cheaper.

“Give up your Union Medical Plans, and go with these company Medical Plans instead!”

“Dooooy, Oky-doke”

They find themselves paying more every year for plans that cover less and less. HMO stands for Horrible Medical Options. And if they got too sick, they found they were usually the first to be let go during a downsizing.

"Give up your pensions, we'll let you get in on the Wall Street fun with something called a 401K. Then you can borrow against the value of a home you already paid off! Trust us!"

"Dooooy, Oky-Doke"

Now they find themselves with a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage in foreclosure AND no hope of ever actually retiring. Meanwhile the fat cats on Wall Street and the banks got a government bailout they paid for, and paid themselves bonuses out of it.

"Hey, hey, you know, we can get more business opportunities if we sign this free trade bill with third world rat-holes that don't have the safety, environmental and work rules we have."

"Doooooy, Oky-Doke"

And they act all surprise when the manufacturing jobs go to China, and the Customer Service jobs go to India, and when their POS Chinese made computer breaks down, they can call to Pradip… er, “Bobby” about how to fix it, but he doesn't understand English.

"Hey, let's give tax cuts to rich people!"

"Doooy, Oky-Doke!"

Oh, that means we increase taxes on working people. SUCKERS!!!

And of course, if someone might actually figure out that they’ve been had, we can distract them by talking about gay marriage, abortion, guns or some other issue that gets their blood boiling for no good reason.

The ironic thing is that the GOP has engaged in this obscene transfer of wealth, but instead of being angry at the people who perpetrated it, we are angry at the people in the unions who DIDN'T FALL FOR IT.

In short, someone burns down your house, and instead of wanting to punish the arsonist, you want them to burn down your neighbor's house instead.

"DOOOOOY, Oky-doke"

There has never been a time when most private sector jobs were unionized. Unionization peaked at 35% of private sector jobs in the mid-50s. By 1980, it was at 20%. Today, it is at 10%.

This is a trend that has been occurring for a very long time, and is not merely a function of political ideology.
There has never been a time when most private sector jobs were unionized. Unionization peaked at 35% of private sector jobs in the mid-50s. By 1980, it was at 20%. Today, it is at 10%.

This is a trend that has been occurring for a very long time, and is not merely a function of political ideology.

Okay, I know you have reading comprehension problems, so let's go back and read what I actually wrote.

Once upon a time, most private sector jobs were unionized or enjoyed good benefits because their employers didn't want them to join a union, start a union or go looking for a union job.

See the point, there, guy. The threat of unionization actually benefited non-union people because non-union shops had to offer comparable benefits.

They did not do it out of the goodness of their hearts. Because most of these mother f***ers have little goodness or heart.

Even Republicans realized that they had to get right with working people in the era of Eisenhower and Nixon.

Now, to a degree, unions have been a victim of their own successes. When Nixon started up OSHA, they really didn't need to fight the safety battle so much anymore.
There has never been a time when most private sector jobs were unionized. Unionization peaked at 35% of private sector jobs in the mid-50s. By 1980, it was at 20%. Today, it is at 10%.

This is a trend that has been occurring for a very long time, and is not merely a function of political ideology.

Okay, I know you have reading comprehension problems, so let's go back and read what I actually wrote.

Once upon a time, most private sector jobs were unionized or enjoyed good benefits because their employers didn't want them to join a union, start a union or go looking for a union job.

See the point, there, guy. The threat of unionization actually benefited non-union people because non-union shops had to offer comparable benefits.

They did not do it out of the goodness of their hearts. Because most of these mother f***ers have little goodness or heart.

Even Republicans realized that they had to get right with working people in the era of Eisenhower and Nixon.

Now, to a degree, unions have been a victim of their own successes. When Nixon started up OSHA, they really didn't need to fight the safety battle so much anymore.

Not quite true. Employers started dealing with excessive union demands by shifting production south. The deindustrialization of the Rust Belt did not happen because of China or Mexico. It happened because of Alabama, South Carolina and Tennessee. Unions made costs prohibitive so businesses just moved where the environment was less hostile and more welcoming. That's what guys like you totally fail to understand. When you bleat on about threatening business owners' kids, that guy thinks "I don't need this shit. I'm off to Texas." And poof! There go your jobs.
Costs were not prohibitive whatsoever, but corporate greed wanted more and shifted costs south.

Let's stay within the narrative of what actually happened, Toro.
Thinking their religion is crazy does not make you a bigot. Discriminating against a whole group of people because of their religion does make you a bigot.

And advocating violence against others for economic reasons makes you a thug.

Oh, I proudly admit to being a thug.

Sorry, man, I just don't see how making a discriminionation between crazy people and not crazy people is really bigoted.

