Union Boss salaries- They have a lot in common with the people they represent

And of course you'll still see people on here insisting that GW Bush crashed the economy.
The real estate business together with the lending( mortgage) business was doomed the minute the federal government started interfering with both.

No way could two unpaid for wars, a huge unpaid for tax cut and a huge unpaid for perscription drug program have ANYTHING to do with the state of the economy. No fuking way.

It was ONLY the housing crash. HEHEHEHEHEHEHE. (Brought to us by the "free market".)
Except it wasn't very "free".

Repeat after me a simple mantra for simple minded Rethugs; it is all Obama's fault, it is all Obama's fault, George Bush never existed, it is all Obamas fault.

There there now, feel better Rethugs?

Yeah sure....

During George W. Bush, the Iraq war cost a total of $622 billion, according to the Congressional Research Service.

Papa Obama spent for the 185 federal means tested welfare programs for 2010 for the federal government, is nearly $700 billion

Here boy
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On average, the wealthiest people in America pay a lot more taxes than the middle class or the poor, according to private and government data. They pay at a higher rate, and as a group, they contribute a much larger share of the overall taxes collected by the federal government.

The 10% of households with the highest incomes pay more than half of all federal taxes. They pay more than 70% of federal income taxes, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

Here is some truth for you that you may not be able to understand; I do not give a flying fuk if the ultra wealthy pay 50% of their income in federal income taxes. They will survive just fine.

Is that to hard to understand? Call it class warfare I don't give a shit what you call it. All I know is we need more money, they have it and I could care less if they pay more in taxes.

The ultra wealthy are not looking out for me why in the fuk would I care if they pay more in taxes. They have been using their wealth and influence to get lower taxes and higher incomes for years.

Why do you care? I just don't get it. And don't trot out the "fairness" bullshit. Just a water boy for the rich is all you are. Fool.

Speaking of fool

you must be unable to do the same
Top Marginal Rate after WWII was 92%, and most rich folks (after deductions that were geared towards helping keep the economy healthy) most paid at least 48%.

That was the same after JFK lowered the top Marginal Rate in 1961 to 71%.

Reagan and after, the tax burden shifted from the wealthy to working folks. And that was the problem. So did the wealth.

Rates do not equate to share of burden

From that right wing USA Today news

On average, the wealthiest people in America pay a lot more taxes than the middle class or the poor, according to private and government data. They pay at a higher rate, and as a group, they contribute a much larger share of the overall taxes collected by the federal government.

The 10% of households with the highest incomes pay more than half of all federal taxes. They pay more than 70% of federal income taxes, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

One more time.

Income taxes are only PART of the picture.

When you factor in sales taxes, gasoline taxes, Social Security, Medicare, state taxes, property taxes - the ugly truth is- the middle class is carrying the load, not the wealthy.

It's like you keep repeating this crap about the income tax with no critical thought at all.

Oh yes critical thinking
as you push the class envy crap with no basis
With bigger purchases and bigger houses and bigger incomes, do you think the "rich"
pay even more with those taxes

Just so you know, the gov't does not treat SS as a tax, but an earned benefit
since you get it back- funny I know

Too bad for the Left, it is not working


Actually the ugly truth the left wants to hide
You could take all the money from the rich and it would do
nothing for the problems

Since there are more middle class and if the left wants to pursue the failed
socialist policies, they will have to tax the middle class more and more

The US has a spending problem not a tax problem, no matter how
hard the left/concerned trolls try to make it otherwise

Anyone who says we are just a few taxes or spending cuts away from
fixing the problems- is lying.

Nor can you tax your way out of debt. Eliminate all of the Bush tax cuts, including the tax cuts for low- and middle-income Americans, and you would reduce the debt by perhaps 10% — assuming you didn't cripple the economy in the process. Tax the rich? That won't get you there either. In fact, according to the Congressional Budget Office, in order to pay for all currently scheduled federal spending would require raising both the corporate tax rate and top income tax rate from their current 35% to 88%, the current 25% tax rate for middle-income workers to 63%, and the 10% tax bracket for low-income workers to 25%


Here boy
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Americans agree, rich people should pay higher taxes - Apr. 22, 2011

Two new polls suggest there is broad support for raising taxes on households making more than $250,000 a year, and all in the name of deficit reduction.

Heck, even a majority of Republicans want the rich to pay more.

A full 72% of adults approve of increasing federal taxes on households making more than $250,000 starting in 2013, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

Fifty-five percent of Republicans want the tax hike, along with 74% of independents and 83% of Democrats.

