Union Bosses ..1%ers

Unions are Corporations. My God,when are people gonna grow up. Union Bosses routinely sell their members out. Look at all the horrifying trade deals they went along with all those years? All of them have decimated American Workers. So why did the Bosses go along? Because their Democratic Party Masters ordered them to. They were pushing some of those awful Trade Deals. Unions are no different than any other business. It's all about the cash.
You see... you dumbasses STILL think that we want the 1%ers to be reduced to the Middle Class... because that's what the boys on FOX and AM radio keep telling you. Once again... at the risk of being ever so redundant... you're idiots.

We don't want rich people NOT to be rich. We're just sick of their tax games where it works out that we end up paying more than they do, they see their incomes and wealth increase exponentially, while we struggle to survive.

You keep hearing "class warfare" and you repeat it like fuckin' parrots. I don't give a shit if it's a CEO of Haliburton or the CEO of SEIU, or the President of the United States. They are getting a shit ton of pandering by the tax system and by society in general. They are the most pandered group in the country. They need to be the ones to bolster the Middle and Working Class. End the Corporate Welfare, get the money out of politics(yes... Unions too), and get the vast majority of our citizens in the black and buying shit again.... that's the ONLY way this economy is ever going to recover.

That means higher wages and better benefits.... either through taxation(National Health Care) or employers providing it.... it's too damned expensive for a family of four that has an Income of 30K(before taxes) to pay 12k of that out just in case they get sick.

End tax exemptions for unions while you're at it asshat.........

Why? are they a "for profit" entity? Hell no... Just because people at the top have a salary, doesn't mean they are making a profit. Lastly... how about we end tax exemptions for Corporations... all of them?

Well, there you go again asswarp! Failing in mathmatics.. If unions don't make a profit how do they afford to pony up millions and millions and millions of dollars to get their politicians elected?
you can't explain it cause yer rotten dumb.

No... you can't accept the truth because you're a brainwashed hag.

I have accepted the truth and that is 50% of you leech off the 50% of us who do pay Federal Income tax. It's just that simple. so your bullshit that the rich don't pay their share is just that.. bullshit.

Really? as a retired whatever you were... how much do you pay into federal income tax? Tell us all about it....

My wife and I pay in plenty, so don't give me the "leech" bullshit.
no... You can't accept the truth because you're a brainwashed hag.

i have accepted the truth and that is 50% of you leech off the 50% of us who do pay federal income tax. It's just that simple. So your bullshit that the rich don't pay their share is just that.. Bullshit.

really? As a retired whatever you were... How much do you pay into federal income tax? Tell us all about it....

My wife and i pay in plenty, so don't give me the "leech" bullshit.

l e e c h
End tax exemptions for unions while you're at it asshat.........

Why? are they a "for profit" entity? Hell no... Just because people at the top have a salary, doesn't mean they are making a profit. Lastly... how about we end tax exemptions for Corporations... all of them?

Well, there you go again asswarp! Failing in mathmatics.. If unions don't make a profit how do they afford to pony up millions and millions and millions of dollars to get there politicians elected?

Welll... there you go again cumslurper...Thinking again. My union (AFSCME) has a PAC that is strictly voluntary. No membership dues go into it. I have a feeling that is the case for most unions... but it's much more convenient for you to believe otherwise.

BTW... ONCE AGAIN... why is it OK for Corporations to throw Billions of Dollars at politicians, but it's not OK for Labor?
Why? are they a "for profit" entity? Hell no... Just because people at the top have a salary, doesn't mean they are making a profit. Lastly... how about we end tax exemptions for Corporations... all of them?

Well, there you go again asswarp! Failing in mathmatics.. If unions don't make a profit how do they afford to pony up millions and millions and millions of dollars to get there politicians elected?

Welll... there you go again cumslurper...Thinking again. My union (AFSCME) has a PAC that is strictly voluntary. No membership dues go into it. I have a feeling that is the case for most unions... but it's much more convenient for you to believe otherwise.

BTW... ONCE AGAIN... why is it OK for Corporations to throw Billions of Dollars at politicians, but it's not OK for Labor?

oh! you have a feeling dew ewe! that's great. I mock you.
Well, there you go again asswarp! Failing in mathmatics.. If unions don't make a profit how do they afford to pony up millions and millions and millions of dollars to get there politicians elected?

Welll... there you go again cumslurper...Thinking again. My union (AFSCME) has a PAC that is strictly voluntary. No membership dues go into it. I have a feeling that is the case for most unions... but it's much more convenient for you to believe otherwise.

BTW... ONCE AGAIN... why is it OK for Corporations to throw Billions of Dollars at politicians, but it's not OK for Labor?

oh! you have a feeling dew ewe! that's great. I mock you.

