Unions Hold California Hostage

Can you answer why Gunny made you apologize To Willow?

That's why I have to put your credibility into play when you make statements
I never said how much, I make bobo. All I've ever stated was that I retired at 57.
I never did state that 75,000 or 85,000 was a lot of money. I just questioned your credibilty, and I stated you were overpaid. So go pound sand bobo.

I take it your pleading the 5th on this bobo? I rest my case. :lol:

First off, you said you bet you made more than me ten years ago or something like that. Don't brag and end up being a broke ass old man. Just shut your lip. :eusa_shhh:

As if you worked hard. :eusa_liar:

Your generation is what is killing this country. We need to start another war and send all you baby boomers to fight. And send you without body armor like you sent our soldiers to Iraq. And spread you thin like you did them. Fucking worst generation in US history you baby boomers. The WW2 generation was the best, you, the worst. Its was on your watch that America was destroyed. How old is Bush, about your age?

Anyways, back to my credibility. Gunny made me apologize because I negative repped Willow and asked her if she wanted me to cum over later. She's super sensitive and ready to complain about anything.

And I apologized to her before I got in trouble for lying about her yes. I admit it. I said that she private messaged me about another poster and instead of kittenkidder, I said Willow called her pussycooter.

I was kidding but of course you right wingers don't know how to take a joke. You are proof of that. You think me saying that joke means I don't have credibility, which means you don't get that I was kidding. :lol:

Neither do feminists.

Personal attacks won't deflect the fact that your a BIG FAT LIAR BOBO. You keep lying in the attacks just to prove my point. You know nothing about me bobo. Why do you LIE, and think you do? I stand by my statement that your credibility is questionable, now more than ever. :lol:
I take it your pleading the 5th on this bobo? I rest my case. :lol:

First off, you said you bet you made more than me ten years ago or something like that. Don't brag and end up being a broke ass old man. Just shut your lip. :eusa_shhh:

As if you worked hard. :eusa_liar:

Your generation is what is killing this country. We need to start another war and send all you baby boomers to fight. And send you without body armor like you sent our soldiers to Iraq. And spread you thin like you did them. Fucking worst generation in US history you baby boomers. The WW2 generation was the best, you, the worst. Its was on your watch that America was destroyed. How old is Bush, about your age?

Anyways, back to my credibility. Gunny made me apologize because I negative repped Willow and asked her if she wanted me to cum over later. She's super sensitive and ready to complain about anything.

And I apologized to her before I got in trouble for lying about her yes. I admit it. I said that she private messaged me about another poster and instead of kittenkidder, I said Willow called her pussycooter.

I was kidding but of course you right wingers don't know how to take a joke. You are proof of that. You think me saying that joke means I don't have credibility, which means you don't get that I was kidding. :lol:

Neither do feminists.

Personal attacks won't deflect the fact that your a BIG FAT LIAR BOBO. You keep lying in the attacks just to prove my point. You know nothing about me bobo. Why do you LIE, and think you do? I stand by my statement that your credibility is questionable, now more than ever. :lol:

Aw, I hurt your feelings. :lol:
California, the land of illegal aliens, street gangs, and homosexuals, is selling its assets. Years of socialist policies has driven people and businesses from the state and has destroyed any chance of survival for socialist state.

Governor Threatens to Sell California Landmarks - WSJ.com

Was it socialist when Bush tried to sell our ports to Dubai?

We have been warning you for years that corporations and politicians have been selling our country cheap to foreign investors.

Now you're gonna call it socialism and blame liberals?

Are you sure you know what socialism means?

actually he used the wrong word.. Democrats have wrecked California..Democrats..
California, the land of illegal aliens, street gangs, and homosexuals, is selling its assets. Years of socialist policies has driven people and businesses from the state and has destroyed any chance of survival for socialist state.

