United States Imperialism

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Not in the least. And I'm absolutely sick of hearing about the so-called "military-industrial complex". It used to be called something else.

The "Arsenal of Democracy".
Lol. You might listen to the general who helped win WWII, when he gave his presidential farewell address all the way back in 1960. Ever heard of him?

You’re stuck in 1945 and can’t move forward. Sorry to hear that.
.... Try reality, it's on every respected media outlet in the world, but never on the GOP propaganda machinelllll
I'm trying the poster who posted the idea. He posted it, so let him back it up (which should have been in the post, in the first place).
Bullshit. If Trump wanted a war all he had to do was let milley attack the Iranians after they shot down the drone.

Trump allowed a vile piece of shit, with the blood of thousands on his hands, to be killed.

Peace mission my ass. He was there plotting new attacks.

But little brain dead you will listen to whatever bullshit your masters tell you.

And believe it.
So you believe the lying establishment when it suits your ideology.
It's not up to you to keep Syrian oil secure, who the hell do you think you are?
I'll admit that at present, I am not so read up on this particular piece of recent history, but in general, the US keeps lots of things secure in lots of countries, all with the good will of the country where that thing is.

This may come as a bit of a shock to some people (especially those programmed to hate America), but there are many countries where the US has troops, and that country is very glad to have them there, as a form of protection.
I'll admit that at present, I am not so read up on this particular piece of recent history, but in general, the US keeps lots of things secure in lots of countries, all with the good will of the country where that thing is.

This may come as a bit of a shock to some people (especially those programmed to hate America), but there are many countries where the US has troops, and that country is very glad to have them there, as a form of protection.
Are you insane or just arrogant? Syria never asked the US to enter their Country, was Hitler keeping the oil in the Caucuses safe in the War?
The Monroe Doctrine - isn't about spreading "liberty" - but to preserve and safeguard US national interests in it's vicinity. Especially when taking into account that ALL surrounding territory and countries were ruled by non-democratic governments aka - monarchies. The classic-natural born enemies of the USA constitution.

The war against Spain brought about US national interests towards Central-America and Asia, due to the "liberation" aka conquest of the Philippines - therefore also resulting in US interests towards Japan. Shortly afterwards US interests in regards to Africa and Europe via getting themselves involved in the Moroccan crisis. Setting up e.g. "concessions" in China. Before that, the "dubious" acquisition of the Hawaiian islands, and the legal acquisition of Alaska. In between driving out by force, or buying out French, Mexican/Spanish owned territory. The entire US history is one of non-stop expansion. - so far!

BTW, I am not blaming the USA for having done this or still doing it - every nation that has the means, has and is actively participating in this quest for global supremacy/control.
However the ones to bring it about, enforce it via military means since 1990, are simply and only the USA and NATO. - thus resulting amongst others in the Ukraine-Russia war.
The Monroe Doctrine had nothing to do with protecting US interests. In 1817 the USA was a tiny, powerless country. Mexico was more powerful, as were the countries of South America. The USA essentially had no external political interests except cooperating with the British to halt the international seaborne slave trade. What the Monroe Doctrine was was an effort to coopt the power of the British Empire to keep the other European nations from expanding into the western hemisphere and threatening the infant USA. The USA could barely defeat a group of pirate city-states that were preying on American shipping in those days.
Are you insane or just arrogant? Syria never asked the US to enter their Country, was Hitler keeping the oil in the Caucuses safe in the War?
I didn't say anything about Syria. I just made a general comment about US troops, and some countries they are in. :chillpill::chillpill:
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