Univ of Minnesota attacks whites for their "privileges"!!!

I think it would be funny if next time Tim Wise speaks, Whitey the Clown runs up and smashes a big white-cream pie in his face.
What, did someone cure cancer while I was gone? Are the Jews and Arabs interbreeding freely? I mean, if universities are able to devote their time and our money to something so petty and devoid of merit, then there sure mustn't be anything else worth their time.

Or am I way off base on this one?

-The Jerk

Substituting the phrase "white privilege" with "white genes" alleviates a lot of guilt and is much closer to the truth.

Yes indeed. Blacks/browns don't have the brains of whites/asians. The failure of blacks and browns is their own fault and the rest of us are tired of being discriminated for their genetic inferiority.

Substituting the phrase "white privilege" with "white genes" alleviates a lot of guilt and is much closer to the truth.

Yes indeed. Blacks/browns don't have the brains of whites/asians. The failure of blacks and browns is their own fault and the rest of us are tired of being discriminated for their genetic inferiority.

Speeders, if you're going to use the genetic superiority/inferiority angle (and if my fellow commenters can forgive me for the slight derailment), then you have obviously done your research and are familiar with the genetic identities and relative levels of physical/mental/immune capacity of the various races, as (so far) determined by exhaustive testing (available through numerous online sources). Given this, you would obviously support a campaign to promote interbreeding of races whose respective genetic profiles complement each other, for instance, crossing blacks (african genetic lineage) and whites (nordic, caucasian genetic lineage) would result in increased capillary density in the logical processing centers of the brain (nordic/caucasian genetic tendency) as well as increased capillary density in the major locomotive muscle groups in the lower and upper body (african genetic tendency), in addition to a vastly decreased incidence of congenital disorders as a result of a greater depth of heterogeneity in race-common recessive alleles, not to mention an improved immune response due to the passage of unfamiliar antibodies through bloodborne and lacteal transfer.

Since you're obviously an expert on evolutionary biology and genetics, I won't bother to explain any of the above, and assume that as a scholar of both of the above sciences, you agree at least partially with my conclusions.

EDIT: Categorical agreement with a theory, postulate, or hypothesis that you yourself have not interrogated or (likely) even tangentially approached with the intention of proving or refuting, would be decidedly unscholarly. I wouldn't assume you would do such a thing.

Right on.

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I think it would be funny if next time Tim Wise speaks, Whitey the Clown runs up and smashes a big white-cream pie in his face.

if Tim Wise was black he would be called an Uncle Tom.

Uncle Tim is more accurate. I keep wondering why I turn the key in the car and go to work every day if I'm so privileged.

I wonder why I'm lectured by race hustlers, both black and white, if I'm so privileged.
I think it would be funny if next time Tim Wise speaks, Whitey the Clown runs up and smashes a big white-cream pie in his face.

if Tim Wise was black he would be called an Uncle Tom.

Uncle Tim is more accurate. I keep wondering why I turn the key in the car and go to work every day if I'm so privileged.

I wonder why I'm lectured by race hustlers, both black and white, if I'm so privileged.

Thats a good question, if im so privileged why is it that the President is black and out playing Golf, while i a white man am doing manual labor and barely getting by. :confused:
I think it would be funny if next time Tim Wise speaks, Whitey the Clown runs up and smashes a big white-cream pie in his face.

if Tim Wise was black he would be called an Uncle Tom.

Uncle Tim is more accurate. I keep wondering why I turn the key in the car and go to work every day if I'm so privileged.

I wonder why I'm lectured by race hustlers, both black and white, if I'm so privileged.

Thats a good question, if im so privileged why is it that the President is black and out playing Golf, while i a white man am doing manual labor and barely getting by. :confused:

DWB and white privelege were concocted as another means of playing the race card.Blacks play the race card because it works.

The end game is to get what they want without having to work for it or do whatever they want without consequences.
if Tim Wise was black he would be called an Uncle Tom.

Uncle Tim is more accurate. I keep wondering why I turn the key in the car and go to work every day if I'm so privileged.

I wonder why I'm lectured by race hustlers, both black and white, if I'm so privileged.

Thats a good question, if im so privileged why is it that the President is black and out playing Golf, while i a white man am doing manual labor and barely getting by. :confused:

DWB and white privelege were concocted as another means of playing the race card.Blacks play the race card because it works.

The end game is to get what they want without having to work for it or do whatever they want without consequences.

Yeah i know i was just being sarcastic :D

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