Unions fight for back pay for furloughed federal workers.


Trust the pie.
Dec 17, 2009
WASHINGTON – Nearly a half million federal furloughed employees will turn to their unions to help claw back money they lost as part of the federal government’s scale back of services that went into effect Tuesday.

Leading up to the suspension, union leaders said they would lean on lawmakers to ensure that their employees get paid for their forced time off.

Unions say they'll fight for back pay for furloughed members | Fox News

I have a friend who is furloughed and she has been of the notion she would get paid for her vacation from the time it was first talked about back in the first part of the year.

What is the point of a furlough if we still have to pay them? They should just have to work with no pay until it is over like I had to in '96.
fuck them

Well doctors and nurses are the only ones I know who would allow themselves to be abused in this manner. They should keep it ALL open and make them work without pay until it is settled. THAT in and of itself would reduce the size of government.
Some of us have to work and not get paid, we're called "essential". We won't get paid until there is a budget/CR passed.

It does suck though for those put on furlough. Its not like they can just go out and find a job in a few days.

If I was in the states I would just quit and get a higher paying job in the private sector.
Some of us have to work and not get paid, we're called "essential". We won't get paid until there is a budget/CR passed.

It does suck though for those put on furlough. Its not like they can just go out and find a job in a few days.

If I was in the states I would just quit and get a higher paying job in the private sector.

I was mandated to keep working without pay in '96. 2 months later when I finally got my pay it was for the entire lump sum for 3 pay periods which was so large, it made the withholding rate higher and it didn't seem like I even got paid for the time. I don't see how they can mandate one group to work without pay and then pay another group for not working. I feel a letter to my congressman coming on.
It's not the federal employees fault for their bosses shutting them down. I really don't have a problem with them receiving back pay.

It isn't a question of 'fault.' It is about paying them for not working. If they don't work they shouldn't get paid. Why don't the unions insist they keep them working THEN pay them, like they forced us nurses to do in '96. They should have to earn their money.
Right wing pettiness on display.

Back pay for these workers won't even amount to a rounding error for the overall budget of the US government.
Right wing pettiness on display.

Back pay for these workers won't even amount to a rounding error for the overall budget of the US government.

Yet, they could have kept them working, and kept things open then paid them for their WORK not for TIME OFF. How stupid it is to furlough them and then pay them.
They all got back pay for their long vacation back in 1995-1996. Then they got overtime pay to deal with the backlog when they went back to work. It cost way more to shut the government down, than to keep it running. This is why I was against this publicity stunt. I will vote against everyone responsible for this government shutdown campaign stunt.

Just wait & see how much the up coming debt ceiling fight will cost us tax payers & the entire economy.
WASHINGTON – Nearly a half million federal furloughed employees will turn to their unions to help claw back money they lost as part of the federal government’s scale back of services that went into effect Tuesday.

Leading up to the suspension, union leaders said they would lean on lawmakers to ensure that their employees get paid for their forced time off.

Unions say they'll fight for back pay for furloughed members | Fox News

I have a friend who is furloughed and she has been of the notion she would get paid for her vacation from the time it was first talked about back in the first part of the year.

What is the point of a furlough if we still have to pay them? They should just have to work with no pay until it is over like I had to in '96.

You're misinformed.

During the Gingrich shutdown, backpay was paid to most workers.
Under th Boener shutdown, I'm sure the same thing will happen.
They all got back pay for their long vacation back in 1995-1996. Then they got overtime pay to deal with the backlog when they went back to work. It cost way more to shut the government down, than to keep it running. This is why I was against this publicity stunt. I will vote against everyone responsible for this government shutdown campaign stunt.

Just wait & see how much the up coming debt ceiling fight will cost us tax payers & the entire economy.

I know some local counties that keep things open when there is no budget agreement and they pay the workers once the budget is passed. County workers just don't get paid until there is a budget to pay them. They are working in the current fiscal period, so it is not technically anything that is retroactive. It is just wrong to pay people who haven't worked.
Congress needs to admit their pettiness, get down on their knees to apologize and pay the loyal workers they have so thoughtlessly abused
I have a friend who is furloughed and she has been of the notion she would get paid for her vacation from the time it was first talked about back in the first part of the year.

What is the point of a furlough if we still have to pay them? They should just have to work with no pay until it is over like I had to in '96.

Ronald Reagan's father was given a Government Job during the Great Depression. Read Ronald Reagan's early autobiography "Where's the Rest of Me?". He talks of how FDR saved his family during a hard time. This is why he started his political career as a democrat and campaigned vigorously for Truman. So was it okay for Ronald Reagan's father to accept pay for a government job? Was it okay for Ronald Reagan to campaign for Truman who promised to expand government jobs for struggling Americans? Was it Okay for FDR and Government to save the Reagan family? Was our collective tax investment in saving the Reagan family worth it? Did it pay off?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJDhS4oUm0M]Reagan Campaigns for Truman in 1948 - YouTube[/ame]

Turn off FOX News and study history. Government workers built the Hoover Dam, which underlies every nickel of profit in the Southwest because without it, the region would have no carrying capacity. Government workers defeated the Nazis. Government work saved the Reagan family during the depression. FDR thought it was an investment in hard working American families - not welfare queens. Was he right?
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WASHINGTON – Nearly a half million federal furloughed employees will turn to their unions to help claw back money they lost as part of the federal government’s scale back of services that went into effect Tuesday.

Leading up to the suspension, union leaders said they would lean on lawmakers to ensure that their employees get paid for their forced time off.

Unions say they'll fight for back pay for furloughed members | Fox News

I have a friend who is furloughed and she has been of the notion she would get paid for her vacation from the time it was first talked about back in the first part of the year.

What is the point of a furlough if we still have to pay them? They should just have to work with no pay until it is over like I had to in '96.

You're misinformed.

During the Gingrich shutdown, backpay was paid to most workers.
Under th Boener shutdown, I'm sure the same thing will happen.

There is some justification for paying furloughed gubmint workers because the work they normally do isn't getting done when they're gone.

So, when they come back, they have work harder to catch up.

I still wouldn't pay them. Just to be a prick.

Don't like it? Quit
They all got back pay for their long vacation back in 1995-1996. Then they got overtime pay to deal with the backlog when they went back to work. It cost way more to shut the government down, than to keep it running. This is why I was against this publicity stunt. I will vote against everyone responsible for this government shutdown campaign stunt.

Just wait & see how much the up coming debt ceiling fight will cost us tax payers & the entire economy.

I know some local counties that keep things open when there is no budget agreement and they pay the workers once the budget is passed. County workers just don't get paid until there is a budget to pay them. They are working in the current fiscal period, so it is not technically anything that is retroactive. It is just wrong to pay people who haven't worked.

I totally agree that government employees should not get back-pay for their time off.

There are suppliers who have to work to keep delivering commodities & goods that they come out of their own pocket to pay for. This is way worse than working for free for a few months to keep a guaranteed overpaid government job.
Congress needs to admit their pettiness, get down on their knees to apologize and pay the loyal workers they have so thoughtlessly abused

They only get on their knees for the big money crowd.

Workers, on the other hand, can eat shit and bark at the moon.
this is the reason i was glad i worked for the PO.....no matter what....the mail keeps on moving....they even have plans to move the mail even if a nuclear war happened....i kid you not....

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