United HALTS vaccine mandates

Why would I butt into your conversation? Tree and I did not have one interaction. In general absolutes are usually incorrect.

Thanks for proving my point. You ignore what those on the right say and post and just say the left is the problem.

Seems we have nothing left to talk about on this topic.

Have a nice day
Thanks for proving my point. You ignore what those on the right say and post and just say the left is the problem.

Seems we have nothing left to talk about on this topic.

Have a nice day
Why would anyone ally with a group of DemNazi Fascists trying to impose their will on a free people, and destroy this country?

Have you ever really looked at what your party stands for?

Sexual Perversion
Murder of Innocent babies
Open Borders
Refusal To Secure our Elections and Preserve "One Man One Vote"
Open Drug Use
Fascist Freedom Crushing Mandates
Prostitution of Children

Why are there no moral standards in The Democrat Party?

You shake your fists at God and Spit in Lady Liberty's Eye!
I do love it when people prove my point for me so very clearly,

Thanks Tree
Just restating facts. If the shoe fits, wear it Cinderella. If you don't agree with The DemNazi platform, then leave the God Forsaken Cursed Party.

Not in the Dem party, never been in the Dem party, voted for one Dem POTUS in my lifetime.

I am also not in the God Forsaken Cursed Party know as the GOP.

I have no need to sell my soul to a political party, we have enough people like you doing that
Thanks for proving my point. You ignore what those on the right say and post and just say the left is the problem.

Seems we have nothing left to talk about on this topic.

Have a nice day
Huh? LOL

Where did you see me attack anyone on the left specifically here? Are you running away already?
There is no legitimate religious exemption towards vaccines.
Yes there is. Most people aren’t in the cult that worships Fauci and the Clot Shot. Only leftwing zealots are in favor of mandatory vaccinations that don’t work and aren’t safe.

United Airlines vaccination mandate temporarily halted for employees seeking religious or medical exemptions​

CEO Scott Kirby appeared to take issue with employees filing for exemptions from the COVID vaccinate mandate in an August video​

Sounds like they are beginning to realize most of their pilots would walk off the job, along with many support staff.
Not in the Dem party, never been in the Dem party, voted for one Dem POTUS in my lifetime.

I am also not in the God Forsaken Cursed Party know as the GOP.

I have no need to sell my soul to a political party, we have enough people like you doing that
You don't have to belong to a party to have sold your soul.

Who does your soul belong to?

Does not seem to belong to God from my observation.
Pressure is building against The Vaccine Gestapo and The DemNazi Party Leadership!

Does not seem to belong to God from my observation.

Companies forcing employees to get this vaccine, or firing them for not, is breaking many federal laws, human rights, and human ethics. There are NO laws governing COVID or the vaccines. Anything any company does regarding COVID/vaccines and employees are setting themselves up for massive lawsuits. And there ARE laws protecting employees from such interference into employees private lives and their bodies.

View attachment 545127
:yes_text12::thankusmile: well said, gives standing ovation and salute:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Pressure is building against The Vaccine Gestapo and The DemNazi Party Leadership!

I knew southwest which i fly on had enough class that they were not going to do that> United fucked themselves when they made that annoucement,im sure they noticed they started losing long time customers who went to the other airlines after that.
I knew southwest which i fly on had enough class that they were not going to do that> United fucked themselves when they made that annoucement,im sure they noticed they started losing long time customers who went to the other airlines after that.
How Useless is the ACLU not to be fighting a single case regarding these mandates which are clearly illegal and are a violation of Civil Liberties?
I knew southwest which i fly on had enough class that they were not going to do that> United fucked themselves when they made that annoucement,im sure they noticed they started losing long time customers who went to the other airlines after that.

you really think people choose which airline to fly on based on if they have a vaccine mandate or not and not just the cheapest fare?


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