Union Boss salaries- They have a lot in common with the people they represent

And of course you'll still see people on here insisting that GW Bush crashed the economy.
The real estate business together with the lending( mortgage) business was doomed the minute the federal government started interfering with both.

No way could two unpaid for wars, a huge unpaid for tax cut and a huge unpaid for perscription drug program have ANYTHING to do with the state of the economy. No fuking way.

It was ONLY the housing crash. HEHEHEHEHEHEHE. (Brought to us by the "free market".)
Except it wasn't very "free".

Repeat after me a simple mantra for simple minded Rethugs; it is all Obama's fault, it is all Obama's fault, George Bush never existed, it is all Obamas fault.

There there now, feel better Rethugs?

Since when have liberals ever cared about anything being "unpaid for"?

But if you really want to pay for all of Obama's deficit spending, more than Bush's 8 years, in a bit more than 3, I'm in. Lets cut government spending by 10% this year, 20% next year and 30% the year after.
<P>What do you say?
Ole Joe talks a mean game of ass kicking when someone crosses some line but when the job crosses that line how come he does not follow it and kick the ass of the next guy that has it?

Gee, guy, for someone who does the dirty work of millionaires screwing working folks, you don't impress.

Frankly, most of the jobs I've lost, it's because some rich asshole made horrid decisions and the job and usually the whole company disappears...

Just saying, for all you guys who think that we just need to totally trust their judgement.
The Hill is LEFT biased. Shows how much you know, you politically correct lightweight.

To be fair, a lot of the left and their tools, the concerned trolls, on this board are so extreme and leftist, anything to the right of say, Daily Kos might seem to be &#8220;the right wing&#8221;.

Regardless and as usual, an ad hominem argument means they have no argument and they are just pushing the same left agenda

In fact, according to Gallup, a minority agenda as well

In U.S., Nearly Half Identify as Economically Conservative


20% small indeed... strange about 20% of Americans suffer from mental illness, as well
funny how that works

These fringe leftist groups are always the most extreme
Which is why the American voters reject them and they
have to lie about what they stand for and want


No doubt

you can see the desperation from the left/ concerned trolls as the election gets closer.
One can fully expect them to get even more extreme as the election day comes



Here boy
Ok...Let's get to the facts....Since you started with "once upon a time"...
At it's peak, unionization of labor in the US was about 35%. So there goes your claim of "Most private sector jobs were union"..

Go back and read my original statement.... where I put the qualifier "or enjoyed good benefits because of ....unions."

The wealthy pay MOST of the tax burden. That is the present. The facts bear that out.

Uh, no, they don't. They pay more of the income tax because right now, they control an obscene amount of the wealth, but they still have to hit working folks with other taxes and schemes to finance those big tax breaks for the wealthy.

Higher taxes on rich assholes would benefit me in many ways.

First, it means the governmetn will stop borrowing from the butchers in Beijing. Bad enough those scumwads are taking our jobs, but we have to pay them interest on our money?

Second, if we put that money into public works and public services, it would raise employment and wages across the board as companies stop paying obscene salaries to CEO's and start paying the people who do the work a decent amount.

Why would I give a crap about "international trade". We are currently bleeding 500 BILLION a year in trade deficits every year for the last 20 years or so. Now, the "anti-Trade" argument might have made sense when we were exporting manuctured goods at a high rate, but we aren't. Haven't been in a long time.

Guy, I've been working in Purchasing for 20 years, domestic and international. Trust me, free trade is as much about breaking the middle class in this country as any economic reason.

Yeah, but you know what, having worked in non-union shops, I never see the 'best worker' get ahead. I see the ass-kisser get ahead. I've seen the idiot children of the boss' friend get ahead. I've seen the gal with the nice ass and no brain get ahead. I've seen guys who are hard workers with years of experience get dumped on because they are too old, or perhaps because they ran into a medical issue that took them out for a few weeks.

Again, I've seen more people fired for bullshit than I've seen fired for "slacking", and I've seen some slackers get away with murder. Your whole premise is that bosses really know what is going on in their own shops, and it's been my experience most of them are kind of clueless.

It is you who want to burn down the neighbor's house.
Your class warfare says that. Rather than promote education and skill enhancement training for the purpose of encouraging people to increase their skill set and thus increase their income potential, you want to punish those who you believe are unfairly lifted to the top of the economic ladder. When you see a wealthy person, you do not think achievement and success. You think luck and criminal behavior.

Yeah, pretty much.

I should point out that in most unions, promotion and advancement is based on improving skill sets. For instance, in the trades, you have to move up from apprentice to journeyman learning the trade from a more experienced person.