In case you need more convincing, an ABC News/Washington Post poll released Wednesday asked a similar question. The results: Seventy-two percent of respondents want to raise taxes on the rich to help reduce the deficit, with a similar breakdown by political party.
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Oh yes critical thinking
as you push the class envy crap with no basis
With bigger purchases and bigger houses and bigger incomes, do you think the "rich"
pay even more with those taxes

Um, no, not collectively. Yes, I guess the Million Dollar mansion is going to generate more tax than the $100,000 condo. but there are more condos than mansions.

Just so you know, the gov't does not treat SS as a tax, but an earned benefit
since you get it back- funny I know

Too bad for the Left, it is not working

You only get it back if you live that long, and can actually afford to stop working. But the calculation is actually based on what you made in your last three working years, so if you are working in Wal-Mart because no one is going to hire a 62 year old Professional, you aren't going to get in anywhere near what you paid in. It's a tax.

Actually the ugly truth the left wants to hide
You could take all the money from the rich and it would do
nothing for the problems

Since there are more middle class and if the left wants to pursue the failed
socialist policies, they will have to tax the middle class more and more

Okay, let's take all their money, then we will have to come up with something else after that.

Works for me.
Top Marginal Rate after WWII was 92%, and most rich folks (after deductions that were geared towards helping keep the economy healthy) most paid at least 48%.

That was the same after JFK lowered the top Marginal Rate in 1961 to 71%.

Reagan and after, the tax burden shifted from the wealthy to working folks. And that was the problem. So did the wealth.

Rates do not equate to share of burden

From that right wing USA Today news

On average, the wealthiest people in America pay a lot more taxes than the middle class or the poor, according to private and government data. They pay at a higher rate, and as a group, they contribute a much larger share of the overall taxes collected by the federal government.

The 10% of households with the highest incomes pay more than half of all federal taxes. They pay more than 70% of federal income taxes, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

One more time.

Income taxes are only PART of the picture.

When you factor in sales taxes, gasoline taxes, Social Security, Medicare, state taxes, property taxes - the ugly truth is- the middle class is carrying the load, not the wealthy.

It's like you keep repeating this crap about the income tax with no critical thought at all.

Even after including all taxes, the richest fifth still pay more than everyone else.
The Left and their concerned trolls are so behind the times

The Hill New Poll Shows Most Voters Want Lower Taxes, Even on the Rich 2/27/12

Three-quarters of likely voters believe the nation’s top earners should pay lower, not higher, tax rates, according to a new poll for The Hill.
The big majority opted for a lower tax bill when asked to choose specific rates; precisely 75 percent said the right level for top earners was 30 percent or below.
The current rate for top earners is 35 percent. Only 4 percent thought it was appropriate to take 40 percent, which is approximately the level that President Obama is seeking from January 2013 onward.
The Hill Poll also found that 73 percent of likely voters believe corporations should pay a lower rate than the current 35 percent.


Here boy
Actually the ugly truth the left wants to hide
You could take all the money from the rich and it would do
nothing for the problems

OH horseshit.

How is it the ultra rich couldn't be taxed nough to "do nothing for the problem" but, if they could only pay less in taxes then the trickle down effect would kick in and all would be fine in the economy.

You know how stupid that sounds right? Not enough income tax to make a difference but with a bigger tax cut they would let some of their money "trickle" down to the rest of us.

Utter nonsense.
The Left and their concerned trolls are so behind the times

The Hill New Poll Shows Most Voters Want Lower Taxes, Even on the Rich 2/27/12

Three-quarters of likely voters believe the nation’s top earners should pay lower, not higher, tax rates, according to a new poll for The Hill.
The big majority opted for a lower tax bill when asked to choose specific rates; precisely 75 percent said the right level for top earners was 30 percent or below.
The current rate for top earners is 35 percent. Only 4 percent thought it was appropriate to take 40 percent, which is approximately the level that President Obama is seeking from January 2013 onward.
The Hill Poll also found that 73 percent of likely voters believe corporations should pay a lower rate than the current 35 percent.


Here boy

But if you ask people "Should the rich pay more in taxes," polls have consistently shown over the past few years that 2/3s of people agree.
One thing I do have to admit.

I cannot for the life of me figure out why a middle class person, like the ones on here, give a shit about how much the ultra wealthy pay in income tax.

The ultra wealthy uses their wealth to influence decisions that benefit them. Only them.

And somehow they or the politicians they help elect have convinced you middle class folks that the ultra wealthy is looking out for you and therefore you need to look out for them and work tirelessly to keep them from paying a higher tax rate.

