Unions Hold California Hostage

Oy. Do some research on the idiotic proposition system before you go to town on Ahnold and the California legislature. There is only so much they can do. California's economic woes are because direct democracy doesn't work and direct rule by the people is a really stupid idea.

About as stupid as bashing California for being a socialist haven...because they are privatizing government property....

Socialize the losses and privatize the profits is the GOP way.

Notice the bankers are trying to return the loan sooner rather than later? Maybe that's because under Obama there is some accountability.

Under Bush it was Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil.

This is disaster capitalism. Create an emergency and you can push your radical ideas thru.
I don't mind those things. I don't expect Obama to give us everything we want, and those things I can live without. Pick and choose your battles.

What I mind is if he's caving in the the healthcare private insurers. They need to be taken down.

And so far I still see jobs leaving America.

But then I think, "the guy can't do everything overnight". We have Blue Dog Democrats that will shoot down any radical changes to healthcare or they won't let Obama "PUNISH" corporations that went overseas.

I think what is done is done.

So I'm hoping that Obama tricks them. On healthcare, I hope Obama gets a single payer government healthcare that isn't cheap if you get a rash or break an arm, but is cheap for people who get aids or cancer or things like that. And I think more and more people will go with the government program instead of the shit they have now. So it will FORCE the healthcare providers to be competitive. Right now its a monopoly.

And with jobs going overseas. Don't tariff them, but remove the tax breaks the GOP gave companies in 2003 for going abroad. I think it probably didn't make a lot of sense to move jobs overseas, so in 2003 or 2004 (i forgot the year), the House Ways & Means committee passed tax breaks for companies going overseas. Obama needs to take that tax break away so more companies don't leave, and maybe even some will come back home.

Anyways, Obama doesn't seem to be working for unions enough, and they got him elected.

Oh yea, and the Employee Free Choice Act. I think Obama has sold them out too. He's now reversing what he said on the campaign trail.

Anyways, we need to stay on the Democrats or else they will turn into Republicans.

too late, they already are and have been for years now, that is why I REALLY wish I had not given myself this nickname for posting on here ...republicrats or whatever you want to call them sicken me anymore, that is why socialism is looking more my thing, hell the greens even represent me more than the shitheads we have now, OBAMA at the top of the list, I personally thought he was real change but he is a lying sack of crap and I wonder how long till he flip flops on more things to tow the line with his other republicrat buddies!

Look at all the horrible things Clinton went along with the GOP on. Got to give to get. But I agree, he gave too much.

Now we will see what happens with the economy and insurance. The healthcare battle, I can see him losing that one. I just heard on Thom Hartmann that the insurance companies are already renigging on their promise to lower costs over the next 10 years.

Same promise they gave Carter and Clinton. Both times they lied.

Consider we have a 2 party system, and everything you hate Obama and the Dems for doing, the GOP would do all those things and then some. So don't forget that. You voting Green means you helping Mitt Romney or Rudy become President. And they don't care about American jobs. They don't even pretend to.

But if Obama lets you and the unions down enough, no doubt about it the GOP will win next time. So that is our leverage. He better deliver. Not that I'll ever vote GOP, but there are a lot of other people less loyal than I am.

Just don't expect Obama to create a law that tariffs every company that operates overseas. But watch the trade imbalance improve under him. That's all you can ask.

And don't expect him to limit CEO pay and raise your wages. But watch his ways will improve the economy and create jobs, which is the only way to actually increase wages. Wages never go up in a recession. Which is why the GOP created/caused the recession.

They actually re-wrote the bankrupsy laws right before this crash. Coincidence? I think not. They made it easier for Chrysler and GM to go bankrupt and harder for you and me. Perfect, huh?

And the credit card companies are a scam too. The only ones who might fix them is the Dems.

And we saw how tough Bush appointees were on gas companies when they raised prices to $4.

And the GOP won't fix healthcare

I think I heard the other day that my politicians might be in on the scam. Stabinow and Levin. Two safe seats who can easily vote against healthcare reform. They'll get away with it in Michigan. That's too bad. I'm going to let them hear from me. Hope others call them too. That's the only way to get these people to vote right.

What state are you in? I have the luxury of being in a state that can go either way. I'd hate it if we were all blue or all red. But I do prefer that we are blue, because I know as bad as they are, they are way better than the GOP.