As opposed to the Corporate model, where the idea is to create "McJobs" that can be filled cheaply and quickly...

I must ask....Given the propensity of you people on the left to use the term "working people", I want to see your definition of "working people"...
This oughta be good.

Someone who goes to a job every day, doesn't go off for half the day and play golf or drink two martini lunches or is done every day at 3 PM.
"Uh, no, they don't. They pay more of the income tax because right now, they control an obscene amount of the wealth, but they still have to hit working folks with other taxes and schemes to finance those big tax breaks for the wealthy. "
Incorrect. Link....National Taxpayers Union - Who Pays Income Taxes?

"Higher taxes on rich assholes would benefit me in many ways.

First, it means the governmetn will stop borrowing from the butchers in Beijing. Bad enough those scumwads are taking our jobs, but we have to pay them interest on our money?

Second, if we put that money into public works and public services, it would raise employment and wages across the board as companies stop paying obscene salaries to CEO's and start paying the people who do the work a decent amount. "

Umm foreign countries BUY our debt as investment. The notion that we "borrow" from other countries is a liberal lie. Why do you refer to people in China as "butchers"...Looks like anti Asian racism on your part.
The Chinese nor any one else are "taking OUR jobs"...First, the jobs belong to the employer. Not the worker. Here's an example of the typical liberal frothing at the mouth over John Deere. I have read this accusation that John Deere has "moved operations to China"..Bullshit. John Deere has 60 plants...ONE is in China. The other 59 are right here in the US and Canada. Most of "offshored" jobs are entry level or low level light data entry or call center employment. Many of those centers were built to allow companies to offer customer service 24 hours per day.
The federal government already collects trillions of dollars from the US taxpayer. Te problem is not revenue, it is ridiculous spending on garbage and the fact that there are FAR TOO MANY federal employees.
What private companies do with their revenue is nobody's God damned business.
It also non of anyone's business the earnings of another individual...Unless of course they work for the public sector or a publicly traded company. In the case of publicly traded firms, only the stock holders have a vested interest in pay. SO if you want a say, purchase a stake. Otherwise, mind your own business.
BTW, wealth does not exist in a vacuum. There is NO zero sum game. Wealth does not exist in a stagnant state. Wealth is created.
Welcome to Global trade. It is a reality that is not going away. We must continue our trend of de emphasizing high numbers of people needed to create goods. We do that with modernization of plants. We do that with requiring employees to be educated people with advanced training in computers and skilled labor that is able to do EVERY job in the plant. The days of "that's not my job" are OVER. No more protecting the guy that can do juts one job. Manufacturing of the future requires all employees to be highly skilled in all operations.
"Guy, I've been working in Purchasing for 20 years, domestic and international. Trust me, free trade is as much about breaking the middle class in this country as any economic reason. "..
I have opposed "free trade" since NAFTA came to be. We need "fair trade".
"Again, I've seen more people fired for bullshit than I've seen fired for "slacking", and I've seen some slackers get away with murder. Your whole premise is that bosses really know what is going on in their own shops, and it's been my experience most of them are kind of clueless. "

Define bullshit.....We have laws that require termination "for cause". No one gets fired for "bullshit"...They usually have violated company policy in one way or another and have been for an extended period of time.
In union shops, managers are forced to look the other way because the union basically requires a capital crime to be committed by the worker in order for them to get canned.

I must ask....Given the propensity of you people on the left to use the term "working people", I want to see your definition of "working people"...
This oughta be good.

Someone who goes to a job every day, doesn't go off for half the day and play golf or drink two martini lunches or is done every day at 3 PM."...
That's not a definition. That's an opinion.

In conclusion. I think your view of things is highly biased and closed minded.
You remind of the typical line type worker who thinks he works hard and because of that believes he is entitled to what others have. You are uncomfortable with wealth. You do not believe in achievement and success. You mock these concepts. In fact you dismiss them. Your kind looks upon people of means and says to them self " I work twice as hard as that gut, why should he be able to live in that house, drive that car, send his kids ot private school, go on vacation, etc...." You hate him...
Years ago when the middle class father walked his kid down the street and saw a guy driving an expensive car he'd tell his son/daughter "Some day you will be able to own one of those cars if you get an education learn a skill and do your best".
Today people like you walk their kid down the street and say, "see that guy driving that expensive car, he screws his workers so he can drive around in a fancy car. He owes you."...
You are closed minded and that is a shame. Your inability to see the bigger picture convinces you your conspiracies about the well to do are correct. To you, there is no other answer.
That's irrational. It is at this time I terminate this discussion with you based on your irrational and fearful ideas.
You will not change your outlook. You will forever remain bitter over these issues of class and wealth.
Ole Joe talks a mean game of ass kicking when someone crosses some line but when the job crosses that line how come he does not follow it and kick the ass of the next guy that has it?