I'm discrminating on a valid point. Their crazy, unethical beliefs. If you believe this crazy stuff, I can't trust your reasoning skills or your judgement.

And frankly, if we were talking about Scientologists or Branch Davidians or Raelieans or some other bunch of nutter cultists, you'd be right there with me.

Proud to be a thug. Wow Joe.
You have too much time on your hands. Since last Friday am I have worked 80 hours already. Out at 5 am this morning to interview a witness in Gainseville, Ga. 40 miles from here.
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I am glad you have employment, Gadawag.

The opposite of hard work is not vacation, it is unemployment, so keep working.
Attention deficit
Perhaps, if you paid better attention in school
you would not be at such a non-informed level

Did everything, sure you did
What were those things that took us from crony capitalism
to a free market in the last 20 years?

No of course not, it is too late for us to drive
now that Papa Obama has driven us over the cliff

Ummm,,, we went off the cliff on Bush's watch, not Obama's.. Why do you all try to pretend that this isn't the case?

The Economy crashed in 2008. After Bush cut taxes, and let 50,000 factories relocate to China. We did all the stuff you guys said we should do, and it was a fucking disaster.

But why are you worried Joe?
After all you did proclaim yourself as a THUG.
Go over to China and beat up some Chinks and tell them that job is yours.
You are a thug, aren't you?
And why you are there get me a #27 with hot and sour to go.
Union Boss salaries- They have a lot in common with the people they represent


yes the 1%

Michael J. Sullivan, general president of the Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association
Salary: $1,043,023

Robert A. Scardelletti, international president of the Transportation Communications Union
Salary: $748,531

Newton B. Jones, president of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers
Salary: $607,022

Terence M. O’Sullivan, general president of the Laborers’ International Union of North America
Salary: $589,124

John T. Niccollai, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 464A
Salary: $532,752

Gerald McEntee, international president of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
Salary: $512,369
I keep asking the gung ho unions are to worshiped people if in their lives they had ever seen a poor or even middle class union boss.
They never acknowledge the question. Because if they do acknowledge it, they are fucked.

The question is immaterial but it relates to nothing important in condemning unions, but it does reflect the ridiculousness of CEO compensation.
Oh it's damned relevant.
The hard core pro union activists on here keep playing the "us vs them" card. They like to believe that a union member who makes over $100k per year in wages and benefits and his union boss who makes 5 times or more than that is not one the 1%....In my book, if you make 6 figures, you're a rich guy. How you spend it is your problem.
Just because a guy has a high income does not make it ok for him to own a big house expensive ( over $50k) cars and insist they are part of the great unwashed masses....Please.
I get a little sick and tired of listening to unionized workers who earn over $40 per hour including pension and benefits, whining with their "woe is me" stories.
Just mention productivity or God forbid ask them to contribute more of their earnings toward benefits and their pension and they go ballistic.
What the fuck do you think the Wisconsin gubernatorial (Which Walker will win)recall vote is about? The fucking public workers are incensed because they were told they'd have to kick in for their pension and medical.
In NJ, the teachers unions went on a media campaign of lies saying Gov Christie was against education and hated NJ's kids.....All because he demanded teachers contribute 5% of the cost of their medical insurance and 10% toward the state pension. Of course Christie has the taxpaying people of NJ on his side.
I am glad you have employment, Gadawag.

The opposite of hard work is not vacation, it is unemployment, so keep working.

The best way NOT to be unemployed is to work.
I just left a law office 3 miles from my house. A Hispanic woman is a paralegal there.
She speaks 4 languages and interprets for me the Guatemaulans and other Spanish speaking folk that I sometimes have trouble understanding because of the many dialects.
Her son was out front mowing the property where the law office is.
Her husband was laid off 2 years ago from his job and he also does yard work. He went to work for an electrician and also a plumber to feed his family. He is now employed full time with the electrician. His kids make straight A's in school and 10 years ago they were in Mexico.
How is it they come here and barely speak the language AND FIND WORK?
Work ethic, another American deficit.
I had a job opening recently and it came down to a guy that was working cleaning office buildings and a guy that has been on unemployment for almost 2 years.
The guy on unemployment for 2 years was far more qualified than the guy that was working in a janitorial job but there is no way I would hire him.
Someone that sits on their ass for 20 months is a lazy bum unless they are disabled.
Want job? Go to work. Something good will happen.

BTW the guy I hired that was doing janitorial work will sit for his detective exam in a few weeks. He is as diligent as they come and has not missed a day of work in 2 months. We worked all this weekend and yesterday and he served 8 subpoenas for me. When he passes the test I can put him on contract basis.
You have to be able to start at the bottom to get to the top.
I keep asking the gung ho unions are to worshiped people if in their lives they had ever seen a poor or even middle class union boss.
They never acknowledge the question. Because if they do acknowledge it, they are fucked.