Governor Threatens to Sell California Landmarks - WSJ.com

lets see, arnold has been gov for how long now and they are a socialist state? how exactly do you come to that assesment friend?

you have a rino govenator and a democwatic legislature.. yep,, it's democwat to the core! and it's a tee total wreck.
the terminator is a rhino. your messiah is doing the same thing to the whole country.

first off he aint my messiah at all, yes I voted for the man but he is turning into the same old same old we had for years, turn coating and flip flopping on things he campaigned on JUST TO GET ELECTED like first saying the nsa wiretapping and spying was wrong and he was against it and now saying its ok and legal, suddenly not wanting to show the torture photos,wonder how long it will be till he changes his mind on releasing the terror memos, some that will debunk how well it does actually work....so much for transparency in government...lying jackhole!:mad:
First off, you said you bet you made more than me ten years ago or something like that. Don't brag and end up being a broke ass old man. Just shut your lip. :eusa_shhh:

As if you worked hard. :eusa_liar:

Your generation is what is killing this country. We need to start another war and send all you baby boomers to fight. And send you without body armor like you sent our soldiers to Iraq. And spread you thin like you did them. Fucking worst generation in US history you baby boomers. The WW2 generation was the best, you, the worst. Its was on your watch that America was destroyed. How old is Bush, about your age?

Anyways, back to my credibility. Gunny made me apologize because I negative repped Willow and asked her if she wanted me to cum over later. She's super sensitive and ready to complain about anything.

And I apologized to her before I got in trouble for lying about her yes. I admit it. I said that she private messaged me about another poster and instead of kittenkidder, I said Willow called her pussycooter.

I was kidding but of course you right wingers don't know how to take a joke. You are proof of that. You think me saying that joke means I don't have credibility, which means you don't get that I was kidding. :lol:

Neither do feminists.

Personal attacks won't deflect the fact that your a BIG FAT LIAR BOBO. You keep lying in the attacks just to prove my point. You know nothing about me bobo. Why do you LIE, and think you do? I stand by my statement that your credibility is questionable, now more than ever. :lol:

Aw, I hurt your feelings. :lol:

That's it? What a goofball. :lol:
read BooBoo started his own business and failed, then ran another business for someone else and failed. Now he's a salesman.

My father was killed when i was 2 years old and I've been on my own since i was 16. i didn't live in my mom's basement til i was 30 like you.

And you're proud of that? what do you produce BooBoo? didn't you say production jobs are the most important?

so again you shown you can't run a business unless it's slinging a rag and a bottle of Armor all

and you were so necessary they canned you. too bad

referrals are the best source of new business. we're up 20% over last year because of referrals

so as usual, it was someone else's fault.

stupid you. you didn't even have a contract did you?

And so that business didn't grow because of the stupid business owner who was very smart at fixing computers, but a terrible business man.

and you were stupid enough to work for a stupid business person. You couldn't see that you'd get screwed.

1. Lucky for your father he didn't have to be around to see you grow up.

2. Sales is one of the best jobs in America, before and after Bushanomics, that will always remain true. I can't even change careers because nothing pays as well. Not without more schooling, and even then I'm not so sure I'll make more doing anything else. Sales is great.
3. I thought you right wingers respected hard work and getting your hands dirty? Now I'm "slinging a rag". You don't respect workers or hard work. How much did you get when your daddy died?
4. They didn't can me. I got fed up with them owing me and I realized they weren't going to grow the business any more than it already was, so I demanded my commissions. And yes I had it in writing. When they said they couldn't pay, which I knew they wouldn't be able to, I was able to go get unemployment while I looked for another job. Had I just got mad and quit, they could have denied me unemployment. And, I got all the money they owed me. And, they gave me great referrals when potential employers called them.
5. Thanks for telling me, a salesperson, about referrals. The reason they hired me is because their business was drying up. Referrals are great, but you need a salesperson to actively go out and find new business, unless your business is just so fucking great that the referrals just keep coming, without even having to ask for them.
6. Once I realized it wasn't going to happen, I left. I was smart enough to cut bait. And, I got unemployment and commissions while I looked for another job.

And the car detailing was also on the side. So while I was getting unemployment and back commissions owed, I was also making $100 a car. I made a shit load that summer. Of course I paid all my taxes. :eusa_angel::eusa_liar::lol:
Personal attacks won't deflect the fact that your a BIG FAT LIAR BOBO. You keep lying in the attacks just to prove my point. You know nothing about me bobo. Why do you LIE, and think you do? I stand by my statement that your credibility is questionable, now more than ever. :lol:

Aw, I hurt your feelings. :lol:

That's it? What a goofball. :lol:

You said this: I'll put what I made 10 years ago against what you make now, and mine pot is still bigger.