Gee, guy, for someone who does the dirty work of millionaires screwing working folks, you don't impress.

Frankly, most of the jobs I've lost, it's because some rich asshole made horrid decisions and the job and usually the whole company disappears...

Just saying, for all you guys who think that we just need to totally trust their judgement.

FOr a business to continue operations it must turn a profit or die. Period.
One thing I do have to admit.

I cannot for the life of me figure out why a middle class person, like the ones on here, give a shit about how much the ultra wealthy pay in income tax.

The ultra wealthy uses their wealth to influence decisions that benefit them. Only them.

And somehow they or the politicians they help elect have convinced you middle class folks that the ultra wealthy is looking out for you and therefore you need to look out for them and work tirelessly to keep them from paying a higher tax rate.

The ultra wealthy havedone a good job brainwashing you people. Get a clue.

Fuking crazy.

When I think about where money is better spent, in the private sector, by the people who earned it or in the public sector, by morons like Obama, I cannot figure out why a middle class person would want anyone to pay more in taxes.

Then I remember what a poor job our publics schools do, and it all makes sense.
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You sick fucks from the far right cost us the election in 2008. It isn't the FAR LEFT convincing the centrists and independents, it's THE SICK FUCK LOONIES OF THE FAR RIGHT that drive them off with their looniness.

I want Romney to win this election, then I want him to drive you fucks into the political wilderness.
Top Marginal Rate after WWII was 92%, and most rich folks (after deductions that were geared towards helping keep the economy healthy) most paid at least 48%.

That was the same after JFK lowered the top Marginal Rate in 1961 to 71%.

Reagan and after, the tax burden shifted from the wealthy to working folks. And that was the problem. So did the wealth.

Try reading your own claim.
You said they paid a healthy share, not they paid a higher marginal rate.
Try again?

ToddsterPatriot, tell us what you believe a healthy share should be for the rich. Be specific,

Everyone should pay 15% of their gross income. No deductions. No loopholes. ANd when I state no deductions, it means just that. No child credits. No mortgage credits. No earned income credits. No head of household credits. Capital gains 15%. Interest income 15%. Dividends 15%. Sale of property as income 15%. Lottery winnings 15%....Get it?
Exemptions for employed people single $30k per year. For married filing jointly, $60k per year. Everything above that 15%..
And of course you'll still see people on here insisting that GW Bush crashed the economy.
The real estate business together with the lending( mortgage) business was doomed the minute the federal government started interfering with both.

No way could two unpaid for wars, a huge unpaid for tax cut and a huge unpaid for perscription drug program have ANYTHING to do with the state of the economy. No fuking way.

It was ONLY the housing crash. HEHEHEHEHEHEHE. (Brought to us by the "free market".)
Except it wasn't very "free".

Repeat after me a simple mantra for simple minded Rethugs; it is all Obama's fault, it is all Obama's fault, George Bush never existed, it is all Obamas fault.

There there now, feel better Rethugs?

Since when have liberals ever cared about anything being "unpaid for"?

But if you really want to pay for all of Obama's deficit spending, more than Bush's 8 years, in a bit more than 3, I'm in. Lets cut government spending by 10% this year, 20% next year and 30% the year after.
<P>What do you say?

Remember when the left/concerned trolls cared about the debt
But now they do not

Funny how that works
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsrFa9jrpv8]Child's Pay 2 - YouTube[/ame]


Here boy
Try reading your own claim.
You said they paid a healthy share, not they paid a higher marginal rate.
Try again?

ToddsterPatriot, tell us what you believe a healthy share should be for the rich. Be specific,

Everyone should pay 15% of their gross income. No deductions. No loopholes. ANd when I state no deductions, it means just that. No child credits. No mortgage credits. No earned income credits. No head of household credits. Capital gains 15%. Interest income 15%. Dividends 15%. Sale of property as income 15%. Lottery winnings 15%....Get it?
Exemptions for employed people single $30k per year. For married filing jointly, $60k per year. Everything above that 15%..

OK, and do we cut SS and medicare taxes on income?
You sick fucks from the far right cost us the election in 2008. It isn't the FAR LEFT convincing the centrists and independents, it's THE SICK FUCK LOONIES OF THE FAR RIGHT that drive them off with their looniness.

