Unions in the US

Unions in the US

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And once again we learn two things:
Those in favor of unions invoke a lost world that will never return to scare people into accepting their views.
Jillian and Juniorbert have nothing of substance to contribute and cannot sustain a debate without turning it into a name-call-fest.

Thanks. Mods, please close the thread.

The workers who are employed in those industries understand the conditions of their workplace. They are the ones who get to choose whether they want union representation or not.

I am not surprised you are giving up and self declaring victory so soon. I have yet to see you defend those mine owners in Kentuky and West Virginia who blocked unions from their sites.

I would give up if I were you also

WTF are you babbling about, again?
Someone with your track record doesn't need to go around giving advice.
Unions have consistently lost elections, thus the push for "card check" legislation now.
But my question is why do we need these illegal relics at all? They would not pass muster under any anti trust law. They seem to do nothing but concentrate power in the hands of leadership and ergo politicians, who then pretend to be out for "the little guy."

Would not pass muster under the anti-trust law?

Writing your own laws again Rabbi?

What do you have against the workers deciding what type of representation they need? Afraid?

Rabbi: "I've decided on what type of representation you need with your employer"
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That is not the case with unions, where a better-educated workforce combined with better information dissemination makes unions obsolete.
See the difference?

yea i see it......"hey boss i need a raise"......well go find a better job....."hey boss this structure over here is unsafe"......well be careful then.....yea i see the difference....

Managment has used the "If you don't like it, find work elsewhere" for generations it was used to justify low wages, unsafe working conditions, discrimination.

Collective bargaining allows the workers to say "We will all look elsewhere"

As is their right. It would be great if people could recognize not just the good that unions do but the harm that they do as well. Likewise for employers. There are millions of good, decent, honest employers across this country. As I said, neither side has right on its side.
First Amendment Freedom of Association! (unless or until you associate to promote higher wages and safer working conditions for the middle class - then you're a commie)

WTF are babbling about incoherently again?
It has nothing to do with 1A. Nada.
Guess again, Einstein.

I really liked the "just because you got your ass kicked..." line. It seems somehow appropriate here as well.

Of course, I'm not "babbling incoherently". You're just too stupid to digest what I wrote. let's try it in simpler terms:

The first amendment to the Constitution was part of the first attempt to change the Constitution. In the case of the first amendment, the change was to prevent government from passing laws banning certain activities. One of those activities was the freedom to associate - for instance, to organize or to gather. If you weren't so stupid, you would realize that the freedom of association includes the freedom of individual employees to organize to protect and promote their interests - also known as unionizing.

if any of those words are too big, let me know.

Combinations in restraint of trade are illegal. Unions are such combinations. There is no protection for such a thing. Nor are unions merely for the purpose of "association". Rather they exist to represent every worker in a workplace and negotiate on his behalf. That is not a 1A right.
If any of that is too confusing to you, consult Jillian, who is a lawyer about like you are a debater.
That is not the case with unions, where a better-educated workforce combined with better information dissemination makes unions obsolete.
See the difference?

yea i see it......"hey boss i need a raise"......well go find a better job....."hey boss this structure over here is unsafe"......well be careful then.....yea i see the difference....

Managment has used the "If you don't like it, find work elsewhere" for generations it was used to justify low wages, unsafe working conditions, discrimination.

Collective bargaining allows the workers to say "We will all look elsewhere"

Why is that argument wrong? Why is it any more wrong than "I don't like this product or service so I will buy it elsewhere"?
Unsafe working conditions are illegal. Discrimination is illegal. One does not need unions for this. Nor were unions helpful here, promoting discrimination more than fighting it.
And why should one worker who is satisfied with his wages and benefits be compelled to quit his job just because some other worker is not satisfied?
In the IT world workers move all the time to companies offering better pay/benefits. And they don't need a union to do it, nor do they work under 19th century conditions.
WTF are babbling about incoherently again?
It has nothing to do with 1A. Nada.
Guess again, Einstein.

I really liked the "just because you got your ass kicked..." line. It seems somehow appropriate here as well.

