Unite to quit paying on mortgages

To me for average people to think of their home more as an investment than a home for their family is just wrong.
They say nothing. "YOUR WRONG"

What can that mean? Does that mean wrong about everything? Can these people force banks to loan them money? When I was in the Navy and loaned money for 40% every pay day, no one could force me to loan them any money. There were a few times that I needed to force a few knuckleheads to pay back the loans. Nobody ever stiffed me.

I also worked for Manufacturers Hanover and I studied money and banking at the Bernard School of Finance. If anyone here wants to debate banking with me, I'm ready.

Debating people who can only say, "You're wrong." isn't much of a challenge.
To me for average people to think of their home more as an investment than a home for their family is just wrong.

Baloney. We have yet to buy a personal residence without consideration for its resale value, potential for building equity, and a stable or improving location because a good portion of our personal assets would be tied up in that property. People who do that wisely and well will enjoy a much more comfortable retirement than those who don't.

Those who consider owning their own home to be an entitlement and a government willing to embrace and promote that are what put us into the current mortgage mess. I suspect Miller means well, but he's targeting the blame at the wrong folks: those who encourage irresponsibility, and those who wallow in it.
To me for average people to think of their home more as an investment than a home for their family is just wrong.

Baloney. We have yet to buy a personal residence without consideration for its resale value, potential for building equity, and a stable or improving location because a good portion of our personal assets would be tied up in that property. People who do that wisely and well will enjoy a much more comfortable retirement than those who don't.

Those who consider owning their own home to be an entitlement and a government willing to embrace and promote that are what put us into the current mortgage mess. I suspect Miller means well, but he's targeting the blame at the wrong folks: those who encourage irresponsibility, and those who wallow in it.

You apparently misunderstood me.
For an individual your home purchase should be primarially as a residence.
Fools that think the home value will continue to climb at unsustainable rates and figure they can sell in 5 years and gain 25-50% are fools and deserve to be self burned.
Kinda like buying gold now, instead of 5 years ago or so.
LIke those who get upside down on their car loans because they keep rolling unpaid auto loan balances forward. Not becuase they need a new car but becuase they want one.
Buy what you need and can afford.
I did not mean those who keep their home for 30 years and actually pay it off.
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Throwing 5,000,000 more families into the street isn't going to create any jobs except for the people who run homeless shelters.

My purpose is:

1) Prevent any more foreclosures. The crimes have been committed. No one can roll back the clock. We now need to play the shitty hand we have.

2) If we don't clean house by removing the Democratic Republican Crime Family with a 3rd party, we're SCREWED AGAIN. Google SCREWED AGAIN.

3) Read the plan at the beginning of the thread more carefully. Maybe there won't be all the goofy comments.
Sure it will increase income from rental property.
there is always money to be made from others misery.

I'm going to watch the Breeders Cup now. They won't let me bet on last years races.
To me for average people to think of their home more as an investment than a home for their family is just wrong.

Baloney. We have yet to buy a personal residence without consideration for its resale value, potential for building equity, and a stable or improving location because a good portion of our personal assets would be tied up in that property. People who do that wisely and well will enjoy a much more comfortable retirement than those who don't.

Those who consider owning their own home to be an entitlement and a government willing to embrace and promote that are what put us into the current mortgage mess. I suspect Miller means well, but he's targeting the blame at the wrong folks: those who encourage irresponsibility, and those who wallow in it.

You apparently misunderstood me.
For an individual your home purchase should be primarially as a residence.
Fools that think the home value will continue to climb at unsustainable rates and figure they can sell in 5 years and gain 25-50% are fools and deserve to be self burned.
Kinda like buying gold now, instead of 5 years ago or so.
LIke those who get upside down on their car loans because they keep rolling unpaid auto loan balances forward. Not becuase they need a new car but becuase they want one.
Buy what you need and can afford.
I did not mean those who keep their home for 30 years and actually pay it off.