I live in ohio, in a gop county unfortunately
too late, they already are and have been for years now, that is why I REALLY wish I had not given myself this nickname for posting on here ...republicrats or whatever you want to call them sicken me anymore, that is why socialism is looking more my thing, hell the greens even represent me more than the shitheads we have now, OBAMA at the top of the list, I personally thought he was real change but he is a lying sack of crap and I wonder how long till he flip flops on more things to tow the line with his other republicrat buddies!

Look at all the horrible things Clinton went along with the GOP on. Got to give to get. But I agree, he gave too much.

Now we will see what happens with the economy and insurance. The healthcare battle, I can see him losing that one. I just heard on Thom Hartmann that the insurance companies are already renigging on their promise to lower costs over the next 10 years.

Same promise they gave Carter and Clinton. Both times they lied.

Consider we have a 2 party system, and everything you hate Obama and the Dems for doing, the GOP would do all those things and then some. So don't forget that. You voting Green means you helping Mitt Romney or Rudy become President. And they don't care about American jobs. They don't even pretend to.

But if Obama lets you and the unions down enough, no doubt about it the GOP will win next time. So that is our leverage. He better deliver. Not that I'll ever vote GOP, but there are a lot of other people less loyal than I am.

Just don't expect Obama to create a law that tariffs every company that operates overseas. But watch the trade imbalance improve under him. That's all you can ask.

And don't expect him to limit CEO pay and raise your wages. But watch his ways will improve the economy and create jobs, which is the only way to actually increase wages. Wages never go up in a recession. Which is why the GOP created/caused the recession.

They actually re-wrote the bankrupsy laws right before this crash. Coincidence? I think not. They made it easier for Chrysler and GM to go bankrupt and harder for you and me. Perfect, huh?

And the credit card companies are a scam too. The only ones who might fix them is the Dems.

And we saw how tough Bush appointees were on gas companies when they raised prices to $4.

And the GOP won't fix healthcare

I think I heard the other day that my politicians might be in on the scam. Stabinow and Levin. Two safe seats who can easily vote against healthcare reform. They'll get away with it in Michigan. That's too bad. I'm going to let them hear from me. Hope others call them too. That's the only way to get these people to vote right.

What state are you in? I have the luxury of being in a state that can go either way. I'd hate it if we were all blue or all red. But I do prefer that we are blue, because I know as bad as they are, they are way better than the GOP.

I live in ohio, in a gop county unfortunately

Even though he won in Michigan, I find more Obama bashers than I do defenders. They're just more vocal.

We are smart to doubt/question Obama. We don't want to be like these righties. We understand that they are right. In too many ways, the Dems act just like their GOP Politicians. And our leaders do seem to be pussies. And conservatives do make a lot of sense. And I like some of the things Ron Paul has to say.

So when righties say the dems are no different, ask yourself, "then why do they hate them so much"?

But just remember, the GOP wants to KILL all those jobs in Ohio. Those red states want your union jobs. They'll even do the work for less. And they don't realize that eventually the jobs will go from their states to Mexico or China too, because they too make too much money. We all do.

Now the smart French government stepped in and decided to protect their auto industry. No one is calling them socialist, protectionists or isolationists.

It always takes time for common sense to kick in because it has to make it past the horseshit corporate media. They get to spin every issue how they want to present it.

And they control public opinion. Have you heard the media talk much about wages, insurance costs, the possibility that the oil companies were gouging us,

And you always hear plenty from the private companies who lobby against things like stopping the credit card companies from scamming us.

We sent the Feds after Al Capone for charging 20%. That was considered loansharking back then. Now how much can the credit card companies charge?

Its all about maximizing profits, and American workers cost too much. Never forget that. Its not just unions.

Anways, the dems suck balls yes, but not nearly as bad as the GOP. The GOP are for the rich. PERIOD. If you are rich, vote GOP. The Dems are for the poor and middle class. They're just easily corruptable, because they are human.

So we need to stay on top of them. And vote the bad ones out of office. But remember, the bad ones are the ones that vote with the GOP. Never forget that.

But I'm certainly not going to listen to the corporate media bashing Obama the next 8 years and not put up a fight. Its the 90's all over again.
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I often struggle with understanding why politicians are so consistently willing, year after year, administration after adminstration, to recklessly indebt their constituencies. Realize the easy response, and I use it myself, is that they are political criminals.

That they are, but what underlies the act? Is it pure narcissism? What could we change in our representative system that would mitigate against this?

