United HALTS vaccine mandates

Yeah, and their aces will be sued big time by groups who will gather their resources together to do just that. I think that democrat's are dabbling in some super politically risky stuff by attempting to violate the citizen's rights when they have no proof that a person who has already had Covid are getting reinfected again. They are engaging in a pissing contest with the American electorate, and with the Republican's because their widdle feewings have been hurted, and the electorate isn't going to go easy on their radical gone rogue aces in the near future is what I think.

They best stop while their not to far gone yet, but I don't think that they have enough sense anymore to stop. We have a WH that is out of control, because we have one of the weakest men ever to serve in the position occupying it now.

Rebuke and vengeance is coming to the ballot box, and if they try to cheat to win, well that won't work either. The people have had enough.

If you contract the virus you chances are more than ten fold of killing people.

The issue is political and you know it. Pathetic ignorant hate filled right wing morons masquerading as the last bastion of civil liberties as if their life depended on it.

As for religious beliefs, I wouldn't expect anything else from those brain dead fools. They believe in immaculate conception and virgin births yet suddenly become an authority on vaccines. don't make me laugh.
Yeah just like the brainwashed Democrat minion's riding in cars by themselves with a mask on or riding mopeds in the outdoors/fresh air by themselves, and yep with a mask on or going into a packed restaurant to eat, and then pulling their mask down to eat and talk to others while eating (lol) or Democrat leaders saying for people to do one thing, uhhhhhhhhh while doing the opposite themselves after caught red handed or instead of throwing granny off the Cliff, they for political reason's make unfounded accusations against the citizen's when they seek treatment's that are an alternative to the shot in which is very understandable to most, but not to a highly partisan leftist Democrat.

This won't end well for the Democrat's politically. Just saying.
Nobody lives in Democrat la la land except for brainwashed Democrat minion's. Polls mean nothing anymore, and anyone thinking that they do are left behind. Get ready for the landslide election's of new conservative faces coming into power, because the people have had enough of the country in which they have loved so much, be attempted to be completely taken over by rogue, terrorist, and radical forces. And they are especially pissed about these forces attempting to take their children into world's in which they don't agree with
A private business making rules people they give a salary to is not evil.
A private business becoming part of the deep state should be everybody's business or concern. We should all grab holt to the constitution, and enforce it big time politically now. There's no other way. Stand up America, and don't let these Democrat's abuse you with their tyrannical ways.
Yeah just like the brainwashed Democrat minion's riding in cars by themselves with a mask on or riding mopeds in the outdoors/fresh air by themselves, and yep with a mask on or going into a packed restaurant to eat, and then pulling their mask down to eat and talk to others while eating (lol) or Democrat leaders saying for people to do one thing, uhhhhhhhhh while doing the opposite themselves after caught red handed or instead of throwing granny off the Cliff, they for political reason's make unfounded accusations against the citizen's when they seek treatment's that are an alternative to the shot in which is very understandable to most, but not to a highly partisan leftist Democrat.

This won't end well for the Democrat's politically. Just saying.

The more lives he saves the more than popular he gets.
Admit it. You hate Biden and cherry pick everything you can to justify it.

But the irony of your stand not being biased. Don't make me vomit. You're as rabid right as all of them.
This putting people on ventilator's, and it killing them is getting to be common place as well as a proven failed method it seems.

It seems that the primary issue is kidney failure. Why ??? Sedating someone in order to get their bodies not to reject the ventilator tube etc, otherwise taking their ability to fight the virus away from their own consciousness, uhhhhhhhhh seems mighty strange, and worse it has proven to be highly deadly or dangerous to the patient as well.
This putting people on ventilator's, and it killing them is getting to be common place as well as a proven failed method it seems.

It seems that the primary issue is kidney failure. Why ??? Sedating someone in order to get their bodies not to reject the ventilator tube etc, otherwise taking their ability to fight the virus away from their own consciousness, uhhhhhhhhh seems mighty strange, and worse it has proven to be highly deadly or dangerous to the patient as well.