Yeah we're probably sort of arguing on the same side of the fence here. But I still say that your home IS an investment and if you don't look at it that way you're probably going to be better off renting.
Baloney. We have yet to buy a personal residence without consideration for its resale value, potential for building equity, and a stable or improving location because a good portion of our personal assets would be tied up in that property. People who do that wisely and well will enjoy a much more comfortable retirement than those who don't.

Those who consider owning their own home to be an entitlement and a government willing to embrace and promote that are what put us into the current mortgage mess. I suspect Miller means well, but he's targeting the blame at the wrong folks: those who encourage irresponsibility, and those who wallow in it.

You apparently misunderstood me.
For an individual your home purchase should be primarially as a residence.
Fools that think the home value will continue to climb at unsustainable rates and figure they can sell in 5 years and gain 25-50% are fools and deserve to be self burned.
Kinda like buying gold now, instead of 5 years ago or so.
LIke those who get upside down on their car loans because they keep rolling unpaid auto loan balances forward. Not becuase they need a new car but becuase they want one.
Buy what you need and can afford.
I did not mean those who keep their home for 30 years and actually pay it off.

Yeah we're probably sort of arguing on the same side of the fence here. But I still say that your home IS an investment and if you don't look at it that way you're probably going to be better off renting.

Agreed, and if you cannot buy a home for less than you would pay in rent do not buy.
As a general rule.
You apparently misunderstood me.
For an individual your home purchase should be primarially as a residence.
Fools that think the home value will continue to climb at unsustainable rates and figure they can sell in 5 years and gain 25-50% are fools and deserve to be self burned.
Kinda like buying gold now, instead of 5 years ago or so.
LIke those who get upside down on their car loans because they keep rolling unpaid auto loan balances forward. Not becuase they need a new car but becuase they want one.
Buy what you need and can afford.
I did not mean those who keep their home for 30 years and actually pay it off.

Yeah we're probably sort of arguing on the same side of the fence here. But I still say that your home IS an investment and if you don't look at it that way you're probably going to be better off renting.

Agreed, and if you cannot buy a home for less than you would pay in rent do not buy.
As a general rule.

Here we disagree, but again I look at the family home as an investment. We have often paid more in mortgage payments, insurance, taxes, maintenance costs etc. than it would have cost us to rent. But because we go into it as an investment, the home is also building equity and gains in value almost always more than the difference in monthly outlay and the tax deduction advantage helps there too. So after paying in for months or years, you generally have something to show for it. Paying rent you don't.


Can anyone say something so stupid that it is laughable? Jon Stewart laughs at the most powerful people who literally have destroyed America. Now their stupid bullshit promises better times with crazy claims that America can borrow endless TRILLIONS OF $$ SO THE LOWER TAXES PAID BY THE SUPER RICH WILL CREATE JOBS.

Then why the fuck are people losing jobs now? For 6 years Bush put his BASE in the clover. While they make billions of $$$ millions MILLIONS OF AMERICANS losT their jobs. Will it take 60 more years to finally grasp a criminal con job?? Did they all lose their jobs because all of a sudden their work wasn't any good. Or did some real rich privileged bastards who always bribes the Congress you people keep electing will have another 20,000,000 people put into poverty?

WHERE WILL IT STOP? DO ANY OF YOU CARE? When you people lose your homes or your jobs, you'll get my drift. But while those 5,000,000 more families that will keep getting foreclosed into the street, TUF SHIT FOR THEM. DON'T MAKE AN ASSHOLE OUT OF YOURSELF.

Only complete brainwashing is capable of SUCH OBLIVION that stupidity has no boundaries. Its so irrational that no one can be that stupid. It can only be brainwashing. Every person on this forum who can't realize the absurd crazy remarks on here can only be generated by complete brainwashing. There is no one on here who could possibly be that stupid. They can't even realize that their thoughts are completely irrational.

