United HALTS vaccine mandates

There is always hope, right up to the second Joe Biden pushes THE BUTTON thinking he is ordering a coke.


you seem to be stepping out of your pay grade if you think you have the right and power to determine my salvation.

have you ever read this bible you claim to follow?
you seem to be stepping out of your pay grade if you think you have the right and power to determine my salvation.

have you ever read this bible you claim to follow?
I have zero power to determine your salvation. Your soul is in your own hands.

Only Yeshua can save you, and only you can accept God The Son of God's payment for your sins through belief in Him and repentance.

I am just a sinner, and I have no power over anyone except that which God allows.
yet hospitals for one have been requiring flu vaccines for at least a decade.

Correct, they are free to find another job if they do not wish to undergo the medical procedure

In seventeen states only. The other thirty three have said no.
Sounds like they are beginning to realize most of their pilots would walk off the job, along with many support staff.
Bingo. I might’ve read it on another thread or in an article but these pilots are planning to still fly planes and get paid well; they’ll be (many already have been) hired by companies that include use of major airlines but not flying commercial flights per se.

Just like with nurses and other medical staff who are most fortunate to have a wide open field of opportunities. When their employers mandate a fake “vaccine” that were concocted for Alpha (last year’s virus not Delta, of which accounts for around 99% of all current cases along with Mu in isolated areas) they have no worries of finding another good paying job for their needed skill level.

This is a good example of all working abled people to define your skill well and be in demand, so you will not be at the mercy of a preposterous, government mandate.
I didn't decide it. It's simply a fact. People claiming their religion forbids them are full of shit.
There is one legitimate one that I know of. If you are a part of one of the religions that forbids unclean foods, then, for example, if a vaccine contains any kinds of proteins from pork, shellfish or gelatin, then your religion would forbid you from putting it into your body.
Your employer has no right to know if you are vaccinated or not, nor can they force you to undergo any medical procedure. That is the basis of HIPPA Law so any mandate that violates that is a violation of The Law.

Joe and his gang of Evil Fools therefore are lawless.
Actually, now that Biden has mandated every company over 100 people be vaccinated or be fined $700,000, your employer does have a right to know if you are vaccinated. Either that, or they can ask and you can refuse to tell them, and they can fire you.

When Biden mandated the vaccine, it gave your company all the permission they need to know your vaccine status.
Sorry Nazis but my religion does not allow me to risk my body over “mandated” experimental, mostly insufficient, vaccines.
Actually, now that Biden has mandated every company over 100 people be vaccinated or be fined $700,000, your employer does have a right to know if you are vaccinated. Either that, or they can ask and you can refuse to tell them, and they can fire you.

When Biden mandated the vaccine, it gave your company all the permission they need to know your vaccine status.
Last paragraph utter bullshit
Actually, now that Biden has mandated every company over 100 people be vaccinated or be fined $700,000, your employer does have a right to know if you are vaccinated. Either that, or they can ask and you can refuse to tell them, and they can fire you.

When Biden mandated the vaccine, it gave your company all the permission they need to know your vaccine status.
The mandate is illegal. In Ohio you cannot force a vaccine on people who claim religious exemption or natural immunity. You can therefore shove your mRNA poison up your ass.

I guess we can just throw Roe v Wade out with an Executive Order, since that was decided on The Right to Privacy.

Biden is not an Emperor.

Executive Orders can not violate law, and an Executive Order is not law.

What ever happened to 'My Body My Choice'?

You DemNazis will burn in Hell for all the people you have killed and hurt with your medical experiments.
Last paragraph utter bullshit

On Saturday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s House quietly tucked an enforcement mechanism into their $3.5 trillion “reconciliation” bill, passed it out of the Budget Committee, and sent it to the House floor.

Buried on page 168 of the House Democrats’ 2,465-page mega bill is a tenfold increase in fines for employers that “willfully,” “repeatedly,” or even seriously violate a section of labor law that deals with hazards, death, or serious physical harm to their employees.

Some are saying this means if a company fails to mandate the vaccine it could lead to up to $700,000 in fines, per incident.

You can't bet, if faced with possible fines like that, your company WILL either know your vaccine status, or they will get rid of you.
The mandate is illegal. In Ohio you cannot force a vaccine on people who claim religious exemption or natural immunity. You can therefore shove your mRNA poison up your ass.

I guess we can just throw Roe v Wade out with an Executive Order, since that was decided on The Right to Privacy.

Biden is not an Emperor.

Executive Orders can not violate law, and an Executive Order is not law.

What ever happened to 'My Body My Choice'?

You DemNazis will burn in Hell for all the people you have killed and hurt with your medical experiments.
Read my prior response. Forbes link.

You DemNazis will burn in Hell for all the people you have killed and hurt with your medical experiments.

I'm not a dem, I'm just pointing out what companies will do. If the government tells them they have to be in compliance by a certain date or face heavy fines, your employer will demand to know your status.

United Airlines vaccination mandate temporarily halted for employees seeking religious or medical exemptions​

CEO Scott Kirby appeared to take issue with employees filing for exemptions from the COVID vaccinate mandate in an August video​

How can a religious belief be justified as exempted? There's no mention of vaccines in the bible. This is just pure hate and ignorance.
How can a religious belief be justified as exempted? There's no mention of vaccines in the bible. This is just pure hate and ignorance.
Does the vaccine contain gelatin? Any pork or seafood proteins? Certain religions still practice the food laws. If a vaccine is manufactured using pork or shellfish gelatin or any proteins of those, they can use that as an exemption.
Does the vaccine contain gelatin? Any pork or seafood proteins? Certain religions still practice the food laws. If a vaccine is manufactured using pork or shellfish gelatin or any proteins of those, they can use that as an exemption.

They can invent any scenario they like. It's irrelevant. There is no logical reason on earth to not want to save lives.
It's because Joe has encouraged it. I'll bet they are all dumbarse republicans.
How can a religious belief be justified as exempted? There's no mention of vaccines in the bible. This is just pure hate and ignorance.
that's right there is no mention of needing to take them. thanks for playing Hate is forcing someone to take something that might kill them
that's right there is no mention of needing to take them. thanks for playing Hate is forcing someone to take something that might kill them

If you contract the virus you chances are more than ten fold of killing people.

The issue is political and you know it. Pathetic ignorant hate filled right wing morons masquerading as the last bastion of civil liberties as if their life depended on it.

As for religious beliefs, I wouldn't expect anything else from those brain dead fools. They believe in immaculate conception and virgin births yet suddenly become an authority on vaccines. don't make me laugh.
Did you read it? They did not halt the mandate, all they halted, according ot the article, is a plans to place employees who submit exemption requests from its COVID-19 vaccine requirement on unpaid leave.

That is all, the mandate is still there and people still have to request an exemption, for which there is no guarantee they will receive. If their request for an exemption is not approved, they are still out of a job.
Yeah, and their aces will be sued big time by groups who will gather their resources together to do just that. I think that democrat's are dabbling in some super politically risky stuff by attempting to violate the citizen's rights when they have no proof that a person who has already had Covid are getting reinfected again. They are engaging in a pissing contest with the American electorate, and with the Republican's because their widdle feewings have been hurted, and the electorate isn't going to go easy on their radical gone rogue aces in the near future is what I think.

They best stop while their not to far gone yet, but I don't think that they have enough sense anymore to stop. We have a WH that is out of control, because we have one of the weakest men ever to serve in the position occupying it now.

Rebuke and vengeance is coming to the ballot box, and if they try to cheat to win, well that won't work either. The people have had enough.

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