United HALTS vaccine mandates

I looked it up, I thought for sure crackers would be against the vaccine, they aren't neither are the Mennonites Jehovah witnesses Amish just to name a few. the only true Christian groups that I found that oppose vaccines are Dutch reformed Church and the Church of Christ scientist cuz they believe it interferes with God's will. Their numbers in America are miniscule. So there's probably going to be a lot of bogus claims. Or else there's going to be a lot new new members to those two backward church groups.
No one should take your word for it. Nearly everyone I know is against mandated vaccines.
The Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 lasted about 2 years ending in April of 1920. More Draconian measures were put in place. No Maxine was ever developed to fight it. 20 to 50 million people worldwide died from it. It infected one third of the world population of that time, roughly a half billion people. Vaccines against the flu or developed in used until the 1930s. That virus do not mutate. The Covid virus is very real and it's worse. It keeps mutating. It's killed more Americans than the Spanish flu did already. Spanish flu 675,000 Americans died. Covid virus 696,000 Americans died so far. Worldwide 4.55 millions have died from Covid. Please stop spreading misinformation. Thank you.

Do not take this personally, but fuck off and die. I am not spreading misinformation, I am not downplaying COVID, I understand better than most how dangerous it is.

This entire thread I have been attacked for saying COVID was dangerous and now you attack me for the opposite.

This is the problem with our country, everything has to be fucking black or white, nuance is now dead. It is possible to think COVID is a real problem and also think the Govt went too far outside of their Constitutional authority.
Oh please, God ? You're actually believe in the vengeful God, what tribe do you belong to ?
I believe in a God that sent Himself to save mankind from the mess they have gotten themselves in to.

Ever hear of a God that sacrificed Himself for His children?

All these other false gods ask you to die for them.

Vengeful God? You sound like butt hurt Satan who got cast out of heaven for His pride and rebellion.
given your hated of anything and everything that is not exactly like you, I suspect that is a very small group
I hate Evil, Lies, and Deception, so count me in on that.

Narrow is the path to heaven, and wide is the gate to Hell. I suspect you travel on a wide road.

I'll stick to my narrow path.
I believe in a God that sent Himself to save mankind from the mess they have gotten themselves in to.

Ever hear of a God that sacrificed Himself for His children?

All these other false gods ask you to die for them.

Vengeful God? You sound like butt hurt Satan who got cast out of heaven for His pride and rebellion.
In your great wisdom, I hope you realize that the gods spoken of in the Bible have nothing to do with the man named Christ who taught a beautiful philosophy. If Humanity had just lived up to those expectations, the world would have been a much better place.
please do, the less people you drive to hell the better
Some will be driven to Hell by The Gospel because they reject it and hate God. It is still my job to mention it, sinner that I am, because if I do not warn the wicked of their sins and they die in their sins without being warned and go to Hell, then their blood is on my hands.

I don't have to worry about that with you. You are going to Hell, and my hands are clean.

Repent Heathen
In your great wisdom, I hope you realize that the gods spoken of in the Bible have nothing to do with the man named Christ who taught a beautiful philosophy. If Humanity had just lived up to those expectations, the world would have been a much better place.
Satan....errr....Stan....without Christ you will burn in Hell just like Golfing Gator. I think the two of you should go find some fireproof underwear together.

No man can be righteous. No one can live up to those expectations. This was proven through The Law. Not even the greatest religious teachers can keep The Law.

Only through Grace can we be made acceptable to God. That Grace came in the form of Christ who appeared all through the Old Testament, and who's appearance in flesh detailed in The New Testament was predicted by the prophets all through the scriptures.

Some will be driven to Hell by The Gospel because they reject it and hate God. It is still my job to mention it, sinner that I am, because if I do not warn the wicked of their sins and they die in their sins without being warned and go to Hell, then their blood is on my hands.

I don't have to worry about that with you. You are going to Hell, and my hands are clean.

Repent Heathen

Every time you mention it you are driving people to hell because you are a hate-filled bigoted racist that post hate with each and every post.

The very opposite of Jesus
Every time you mention it you are driving people to hell because you are a hate-filled bigoted racist that post hate with each and every post.

The very opposite of Jesus
Whatever you say, Satan, Accuser of The Brethren, Deceiver, Father of Lies.

Jesus was so loving when he took a whip and drove the money changers out of the temple, or when he called the religious leaders and politicians of His day, a Brood of Vipers.