Well then put it up. What did you make 10 years ago old man?

I made $85K and now I make $75K. Does that sound like bragging?

And I know that thousands if not millions of Americans have taken a step backward. Just because you got out of the game in time, does not give you the right to be arrogant and ignorant.

Being an American gives you that right. :lol:

So what did you do 10 years ago old man? I aught to kick your old ass. :lol:

You're probably like that old man on Family Guy. The pedophile with the lisp. :lol:

Just kidding. I'm in a good mood today. It's FRIDAY!!!
The situation in California is much more complicated then the unions or Obama. It has been a downward slide since the passing of Prop 13. Those fools in Sacramento spend more time arguing and no time getting anything done. It is so much easier to find a scapegoat like unions or Obama, but that is not a solution either.
the terminator is a rhino. your messiah is doing the same thing to the whole country.

first off he aint my messiah at all, yes I voted for the man but he is turning into the same old same old we had for years, turn coating and flip flopping on things he campaigned on JUST TO GET ELECTED like first saying the nsa wiretapping and spying was wrong and he was against it and now saying its ok and legal, suddenly not wanting to show the torture photos,wonder how long it will be till he changes his mind on releasing the terror memos, some that will debunk how well it does actually work....so much for transparency in government...lying jackhole!:mad:

I don't mind those things. I don't expect Obama to give us everything we want, and those things I can live without. Pick and choose your battles.

What I mind is if he's caving in the the healthcare private insurers. They need to be taken down.

And so far I still see jobs leaving America.

But then I think, "the guy can't do everything overnight". We have Blue Dog Democrats that will shoot down any radical changes to healthcare or they won't let Obama "PUNISH" corporations that went overseas.

I think what is done is done.

So I'm hoping that Obama tricks them. On healthcare, I hope Obama gets a single payer government healthcare that isn't cheap if you get a rash or break an arm, but is cheap for people who get aids or cancer or things like that. And I think more and more people will go with the government program instead of the shit they have now. So it will FORCE the healthcare providers to be competitive. Right now its a monopoly.

And with jobs going overseas. Don't tariff them, but remove the tax breaks the GOP gave companies in 2003 for going abroad. I think it probably didn't make a lot of sense to move jobs overseas, so in 2003 or 2004 (i forgot the year), the House Ways & Means committee passed tax breaks for companies going overseas. Obama needs to take that tax break away so more companies don't leave, and maybe even some will come back home.

Anyways, Obama doesn't seem to be working for unions enough, and they got him elected.

Oh yea, and the Employee Free Choice Act. I think Obama has sold them out too. He's now reversing what he said on the campaign trail.

Anyways, we need to stay on the Democrats or else they will turn into Republicans.
The situation in California is much more complicated then the unions or Obama. It has been a downward slide since the passing of Prop 13. Those fools in Sacramento spend more time arguing and no time getting anything done. It is so much easier to find a scapegoat like unions or Obama, but that is not a solution either.

Did you hear that those rolling blackouts were caused by Cheney & the Energy Industry just so they could jack up rates.

And people don't think they were gouging us at the pumps last year.

And do you notice gas prices going up now that summer is here? I'm starting to get nervous. Went from $2 to $2.35. Better not go back to $4.
the terminator is a rhino. your messiah is doing the same thing to the whole country.

first off he aint my messiah at all, yes I voted for the man but he is turning into the same old same old we had for years, turn coating and flip flopping on things he campaigned on JUST TO GET ELECTED like first saying the nsa wiretapping and spying was wrong and he was against it and now saying its ok and legal, suddenly not wanting to show the torture photos,wonder how long it will be till he changes his mind on releasing the terror memos, some that will debunk how well it does actually work....so much for transparency in government...lying jackhole!:mad:

I don't mind those things. I don't expect Obama to give us everything we want, and those things I can live without. Pick and choose your battles.

What I mind is if he's caving in the the healthcare private insurers. They need to be taken down.

And so far I still see jobs leaving America.

But then I think, "the guy can't do everything overnight". We have Blue Dog Democrats that will shoot down any radical changes to healthcare or they won't let Obama "PUNISH" corporations that went overseas.

I think what is done is done.