The old bring-down-the-man anarchism is juvenille as is the bit about a new more caring regime will fix everything. Is it, really, that the populus itself is so self-interested that they do not care and the politicians respond in kind?

That is the conclusion I most often draw and it does not bode well for our collective well-being.
California has been a mess for years.

The state refuses to live within it's means, its legislature just mindlessly votes for all kinds of spending that the state could never pay for.

Arnold learned the hardway that it's nearly immpossible to change the mindset of those people.
I often struggle with understanding why politicians are so consistently willing, year after year, administration after adminstration, to recklessly indebt their constituencies. Realize the easy response, and I use it myself, is that they are political criminals.

That they are, but what underlies the act? Is it pure narcissism? What could we change in our representative system that would mitigate against this?

The old bring-down-the-man anarchism is juvenille as is the bit about a new more caring regime will fix everything. Is it, really, that the populus itself is so self-interested that they do not care and the politicians respond in kind?

That is the conclusion I most often draw and it does not bode well for our collective well-being.

Senators might be costing their constituents on the Federal level, but they are bringing home the bacon/pork for their home states.

And then they give that bacon to their buddies in the state. Big corporations, etc. So you don't complain because your state got Federal $, and everyone's doing it. :eusa_shhh:
Aw, I hurt your feelings. :lol:

That's it? What a goofball. :lol:

You said this: I'll put what I made 10 years ago against what you make now, and mine pot is still bigger.

Well then put it up. What did you make 10 years ago old man?

I made $85K and now I make $75K. Does that sound like bragging?

And I know that thousands if not millions of Americans have taken a step backward. Just because you got out of the game in time, does not give you the right to be arrogant and ignorant.

Being an American gives you that right. :lol:

So what did you do 10 years ago old man? I aught to kick your old ass. :lol:

You're probably like that old man on Family Guy. The pedophile with the lisp. :lol:

Just kidding. I'm in a good mood today. It's FRIDAY!!!

Bobo YOUR LYING...again. Is that a threat asshole????
That's it? What a goofball. :lol:

You said this: I'll put what I made 10 years ago against what you make now, and mine pot is still bigger.

Well then put it up. What did you make 10 years ago old man?

I made $85K and now I make $75K. Does that sound like bragging?

And I know that thousands if not millions of Americans have taken a step backward. Just because you got out of the game in time, does not give you the right to be arrogant and ignorant.

Being an American gives you that right. :lol:

So what did you do 10 years ago old man? I aught to kick your old ass. :lol:

You're probably like that old man on Family Guy. The pedophile with the lisp. :lol:

Just kidding. I'm in a good mood today. It's FRIDAY!!!

Bobo YOUR LYING...again. Is that a threat asshole????

You didn't say this? "I'll put what I made 10 years ago against what you make now, and mine pot is still bigger"? :eusa_liar:

Liar. A threat? Of course not stupid. We're on the internet. Don't put me on the terror watch list, which grew to over 1 million people under Bush. :cuckoo:

Is that a lie too? :eusa_liar:
You said this: I'll put what I made 10 years ago against what you make now, and mine pot is still bigger.

Well then put it up. What did you make 10 years ago old man?

I made $85K and now I make $75K. Does that sound like bragging?

And I know that thousands if not millions of Americans have taken a step backward. Just because you got out of the game in time, does not give you the right to be arrogant and ignorant.

Being an American gives you that right. :lol:

So what did you do 10 years ago old man? I aught to kick your old ass. :lol:

You're probably like that old man on Family Guy. The pedophile with the lisp. :lol:

Just kidding. I'm in a good mood today. It's FRIDAY!!!

Bobo YOUR LYING...again. Is that a threat asshole????

You didn't say this? "I'll put what I made 10 years ago against what you make now, and mine pot is still bigger"? :eusa_liar:

Liar. A threat? Of course not stupid. We're on the internet. Don't put me on the terror watch list, which grew to over 1 million people under Bush. :cuckoo:

Is that a lie too? :eusa_liar:

Yup...your a liar. I never said that.
Link us up to where over a million people were put on the terror list bobo. :eusa_whistle:
Bobo YOUR LYING...again. Is that a threat asshole????

You didn't say this? "I'll put what I made 10 years ago against what you make now, and mine pot is still bigger"? :eusa_liar:

Liar. A threat? Of course not stupid. We're on the internet. Don't put me on the terror watch list, which grew to over 1 million people under Bush. :cuckoo:

Is that a lie too? :eusa_liar:

Yup...your a liar. I never said that.
Link us up to where over a million people were put on the terror list bobo. :eusa_whistle:

The Terrorist Watch List reaches 1,000,665 Names and is still Growing!