Well.. I know for a fact my union has a separate fund for Political Contributions... Which is 100% more than your assertions... Mock away stinklips.
Of course if my kid worked for $10 I'd tell him put it on "coast". Do what you have to do and thats it. Gotta wisen him up to the workforce. :) Pretend to pay me I pretend to work. Motto we all need to live by.

This is a sad comment. A job is a job to do and one should try the best he can with the talents he has. How else will he be noticed and promoted? How will he ever grow in a career without the hard work?

In your own mind, this is justified, but it really exposes how successful you probably are.

Most people don't get paid what they are worth until they have proven themselves. By that time, they may be 1%ers and hated by the losers. Do your son a favor and be still.

The only thing I disagree with is the part where you say "they may be 1%ers". That is in effect... bullshit. There's a reason that only 1% make the killing they do, and that reason has just as much to do with a combination of luck, schmoozing, your starting point and knowing the "right people" as it does with hard work.

and the combination of those things you named, PLUS a talent or number of talents, makes them worth the 1% ( and I am not referring to the lucky sperm clubbers).

why do you hate excellence?
says the clueless, biased asshole

What can you tell me about unions. Im from Detroit where the entire family worked for the big four. Now just three. I have worked for a union twice. My wife has 13 years vested in local 252.

Now enlighten me.

My mom was PNA(Pennsylvania Nurses Association), which later was voted out in favor of 1199(SEIU). My wife is 1199 and I am AFSCME. We all love(loved, in the case of my mother, she died in 2004) the workplace... not just our pensions. We love the people we take care of like family...not just as a means of "job security". Do we have lazy fucks who DON'T care about the people we work with? Yes... a handful. But No more than you can find in ANY large workplace... unionized or not. You always have the "boss's golfing buddy", or the "kiss ass" who always seems to get away with everything...no matter where you work.

I find your assertions one that comes from ignorance along with a healthy dose of Right Wing brainwashing, combined with a bad personal experience or two. You saying that ALL unions and their members feel the way you describe is like me saying "all Corporations are run by rich people are greedy fucks that don't care about America or Americans".

Actually, I take that back... because I do feel that way about a lot of Corporations. fuck it... I guess we won't find any common ground.. agree to disagree?

So you dont know a damn thing. We knew that. Unions have a place. Public sector is not one of them.

Why dont you guess where I think they are appropriate since you know me so well.

As far as getting along. Your are a fucking democrat PISS OFF.
This is a sad comment. A job is a job to do and one should try the best he can with the talents he has. How else will he be noticed and promoted? How will he ever grow in a career without the hard work?

In your own mind, this is justified, but it really exposes how successful you probably are.

Most people don't get paid what they are worth until they have proven themselves. By that time, they may be 1%ers and hated by the losers. Do your son a favor and be still.

The only thing I disagree with is the part where you say "they may be 1%ers". That is in effect... bullshit. There's a reason that only 1% make the killing they do, and that reason has just as much to do with a combination of luck, schmoozing, your starting point and knowing the "right people" as it does with hard work.

and the combination of those things you named, PLUS a talent or number of talents, makes them worth the 1% ( and I am not referring to the lucky sperm clubbers).

why do you hate excellence?

I don't hate anyone... why do you hate the working and middle class?
What can you tell me about unions. Im from Detroit where the entire family worked for the big four. Now just three. I have worked for a union twice. My wife has 13 years vested in local 252.

Now enlighten me.

My mom was PNA(Pennsylvania Nurses Association), which later was voted out in favor of 1199(SEIU). My wife is 1199 and I am AFSCME. We all love(loved, in the case of my mother, she died in 2004) the workplace... not just our pensions. We love the people we take care of like family...not just as a means of "job security". Do we have lazy fucks who DON'T care about the people we work with? Yes... a handful. But No more than you can find in ANY large workplace... unionized or not. You always have the "boss's golfing buddy", or the "kiss ass" who always seems to get away with everything...no matter where you work.

I find your assertions one that comes from ignorance along with a healthy dose of Right Wing brainwashing, combined with a bad personal experience or two. You saying that ALL unions and their members feel the way you describe is like me saying "all Corporations are run by rich people are greedy fucks that don't care about America or Americans".

Actually, I take that back... because I do feel that way about a lot of Corporations. fuck it... I guess we won't find any common ground.. agree to disagree?

So you dont know a damn thing. We knew that. Unions have a place. Public sector is not one of them.

Why dont you guess where I think they are appropriate since you know me so well.

As far as getting along. Your are a fucking democrat PISS OFF.

Go suck off an orangutan... it's Saturday night... what are you waiting for? What the hell... I might as well play the "angry dickhead" game like the rest of you... then we can all fucking rant and rave while the country crumbles around us... then we can Blame each other... You fuckin' ignorant asshole.
Maybe it's just me.. I don't know...:dunno:

I much prefer higher quality insults...
Maybe it's just me.. I don't know...:dunno:

I much prefer higher quality insults...