So I'm hoping that Obama tricks them. On healthcare, I hope Obama gets a single payer government healthcare that isn't cheap if you get a rash or break an arm, but is cheap for people who get aids or cancer or things like that. And I think more and more people will go with the government program instead of the shit they have now. So it will FORCE the healthcare providers to be competitive. Right now its a monopoly.

And with jobs going overseas. Don't tariff them, but remove the tax breaks the GOP gave companies in 2003 for going abroad. I think it probably didn't make a lot of sense to move jobs overseas, so in 2003 or 2004 (i forgot the year), the House Ways & Means committee passed tax breaks for companies going overseas. Obama needs to take that tax break away so more companies don't leave, and maybe even some will come back home.

Anyways, Obama doesn't seem to be working for unions enough, and they got him elected.

Oh yea, and the Employee Free Choice Act. I think Obama has sold them out too. He's now reversing what he said on the campaign trail.

Anyways, we need to stay on the Democrats or else they will turn into Republicans.

too late, they already are and have been for years now, that is why I REALLY wish I had not given myself this nickname for posting on here ...republicrats or whatever you want to call them sicken me anymore, that is why socialism is looking more my thing, hell the greens even represent me more than the shitheads we have now, OBAMA at the top of the list, I personally thought he was real change but he is a lying sack of crap and I wonder how long till he flip flops on more things to tow the line with his other republicrat buddies!
California, the land of illegal aliens, street gangs, and homosexuals, is selling its assets. Years of socialist policies has driven people and businesses from the state and has destroyed any chance of survival for socialist state.

Governor Threatens to Sell California Landmarks - WSJ.com

Was it socialist when Bush tried to sell our ports to Dubai?

We have been warning you for years that corporations and politicians have been selling our country cheap to foreign investors.

Now you're gonna call it socialism and blame liberals?

Are you sure you know what socialism means?

I was thinking that myself sealy especially since a republican is governor of the state and has been for a bit now

Republican in name only! He is very much a Democrat in every other way!
Was it socialist when Bush tried to sell our ports to Dubai?

We have been warning you for years that corporations and politicians have been selling our country cheap to foreign investors.

Now you're gonna call it socialism and blame liberals?

Are you sure you know what socialism means?

I was thinking that myself sealy especially since a republican is governor of the state and has been for a bit now

Republican in name only! He is very much a Democrat in every other way!

dont you mean a republicrat? they are one in the same anymore really
California, the land of illegal aliens, street gangs, and homosexuals, is selling its assets. Years of socialist policies has driven people and businesses from the state and has destroyed any chance of survival for socialist state.

Governor Threatens to Sell California Landmarks - WSJ.com

Governor Swartsenegger--just claimed bankrupsty in the state of California. THOUSANDS of government jobs to be cut. California has the highest income tax & sales tax in the country--but they DID NOT cut spending--they continued to spend faster than their revenues. And this is what happens.

Since our federal government is expanding in leaps & bounds--while the private sector is still hemorraging jobs--you can bet--we will be seeing this in the future also.

Right now the federal government is borrowing .50 cents on every dollar they're spending.

"The problem with socialism is that government eventually runs out of other peoples money to spend"--Margaret Thatcher.
California, the land of illegal aliens, street gangs, and homosexuals, is selling its assets. Years of socialist policies has driven people and businesses from the state and has destroyed any chance of survival for socialist state.

Governor Threatens to Sell California Landmarks - WSJ.com

Governor Swartsenegger--just claimed bankrupsty in the state of California. THOUSANDS of government jobs to be cut. California has the highest income tax & sales tax in the country--but they DID NOT cut spending--they continued to spend faster than their revenues. And this is what happens.

Since our federal government is expanding in leaps & bounds--while the private sector is still hemorraging jobs--you can bet--we will be seeing this in the future also.

Right now the federal government is borrowing .50 cents on every dollar they're spending.

"The problem with socialism is that government eventually runs out of other peoples money to spend"--Margaret Thatcher.

Until we do something to fix the current broken, extremely corrupt system we have now, nothing will change...dem, repub, dont matter, they are all the cause of our current problems
Oy. Do some research on the idiotic proposition system before you go to town on Ahnold and the California legislature. There is only so much they can do. California's economic woes are because direct democracy doesn't work and direct rule by the people is a really stupid idea.

