Union Boss salaries- They have a lot in common with the people they represent

The Left and their concerned trolls are so behind the times

The Hill New Poll Shows Most Voters Want Lower Taxes, Even on the Rich 2/27/12

Three-quarters of likely voters believe the nation’s top earners should pay lower, not higher, tax rates, according to a new poll for The Hill.
The big majority opted for a lower tax bill when asked to choose specific rates; precisely 75 percent said the right level for top earners was 30 percent or below.
The current rate for top earners is 35 percent. Only 4 percent thought it was appropriate to take 40 percent, which is approximately the level that President Obama is seeking from January 2013 onward.
The Hill Poll also found that 73 percent of likely voters believe corporations should pay a lower rate than the current 35 percent.
A right wing rag poll? Come on, you can do better than this. You are so two centuries ago! :lol:

The Hill is LEFT biased. Shows how much you know, you politically correct lightweight.

Go check the site, the authors, and the opinions. It makes you look like a lib.
OH horseshit.

How is it the ultra rich couldn't be taxed nough to "do nothing for the problem" but, if they could only pay less in taxes then the trickle down effect would kick in and all would be fine in the economy.

You know how stupid that sounds right? Not enough income tax to make a difference but with a bigger tax cut they would let some of their money "trickle" down to the rest of us.

Utter nonsense.
Name ONE THING that government manufactures or produces.
All government do is collect the $, hire "employees" at almost twice the market rate what the private sector pays and spends tax dollars on pork barrel projects such as 3 million to study grandparents in Alaska.
$ that you get to keep in your pocket is just a little different than that.
How come you do not know these things?

Did you really think you were addressing what I had written? I was talking about taxing the rich and you are talking about what the guvmint produces. YOu thinks those are the same things?
OH horseshit.

How is it the ultra rich couldn't be taxed nough to "do nothing for the problem" but, if they could only pay less in taxes then the trickle down effect would kick in and all would be fine in the economy.

You know how stupid that sounds right? Not enough income tax to make a difference but with a bigger tax cut they would let some of their money "trickle" down to the rest of us.

Utter nonsense.
Name ONE THING that government manufactures or produces.
All government do is collect the $, hire "employees" at almost twice the market rate what the private sector pays and spends tax dollars on pork barrel projects such as 3 million to study grandparents in Alaska.
$ that you get to keep in your pocket is just a little different than that.
How come you do not know these things?

Did you really think you were addressing what I had written? I was talking about taxing the rich and you are talking about what the guvmint produces. YOu thinks those are the same things?

You want to take more $$ in taxes from the rich to give to government and stated that it is the same thing when $$ is in the hands of government as is in the hands of citizens.
And I am telling you that is crazy.
$$ kept in the private sector, IN YOUR POCKET, grows the economy.
$$ sent to government staggers the economy.
How ARE your spending habits affected if YOU HAVE LESS MONEY?
Works the same way WITH EVERYONE.
Gadawag, $$$ in the hands leads to job creation: think Defense or Transportation or Education. It can also be wasteful and costly.

Too many $$$ in the hands of the wealthy can be wasteful and costly as well.

Lower taxes are not going to jump start this economy.
Are these two wannabe Marxist frauds still making noise here? Are they still insisting they are really Republicans? :rolleyes:
I see my little stalker squeaker, Unkotare, is here already. He always responds to his betters.


:eusa_whistle: come here, boy, and get some whine and cheese
The Left and their concerned trolls are so behind the times

The Hill New Poll Shows Most Voters Want Lower Taxes, Even on the Rich 2/27/12

Three-quarters of likely voters believe the nation’s top earners should pay lower, not higher, tax rates, according to a new poll for The Hill.
The big majority opted for a lower tax bill when asked to choose specific rates; precisely 75 percent said the right level for top earners was 30 percent or below.
The current rate for top earners is 35 percent. Only 4 percent thought it was appropriate to take 40 percent, which is approximately the level that President Obama is seeking from January 2013 onward.
The Hill Poll also found that 73 percent of likely voters believe corporations should pay a lower rate than the current 35 percent.
A right wing rag poll? Come on, you can do better than this. You are so two centuries ago! :lol:

The Hill is LEFT biased. Shows how much you know, you politically correct lightweight.

To be fair, a lot of the left and their tools, the concerned trolls, on this board are so extreme and leftist, anything to the right of say, Daily Kos might seem to be “the right wing”.

Regardless and as usual, an ad hominem argument means they have no argument and they are just pushing the same left agenda

In fact, according to Gallup, a minority agenda as well

In U.S., Nearly Half Identify as Economically Conservative


20% small indeed... strange about 20% of Americans suffer from mental illness, as well
funny how that works

These fringe leftist groups are always the most extreme
Which is why the American voters reject them and they
have to lie about what they stand for and want


Here boy
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Gadawag, $$$ in the hands leads to job creation: think Defense or Transportation or Education. It can also be wasteful and costly.

Too many $$$ in the hands of the wealthy can be wasteful and costly as well.

Lower taxes are not going to jump start this economy.