People are put on Vents as a last resort when nothing else will save their lives.

It is not some fucking grand conspiracy.

what the fuck is wrong with you people

United Airlines vaccination mandate temporarily halted for employees seeking religious or medical exemptions​

CEO Scott Kirby appeared to take issue with employees filing for exemptions from the COVID vaccinate mandate in an August video​

My guess is very few of those exemption status filings will be legitimate. Kind of like trump's lame excuse for not serving in the military.
I didn't decide it. It's simply a fact. People claiming their religion forbids them are full of shit.
My religion forbids me from getting the vaccine---I'm an atheist and therefore am required to think and justify any action. The vaccine provides a lot risk with little to no reward especially long term. On top of this, you should never put any substance in your body when the government and the CDC have both been snagged lying about it.
My religion forbids me from getting the vaccine---I'm an atheist and therefore am required to think and justify any action. The vaccine provides a lot risk with little to no reward especially long term. On top of this, you should never put any substance in your body when the government and the CDC have both been snagged lying about it.

I'm not debating the efficacy of the vaccine. If you don't want to get then don't get it, but people trying to claim their religion doesn't allow them are bullshitting you.
I await the thousands of court decisions on if you can be subject to job and other loss over a declared mandate which has no law to back it.
So you would make a Jew eat Pork?

Yes there are religious exemptions for any medical procedure, especially one that is forced upon you like a rape.

Did you ever hear of HIPPA laws, moron?
I looked it up, I thought for sure crackers would be against the vaccine, they aren't neither are the Mennonites Jehovah witnesses Amish just to name a few. the only true Christian groups that I found that oppose vaccines are Dutch reformed Church and the Church of Christ scientist cuz they believe it interferes with God's will. Their numbers in America are miniscule. So there's probably going to be a lot of bogus claims. Or else there's going to be a lot new new members to those two backward church groups.

United Airlines vaccination mandate temporarily halted for employees seeking religious or medical exemptions​

CEO Scott Kirby appeared to take issue with employees filing for exemptions from the COVID vaccinate mandate in an August video​

There are only two religious groups that are against vaccinations, the Dutch reformed Church and the Church of Christ scientist. Figure out who's cheating on the religious exemption issue issues should be very easy to figure out.
I await the thousands of court decisions on if you can be subject to job and other loss over a declared mandate which has no law to back it.

I predict that the Govt mandate forcing companies to do it will be struck down and that the right of companies to choose to mandate it for their employees will stand
I predict that the Govt mandate forcing companies to do it will be struck down and that the right of companies to choose to mandate it for their employees will stand
I guess we will find out what power public health and safety has over US !
I guess we will find out what power public health and safety has over US !

Far too much in over the last almost 2 years.

And this is from a guy that does not think COIVD is a myth or just the flu or any of the stupid bullshit pushed by the Trump cult.
I'm not debating the efficacy of the vaccine. If you don't want to get then don't get it, but people trying to claim their religion doesn't allow them are bullshitting you.
I thought that I made it clear that I knew about people claiming their religion doesn't allow them the vaccine validity.....atheist claiming that her religion forbids the vaccine as well doesn't say this to you?
Far too much in over the last almost 2 years.

And this is from a guy that does not think COIVD is a myth or just the flu or any of the stupid bullshit pushed by the Trump cult.
The Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 lasted about 2 years ending in April of 1920. More Draconian measures were put in place. No Maxine was ever developed to fight it. 20 to 50 million people worldwide died from it. It infected one third of the world population of that time, roughly a half billion people. Vaccines against the flu or developed in used until the 1930s. That virus do not mutate. The Covid virus is very real and it's worse. It keeps mutating. It's killed more Americans than the Spanish flu did already. Spanish flu 675,000 Americans died. Covid virus 696,000 Americans died so far. Worldwide 4.55 millions have died from Covid. Please stop spreading misinformation. Thank you.

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