MINA Breaking News - U.S. Terror watch list reaches 1 million

What do you owe me for doing your work for you? It would have been so easy to go find it yourself gramps.
Bobo YOUR LYING...again. Is that a threat asshole????

You didn't say this? "I'll put what I made 10 years ago against what you make now, and mine pot is still bigger"? :eusa_liar:

Liar. A threat? Of course not stupid. We're on the internet. Don't put me on the terror watch list, which grew to over 1 million people under Bush. :cuckoo:

Is that a lie too? :eusa_liar:

Yup...your a liar. I never said that.
Link us up to where over a million people were put on the terror list bobo. :eusa_whistle:

Oops, it was Xenophon . My bad.
I haven't been brainwashed. My opinions are subject to change.

What specifically am I brainwashed about?

Well, it occurred to me that rather than commenting on the article and saying whether you agreed or disagreed with it (and why), you chose to focus on Republicans sending jobs overseas.

Not brainwashing, to be sure, but it appears to be sidestepping the issue in order to mount an attack.

That's what this is all about. I don't get easily distracted with these little pissant stories.

Unions = Labor. Unions are fighting for labor, workers, the middle class, Americans.

And who are you referring to when you say unions are holding California hostage? Do you mean corporations that operate within California's borders?

Then don't refer to the corporations as California.
The people are California. Therefore, the unions are California.

So the unions can't be holding themselves hostage. Can they?

I didn't say either of those things. You must be thinking of the O.P.
Well, it occurred to me that rather than commenting on the article and saying whether you agreed or disagreed with it (and why), you chose to focus on Republicans sending jobs overseas.

Not brainwashing, to be sure, but it appears to be sidestepping the issue in order to mount an attack.

That's what this is all about. I don't get easily distracted with these little pissant stories.

Unions = Labor. Unions are fighting for labor, workers, the middle class, Americans.

And who are you referring to when you say unions are holding California hostage? Do you mean corporations that operate within California's borders?

Then don't refer to the corporations as California.
The people are California. Therefore, the unions are California.

So the unions can't be holding themselves hostage. Can they?

I didn't say either of those things. You must be thinking of the O.P.

There have been days on USMB where my posts showed up as other people's posts and visa versa. And several people noticed it.

I wonder if this is happening, because this would be the second time to day I have replied to the wrong person. I usually reply with quote, so i don't see why I'm making this mistake. Sorry.
You didn't say this? "I'll put what I made 10 years ago against what you make now, and mine pot is still bigger"? :eusa_liar:

Liar. A threat? Of course not stupid. We're on the internet. Don't put me on the terror watch list, which grew to over 1 million people under Bush. :cuckoo:

Is that a lie too? :eusa_liar:

Yup...your a liar. I never said that.
Link us up to where over a million people were put on the terror list bobo. :eusa_whistle:

The Terrorist Watch List reaches 1,000,665 Names and is still Growing!

MINA Breaking News - U.S. Terror watch list reaches 1 million

What do you owe me for doing your work for you? It would have been so easy to go find it yourself gramps.

ACLU numbers, or Washington Post Numbers?? I do believe the Washington Post numbers would be far more accurate...than ACLU. I'll throw another site in for chumming.

325,000 Names on Terrorism List

Audit finds FBI terrorist-watch list full of flaws

Yup...your a liar. I never said that.
Link us up to where over a million people were put on the terror list bobo. :eusa_whistle:

The Terrorist Watch List reaches 1,000,665 Names and is still Growing!

MINA Breaking News - U.S. Terror watch list reaches 1 million

What do you owe me for doing your work for you? It would have been so easy to go find it yourself gramps.

ACLU numbers, or Washington Post Numbers?? I do believe the Washington Post numbers would be far more accurate...than ACLU. I'll throw another site in for chumming.

325,000 Names on Terrorism List

Audit finds FBI terrorist-watch list full of flaws

First one is 2006 stupid. Last year was 2008.

Do I need to check your second one or are you going to admit you are an idiot now.

Yup...your a liar. I never said that.
Link us up to where over a million people were put on the terror list bobo. :eusa_whistle:

The Terrorist Watch List reaches 1,000,665 Names and is still Growing!

