Unions in the US

Unions in the US

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you know what's great about conversing with Rabbi? No matter how many times he is proven wrong, he will come back with a NEW argument and claim victory...or call you a whore. Whatever he does, he will never, ever, ever admit he is wrong.

He must be a treat at cocktail parties!

You're just a glutton for punishment, arent' you?
You prove every point I make and then make fun of me.

Yes, unions are monopolies. Look it up. They continue to exist only because of legislation specifically exempting them.

Uhhhh, you were the glutton for punishment I was talking about in my post, not 8537. :cuckoo:

Uhh, you spoke correctly, even if you had no idea what you really meant to say. :cuckoo:
You're just a glutton for punishment, arent' you?
You prove every point I make and then make fun of me.

Yes, unions are monopolies. Look it up. They continue to exist only because of legislation specifically exempting them.

Uhhhh, you were the glutton for punishment I was talking about in my post, not 8537. :cuckoo:

Uhh, you spoke correctly, even if you had no idea what you really meant to say. :cuckoo:

Your a tooloon. A tool and a loon combined.
You know what's so funny about the last two posts?

Workers need to be protected by unions from the government...not industry. :lol:

funny yes but true.....you dont know how many people tell me how being that i work for the Govt. i must be well taken care of.....Postal middle and above,and some front line managers.....are back stabbing motherfuckers who will fuck over ANYONE,if they can get away with it,to either get a promotion OR...and this is the big one....to get their fucking bonuses....
You're speaking about the Post Office, which is largely bankrupt and inefficient through high labor costs? That PO?

yea that PO....now you wanna know WHY the fucking place has no money?.....the morons who control the finances have destroyed the PO more than any Union has.....and yea its so easy for those assholes to say LABOR costs are eating them up....in the 31 years i have been here i have seen so many ridiculous "NEW" wonderful time saving cost cutting ideas from these jerks that have done nothing but cost MORE time and money....but yet,even when they see it aint working,it will still go on,because by golly,we know its the workers fault because they dont want to change....so when they come to check it personally to see why....and they see we are doing it just like they want,and it aint working,it doesnt matter,then they tell the Supervisor...make it work or we will find someone who will,so then the harassment starts and the pressure mounts,attitudes get nasty,sick calls increase,which now means you have a route or too down that has to be picked by the guys working.....and all because those basterds wont admit their ideas dont work generally,they have jobs that they have to justify,and this is the big one.....THEY WANT THEIR FUCKING BONUSES....which hinges on their performance.....yea its all about labor costs....created by the assholes who run the place....
Unions were originally created because the owners of businesses were doing the same thing to their workers.

Anyone remember the robber barons of the 1800's?

It's American history............
You know what's so funny about the last two posts?

Workers need to be protected by unions from the government...not industry. :lol:

The Government that the Unions created and are responsible for. The best thing we could do for the Republic is outlaw Unions, all of them. Outlaw Unions and Monopolies.

Except there's no such thing as a monopoly without government legislation to that effect. Is IBM a monopoly? Microsoft?
But unions exist because of gov't legislation. Get rid of them.

Unions exist because of the way Companies have treated their workers,and please dont tell me if they were disbanded tomorrow that all those Companies out there would suddenly start treating every one of their workers with respect and fairness..if a business takes care of those who they employ....they probobly dont need or want a Union....my son works for a place like that....Blizzard Entertainment....they take care of their people....and because of that those guys bust their asses for that place....but then they get rewarded.....how many Companies out there treat their employees like they mean something to them?......or are they looked as some mindless Automoton .....
You're catching on well to the guttersnipe's tactics.

Notice three posts of mine that have gone unanswered and a fourth replied to with a dodge and declaration of vicktery. At least he's not hiding from you. Yet.

But when his partners in disgusting behavior aren't around to cheer him on and literally all he's got is a combination of factually incorrect generalities and calling women hookers and whores, what did you expect?

you know what's great about conversing with Rabbi? No matter how many times he is proven wrong, he will come back with a NEW argument and claim victory...or call you a whore. Whatever he does, he will never, ever, ever admit he is wrong.

He must be a treat at cocktail parties!

You're just a glutton for punishment, arent' you?
You prove every point I make and then make fun of me.

Yes, unions are monopolies. Look it up. They continue to exist only because of legislation specifically exempting them.

In economics, a monopoly (from Greek monos / μονος (alone or single) + polein / πωλειν (to sell)) exists when a specific individual or an enterprise has sufficient control over a particular product or service to determine significantly the terms on which other individuals shall have access to it.

Monopoly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

you know what's great about conversing with Rabbi? No matter how many times he is proven wrong, he will come back with a NEW argument and claim victory...or call you a whore. Whatever he does, he will never, ever, ever admit he is wrong.

He must be a treat at cocktail parties!

You're just a glutton for punishment, arent' you?
You prove every point I make and then make fun of me.

Yes, unions are monopolies. Look it up. They continue to exist only because of legislation specifically exempting them.

In economics, a monopoly (from Greek monos / μονος (alone or single) + polein / πωλειν (to sell)) exists when a specific individual or an enterprise has sufficient control over a particular product or service to determine significantly the terms on which other individuals shall have access to it.

