United States: Russia directly involved in battles in Ukraine

Russia should stop the stupid warmongering in Ukraine and supplying the pro-Russian sepetarists.
Uh the separatists are and always have been RUSSIANS.

There has never been any local uprising by Ukrainians against their own country.

Local Ukrainians don't like these Russians and other foreigners in their country stealing parts of Ukraine for Putin in the name of some bullshit local uprising.

Just now announcing Russia is involved is a lie....they have been involved the entire time, it's just that Obama and the EU are pussies that didn't want to admit it.
Uh the separatists are and always have been RUSSIANS.

There has never been any local uprising by Ukrainians against their own country.

Local Ukrainians don't like these Russians and other foreigners in their country stealing parts of Ukraine for Putin in the name of some bullshit local uprising.

Just now announcing Russia is involved is a lie....they have been involved the entire time, it's just that Obama and the EU are pussies that didn't want to admit it.
Nonesense. The "uprising" took place in 2013. Western supported fascist movements toppled the government that was replaced by the national socialist influenced "European Choice" regime. The regime opresses the people with Russian roots. They were not sent by Russia but live there due to historic developements.
Stupid fuck....Russia had their puppet in place in Kyiv but he lied to the people that Ukraine would work more with the EU and quit being Russia's bitch. So the people protested him and his goons killed protestors in Kyiv which set off more violence and eventually the Russian puppet fled to Russia after stealing millions from Ukraine.

Oh, but you support that...eh idiot?

Russia responded by invading Crimea and stealing it under the lies of separatist locals somehow showing up with weapons, amazing locals have APCs, AK47s, tanks, etc...enough weapons to surround the Ukrainian military based inside Crimea.

Now Russia is doing the same bullshit in eastern Ukraine, sending in troops and weapons....even shooting down a third party's civilian airliner and stealing evidence from the crime scene.

Explain that shitstain....

Nonesense. The "uprising" took place in 2013. Western supported fascist movements toppled the government that was replaced by the national socialist influenced "European Choice" regime. The regime opresses the people with Russian roots. They were not sent by Russia but live there due to historic developements.
Putin is a nut case. He is considering selling S-400 to China. That is insane.
Stupid fuck....Russia had their puppet in place in Kyiv but he lied to the people that Ukraine would work more with the EU and quit being Russia's bitch. So the people protested him and his goons killed protestors in Kyiv which set off more violence and eventually the Russian puppet fled to Russia after stealing millions from Ukraine.

Oh, but you support that...eh idiot?

Russia responded by invading Crimea and stealing it under the lies of separatist locals somehow showing up with weapons, amazing locals have APCs, AK47s, tanks, etc...enough weapons to surround the Ukrainian military based inside Crimea.

Now Russia is doing the same bullshit in eastern Ukraine, sending in troops and weapons....even shooting down a third party's civilian airliner and stealing evidence from the crime scene.

Explain that shitstain....
The government was democratically elected. Then it was forced to resign by brutal gangs causing far reaching destruction and killing policemen during their "peaceful protests". Watch my thread "Ukraines Nazi Party in the Government" and (try to) explain.
Putin is a nut case. He is considering selling S-400 to China. That is insane.
Why is it insane? Its just a defensive weapon system. What really insane is, is that western companies hand their whole know-how out to Chinese authorities for the permissen to produce in China in cooperation (joint venture) with a Chinese company.
Why is it insane? Its just a defensive weapon system. What really insane is, is that western companies hand their whole know-how out to Chinese authorities for the permissen to produce in China in cooperation (joint venture) with a Chinese company.

Western companies who hand over technical know how to China are acting very irresponsibly.

Let us come back to Russia for a few seconds though. Russia already has an enemy in the west which is attacking Russian interests as we speak. Now Russia is enabling its eastern enemy China by supplying it sophisticated weapons. If China and the west both decide to take on Russia simultaneously then Russia will be in big trouble considering China will have much more modern military if Russia continues to assist Chinese military's modernization program. So the Russian decision to supply China with S-400 does sound insane. BTW, when the war breaks out, your enemy's defensive capabilities become your nightmare because it will impede your ability to neutralize your enemy.