A Viper you are too. Jesus would have rebuked you as well.

Here is what you God hating Morons don't realize. Jesus is not coming back as the cuddly sky buddy you envision Him as.

He is coming back as Judge, Warrior, and Executioner and King.

He is coming to put an end to Satan's Rebellion and establish His Kingdom on Earth.

You won't be around to participate it. You'll be standing in The Wide Path with the damned and cursed, and it will be your own fault, and you will belong there.

Then you'll be cast into The Pit with AntiChrist and The False Prophet and their followers.

Happy 666 to you. Enjoy your short time of Evil on Earth before The Judge comes.
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Some will be driven to Hell by The Gospel because they reject it and hate God. It is still my job to mention it, sinner that I am, because if I do not warn the wicked of their sins and they die in their sins without being warned and go to Hell, then their blood is on my hands.

I don't have to worry about that with you. You are going to Hell, and my hands are clean.

Repent Heathen
Heathen, how tribal of you. You are nothing that a Christian should be; you are everything that a good member of the tribe should be. But what you don't seem to understand is your tribal god was made up by the chief. God doesn't have a people, doesn't belong to anyone, The entity exists for everyone and requires nothing from us.
Heathen, how tribal of you. You are nothing that a Christian should be; you are everything that a good member of the tribe should be. But what you don't seem to understand is your tribal god was made up by the chief. God doesn't have a people, doesn't belong to anyone, The entity exists for everyone and requires nothing from us.
Just more lies, from a man who's tongue and keyboard belongs to Satan himself.

God repeatedly tells us that we are His children and when we accept Christ as our God and Savior, we become His sons and daughters.

Without the payment of sins Christ, who was God, and Is God, and Died for you as Both a Perfect Man and Perfect God, and who arose from The Dead as The First Fruits of Righteousness to prove sin had no hold on Him, you cannot see Heaven.

If you deny Christ, He will Deny YOU to The Father and cast you in to The Pit of Hell.
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Whatever you say, Satan, Accuser of The Brethren, Deceiver, Father of Lies.

Jesus was so loving when he took a whip and drove the money changers out of the temple, or when he called the religious leaders and politicians of His day, a Brood of Vipers.

A Viper you are too. Jesus would have rebuked you as well.

Here is what you God hating Morons don't realize. Jesus is not coming back as the cuddly sky buddy you envision Him as.

He is coming back as Judge, Warrior, and Executioner and King.

He is coming to put an end to Satan's Rebellion and establish His Kingdom on Earth.

You won't be around to participate it. You'll be standing in The Wide Path with the damned and cursed, and it will be your own fault, and you will belong there.

Then you'll be cast into The Pit with AntiChrist and The False Prophet and their followers.

Happy 666 to you. Enjoy your short time of Evil on Earth before The Judge comes.
I just hope God forgives you, the hell you envision for others May well be your own fate. I wouldn't worry too much about others as much as yourself. Thankfully God doesn't judge, God loves all his creations.
Without the payment of sins Christ, who was God, and Is God, and Died for you as Both a Perfect Man and Perfect God, you cannot see Heaven.

If you deny Christ, He will Deny YOU, to The Father and cast you in to The Pit of Hell.
Is attributing false claims about Christ a sin ?
I just hope God forgives you, the hell you envision for others May well be your own fate. I wouldn't worry too much about others as much as yourself. Thankfully God doesn't judge, God loves all his creations.
God has already forgiven me through Jesus Christ.

The only unforgivable sin is rejection of Jesus Christ and lying about God.

God does judge and is a Judge and He will Judge you harshly if you do not repent.

You will never stand before God without Christ because God cannot allow sin to stand in His presence and only Christ can make you righteous.

All our righteousness are like filthy rags before God. Only the blood of Christ can was us clean.
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Is attributing false claims about Christ a sin ?
Just about everything you said is a Sin. By lying about Christ and denying His existence and His Crucifixion, Death, Resurrection which He did for you as a path to Heaven, you are committing the unpardonable sin. It remains unpardonable until the day you die if you do not repent and accept the propitiation Christ made for you.

There is not only a judgment day for unrepentant sinners, but there is a judgment day for believers. Believers are judged on what they did with their salvation, to some great reward and some little.

Heathens and the Unrepentant are Judged for their sins to everlasting separation from God.

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