United States HERO Says "I'm Done Talking" - Goes to Ukraine to exact VENGEANCE on Russians

We all support people at one time or another, some never wavering in them. Many Repubs supported Dick Cheyney. His daughter is from the same line and when we needed that family to give back, they failed. We see commercials every day of the results of wars we have been over the decades. Men coming home with psyche issues and parts of their body missing and deceased. The stubbornness of Liz Cheyney is deplorable. Her family rich on the skulls and disabilities of many Americans and countless people overseas. The swamp is corrupted and more than that, their power may cause a world conflagration with their fraud superior attitudes.

I don't really see why you wrote what you wrote.

As for "the swamp", you want rid of "the swamp", then you need to support Proportional Representation.

I find it funny that people have been going on about "the swamp" for a long, long time, and not one person has managed to come up with the idea that "the swamp" would be much less swampy if the people had democracy, and if PR were in place. Makes me think they don't actually want democracy, accountability, it's just another way of putting pressure on people, trying to convince people to vote for their favorite entertainer (I mean politician, I guess)
He's either got blood lust or he's an idiot.

He believes what he's told in the media, and then goes and puts his life at risk for whims and desires of the rich, who won't be getting killed anytime soon.
Jesus Christ, who possessed frigidweirdo ?

That‘s the first intelligent thing I’ve ever heard you say.
Seems like a stunt to me but if he goes and gets in the fight more power to him.
Zelensky could use another $40 million mansion in Flordia.

Absolutely he could.

Zelensky the puppet comedian clown in high heels....waiting for orders from the EU and the Globalists.

It must pay to act like that I presume.....who knows.:dunno:
It is getting a bit old hearing Putin Xi and the pot bellied pig threaten us with no retort or push back what so ever....
The worst push back on the Ukraine would be the use of a NUKE. I can't doubt it because Putin has to WIN AT ALL COSTS or face mass embarrassment. The people would want his removal from office if he withdrew now. I'm not sure if there are any reasons that he would withdraw.
The worst push back on the Ukraine would be the use of a NUKE. I can't doubt it because Putin has to WIN AT ALL COSTS or face mass embarrassment. The people would want his removal from office if he withdrew now. I'm not sure if there are any reasons that he would withdraw.
Yes...than should we be helping more?....
You mean in terms of troops? It's Biden, so he won't take any military action. I doubt the US and EU would take any military action.
Why not?...are we afraid?....the USA never let itself be pushed around like this before...innocent children are being targeted and blown up...so what does president Bond do?....
Why not?...are we afraid?....the USA never let itself be pushed around like this before...innocent children are being targeted and blown up...so what does president Bond do?....
I think Putin has no way out. If he's not winning with conventional weaponry, then expect a nuclear bomb. It will set the Ukraine ablaze and have their president considering surrender. I don't think Ukraine has many nuclear shelters, but they do have nuclear power sites and nuclear bombs. I'm not sure how effective they have of delivery to Russia though.
Absolutely he could.

Zelensky the puppet comedian clown in high heels....waiting for orders from the EU and the Globalists.

It must pay to act like that I presume.....who knows.:dunno:

The Dem-pervs love this guy. He speaks their language.

I think Putin has no way out. If he's not winning with conventional weaponry, then expect a nuclear bomb. It will set the Ukraine ablaze and have their president considering surrender. I don't think Ukraine has many nuclear shelters, but they do have nuclear power sites and nuclear bombs. I'm not sure how effective they have of delivery to Russia though.

Never happen. A nuclear attack is an empty threat. Radiation would make an area off limits for over 100 years. Putin is taking steps to rebuild the Soviet Union. That radiation may drift to other countries like Poland that is a NATO ally and constitute a nuclear retaliation, perhaps by the US. It's never going to happen.
Funny how this guy freaks about the poor Ukrainians.
But he does not give a shit about the 85,000 poor Yemeni children who have already died in the Yemen Civil War with Saudi Arabia bombing the shit out the country. While America and GB supply weapons and intel to the Saudi's.

This fat fuck is - like most people - a pathetic, ignoramus who believes whatever the government/MSM tell him.

Sure...Russia invading Ukraine was wrong.
But what Saudi Arabia is doing to innocent Yemeni's is FAR worse.
But this fat, 60 year old moron is going where the MSM tells him to go.
Empty-headed simpleton.
Never happen. A nuclear attack is an empty threat. Radiation would make an area off limits for over 100 years. Putin is taking steps to rebuild the Soviet Union. That radiation may drift to other countries like Poland that is a NATO ally and constitute a nuclear retaliation, perhaps by the US. It's never going to happen.
I still think it's an option for Putin if they can't win. They have to win and get the Ukraine, but Ukraine's army has been holding them off. I dunno who's winning the war, but the Ukraine sounds like they are holding Putin's army off.
I still think it's an option for Putin if they can't win. They have to win and get the Ukraine, but Ukraine's army has been holding them off. I dunno who's winning the war, but the Ukraine sounds like they are holding Putin's army off.

I think that all hinges on who will be willing to help them. If they have the proper gear, they will get rid of the Russians. These are extremely brave people like we're not used to seeing. If nobody or a few help them, then it's a coin toss. Either way I can't see Russia using a nuke in a case of aggression. The world is turning on him as it is, but not getting involved. If he shoots a nuke, I think that will change.
Considering how some black students were treated in the evacuation, he must have some big cajones. I hope he survives it.
How were SOME black students treated in the evacuation? Oh that is right---black males were treated EXACTLY like the WHITE MALES were ---required to stay and fight the RUSSIANS. EQUAL RIGHTS---EQUAL TREATMENT for RACE apparently...only women and children white or black were allowed to leave---well that along with elderly males of both colors as well.

"I'm done talking" said soldier Malcolm Nance. He flew to Ukraine and join the LEGION. The objective was to take the fight to Russia and destroy Putin's army. This man is a proud American and I am a fan of his.


Stupid to advertise it though.....good for him....hope he makes it back but I wouldn't buy any long term stocks in his name...maybe he could get a real conscience and go to the southern border of his own country? Nah.... I suppose not. No real political capital in that.

How were SOME black students treated in the evacuation? Oh that is right---black males were treated EXACTLY like the WHITE MALES were ---required to stay and fight the RUSSIANS. EQUAL RIGHTS---EQUAL TREATMENT for RACE apparently...only women and children white or black were allowed to leave---well that along with elderly males of both colors as well.
Ukraine has a terrible record on Human rights abuses....it was one of the major issues with them Joining NATO long before all of this most recent stuff started. Ukrainians do not see people of color as equals...it's a real problem there. Of course that convenient little fact will be thrown out because it doesn't advance the image of victim that the media is trying to portray. Interesting that the media largely ignored the 8 years of bombings, kidnapping, rape, murder and torture of the Russian separatists in Luhansk and Donbas.....I mean if they are offended by atrocities then why not those too? Answer? The Media is not actually the Media they are the tongue of the beast and will speak only what the beast wants them to speak.
I think Putin has no way out. If he's not winning with conventional weaponry, then expect a nuclear bomb. It will set the Ukraine ablaze and have their president considering surrender. I don't think Ukraine has many nuclear shelters, but they do have nuclear power sites and nuclear bombs. I'm not sure how effective they have of delivery to Russia though.
Innocent non combatants are being slaughtered...what do you do President Bond?...let them die?....Biden is allowing this...he is the leader of the free world and he is following way behind...all he has done is to send them money we don't have....so what does President Bond do now?....

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