Of course, I'm not "babbling incoherently". You're just too stupid to digest what I wrote. let's try it in simpler terms:

The first amendment to the Constitution was part of the first attempt to change the Constitution. In the case of the first amendment, the change was to prevent government from passing laws banning certain activities. One of those activities was the freedom to associate - for instance, to organize or to gather. If you weren't so stupid, you would realize that the freedom of association includes the freedom of individual employees to organize to protect and promote their interests - also known as unionizing.

if any of those words are too big, let me know.

Combinations in restraint of trade are illegal. Unions are such combinations. There is no protection for such a thing. Nor are unions merely for the purpose of "association". Rather they exist to represent every worker in a workplace and negotiate on his behalf. That is not a 1A right.
If any of that is too confusing to you, consult Jillian, who is a lawyer about like you are a debater.


You know the drill, you're making the claim unions violate existing antitrust law. Please provide US Code reference for your statement.

Thank you in advance.
yea i see it......"hey boss i need a raise"......well go find a better job....."hey boss this structure over here is unsafe"......well be careful then.....yea i see the difference....

Managment has used the "If you don't like it, find work elsewhere" for generations it was used to justify low wages, unsafe working conditions, discrimination.

Collective bargaining allows the workers to say "We will all look elsewhere"

As is their right. It would be great if people could recognize not just the good that unions do but the harm that they do as well. Likewise for employers. There are millions of good, decent, honest employers across this country. As I said, neither side has right on its side.


There has to be a balance between the strength of management and the strength of labor. Our history has horror stories on both sides
Managment has used the "If you don't like it, find work elsewhere" for generations it was used to justify low wages, unsafe working conditions, discrimination.

Collective bargaining allows the workers to say "We will all look elsewhere"

As is their right. It would be great if people could recognize not just the good that unions do but the harm that they do as well. Likewise for employers. There are millions of good, decent, honest employers across this country. As I said, neither side has right on its side.


There has to be a balance between the strength of management and the strength of labor. Our history has horror stories on both sides

Which goes back to the fact that the entire reason for labor unions is to provide equality in negotiations between labor and management. And negotiations where both sides have approximately equal power are always going to yield the best results.

It's all about balance.
a lot of what unions did has now been mandated by laws. ie safe working environment, mandatory rest periods, etc etc

but if people simply understood that unions are also one of the main causes of why consumer goods are so expensive or why construction projects are so expensive they might understand.

for example: (im only using california, because thats what i know and have experience in)

Non-Union Construction workers. (using the lowest class category of laborer)
in a non-union outfit the guy will get between $15-$20 an hr (any benefits are paid for out of pocket) for tasks that include traffic control (ie holding the stop/slow sign) digging a ditch, or any other menial general labor task.

Union Construction workers (same tasks) - approx $43 / hr. (basic hourly rate of about $26-27 plus another $16 in benefits and union wages)

so but putting a union contractor on a job, your labor costs have essentially doubled. most private work goes to the non union guys, because of costs, but public works jobs have a mandated wage by the state or federal government that is typically just above union wages. that way union and non guys are paying the same for each worker. hence the cost of job increase dramatically because the union is involved.
I really liked the "just because you got your ass kicked..." line. It seems somehow appropriate here as well.

Of course, I'm not "babbling incoherently". You're just too stupid to digest what I wrote. let's try it in simpler terms:

The first amendment to the Constitution was part of the first attempt to change the Constitution. In the case of the first amendment, the change was to prevent government from passing laws banning certain activities. One of those activities was the freedom to associate - for instance, to organize or to gather. If you weren't so stupid, you would realize that the freedom of association includes the freedom of individual employees to organize to protect and promote their interests - also known as unionizing.

if any of those words are too big, let me know.

Combinations in restraint of trade are illegal. Unions are such combinations. There is no protection for such a thing. Nor are unions merely for the purpose of "association". Rather they exist to represent every worker in a workplace and negotiate on his behalf. That is not a 1A right.
If any of that is too confusing to you, consult Jillian, who is a lawyer about like you are a debater.