It too bad if you get your feelings hurt but you must be stopped before the entire country collapses. Yes you are in the vast majority. Most people have been brainwashed. There may only be 1,000,000 in America who have resisted the avalanche of ridiculous propaganda.
Instead of having huge institutions foreclose on each individuals to drive down the value of our property, we can control the power if at least 15,000,000 homeowners unite to prevent all foreclosures. They can't foreclose on 15,000,000 property owners.

This needs to be a two step process to remove any risk entirely.

Step 1) The first step is only a pledge to unite. We begin on this forum to gather pledges. If we hit 10,000 (out of the 25,787 members here) we set up a website to gather pledges from the entire USA. Each of us emails our entire list of addresses to spread the word and ask our associates to email their list of addresses. This could get news coverage that will inform millions of homeowners.

Step 2) Our website records all pledges so when we hit 15,000,000 the 2nd step requires a $10 payment for membership and to show good faith that we simultaneously stop payments. The $150,000,000 finances a team of lawyers to represent any member whose credit is harmed or is a target of any harm by any bank.

We force the banks to reduce all payments to 25% of each member's net income. We use the capital to finance a 3rd party for the 2012 election. We must boot out the entire Democratic Republican Crime Family.

The first two pieces of legislation our new AMERICAN PARTY writes will be:

a) A bill that provides public financing to end all bribes and kickbacks. The obvious reason that loan officers suckered millions of people to take mortgages the lenders knew would never get paid was to generate fees and ditch the mortgages into securitized packages stamped with bogus AAA another part of the obvious fraud. None of the bankers or rating agencies' people were prosecuted is because they all paid bribes to the entire DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN CRIME FAMILY.

b) Invoke the 13th Amendment that abolished slavery. The only way Americans can get back their jobs is to force that supplies are manufactured in America at American wages. Buying goods produced by Chinese slaves violates are Constitution. There is no difference buying imported heroin and imported cocaine than buying slave made goods.



  • $article-1200958-05C7B3E5000005DC-910_233x284_popup.jpg
    17.3 KB · Views: 69
US CITIZEN said, "Silly Wabbit it is all Owebama and the Dems fault."

Is it the Communists? Is it the Nazis? Is it the terrorists? Its Saddam from the grave. He's getting the banksters to boot out the dead beats from their homes. Saddam made all the mortgages to the dead beats because Saddam didn't want to use his WMD to destroy America.

Please US CITIZEN explain to us whose fault it really is.

Then US CITIZEN can tell us all how to fix it. Should Bernanke print $10 trillion and buy all the homes under water and put those homes on the Fed's balance sheet next to the $600 billion of US Treasuries?

Does US CITIZEN know that more than $570 billion Treasuries trade every day? That is the latest figure dated 2007. There are more than $4 trillion Treasuries now on the market since 2007 so does US CITIZEN know there are less than $570 billion traded each day?
US CITIZEN has 18222 posts here so she is my girl. US CITIZEN is going to be my personal investment advisor and I am going to make a fortune.

After my account hits $2 billion by Xmas, I'm going to ask her to help all 25,777 members here. Maybe with our fortune we'll buy all the foreclosed homes and rent them to the homeless children.

Will the forum administrators email all the members now to be ready for the US CITIZEN investment advice letter they can get free of charge? Will the members promise to share the investment advice with all their email contacts if they register on this forum?
US CITIZEN has 18222 posts here so she is my girl. US CITIZEN is going to be my personal investment advisor and I am going to make a fortune.

After my account hits $2 billion by Xmas, I'm going to ask her to help all 25,777 members here. Maybe with our fortune we'll buy all the foreclosed homes and rent them to the homeless children.

Will the forum administrators email all the members now to be ready for the US CITIZEN investment advice letter they can get free of charge? Will the members promise to share the investment advice with all their email contacts if they register on this forum?

I'm beginning to think you're not serious.

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