I understand that Russia is facing a tough situation. A number of western countries are acting hostile towards Russia. But the western hostility may be temporary and may cease in future but if Russia helps China with its weapons' program, this will create a permanent problem for Russia. The best course of action for Russia would be to ride this storm out without causing irreparable damage to Russian future.
Western companies who hand over technical know how to China are acting very irresponsibly.

Let us come back to Russia for a few seconds though. Russia already has an enemy in the west which is attacking Russian interests as we speak. Now Russia is enabling its eastern enemy China by supplying it sophisticated weapons. If China and the west both decide to take on Russia simultaneously then Russia will be in big trouble considering China will have much more modern military if Russia continues to assist Chinese military's modernization program. So the Russian decision to supply China with S-400 does sound insane. BTW, when the war breaks out, your enemy's defensive capabilities become your nightmare because it will impede your ability to neutralize your enemy.

I understand that Russia is facing a tough situation. A number of western countries are acting hostile towards Russia. But the western hostility may be temporary and may cease in future but if Russia helps China with its weapons' program, this will create a permanent problem for Russia. The best course of action for Russia would be to ride this storm out without causing irreparable damage to Russian future.
There will be no Russian-Chinese war. It is the West who made itself completely dependend on China. Germany and Japan are the only western countries which export more to China than they import from. And this might change, too. So, in dependence on Russian resources, Chinese goods and Brazil food, it is the West who could run into trouble with China. Russia and China could be forced to be allies then.

Advanced weaponry could be a problem for the West in a war with China, but the sheer size of the Chinese army alone grants invincibility anyway. However, China plans to be technologically at eye level with the US for as soon as 2020.
^ How can you be so sure that there will be no Russo-China war?

Japan is not a western country. Japan is an eastern country - a wealthy but an eastern country nevertheless.

I completely agree with you on that the west should stop enabling China. In enabling China, the west is simply creating a future existential threat for itself.
^ How can you be so sure that there will be no Russo-China war?

Japan is not a western country. Japan is an eastern country - a wealthy but an eastern country nevertheless.

I completely agree with you on that the west should stop enabling China. In enabling China, the west is simply creating a future existential threat for itself.
Politically, economically and culturally but not geographically, Japan is a western country.

You ask, why I am sure that there will be no Russian-Chinese war. I am sure, because such a war would contain no advantages for both.
Politically, economically and culturally but not geographically, Japan is a western country.

You ask, why I am sure that there will be no Russian-Chinese war. I am sure, because such a war would contain no advantages for both.

Japan is geographically located in the east. Majority of its population is Buddhist. That makes it an eastern country. There are plenty of countries in the east that are democratic. So know this that the west does not have a monopoly on democracy. The number of countries that are wealthy in the east is even higher than the number of countries that are democratic. So none of your criteria placing Japan in the west makes any sense at all.

What makes you think China sees no advantage in defeating Russia?
Japan is geographically located in the east. Majority of its population is Buddhist. That makes it an eastern country. There are plenty of countries in the east that are democratic. So know this that the west does not have a monopoly on democracy. The number of countries that are wealthy in the east is even higher than the number of countries that are democratic. So none of your criteria placing Japan in the west makes any sense at all.

What makes you think China sees no advantage in defeating Russia?
Read, before you teach me where a country is located. The majority of Germany is Christian, you may say, but the majority is not religious enough to go to the church or to pray at all. Valid also for Japan. Same cultural environment. Short: local customs combined with American way of life and the peculiarities that result from the mix.

China could not defeat Russia or achieve anything in a war.
Read, before you teach me where a country is located. The majority of Germany is Christian, you may say, but the majority is not religious enough to go to the church or to pray at all. Valid also for Japan. Same cultural environment. Short: local customs combined with American way of life and the peculiarities that result from the mix.

China could not defeat Russia or achieve anything in a war.

I think I have done enough to illustrate that Japan is an eastern country. But if it helps you sleep at night then continue to assert that Japan is a western country. I have no problem with that. This will be my last text on that issue.

Moving to Russia and China, why do you think China could not defeat Russia? Where are you coming up with all these assumptions?

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