Unions in the US

Unions in the US

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In other words, you have no answer because you are a liar and a fraud. You'll just dig your hole deeper and deeper.

Just like a good conservatarian, rabbi.

Sorry. You've proven yourself too stupid and/or dishonest to debate. On to iggy you go.
I'm sorry you aren't capable of backing up the lies that you spew.

Wanna clue me in to how you got Rabid Lie to put you on ignore?

I've been trying for a couple of years now!
I'm sorry you aren't capable of backing up the lies that you spew.

Wanna clue me in to how you got Rabid Lie to put you on ignore?

I've been trying for a couple of years now!

I'll bet your extensive military service cleaning johns has helped you.

For the first 2 years? Yeah......I cleaned johns as an E-3 and below.

After that? I made E-4 and stopped being put on compartment cleaning detail.

Whats the matter Rabid Lie? You pissed because you're too much of a coward to even enlist?
Wanna clue me in to how you got Rabid Lie to put you on ignore?

I've been trying for a couple of years now!

I'll bet your extensive military service cleaning johns has helped you.

For the first 2 years? Yeah......I cleaned johns as an E-3 and below.

After that? I made E-4 and stopped being put on compartment cleaning detail.

Whats the matter Rabid Lie? You pissed because you're too much of a coward to even enlist?

I'll bet you loved doing it after the troops had dystentary. Gives a whole new meaning to "Green MAchine" I'll bet.
I'll bet your extensive military service cleaning johns has helped you.

For the first 2 years? Yeah......I cleaned johns as an E-3 and below.

After that? I made E-4 and stopped being put on compartment cleaning detail.

Whats the matter Rabid Lie? You pissed because you're too much of a coward to even enlist?

I'll bet you loved doing it after the troops had dystentary. Gives a whole new meaning to "Green MAchine" I'll bet.

See you dumb fuck, this is why you continually get your ass handed to you because you know nothing of which you speak.

The Army is the green ones. The Navy's colors are Blue and Gold.

By the way............did you know that EVERY Navy ship has a medical unit onboard? And, if there is something that may possibly cause problems, everyone has access to health care?

Additionally, the head (bathroom to you civvies), only has to serve 30, 45 people TOPS, because each berthing area has it's own head.

Like I said pussy, if you'd ever served, you'd know this.
In other words, you have no answer because you are a liar and a fraud. You'll just dig your hole deeper and deeper.

Just like a good conservatarian, rabbi.

Sorry. You've proven yourself too stupid and/or dishonest to debate. On to iggy you go.
I'm sorry you aren't capable of backing up the lies that you spew.

Poor man, you don't meet gutter boy's standard of "debate". You must not follow women around the board and call them hookers and whores enough for his taste.

I'm sure you're just crushed, too. :lol:
Sorry. You've proven yourself too stupid and/or dishonest to debate. On to iggy you go.
I'm sorry you aren't capable of backing up the lies that you spew.

Poor man, you don't meet gutter boy's standard of "debate". You must not follow women around the board and call them hookers and whores enough for his taste.

I'm sure you're just crushed, too. :lol:

Translation: I really can't refute anything he says so I'll just focus on peripherals.
Thanks for playing.
Now you can go back to servicing your johns.
I'm sorry you aren't capable of backing up the lies that you spew.

Poor man, you don't meet gutter boy's standard of "debate". You must not follow women around the board and call them hookers and whores enough for his taste.

I'm sure you're just crushed, too. :lol:

Translation: I really can't refute anything he says so I'll just focus on peripherals.
Thanks for playing.
Now you can go back to servicing your johns.

from reading a bit of your rethoric against veterans.

You too can kiss my ass.
I'm sorry you aren't capable of backing up the lies that you spew.

Poor man, you don't meet gutter boy's standard of "debate". You must not follow women around the board and call them hookers and whores enough for his taste.

I'm sure you're just crushed, too. :lol:

Translation: I really can't refute anything he says so I'll just focus on peripherals.
Thanks for playing.
Now you can go back to servicing your johns.

Right on time and right in character. Thanks, gutter boy. Even your brothers in lewd and disgusting behavior have abandoned you in this thread. Have you stopped to think that when you're too stupid and vile for the likes of even soggy and libobot you might have a serious problem?

Of course not. It's the rest of the world that's dumb and crazy, right? :rolleyes:

You STILL haven't answered any of the several questions I put to you pages ago, BTW. Not a one of them. We've been in this pattern before of course. You want to play chicken, gutter trash? Or you gonna keep evading and calling women hookers when you can't even understand let alone hang in an argument?
Actually, Pubes, before even getting to the point on negotiation I want you to answer my two points in the posts you conveniently "skipped" on your way to declaring vicktery of teh interwebz:

1. Rather than tossing out the short title of the first antitrust law that shows up on a google search, did you actually open one of the pages to discover what it says and have anything remotely resembling an actual argument for your position based on that finding?

a. Here's a hint: It says some stuff you obviously don't know about. Google is your friend but only if you actually open and read the pages it finds. ;)

2. You're on the record in many places on this board as supporting the Citizens United decision, yet you claim unions are not associations under the First Amendment. Never mind the fact that SCOTUS clearly determined otherwise in CU itself, please explain to me how you reconcile the "fact" that corporations, which are fictitious entities specifically designed to separate their activities from that of their owners and operators, are associations within the meaning of the First Amendment under the CU decision and unions, which are actually made up of their membership for the purpose of supporting their membership rather than being specifically designed for legal separation, are not "associations" and have no First Amendment protections?

