United States Added to List Of “Backsliding” Democracies for First Time

United States Added to List Of “Backsliding” Democracies for First Time

Monday’s report from the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, inclusion of the United States’ addition to the institute’s 2021 list of “backsliding democracies” comes as no surprise.

Contained in the report, ‘“This year we coded the United States as backsliding for the first time, but our data suggest that the backsliding episode began at least in 2019,’ it said in its report titled ‘Global State of Democracy 2021.’”

However, for those of us old enough to remember the rise and fall of “McCarthyism”, which was rampant from 1950 to 1954, and the resurgence of young Americans’ political awareness during the 1960s and early 70s, this report out of Stockholm is about forty years late. In reality, democracy in the United States began “backsliding” in 1981 and slid at a constant rate for the next twenty years. The rate of “backsliding” took a big jump with the Presidential Election of 2000, and another in the days and weeks following the 9/11 terrorist attacks less than a year later.

But, our democracy developed a severe rot on January 21, 2017, and that decay grew much, much worse with the Big Lie preceding and following the 2020 Presidential Election and the January 6th insurrection.

With the trumpublicans attacks on voting rights in state legislatures across the country this year, coupled with Joe Manchin’s and Kyrsten Sinema’s invaluable assistance to the congressional trumpublicans’ goals, the 2022 Mid-term success of the trumpublicans’ fascist state replacing U.S. democracy is assured.

Adding speed to the nation’s democracy “backsliding” is the “dark money” able to buy influence in the USSC, the single branch of our government where political contributions are unwarranted and can be nothing other than bribery.

The “backsliding” of the United States’ democracy as described by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance is not a recent phenomenon, it is a gross understatement.

Who cares what some Marxist international organization has to say about the United States? If democracy is decaying, you can blame the Democrats who swindled our election.
The trump Nazis are blind to the fact that red state legislatures have passed laws that all but forbid black voters from attempting to vote. And they are blind to the corporate-owned "moderate" congressional Democrats (led by Manchin and Sinema) assisting the trumpublicans in destroying more voters' right by blocking the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021.

Yes, it is the GOP leading the way in turning the U.S. into a fascist state, and, unfortunately, the "moderate" Democrats are in lockstep behind them.

The trump Nazis believe this move to an authoritarian dictatorship will be a victory for the white male working class. But, they are in for a big disappointment. The white supremacist rank-and-file is comprised primarily by the ignorant white trash of American society. If these beer-swilling, NASCAR-loving, wife-beating, slobs believe they will be part of the fascists' privileged inner circle, they are even more stupid than the GOP has counted on for the past seven decades.

D.C. needs a flush handle.
The trump Nazis are blind to the fact that red state legislatures have passed laws that all but forbid black voters from attempting to vote. And they are blind to the corporate-owned "moderate" congressional Democrats (led by Manchin and Sinema) assisting the trumpublicans in destroying more voters' right by blocking the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021.

Yes, it is the GOP leading the way in turning the U.S. into a fascist state, and, unfortunately, the "moderate" Democrats are in lockstep behind them.

The trump Nazis believe this move to an authoritarian dictatorship will be a victory for the white male working class. But, they are in for a big disappointment. The white supremacist rank-and-file is comprised primarily by the ignorant white trash of American society. If these beer-swilling, NASCAR-loving, wife-beating, slobs believe they will be part of the fascists' privileged inner circle, they are even more stupid than the GOP has counted on for the past seven decades.

can you provide me with a state code that “all but forbids back people from voting?”
can you provide me with a state code that “all but forbids back people from voting?”
No trump Nazi understands voting rights, so any more information would also be too high over your heads to make a dent in your rock-hard skulls.

D.C. needs a flush handle.
The town would be emptied, and, unfortunately, lose the thousands of service personnel necessary to keep things up and running, and the handful of progressive Democrats that are the only people with integrity in our government.

No trump Nazi understands voting rights, so any more information would also be too high over your heads to make a dent in your rock-hard skulls.

so i’ll take that as you can’t support your comment with actual facts

The trump Nazis are blind to the fact that red state legislatures have passed laws that all but forbid black voters from attempting to vote.
Your ignorance of history is pathetic, fucking moron. You couldn't even pass an elementary school history test, you retarded disgusting piece of shit.

The fact of the matter is that the only state legislatures that passed laws to forbid blacks from voting were controlled by Democrats. They're known as Jim Crow laws, you fucking dumbass.

You're an idiot.
The town would be emptied, and, unfortunately, lose the thousands of service personnel necessary to keep things up and running, and the handful of progressive Democrats that are the only people with integrity in our government.
United States Added to List Of “Backsliding” Democracies for First Time

Monday’s report from the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, inclusion of the United States’ addition to the institute’s 2021 list of “backsliding democracies” comes as no surprise.

Contained in the report, ‘“This year we coded the United States as backsliding for the first time, but our data suggest that the backsliding episode began at least in 2019,’ it said in its report titled ‘Global State of Democracy 2021.’”

