Union president confronts American Airlines president


Gold Member
Oct 16, 2017
To summarize as briefly as possible, the position of the union is that they’ve given huge concessions dating back to 2003, when American was more or less at its lowest point. Now the airline is making billions of dollars per year, and rather than giving mechanics a better contract, they want concessions.

But the way the TWU President confronts Isom to his face is just…
.. exactly how every worker hopes their union reps are handling such disputes. Unfortunately, aside from the greasing of palms behind the scenes, there's always the mewling, ass kissing, corporate media gate keepers running in to rescue any member of the has-way-too-much-already club they feel they can somehow portray as personally threatened...

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Unions and Democrats negotiation tactics , if everybody doesn't have a ridiculously high salary then nobody should have a job.
They should be THANKFUL their company is doing well and that they have a job and benefits.
Oh the humanity! Won't someone.. aheht, aheht,.. please.. for once.. consider the lot of those poor, put upon, job outsourcing billionaires??:boohoo:
Oh the humanity! Won't someone.. aheht, aheht,.. please.. for once.. consider the lot of those poor, put upon, job outsourcing billionaires??:boohoo:

I have never seen poor people providing jobs to others. But Communists don't appreciate the hard work, dedication and RISK people take to start companies, and create jobs.

Maybe workers with good paying jobs, and benefits appreciate what they have? If they want more, then acquire the skills, education and experience to EARN and DESERVE the higher pay. Don't extort money out of companies to make them insolvent.

But Libs don't usually know much about business and economics, but they certainly know a lot about utopia.
Oh, thanks so much for trying.. but, I can't help feeling you're holding back. I've seen what you're capable of here. Take a deep breath and really let 'er RIP!!!
Nothing more, eh? Well, thanks again. We can easily proceed with the nice comments offered so far. I'll just go ahead and show people a sample of how these "Communists" clearly "don't appreciate the hard work, dedication and RISK people take to start companies, and create jobs" at all. They obviously "want more" without first obtaining "the skills, education and experience to EARN and DESERVE the higher pay." They just want to "extort money out of companies to make them insolvent" because they "don't usually know much about business and economics, but they certainly know a lot about utopia." And no doubt, these stupid "Unions and Democrats" with their shitty "negotiation tactics" all believe that "if everybody doesn't have a ridiculously high salary then nobody should have a job." Indeed, they "should be THANKFUL their company is doing well and that they have a job and benefits."

What a bunch of pansies. Here's more like that. The "jetnet" they mention is set up for AA employees so requires a company password else I'd post the link.
Gotta love unions trying to put the public at risk, those fuckers should be in prison.

According to American’s management, the union has tried to “illegally gain leverage in contract negotiations by directing a coordinated and deliberate illegal slowdown focused on the maintenance operation.”

American claims that customers have been impacted by 650 cancellations and more than 1,500 maintenance delays as a result of this slowdown, and that the odds of this being random are less than one in a billion.
Wasn't the airline industry "making billions" two or three years ago? The union leader's timing is suspect. It's no secret that socialists thrive on union unrest (only during republican administrations).
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) forecasts the global airline industry net profit to be $35.5 billion in 2019, slightly ahead of the $32.3 billion expected net profit in 2018 (revised down from $33.8 billion forecast in June).The International Air Transport Association (IATA) forecasts the global airline industry net profit to be $35.5 billion in 2019, slightly ahead of the $32.3 billion expected net profit in 2018 (revised down from $33.8 billion forecast in June).

Net profit of airlines worldwide 2019 | Statistic
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To summarize as briefly as possible, the position of the union is that they’ve given huge concessions dating back to 2003, when American was more or less at its lowest point. Now the airline is making billions of dollars per year, and rather than giving mechanics a better contract, they want concessions.

But the way the TWU President confronts Isom to his face is just…
.. exactly how every worker hopes their union reps are handling such disputes. Unfortunately, aside from the greasing of palms behind the scenes, there's always the mewling, ass kissing, corporate media gate keepers running in to rescue any member of the has-way-too-much-already club they feel they can somehow portray as personally threatened...


More Americans need to start standing up for their rights and future.

Big corporations are destroying themselves. Their greed is way out of control. It's hurting their workers and all workers in America. Wages have been stagnant for decades for workers but the wages for management and executives have continued to increase. The wage gap is now really so wide it's out of control.

These workers agreed to help out the company when they were having a hard time. Now when the company is doing well, the same company wants to keep taking from the workers. Needlessly. It's disgusting. I wonder if any of the executives and management cut their pay and benefits for the good of the company?

Unions are the workers. When you take away their voice, we end up with what we have now. Stagnant wages, traditional pensions that are basically non existent these days, benefits have been slashed workers being exploited. The list goes on and on with all that American workers have lost through the decades since the 80s.

Because of a union, while the rest of the nation saw their 401k and value of their homes be destroyed in the bush boy years, I still had the protection of a traditional pension.

When the collapse happens again I will still have that protection of the traditional pension. A pension only possible because SPEEA made sure that it was there.
You mean defined benefit pensions? Only a commie pinko aerospace nerd would remember those.
executives and management cut their pay and benefits for the good of the company?
Say whaa?? You must be one of them Lefties from way back. So ungrateful you'll demand “internal equity” tests instead of just learning new skills and actually EARNING higher pay like your betters always have done and always will do. A worker's simply got to know their place these days like never before. Don't be gettin all uppity! DEMANDING stuff! What's got into you, woman? Sheesh, next you'll be wanting to vote or something!
Well if you hate aerospace workers that's your choice.

It wasn't necessary to insult me.
All just parody, Dana. The genuine expression was "Thank You!" ;)
I'm a nerdy old engineer myself.
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To summarize as briefly as possible, the position of the union is that they’ve given huge concessions dating back to 2003, when American was more or less at its lowest point. Now the airline is making billions of dollars per year, and rather than giving mechanics a better contract, they want concessions.

But the way the TWU President confronts Isom to his face is just…
.. exactly how every worker hopes their union reps are handling such disputes. Unfortunately, aside from the greasing of palms behind the scenes, there's always the mewling, ass kissing, corporate media gate keepers running in to rescue any member of the has-way-too-much-already club they feel they can somehow portray as personally threatened...


More Americans need to start standing up for their rights and future.

Big corporations are destroying themselves. Their greed is way out of control. It's hurting their workers and all workers in America. Wages have been stagnant for decades for workers but the wages for management and executives have continued to increase. The wage gap is now really so wide it's out of control.

These workers agreed to help out the company when they were having a hard time. Now when the company is doing well, the same company wants to keep taking from the workers. Needlessly. It's disgusting. I wonder if any of the executives and management cut their pay and benefits for the good of the company?

Unions are the workers. When you take away their voice, we end up with what we have now. Stagnant wages, traditional pensions that are basically non existent these days, benefits have been slashed workers being exploited. The list goes on and on with all that American workers have lost through the decades since the 80s.

Because of a union, while the rest of the nation saw their 401k and value of their homes be destroyed in the bush boy years, I still had the protection of a traditional pension.

When the collapse happens again I will still have that protection of the traditional pension. A pension only possible because SPEEA made sure that it was there.

Is your pension plan fully funded?
I hear the old thankful for a job BS. In this great nation it's a dog eat dog world. When workers continually concede I believe they should speak up. What the corporate heads want is to not pay a damn dime for work done. I'm with the workers here 100 percent. Cheap cheap company. Treat your workers properly.

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