So you have no concept of modern antitrust legislation, no concept of the meaning of a Supreme Court decision you choose to spout off about, no concept of the legal and structural organization of the labor union and no concept of the right of association. No shocker there.

Oh, and never mind. You're not Pubes. Pubes had waaaay more class and smarts than you.

Bumped for the benefit of the gutter trash.
Go on, tell us what the minority of workers in the U.S. who are unionized have a monopoly over.

Based on the only reference he's made to an actual antitrust law, he's probably attempting to refer to late-19th century and extremely early 20th century applications of the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890. You know, when unions were "conspiracies" and pickets, boycotts, letters to the editor in the newspaper or basically anything that could, theoretically, cause goods not to be sold were considered illegal restraints on trade if a "conspiracy" of any type was involved. Culminating in Loewe v. Lawlor in 1908.

Section 6 of the Clayton Act of 1914 was enacted to to remedy the Supreme Court's misapplication of the Sherman Act in Loewe, effectively overruling it. ;)

THIS is what he seems to think modern law regarding antitrust and unions would be but for all that "special gubmint support" in Clayton. :lol:

Loewe v. Lawlor

Not knowing anything of the contemporary context, the preceding or subsequent history, the case that spawned the applicable law or the applicable law itself, he's mucking it up royally. I've enjoyed it thoroughly too.

Another one bumped for the gutter trash's benefit, also not touched.
Right-to-work laws are a good thing :cool:

And I hope you don't mind, JB. But our dear friend the rabbid gutter trash never responded to any of the the times this tidbit was put forward either.

Now hop to it, "rabbi". You have a LOT of backed up refutin' to do before you got time to fixate on hookers and bashing vets.
Right-to-work laws are a good thing :cool:

And I hope you don't mind, JB. But our dear friend the rabbid gutter trash never responded to any of the the times this tidbit was put forward either.

Now hop to it, "rabbi". You have a LOT of backed up refutin' to do before you got time to fixate on hookers and bashing vets.

Right to work?

Are you guys pushing the euro version?

From my perspective, you have the right to work hard or be fired. Everytime I sense any employee developing an entiltlement mindset. I send them packing.
Right-to-work laws are a good thing :cool:

And I hope you don't mind, JB. But our dear friend the rabbid gutter trash never responded to any of the the times this tidbit was put forward either.

Now hop to it, "rabbi". You have a LOT of backed up refutin' to do before you got time to fixate on hookers and bashing vets.

Right to work?

Are you guys pushing the euro version?

From my perspective, you have the right to work hard or be fired. Everytime I sense any employee developing an entiltlement mindset. I send them packing.

A lot of states already have right to work laws. Basically in a right to work state, closed shops are against the law.

So in so-called union states, once a shop is unionized it may force all employees of that particular shop to join the union - a closed shop. In right to work states, the employees have the choice to join or not, so the shop cannot be closed to non-union members.

I currently live in PA, which is a union state. I used to live in Arkansas, which is a right to work state. The balance is approximately half and half last I checked, but I don't have the exact count in front of me. Somebody posted a map a while back in the thread, but I need more coffee before I do any serious digging. ;)

If you don't have a union shop, right to work laws wouldn't really apply.
and i hope you don't mind, jb. But our dear friend the rabbid gutter trash never responded to any of the the times this tidbit was put forward either.

Now hop to it, "rabbi". You have a lot of backed up refutin' to do before you got time to fixate on hookers and bashing vets.

right to work?

Are you guys pushing the euro version?

From my perspective, you have the right to work hard or be fired. Everytime i sense any employee developing an entiltlement mindset. I send them packing.

a lot of states already have right to work laws. Basically in a right to work state, closed shops are against the law.

So in so-called union states, once a shop is unionized it may force all employees of that particular shop to join the union - a closed shop. In right to work states, the employees have the choice to join or not, so the shop cannot be closed to non-union members.

I currently live in pa, which is a union state. I used to live in arkansas, which is a right to work state. The balance is approximately half and half last i checked, but i don't have the exact count in front of me. Somebody posted a map a while back in the thread, but i need more coffee before i do any serious digging. ;)

if you don't have a union shop, right to work laws wouldn't really apply.

thank you very much for your input.
Right-to-work laws are a good thing :cool:

And I hope you don't mind, JB. But our dear friend the rabbid gutter trash never responded to any of the the times this tidbit was put forward either.

Now hop to it, "rabbi". You have a LOT of backed up refutin' to do before you got time to fixate on hookers and bashing vets.

Is that a point you're trying to make?
right to work?

Are you guys pushing the euro version?

From my perspective, you have the right to work hard or be fired. Everytime i sense any employee developing an entiltlement mindset. I send them packing.

a lot of states already have right to work laws. Basically in a right to work state, closed shops are against the law.

So in so-called union states, once a shop is unionized it may force all employees of that particular shop to join the union - a closed shop. In right to work states, the employees have the choice to join or not, so the shop cannot be closed to non-union members.

I currently live in pa, which is a union state. I used to live in arkansas, which is a right to work state. The balance is approximately half and half last i checked, but i don't have the exact count in front of me. Somebody posted a map a while back in the thread, but i need more coffee before i do any serious digging. ;)

if you don't have a union shop, right to work laws wouldn't really apply.

thank you very much for your input.

How about we do away with anything that interferes with employers and employees negotiating freely for their services and compensation?
What a concept!
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