MINA Breaking News - U.S. Terror watch list reaches 1 million

What do you owe me for doing your work for you? It would have been so easy to go find it yourself gramps.

ACLU numbers, or Washington Post Numbers?? I do believe the Washington Post numbers would be far more accurate...than ACLU. I'll throw another site in for chumming.

325,000 Names on Terrorism List

Audit finds FBI terrorist-watch list full of flaws

Did you read your second link? With aliases, the list grows to 1.1 million names.


And the second list supports everything I have said about the watered down list.
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The Terrorist Watch List reaches 1,000,665 Names and is still Growing!

MINA Breaking News - U.S. Terror watch list reaches 1 million

What do you owe me for doing your work for you? It would have been so easy to go find it yourself gramps.

ACLU numbers, or Washington Post Numbers?? I do believe the Washington Post numbers would be far more accurate...than ACLU. I'll throw another site in for chumming.

325,000 Names on Terrorism List

Audit finds FBI terrorist-watch list full of flaws

First one is 2006 stupid. Last year was 2008.

Do I need to check your second one or are you going to admit you are an idiot now.

I did a little more research on this bobo...I can't hold you personally responsible for the 1 million count. The article stated that there was 400,000 people on the list with 1.1 million aliases.

24,000 People On Terrorist Watch List By Mistake « TheZoo

By the beginning of 2009, the report said, the government’s terrorist watch lists included about 400,000 people, listed as 1.1 million names and aliases, an exponential growth from the days before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, when it included fewer than two dozen people. Intelligence officials say the watch lists have allowed different agencies to work together in an effort to prevent the type of breakdown that allowed two of the Sept. 11 hijackers to enter the United States even though they were known to the Central Intelligence Agencies for their terrorist ties.

Terrorist watch lists shorter than previously reported - CNN.com

The American Civil Liberties Union has estimated more than 1 million names have been added to the lists since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The FBI, which manages the Terrorist Screening Database, said in August that there were about 400,000 people on its list, but that approximately 95 percent of those people were not U.S. citizens.
ACLU numbers, or Washington Post Numbers?? I do believe the Washington Post numbers would be far more accurate...than ACLU. I'll throw another site in for chumming.

325,000 Names on Terrorism List

Audit finds FBI terrorist-watch list full of flaws

First one is 2006 stupid. Last year was 2008.

Do I need to check your second one or are you going to admit you are an idiot now.

I did a little more research on this bobo...I can't hold you personally responsible for the 1 million count. The article stated that there was 400,000 people on the list with 1.1 million aliases.

24,000 People On Terrorist Watch List By Mistake « TheZoo

By the beginning of 2009, the report said, the government’s terrorist watch lists included about 400,000 people, listed as 1.1 million names and aliases, an exponential growth from the days before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, when it included fewer than two dozen people. Intelligence officials say the watch lists have allowed different agencies to work together in an effort to prevent the type of breakdown that allowed two of the Sept. 11 hijackers to enter the United States even though they were known to the Central Intelligence Agencies for their terrorist ties.

Terrorist watch lists shorter than previously reported - CNN.com

The American Civil Liberties Union has estimated more than 1 million names have been added to the lists since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The FBI, which manages the Terrorist Screening Database, said in August that there were about 400,000 people on its list, but that approximately 95 percent of those people were not U.S. citizens.

And I'll admit I didn't know that it was over 1 million because of alias'.
My father was killed when i was 2 years old and I've been on my own since i was 16. i didn't live in my mom's basement til i was 30 like you.

And you're proud of that? what do you produce BooBoo? didn't you say production jobs are the most important?

so again you shown you can't run a business unless it's slinging a rag and a bottle of Armor all

and you were so necessary they canned you. too bad

referrals are the best source of new business. we're up 20% over last year because of referrals

so as usual, it was someone else's fault.

stupid you. you didn't even have a contract did you?

and you were stupid enough to work for a stupid business person. You couldn't see that you'd get screwed.

1. Lucky for your father he didn't have to be around to see you grow up.

BOo Boo, you motherfucker, you are nor even worthy of uttering my father's name you fucking pussy ass son of a whore.

My dad gave his life for this country and I have done everything possible to honor his memory.

I swear if you ever speak of him again I will hunt you down.

2. Sales is one of the best jobs in America, before and after Bushanomics, that will always remain true. I can't even change careers because nothing pays as well. Not without more schooling, and even then I'm not so sure I'll make more doing anything else. Sales is great.