About as stupid as bashing California for being a socialist haven...because they are privatizing government property....
first off he aint my messiah at all, yes I voted for the man but he is turning into the same old same old we had for years, turn coating and flip flopping on things he campaigned on JUST TO GET ELECTED like first saying the nsa wiretapping and spying was wrong and he was against it and now saying its ok and legal, suddenly not wanting to show the torture photos,wonder how long it will be till he changes his mind on releasing the terror memos, some that will debunk how well it does actually work....so much for transparency in government...lying jackhole!:mad:

I don't mind those things. I don't expect Obama to give us everything we want, and those things I can live without. Pick and choose your battles.

What I mind is if he's caving in the the healthcare private insurers. They need to be taken down.

And so far I still see jobs leaving America.

But then I think, "the guy can't do everything overnight". We have Blue Dog Democrats that will shoot down any radical changes to healthcare or they won't let Obama "PUNISH" corporations that went overseas.

I think what is done is done.

So I'm hoping that Obama tricks them. On healthcare, I hope Obama gets a single payer government healthcare that isn't cheap if you get a rash or break an arm, but is cheap for people who get aids or cancer or things like that. And I think more and more people will go with the government program instead of the shit they have now. So it will FORCE the healthcare providers to be competitive. Right now its a monopoly.

And with jobs going overseas. Don't tariff them, but remove the tax breaks the GOP gave companies in 2003 for going abroad. I think it probably didn't make a lot of sense to move jobs overseas, so in 2003 or 2004 (i forgot the year), the House Ways & Means committee passed tax breaks for companies going overseas. Obama needs to take that tax break away so more companies don't leave, and maybe even some will come back home.

Anyways, Obama doesn't seem to be working for unions enough, and they got him elected.

Oh yea, and the Employee Free Choice Act. I think Obama has sold them out too. He's now reversing what he said on the campaign trail.

Anyways, we need to stay on the Democrats or else they will turn into Republicans.

too late, they already are and have been for years now, that is why I REALLY wish I had not given myself this nickname for posting on here ...republicrats or whatever you want to call them sicken me anymore, that is why socialism is looking more my thing, hell the greens even represent me more than the shitheads we have now, OBAMA at the top of the list, I personally thought he was real change but he is a lying sack of crap and I wonder how long till he flip flops on more things to tow the line with his other republicrat buddies!

Look at all the horrible things Clinton went along with the GOP on. Got to give to get. But I agree, he gave too much.

Now we will see what happens with the economy and insurance. The healthcare battle, I can see him losing that one. I just heard on Thom Hartmann that the insurance companies are already renigging on their promise to lower costs over the next 10 years.

Same promise they gave Carter and Clinton. Both times they lied.

Consider we have a 2 party system, and everything you hate Obama and the Dems for doing, the GOP would do all those things and then some. So don't forget that. You voting Green means you helping Mitt Romney or Rudy become President. And they don't care about American jobs. They don't even pretend to.

But if Obama lets you and the unions down enough, no doubt about it the GOP will win next time. So that is our leverage. He better deliver. Not that I'll ever vote GOP, but there are a lot of other people less loyal than I am.

Just don't expect Obama to create a law that tariffs every company that operates overseas. But watch the trade imbalance improve under him. That's all you can ask.

And don't expect him to limit CEO pay and raise your wages. But watch his ways will improve the economy and create jobs, which is the only way to actually increase wages. Wages never go up in a recession. Which is why the GOP created/caused the recession.

They actually re-wrote the bankrupsy laws right before this crash. Coincidence? I think not. They made it easier for Chrysler and GM to go bankrupt and harder for you and me. Perfect, huh?

And the credit card companies are a scam too. The only ones who might fix them is the Dems.

And we saw how tough Bush appointees were on gas companies when they raised prices to $4.

And the GOP won't fix healthcare

I think I heard the other day that my politicians might be in on the scam. Stabinow and Levin. Two safe seats who can easily vote against healthcare reform. They'll get away with it in Michigan. That's too bad. I'm going to let them hear from me. Hope others call them too. That's the only way to get these people to vote right.

What state are you in? I have the luxury of being in a state that can go either way. I'd hate it if we were all blue or all red. But I do prefer that we are blue, because I know as bad as they are, they are way better than the GOP.

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