A dollar sent to Washington 40% of it goes to administration.
A dollar left in the economy private industry averages are less than 10% on administration.
The Department of Education does nothing with 120 billion other than collect taxes and give it back to the states keeping 40% of it for administration.
Education is a states' issue. Things are worse noW in education than before that agency was founded.
Defense is funded by constitutional authority.
Transportation is a use tax funding. You pay at the pump.
The rich pay the same as everyone else.
The way it ought to be for everything.
The problem we have is THE FUCKING TAX CODE. Do away with it and the IRS altogether and go to a Fair Tax formula and the system corrects itself over night.
Raise the current taxes and what do the wealthy do?
Put all their $$ in tax free municipal bonds.
So how do we collect more revenue if we raise the taxes on the wealthy IF THEY PUT THEIR $$ IN TAX FREE INVESTMENTS?
How is so hard for you folk to understand?
Reduce spending
Reduce spending
Reduce spending and
A right wing rag poll? Come on, you can do better than this. You are so two centuries ago! :lol:

The Hill is LEFT biased. Shows how much you know, you politically correct lightweight.

To be fair, a lot of the left and their tools, the concerned trolls, on this board are so extreme and leftist, anything to the right of say, Daily Kos might seem to be “the right wing”.

Regardless and as usual, an ad hominem argument means they have no argument and they are just pushing the same left agenda

In fact, according to Gallup, a minority agenda as well

In U.S., Nearly Half Identify as Economically Conservative


20% small indeed... strange about 20% of Americans suffer from mental illness, as well
funny how that works

These fringe leftist groups are always the most extreme
Which is why the American voters reject them and they
have to lie about what they stand for and want


Here boy
I heard about that poll today. The libs will be infuriated and then dismiss it.
That in the face of the fact that Gallup has a liberal bias in their polling.
Gadawag, $$$ in the hands leads to job creation: think Defense or Transportation or Education. It can also be wasteful and costly.

Too many $$$ in the hands of the wealthy can be wasteful and costly as well.

Lower taxes are not going to jump start this economy.

"Too many $$$ in the hands of the wealthy can be wasteful and costly as well.".
Would you care to elaborate? Perhaps provide some factual basis for that claim?
Or do we just take your learned word for it?
Gadawag, $$$ in the hands leads to job creation: think Defense or Transportation or Education. It can also be wasteful and costly.

Too many $$$ in the hands of the wealthy can be wasteful and costly as well.

Lower taxes are not going to jump start this economy.

"Too many $$$ in the hands of the wealthy can be wasteful and costly as well.".
Would you care to elaborate? Perhaps provide some factual basis for that claim?
Or do we just take your learned word for it?

Why not? You want us to take your word that Defense contracting jobs does not create jobs?

When you folks starting being honest, we will talk.
Gadawag, $$$ in the hands leads to job creation: think Defense or Transportation or Education. It can also be wasteful and costly.

Too many $$$ in the hands of the wealthy can be wasteful and costly as well.

Lower taxes are not going to jump start this economy.

"Too many $$$ in the hands of the wealthy can be wasteful and costly as well.".
Would you care to elaborate? Perhaps provide some factual basis for that claim?
Or do we just take your learned word for it?

Why not? You want us to take your word that Defense contracting jobs does not create jobs?

When you folks starting being honest, we will talk.

You are the last person who should be talking about 'honesty,' champ.
Unk, offer something of worth, or take your meds and go to sleep. Or is it your intention to derail this thread because you got your butt kicked in two other threads. Caution: don't makes false analogies without thinking you will get called out.,
Don't start with your spam again, douchebag. I was pointing out that in general you are a dishonest person of low character. If you have anything to say about other threads, go say it on those threads.
Says the person of dishonest character who posts falsely, gets called on it, and freaks out

Stop it now, Unk.,
Go back to the site of your orginal lie if you really feel you must, douchebag. Nothing you have to say on any subject can be taken seriously given your proven record of dishonesty.

The Wealthy paid a healthy share of the taxes

When was this perfect world, how much did the wealthy make and what was the healthy share they paid?
Be specific.

Top Marginal Rate after WWII was 92%, and most rich folks (after deductions that were geared towards helping keep the economy healthy) most paid at least 48%.

That was the same after JFK lowered the top Marginal Rate in 1961 to 71%.

Reagan and after, the tax burden shifted from the wealthy to working folks. And that was the problem. So did the wealth.

Try reading your own claim.
You said they paid a healthy share, not they paid a higher marginal rate.
Try again?

The Wealthy paid a healthy share of the taxes

When was this perfect world, how much did the wealthy make and what was the healthy share they paid?
Be specific.

Top Marginal Rate after WWII was 92%, and most rich folks (after deductions that were geared towards helping keep the economy healthy) most paid at least 48%.

That was the same after JFK lowered the top Marginal Rate in 1961 to 71%.

Reagan and after, the tax burden shifted from the wealthy to working folks. And that was the problem. So did the wealth.

Try reading your own claim.
You said they paid a healthy share, not they paid a higher marginal rate.
Try again?

ToddsterPatriot, tell us what you believe a healthy share should be for the rich. Be specific,

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