Yeah sure BooBoo. so great you don't even make 100K a year.
3. I thought you right wingers respected hard work and getting your hands dirty? Now I'm "slinging a rag". You don't respect workers or hard work. How much did you get when your daddy died?

i was 2 you asshole and i got nothing. My mother used his life insurance to pay off the house and provide a small monthly income. I got my first full time job while i was still in high school, i put myself through college by cleaning houses on days I didn't have class and weekends and working a full time night job. Graduated magna cum-laude too.

I started my first business when i was 20. a house cleaning company for 3 grand 7 years later i had 5 employees and sold my business to merry maids for 50K.

4. They didn't can me. I got fed up with them owing me and I realized they weren't going to grow the business any more than it already was, so I demanded my commissions. And yes I had it in writing. When they said they couldn't pay, which I knew they wouldn't be able to, I was able to go get unemployment while I looked for another job.
Unemployment you fucking leach. I never took a dime of government money. No wonder you love the government you just love having other people pay your way. I bet your daddy is proud of his charity taking pussy of a son.

Had I just got mad and quit, they could have denied me unemployment. And, I got all the money they owed me. And, they gave me great referrals when potential employers called them.

A man with principles would have quit and made it on his own. You take the easy way out and let the government pay your way. That's NOT something to be proud of.

5. Thanks for telling me, a salesperson, about referrals. The reason they hired me is because their business was drying up. Referrals are great, but you need a salesperson to actively go out and find new business, unless your business is just so fucking great that the referrals just keep coming, without even having to ask for them.
6. Once I realized it wasn't going to happen, I left. I was smart enough to cut bait. And, I got unemployment and commissions while I looked for another job.

I don't need any salesmen to grow my business.

And the car detailing was also on the side. So while I was getting unemployment and back commissions owed, I was also making $100 a car. I made a shit load that summer. Of course I paid all my taxes. :eusa_angel::eusa_liar::lol:

So you were not only leaching off the government by taking unemployment, you were working under the table and not paying taxes while you were collecting.

You are an unscrupulous, lying , cheating scum bag. And you have the fucking balls to put me down when I never lied cheated or stole a thing in my life.

Fucking worthless piece of shit.
BOo Boo, you motherfucker, you are nor even worthy of uttering my father's name you fucking pussy ass son of a whore.

My dad gave his life for this country and I have done everything possible to honor his memory.

I swear if you ever speak of him again I will hunt you down.

Yeah sure BooBoo. so great you don't even make 100K a year.

i was 2 you asshole and i got nothing. My mother used his life insurance to pay off the house and provide a small monthly income. I got my first full time job while i was still in high school, i put myself through college by cleaning houses on days I didn't have class and weekends and working a full time night job. Graduated magna cum-laude too.

I started my first business when i was 20. a house cleaning company for 3 grand 7 years later i had 5 employees and sold my business to merry maids for 50K.

Unemployment you fucking leach. I never took a dime of government money. No wonder you love the government you just love having other people pay your way. I bet your daddy is proud of his charity taking pussy of a son.

A man with principles would have quit and made it on his own. You take the easy way out and let the government pay your way. That's NOT something to be proud of.

I don't need any salesmen to grow my business.

So you were not only leaching off the government by taking unemployment, you were working under the table and not paying taxes while you were collecting.

You are an unscrupulous, lying , cheating scum bag. And you have the fucking balls to put me down when I never lied cheated or stole a thing in my life.

Fucking worthless piece of shit.

:lol: I love it.

PS. If you hunt me down, you better have a gun pussy.

I work with a guy now who worked with me when I made $85K. He made $500K. Do you know how much he makes now after Bushanomics? About $50K.

He can't sell to EDS & GM anymore.

Do you know how many people in the northeast have been affected?

Where do you live?

You don't see things from other people's perspective.

So anyone who ever took unemployment is scum?

Glad you never needed it or qualified, but I've seen many an asshole like you talk the way you do and then they lost their job and as fast as they could ran to get their unemployment.

PPS. I don't believe you never got any government help. You wouldn't admit if you did. Or, people like you don't even realize it when you are being helped in some way shape or form.

And yes, like the rich, I cheated and didn't pay taxes on the money I was making. Do you know how many small business entrepreneurs cheat on their taxes? All of them.

Don't give the holier than thou bs.

This is a lie right here: never lied cheated or stole a thing in my life.

What are you a saint? LIAR!!

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