The ultra wealthy havedone a good job brainwashing you people. Get a clue.

Fuking crazy.
One thing I do have to admit.

I cannot for the life of me figure out why a middle class person, like the ones on here, give a shit about how much the ultra wealthy pay in income tax.

The ultra wealthy uses their wealth to influence decisions that benefit them. Only them.

And somehow they or the politicians they help elect have convinced you middle class folks that the ultra wealthy is looking out for you and therefore you need to look out for them and work tirelessly to keep them from paying a higher tax rate.

The ultra wealthy havedone a good job brainwashing you people. Get a clue.

Fuking crazy.

I think they all hope some day they will be rich, and the last thing they want is for fairness to break out before they get there.
The Left and their concerned trolls are so behind the times

The Hill New Poll Shows Most Voters Want Lower Taxes, Even on the Rich 2/27/12

Three-quarters of likely voters believe the nation’s top earners should pay lower, not higher, tax rates, according to a new poll for The Hill.
The big majority opted for a lower tax bill when asked to choose specific rates; precisely 75 percent said the right level for top earners was 30 percent or below.
The current rate for top earners is 35 percent. Only 4 percent thought it was appropriate to take 40 percent, which is approximately the level that President Obama is seeking from January 2013 onward.
The Hill Poll also found that 73 percent of likely voters believe corporations should pay a lower rate than the current 35 percent.
A right wing rag poll? Come on, you can do better than this. You are so two centuries ago! :lol:
Sigh. You make this up all by yourself?
We mock what we do not understand.
Look genius, if you think you might have something to add to the discussion, have at it.
Leaving drive by one liner posts only makes you appear ignorant.

In other words, you are violating copyright. And JoeB tears you a new butt hole below. Even when you cheat, your lose.
Joe B like you are flyspecks.
Copyright? Who's fucking copyright are referring to?
Those are MY words, jack wagon.
Both you and Joe B are far left wing pro big union politically correct snot noses who would not know your ass from a hole in the ground.
I have the facts on my side. I deal ONLY in facts. You people deal with nothing. You post only what you feel. You do not think.
The only asshole JoeB is ripping...well we won't get into his personal stuff. LOL
The Left and their concerned trolls are so behind the times

The Hill New Poll Shows Most Voters Want Lower Taxes, Even on the Rich 2/27/12

Three-quarters of likely voters believe the nation’s top earners should pay lower, not higher, tax rates, according to a new poll for The Hill.
The big majority opted for a lower tax bill when asked to choose specific rates; precisely 75 percent said the right level for top earners was 30 percent or below.
The current rate for top earners is 35 percent. Only 4 percent thought it was appropriate to take 40 percent, which is approximately the level that President Obama is seeking from January 2013 onward.
The Hill Poll also found that 73 percent of likely voters believe corporations should pay a lower rate than the current 35 percent.
A right wing rag poll? Come on, you can do better than this. You are so two centuries ago! :lol:

The Hill is LEFT biased. Shows how much you know, you politically correct lightweight.
Actually the ugly truth the left wants to hide
You could take all the money from the rich and it would do
nothing for the problems

OH horseshit.

How is it the ultra rich couldn't be taxed nough to "do nothing for the problem" but, if they could only pay less in taxes then the trickle down effect would kick in and all would be fine in the economy.

You know how stupid that sounds right? Not enough income tax to make a difference but with a bigger tax cut they would let some of their money "trickle" down to the rest of us.

Utter nonsense.

Name ONE THING that government manufactures or produces.
All government do is collect the $, hire "employees" at almost twice the market rate what the private sector pays and spends tax dollars on pork barrel projects such as 3 million to study grandparents in Alaska.
$ that you get to keep in your pocket is just a little different than that.
How come you do not know these things?
Ole Joe talks a mean game of ass kicking when someone crosses some line but when the job crosses that line how come he does not follow it and kick the ass of the next guy that has it?
Name ONE THING that government manufactures or produces.

Just this very morning, thousands and thousands of people went to their jobs to produce products ordered by the US Guvmint. Tanks, planes, guns, bombs, bullets, body armour etc etc etc.

They prolly even ordered food, drinks and clothing for the troops.

All made by private manufacturing.

Please try again.

Just this very morning, thousand and thousands of civil service workers went to their guvmint jobs and started producing the R&D that the military thrives on. I personally know a guvmint chemical engineer that has been working on road side bomb detection for years. All in the effort to save lives of our troops in combat.

You sure the guvmint doesn't produce anything? Like research? New ideas? Nothing?

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