You know the drill, you're making the claim unions violate existing antitrust law. Please provide US Code reference for your statement.

Thank you in advance.

Clayton Act of 1914.
Thanks, "counselor".
As is their right. It would be great if people could recognize not just the good that unions do but the harm that they do as well. Likewise for employers. There are millions of good, decent, honest employers across this country. As I said, neither side has right on its side.


There has to be a balance between the strength of management and the strength of labor. Our history has horror stories on both sides

Which goes back to the fact that the entire reason for labor unions is to provide equality in negotiations between labor and management. And negotiations where both sides have approximately equal power are always going to yield the best results.

It's all about balance.

I don't understand that point.
An employer is offering a job for a given wage.
An employee is offering his labor for a given wage.
They negotiate and come to an agreement based on many factors, including and especially "is this the best deal I can get?" Pretty much like anything else.
Do you ask for representation when you buy a car from a dealer? This is so even though the dealer is in a much stronger position than you are.
Combinations in restraint of trade are illegal. Unions are such combinations. There is no protection for such a thing. Nor are unions merely for the purpose of "association". Rather they exist to represent every worker in a workplace and negotiate on his behalf. That is not a 1A right.
If any of that is too confusing to you, consult Jillian, who is a lawyer about like you are a debater.


You know the drill, you're making the claim unions violate existing antitrust law. Please provide US Code reference for your statement.

Thank you in advance.

Clayton Act of 1914.
Thanks, "counselor".


You gonna call me a hooker now too, gutter trash?

Straight for the sewer in two posts or less, that's your standard MO. I should've taken bets. :lmao:

You got something a Google search page doesn't offer, or are you just guessing...again?

There has to be a balance between the strength of management and the strength of labor. Our history has horror stories on both sides

Which goes back to the fact that the entire reason for labor unions is to provide equality in negotiations between labor and management. And negotiations where both sides have approximately equal power are always going to yield the best results.

It's all about balance.

I don't understand that point.
An employer is offering a job for a given wage.
An employee is offering his labor for a given wage.
They negotiate and come to an agreement based on many factors, including and especially "is this the best deal I can get?" Pretty much like anything else.
Do you ask for representation when you buy a car from a dealer? This is so even though the dealer is in a much stronger position than you are.

Of course you don't understand it. Because you're so fixated on "representation" you have no idea what a union even is, its actual purpose or how it operates.

Now...I've already posted in this thread that I think the modern union needs a major overhaul. But the entire purpose of a labor union is collective bargaining to level the playing field and provide the balance to the relative power of the employer. On that level, the union is a necessity as the counterbalance.
And once again we learn two things:
Those in favor of unions invoke a lost world that will never return to scare people into accepting their views.
Jillian and Juniorbert have nothing of substance to contribute and cannot sustain a debate without turning it into a name-call-fest.

Thanks. Mods, please close the thread.

What's the matter Rabid Lie, tired of getting your butt handed to you repeatedly in pieces with no glue throughout this thread?

And now, because you're getting your ass kicked repeatedly, even by California Girl you're requesting the mods shut down your thread because you can't take it anymore?

Fucking pussy.
WTF are babbling about incoherently again?
It has nothing to do with 1A. Nada.
Guess again, Einstein.

I really liked the "just because you got your ass kicked..." line. It seems somehow appropriate here as well.

Of course, I'm not "babbling incoherently". You're just too stupid to digest what I wrote. let's try it in simpler terms:

The first amendment to the Constitution was part of the first attempt to change the Constitution. In the case of the first amendment, the change was to prevent government from passing laws banning certain activities. One of those activities was the freedom to associate - for instance, to organize or to gather. If you weren't so stupid, you would realize that the freedom of association includes the freedom of individual employees to organize to protect and promote their interests - also known as unionizing.

if any of those words are too big, let me know.

Combinations in restraint of trade are illegal. Unions are such combinations.

First of all, combinations in restraint of trade are certainly not illegal- They happen every day.

Second, this isn't a "combination in restraint of trade".

There is no protection for such a thing. Nor are unions merely for the purpose of "association". Rather they exist to represent every worker in a workplace and negotiate on his behalf. That is not a 1A right.