Monopoly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Thanks! WHo said you were totally worthless?
A) are evil communists who hate America

B) have largely served their purpose; are becoming obsolete

C) have largely become greedy and detrimental to their original purpose

D) must keep fighting!

Well the unions, entitlements and politicians have run California into the brink..:eusa_whistle: Unions are now counter-productive to a prosperous America.
Go on, tell us what the minority of workers in the U.S. who are unionized have a monopoly over.

Ooops! The question the Rabbi keeps ducking >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>EXIT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>EXIT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>EXIT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>EXIT
A) are evil communists who hate America

B) have largely served their purpose; are becoming obsolete

C) have largely become greedy and detrimental to their original purpose

D) must keep fighting!

Well the unions, entitlements and politicians have run California into the brink..:eusa_whistle: Unions are now counter-productive to a prosperous America.

Oh no, you would love being married to a big strong Union man and sharing his castle.

You do know it takes an act of god to bring down a union job, and sometimes that won't get it either.

And how are Union counterproductive?
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Average pay of government union employees: 125K.......not to mention exceedingly lucrative retirement benefits that dwarf those of the private sector.

Not at all greedy to the k00ks..........
You're just a glutton for punishment, arent' you?
You prove every point I make and then make fun of me.

Yes, unions are monopolies. Look it up. They continue to exist only because of legislation specifically exempting them.

In economics, a monopoly (from Greek monos / μονος (alone or single) + polein / πωλειν (to sell)) exists when a specific individual or an enterprise has sufficient control over a particular product or service to determine significantly the terms on which other individuals shall have access to it.

Monopoly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Thanks! WHo said you were totally worthless?

Unions do not have a monopoly on labor.
Go on, tell us what the minority of workers in the U.S. who are unionized have a monopoly over.

Based on the only reference he's made to an actual antitrust law, he's probably attempting to refer to late-19th century and extremely early 20th century applications of the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890. You know, when unions were "conspiracies" and pickets, boycotts, letters to the editor in the newspaper or basically anything that could, theoretically, cause goods not to be sold were considered illegal restraints on trade if a "conspiracy" of any type was involved. Culminating in Loewe v. Lawlor in 1908.

Section 6 of the Clayton Act of 1914 was enacted to to remedy the Supreme Court's misapplication of the Sherman Act in Loewe, effectively overruling it. ;)

THIS is what he seems to think modern law regarding antitrust and unions would be but for all that "special gubmint support" in Clayton. :lol:

Loewe v. Lawlor

Not knowing anything of the contemporary context, the preceding or subsequent history, the case that spawned the applicable law or the applicable law itself, he's mucking it up royally. I've enjoyed it thoroughly too.
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Average pay of government union employees: 125K.......not to mention exceedingly lucrative retirement benefits that dwarf those of the private sector.

Not at all greedy to the k00ks..........

Geeze dude, you should have been a gov. union worker huh? That way your dream paycheck would match your fantasy 125K paycheck.

Fact is the average union worker of the gov makes $60,298. a year.

Union Workers Earn More Than Nonunion

365 x 8 =2920 x 20.65 = $60,298.

Now lets give you one of theor private sector gov. jobs. A Blackwater employee is getting an average $600.00 a day. OK, lets do the math.

600/8= 75. x 2920 = $219,000.

Oh, mah gawd!!! We better make Union workers out of the private sector in the ME, so we can save some money!!! Damn those private capaitalists ripping us off.
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Average pay of government union employees: 125K.......not to mention exceedingly lucrative retirement benefits that dwarf those of the private sector.

Not at all greedy to the k00ks..........

Geeze dude, you should have been a gov. union worker huh? That way your dream paycheck would match your fantasy 125K paycheck.

Fact is the average union worker of the gov makes $60,298. a year.

Union Workers Earn More Than Nonunion

365 x 8 =2920 x 20.65 = $60,298.

Now lets give you one of theor private sector gov. jobs. A Blackwater employee is getting an average $600.00 a day. OK, lets do the math.

600/8= 75. x 2920 = $219,000.

Oh, mah gawd!!! We better make Union workers out of the private sector in the ME, so we can save some money!!! Damn those private capaitalists ripping us off.

New day, new statistic... pulled from same old orifice. Good old skook, he's consistent, gotta grant him that.
I don't see what all the fauxrage is about unions. They're a function of capitalism; Specifically the workers collectively saying to the owners "You can't do this without us." But interestingly, this purest form of capitalism is frowned upon by the very people who swear they're for anything that empowers the individual...

Not to mention freedom of assembly is constitutionally guaranteed.
In economics, a monopoly (from Greek monos / μονος (alone or single) + polein / πωλειν (to sell)) exists when a specific individual or an enterprise has sufficient control over a particular product or service to determine significantly the terms on which other individuals shall have access to it.

Monopoly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Thanks! WHo said you were totally worthless?

Unions do not have a monopoly on labor.

Sure they don't ya know 100% of Americans are unionized and nobody in America can work without joining a union?

If only there were some kind of 'right to work' law...
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