I want Romney to win this election, then I want him to drive you fucks into the political wilderness.

Well there is something on which we agree. I despise the far right religious loons. An example would be that stupid minister in Maiden, NC who talked about putting gays behind electric fences.
Fortunately, the conservative movement quickly marginalizes these people and excludes them.
Top Marginal Rate after WWII was 92%, and most rich folks (after deductions that were geared towards helping keep the economy healthy) most paid at least 48%.

That was the same after JFK lowered the top Marginal Rate in 1961 to 71%.

Reagan and after, the tax burden shifted from the wealthy to working folks. And that was the problem. So did the wealth.

Try reading your own claim.
You said they paid a healthy share, not they paid a higher marginal rate.
Try again?

ToddsterPatriot, tell us what you believe a healthy share should be for the rich. Be specific,

I think the share they pay now is healthy.
Can you help out the clown who thinks they used to pay more?
He needs help with the details.
Lots and lots of help.
You sick fucks from the far right cost us the election in 2008. It isn't the FAR LEFT convincing the centrists and independents, it's THE SICK FUCK LOONIES OF THE FAR RIGHT that drive them off with their looniness.

I want Romney to win this election, then I want him to drive you fucks into the political wilderness.

Well there is something on which we agree. I despise the far right religious loons. An example would be that stupid minister in Maiden, NC who talked about putting gays behind electric fences.
Fortunately, the conservative movement quickly marginalizes these people and excludes them.

Yes, true conservatives marginalize such sickos, yes,
Ole Joe talks a mean game of ass kicking when someone crosses some line but when the job crosses that line how come he does not follow it and kick the ass of the next guy that has it?

Gee, guy, for someone who does the dirty work of millionaires screwing working folks, you don't impress.

Frankly, most of the jobs I've lost, it's because some rich asshole made horrid decisions and the job and usually the whole company disappears...

Just saying, for all you guys who think that we just need to totally trust their judgement.

Imagine that, in the private sector, make a poor decision and your company suffers.
In the public sector, a poor decision just means you get to waste even more money next year.
You sick fucks from the far right cost us the election in 2008. It isn't the FAR LEFT convincing the centrists and independents, it's THE SICK FUCK LOONIES OF THE FAR RIGHT that drive them off with their looniness.

I want Romney to win this election, then I want him to drive you fucks into the political wilderness.

Well there is something on which we agree. I despise the far right religious loons. An example would be that stupid minister in Maiden, NC who talked about putting gays behind electric fences.
Fortunately, the conservative movement quickly marginalizes these people and excludes them.

I hear you

But sadly, it was Bush and Republicans spending like liberals that cost them in the election of 2008.

One can see the beating that the Democrats got last election both at the Federal and State levels,
to see that party being pulled more conservative, by the Tea Party, for fiscal matters has really helped.

Of course Papa Obama spending like an idiot, helps too.

Really, per Gallup, going the way the majority of the country is

In U.S., Nearly Half Identify as Economically Conservative May 2012

No doubt going the way of the extreme left/ concerned trolls is a sure loser with the American people


Here boy
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No sane man wants to go to the extreme left or to the extreme right, Neo. That's the point.
Union Boss salaries- They have a lot in common with the people they represent


yes the 1%

Michael J. Sullivan, general president of the Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association
Salary: $1,043,023

Robert A. Scardelletti, international president of the Transportation Communications Union
Salary: $748,531

Newton B. Jones, president of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers
Salary: $607,022

Terence M. O’Sullivan, general president of the Laborers’ International Union of North America
Salary: $589,124

John T. Niccollai, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 464A
Salary: $532,752

Gerald McEntee, international president of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
Salary: $512,369

Compared to CEO salaries, you mean?

The Pay at the Top - The New York Times

Viacom Philippe P. Dauman $84,000,000

Occidental Petroleum Ray R. Irani $76,000,000

Oracle Lawrence J. Ellison $70.1 million.

No, he meant compared to the income of the people that he represents. That would be apples to apples.
Ole Joe talks a mean game of ass kicking when someone crosses some line but when the job crosses that line how come he does not follow it and kick the ass of the next guy that has it?

Gee, guy, for someone who does the dirty work of millionaires screwing working folks, you don't impress.

Frankly, most of the jobs I've lost, it's because some rich asshole made horrid decisions and the job and usually the whole company disappears...

Just saying, for all you guys who think that we just need to totally trust their judgement.

What did you do, go to work for a poor asshole? If the poor asshole had made good decisions, he wouldn't be poor. NOTE: I use 'asshole' since that seems to be a name you use and understand

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