Nahh... I've decided to go lowbrow tonight... you know... the typical "Conservative" Method.

Edit Besides... 3/4 of conservatives can't spell orangutan.

Well.. I see improvement here...

My vision for many Democrats is typically...

Dogs with itchy butts dragging their asses on the floor.... :eusa_angel:
You see... you dumbasses STILL think that we want the 1%ers to be reduced to the Middle Class... because that's what the boys on FOX and AM radio keep telling you. Once again... at the risk of being ever so redundant... you're idiots.

We don't want rich people NOT to be rich. We're just sick of their tax games where it works out that we end up paying more than they do, they see their incomes and wealth increase exponentially, while we struggle to survive.

You keep hearing "class warfare" and you repeat it like fuckin' parrots. I don't give a shit if it's a CEO of Haliburton or the CEO of SEIU, or the President of the United States. They are getting a shit ton of pandering by the tax system and by society in general. They are the most pandered group in the country. They need to be the ones to bolster the Middle and Working Class. End the Corporate Welfare, get the money out of politics(yes... Unions too), and get the vast majority of our citizens in the black and buying shit again.... that's the ONLY way this economy is ever going to recover.

That means higher wages and better benefits.... either through taxation(National Health Care) or employers providing it.... it's too damned expensive for a family of four that has an Income of 30K(before taxes) to pay 12k of that out just in case they get sick.

End tax exemptions for unions while you're at it asshat.........

Why? are they a "for profit" entity? Hell no... Just because people at the top have a salary, doesn't mean they are making a profit. Lastly... how about we end tax exemptions for Corporations... all of them?


Didn't know they grew 'em as dumb and naive as you. For being non profit organizations, they sure funnel a lot of money to entities they have no business getting involved in. Or maybe they just misplace billions of dollars like your buddy Corzine....... :eusa_whistle:
Welll... there you go again cumslurper...Thinking again. My union (AFSCME) has a PAC that is strictly voluntary. No membership dues go into it. I have a feeling that is the case for most unions... but it's much more convenient for you to believe otherwise.

BTW... ONCE AGAIN... why is it OK for Corporations to throw Billions of Dollars at politicians, but it's not OK for Labor?

oh! you have a feeling dew ewe! that's great. I mock you.

Well.. I know for a fact my union has a separate fund for Political Contributions... Which is 100% more than your assertions... Mock away stinklips.

M O C K asswarp.
The truth of the matter is both sides have immovable ideals. It's just a matter of numbers. Some liberals are just as bad as MOST conservatives. Take myself for instance. I am 100% pro-labor. I find the condition of Hard working, blue collar Americans appalling. There is simply no place for them in today's America... because the Conglomerate decided they weren't worth sustaining. They sold their jobs to the lowest bidder. It's as if they look down upon anyone who makes their living by the sweat of their brow as "inferior" and not worth paying a decent wage to.... and they've developed this marketing campaign to get as many people as possible to buy in to their line of thinking(as is evident on this board).

Those people are no longer Citizens of the Greatest Country that ever was. They are a tier below Citizens and deserve no sympathy or even EMPATHY from anyone(according to the far right). Yeah... they may not be the brightest bulbs in the box... but they were honest, hard working and gave their souls to their employers... but if you really think about it, those employers decided to take the "Fast money" and to enjoy the perks that come along with it, rather than take the extended view(which is fast approaching) of "workers who have money... spend money".

They will pay for their lack of patience. Because as more and more people have less and less disposable income... their profits will suffer mightily. Make no mistake... Greed at the top is to blame for most of our country's economic woes.
Welll... there you go again cumslurper...Thinking again. My union (AFSCME) has a PAC that is strictly voluntary. No membership dues go into it. I have a feeling that is the case for most unions... but it's much more convenient for you to believe otherwise.

BTW... ONCE AGAIN... why is it OK for Corporations to throw Billions of Dollars at politicians, but it's not OK for Labor?

oh! you have a feeling dew ewe! that's great. I mock you.

Well.. I know for a fact my union has a separate fund for Political Contributions... Which is 100% more than your assertions... Mock away stinklips.


End tax exemptions for unions while you're at it asshat.........

Why? are they a "for profit" entity? Hell no... Just because people at the top have a salary, doesn't mean they are making a profit. Lastly... how about we end tax exemptions for Corporations... all of them?


Didn't know they grew 'em as dumb and naive as you. For being non profit organizations, they sure funnel a lot of money to entities they have no business getting involved in. Or maybe they just misplace billions of dollars like your buddy Corzine....... :eusa_whistle:

What entities do they have no business getting involved in? Enlighten me.

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