However, for those of us old enough to remember the rise and fall of “McCarthyism”, which was rampant from 1950 to 1954, and the resurgence of young Americans’ political awareness during the 1960s and early 70s, this report out of Stockholm is about forty years late. In reality, democracy in the United States began “backsliding” in 1981 and slid at a constant rate for the next twenty years. The rate of “backsliding” took a big jump with the Presidential Election of 2000, and another in the days and weeks following the 9/11 terrorist attacks less than a year later.

But, our democracy developed a severe rot on January 21, 2017, and that decay grew much, much worse with the Big Lie preceding and following the 2020 Presidential Election and the January 6th insurrection.

With the trumpublicans attacks on voting rights in state legislatures across the country this year, coupled with Joe Manchin’s and Kyrsten Sinema’s invaluable assistance to the congressional trumpublicans’ goals, the 2022 Mid-term success of the trumpublicans’ fascist state replacing U.S. democracy is assured.

Adding speed to the nation’s democracy “backsliding” is the “dark money” able to buy influence in the USSC, the single branch of our government where political contributions are unwarranted and can be nothing other than bribery.

The “backsliding” of the United States’ democracy as described by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance is not a recent phenomenon, it is a gross understatement.


Yeah, democrat election stealing will do that.
The US Constitution gives Congress the right to “overrun” an election.

There isn’t anything anti democratic about limiting voting to citizens. That’s actually about as democratic as it can be.

Moreover this report is about how the demafascist have limited civil liberties over the past year in the name of the chinese virus

This report has nothing to do with the pandemic and everything to do with Republican attempts to overthrow the

The Constitution gives no right to the house to overturn the election
This report has nothing to do with the pandemic and everything to do with Republican attempts to overthrow the

The Constitution gives no right to the house to overturn the election
i never said the house had a right to overrun the election
i never said the house had a right to overrun the election

Please, bitch!!! I am sick to death of you backtracking, lying and repeating bullshit and lies. Every time you clowns have your lies debunked, you try to move the goal posts and say "I never said that" or "It was a joke".

All of the things you believe to be true, are lies Republicans have been telling you for 40 years. Republicans have known since Reagan was elected that racial demographics were against them, and they have embraced the racism and white nationalism as a means of frightening the gullible into voting against their own best interests.

The last 40 years of economic crashes, widening wealth and income gaps, and the deterioration of the national infrastructure should have tossing out the Republican Party and their oligarchs but instead, you embraced the crazy after the indignity of a black President and went full on white nationalist with Donald Trump.
Please, bitch!!! I am sick to death of you backtracking, lying and repeating bullshit and lies. Every time you clowns have your lies debunked, you try to move the goal posts and say "I never said that" or "It was a joke".

All of the things you believe to be true, are lies Republicans have been telling you for 40 years. Republicans have known since Reagan was elected that racial demographics were against them, and they have embraced the racism and white nationalism as a means of frightening the gullible into voting against their own best interests.

The last 40 years of economic crashes, widening wealth and income gaps, and the deterioration of the national infrastructure should have tossing out the Republican Party and their oligarchs but instead, you embraced the crazy after the indignity of a black President and went full on white nationalist with Donald Trump.
what am I backtracking? I never once said the House had that power.

It's done by all over Congress. Congressional members do have a right to object to electors, and there is a process in which those elections in a state can be overturned....but never suggest it was just the House....

"When all objections so made to any vote or paper from a State shall have been received and read, the Senate shall thereupon withdraw, and such objections shall be submitted to the Senate for its decision; and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall, in like manner, submit such objections to the House of Representatives for its decision; and no electoral vote or votes from any State which shall have been regularly given by electors whose appointment has been lawfully certified to according to section 6 of this title from which but one return has been received shall be rejected, but the two Houses concurrently may reject the vote or votes when they agree that such vote or votes have not been so regularly given by electors whose appointment has been so certified. If more than one return or paper purporting to be a return from a State shall have been received by the President of the Senate, those votes, and those only, shall be counted which shall have been regularly given by the electors who are shown by the determination mentioned in section 5 of this title to have been appointed...."
i never said the house had a right to overrun the election

Try re-reading your post #33:

"The US Constitution gives Congress the right to “overrun” an election.

There isn’t anything anti democratic about limiting voting to citizens. That’s actually about as democratic as it can be.

Moreover this report is about how the demafascist have limited civil liberties over the past year in the name of the chinese virus".
Try re-reading your post #33:

"The US Constitution gives Congress the right to “overrun” an election.

There isn’t anything anti democratic about limiting voting to citizens. That’s actually about as democratic as it can be.

Moreover this report is about how the demafascist have limited civil liberties over the past year in the name of the chinese virus".
yeah where did i say anything about the House specifically? Congress is made up of two chambers, the upper and lower…the House AND the Senate. As the law states, I provided the link, it takes both! not just the House

You are welcome for your civics lesson today
yeah where did i say anything about the House specifically? Congress is made up of two chambers, the upper and lower…the House AND the Senate. As the law states, I provided the link, it takes both! not just the House

You are welcome for your civics lesson today

Go fuck yourself asshole. You said "I never said that", and then I proved you did say that. Like I said, the moment you're caught, you move the goalposts yet again, or you're joking, or some other excuse. Never take responsibility for any of the shit you believe or say.

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