The question is immaterial but it relates to nothing important in condemning unions, but it does reflect the ridiculousness of CEO compensation.
Oh it's damned relevant.
The hard core pro union activists on here keep playing the "us vs them" card. They like to believe that a union member who makes over $100k per year in wages and benefits and his union boss who makes 5 times or more than that is not one the 1%....In my book, if you make 6 figures, you're a rich guy. How you spend it is your problem.
Just because a guy has a high income does not make it ok for him to own a big house expensive ( over $50k) cars and insist they are part of the great unwashed masses....Please.
I get a little sick and tired of listening to unionized workers who earn over $40 per hour including pension and benefits, whining with their "woe is me" stories.
Just mention productivity or God forbid ask them to contribute more of their earnings toward benefits and their pension and they go ballistic.
What the fuck do you think the Wisconsin gubernatorial (Which Walker will win)recall vote is about? The fucking public workers are incensed because they were told they'd have to kick in for their pension and medical.
In NJ, the teachers unions went on a media campaign of lies saying Gov Christie was against education and hated NJ's kids.....All because he demanded teachers contribute 5% of the cost of their medical insurance and 10% toward the state pension. Of course Christie has the taxpaying people of NJ on his side.

Government workers should have to pay ALL of their health care benefits out of their own pocket just like the rest of us self employed folks do.
If they do not like it let them walk. Watch and see the long line of job seekers that would gladly take those jobs and take for a good salary ONLY.
Group health insurance where SOMEONE ELSE, not the consumer, pays the bill is what has ruined American health care.
Attention deficit
Perhaps, if you paid better attention in school
you would not be at such a non-informed level

Did everything, sure you did
What were those things that took us from crony capitalism
to a free market in the last 20 years?

No of course not, it is too late for us to drive
now that Papa Obama has driven us over the cliff

Ummm,,, we went off the cliff on Bush's watch, not Obama's.. Why do you all try to pretend that this isn't the case?

The Economy crashed in 2008. After Bush cut taxes, and let 50,000 factories relocate to China. We did all the stuff you guys said we should do, and it was a fucking disaster.

The members of the Banking Committees in the House and Senate crashed the economy by allowing Fannie/Freddie to go unchecked creating trillions of dollars in bad paper while forcing banks to lend to unqualified individuals. They set up a system where the loan originators could sell the loans to other financial institutions who then packaged up the paper and resold it as "mortgage backed securities" None of these people were ever told by the government that there was "just one problem you may encounter"...What was that? It's called a market correction in real estate.
Now let's get real. A 10% reduction in taxes did not and could not negatively affect the economy. To think otherwise is foolish.
Oh, free trade policies and burdensome government regulations plus expensive US labor is what chased business overseas.
I must ask..Why do you believe high tariffs would bring manufacturing back to the US?
Attention deficit
Perhaps, if you paid better attention in school
you would not be at such a non-informed level

Did everything, sure you did
What were those things that took us from crony capitalism
to a free market in the last 20 years?

No of course not, it is too late for us to drive
now that Papa Obama has driven us over the cliff

Ummm,,, we went off the cliff on Bush's watch, not Obama's.. Why do you all try to pretend that this isn't the case?

The Economy crashed in 2008. After Bush cut taxes, and let 50,000 factories relocate to China. We did all the stuff you guys said we should do, and it was a fucking disaster.

The members of the Banking Committees in the House and Senate crashed the economy by allowing Fannie/Freddie to go unchecked creating trillions of dollars in bad paper while forcing banks to lend to unqualified individuals. They set up a system where the loan originators could sell the loans to other financial institutions who then packaged up the paper and resold it as "mortgage backed securities" None of these people were ever told by the government that there was "just one problem you may encounter"...What was that? It's called a market correction in real estate.
Now let's get real. A 10% reduction in taxes did not and could not negatively affect the economy. To think otherwise is foolish.
Oh, free trade policies and burdensome government regulations plus expensive US labor is what chased business overseas.
I must ask..Why do you believe high tariffs would bring manufacturing back to the US?

Big part of the problem but the big $$$ was in the corporate loan areas. Those dwarfed what Freddie and Fannie did.
Vast speculation on vacant land had nothing to dowith Fannie and Freddie. There are areas here in Georgia where roads subdividing thousands of 1/3 of an acre lots with no homes on it are everywhere.
But I agree with your premise. On point.
What I can not figure out Joe is if you and your union thug buddies are so big and so bad, can beat anyone's ass that would dare do anything to your right to a job, so good for the companies, so beneficial to the communities you live and so profitable for American business how could it ever have happened that you guys let some piss ant companies run by the weenie likes of Romney do you in?
And they kicked your ass royally in the process.
How could it be?

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