It's the right to associate.

You should go back to calling women hookers and whores...
I really liked the "just because you got your ass kicked..." line. It seems somehow appropriate here as well.

Of course, I'm not "babbling incoherently". You're just too stupid to digest what I wrote. let's try it in simpler terms:

The first amendment to the Constitution was part of the first attempt to change the Constitution. In the case of the first amendment, the change was to prevent government from passing laws banning certain activities. One of those activities was the freedom to associate - for instance, to organize or to gather. If you weren't so stupid, you would realize that the freedom of association includes the freedom of individual employees to organize to protect and promote their interests - also known as unionizing.

if any of those words are too big, let me know.

Combinations in restraint of trade are illegal. Unions are such combinations.

First of all, combinations in restraint of trade are certainly not illegal- They happen every day.

Second, this isn't a "combination in restraint of trade".

There is no protection for such a thing. Nor are unions merely for the purpose of "association". Rather they exist to represent every worker in a workplace and negotiate on his behalf. That is not a 1A right.

It's the right to associate.

You should go back to calling women hookers and whores...

He doesn't understand the fundamental organizational structure and purpose of the labor union. Apparently he thinks it's a body completely separate from its members that is "representing" them but is not made up of them. As such, so his logic goes, the First Amendment right of association and all that entails does not apply to them.

And yet we heard from this very poster in many threads in the past that corporations should receive First Amendment political speech rights because they are associations of the individuals who own and operate them...under the First Amendment.

Anybody else see the problem here? ;)
As is their right. It would be great if people could recognize not just the good that unions do but the harm that they do as well. Likewise for employers. There are millions of good, decent, honest employers across this country. As I said, neither side has right on its side.

and when your working for one of them you probably dont need a Union......its the ASSWIPES among them where you need one....
Why is that argument wrong? Why is it any more wrong than "I don't like this product or service so I will buy it elsewhere"?
Unsafe working conditions are illegal. Discrimination is illegal. One does not need unions for this. Nor were unions helpful here, promoting discrimination more than fighting it.
And why should one worker who is satisfied with his wages and benefits be compelled to quit his job just because some other worker is not satisfied?
In the IT world workers move all the time to companies offering better pay/benefits. And they don't need a union to do it, nor do they work under 19th century conditions.

work for the PO Rabbi.....you will be glad you have a Union.....they are not the greatest Union....but they do get on the PO when they violate the Contract they signed,they do get on them when they try and ignore safety concerns,they do get on the managers who seem to think they can treat people like shit.....in the PO the list is fairly extensive....but basically in the PO Middle and Upper Managers will attempt to violate anything they can to get their numbers they need so they can get their fucking bonuses....the Unions are the only thing standing in their way....
Why is that argument wrong? Why is it any more wrong than "I don't like this product or service so I will buy it elsewhere"?
Unsafe working conditions are illegal. Discrimination is illegal. One does not need unions for this. Nor were unions helpful here, promoting discrimination more than fighting it.
And why should one worker who is satisfied with his wages and benefits be compelled to quit his job just because some other worker is not satisfied?
In the IT world workers move all the time to companies offering better pay/benefits. And they don't need a union to do it, nor do they work under 19th century conditions.

work for the PO Rabbi.....you will be glad you have a Union.....they are not the greatest Union....but they do get on the PO when they violate the Contract they signed,they do get on them when they try and ignore safety concerns,they do get on the managers who seem to think they can treat people like shit.....in the PO the list is fairly extensive....but basically in the PO Middle and Upper Managers will attempt to violate anything they can to get their numbers they need so they can get their fucking bonuses....the Unions are the only thing standing in their way....

Had a good friend named Peg who worked for them as well.

She said the same thing.

See y'all? Sometimes unions are a good thing.
You know what's so funny about the last two posts?

Workers need to be protected by unions from the government...not industry. :lol:

The Government that the Unions created and are responsible for. The best thing we could do for the Republic is outlaw Unions, all of them. Outlaw Unions and Monopolies.
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