Universal Background Checks Are The Left's Goal. Gun Bans Will Be Automatic


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Jul 21, 2009
April 10, 2013
Guns: The Left's True Aim, and How to Thwart It
By Lewis Dovland

We must not lose focus on the end goal of progressives regarding guns. Make no mistake; regardless of what they say, their ultimate goal is confiscation of all guns in America. And a "universal background check" will get them closer to this nirvana than the banning of a few selected weapons ever could.........

What the left wants is universal background checks. If leftists get that, they actually leapfrog the restrictions on certain weapon types. How?

No one can buy a modern operational firearm from a licensed dealer today without a background check. Period. There is no "gun show loophole," because to buy a gun at a gun show from a licensed dealer -- the only entity permitted to sell at gun shows -- one must pass the background check or show a firearms license.

Not controlled are sales of guns between private parties. You can sell me your gun in a face-to-face transaction without requiring that you get a background check on me.

Look at where this is going. The left is asking to ban the sale of "assault" weapons. Using the marriage example above, this is moving the marker from "A" to about "N" on the scale, since "Z" would be the total ban and confiscation of guns. The left knows that a ban is not possible, although "Z" is their ultimate goal. But what are they doing?

Ask for "N" when you know that "C" is possible, use the media and lexicon ("assault weapon," "gun show loophole") to pound home the message, demonize those who disagree, and get media support. Use emotion -- see Obama's recent "shame on us" speech with the Newtown families standing behind him.

And then, the final, sneaky step. Say, "Well, the American people just don't understand the need to ban these assault weapons, so at least give us background check legislation. That is not too much to ask for the children's sake." And if we don't agree to that, they call us "obstructionist" and other names, trying to shame us into action. If they succeed, we will have just moved from "A" to "S" on the scale, well past "N." How?

Enforcing the universal background check will require registration of all guns in a national database; otherwise, how and where do we prevent private sales without background checks? And the details of how to enforce the background checks will be handled by the legislation, neatly out of the direct view of the public. Once that occurs, the government will have a list of all legal guns and owners in the U.S., making confiscation extremely easy when the time comes.

And where are the teeth to make a gun owner register a gun, when he never expects to sell it? All the left needs to do is make possession of an unregistered gun a felony -- a "minor" clause in the law when they craft it. Then, when you defend yourself at 3 a.m. from an armed home invasion and your gun is found, you will be in more trouble than the perps. As a felon, you then lose your right to own any guns.

That is the goal here. Watch for the left to cave on the assault weapon ban and "settle" for just universal background checks. Sounds innocuous, right? If granted, it will provide the left with much, much more than they ever hoped to get at this juncture.

Our answer must be: No universal background checks, ever. Enforce the laws we have now. Otherwise, game over for us "Never, never, never -- not one inch." .

Read more: Articles: Guns: The Left's True Aim, and How to Thwart It
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I wouldn't expect a right-wing outfit like American Thinker to say anything else.
They are now talking about eliminating the private sale provision. We'll see what actually comes out maybe as soon as tomorrow.
There are MANY leftie gun owners and hunters - so WHY would lefties want to BAN guns?

Answer: They don't - it's just used as a scare tactic.
There are MANY leftie gun owners and hunters - so WHY would lefties want to BAN guns?

Answer: They don't - it's just used as a scare tactic.

You didn't read the op....obviously.

The trick is getting universal background checks. The nut-cases in the White House will then make owning an unlicensed gun a felony and then will use every means at their disposal to go after anyone who is suspected of owning a gun. There are provisions in Obamacare to do this btw.

If another nut-case attacks another school Obama will call for confiscation and he'll have the national gun registry in hand to do it with or without the consent of gun-owners.
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We must not lose focus on the end goal of progressives regarding guns. Make no mistake; regardless of what they say, their ultimate goal is confiscation of all guns in America.
Hysterical, ignorant, partisan, nonsense.

Millions on ‘the left’ own firearms, accept Heller/McDonald as accepted, settled law, and have no desire to see firearms ‘confiscated.’
We must not lose focus on the end goal of progressives regarding guns. Make no mistake; regardless of what they say, their ultimate goal is confiscation of all guns in America.

Hysterical, ignorant, partisan, nonsense.

Millions on ‘the left’ own firearms, accept Heller/McDonald as accepted, settled law, and have no desire to see firearms ‘confiscated.’

It doesn't really matter what most liberals think....this group in the White House, this Obama crowd, they want to eliminate private gun ownership entirely. Universal Background checks will make it happen sooner or later.

I'm afraid what you liberals think doesn't really matter to them.
There are MANY leftie gun owners and hunters - so WHY would lefties want to BAN guns?

Answer: They don't - it's just used as a scare tactic.

You didn't read the op....obviously.

The trick is getting universal background checks. The nut-cases in the White House will then make owning an unlicensed gun a felony and then will use every means at their disposal to go after anyone who is suspected of owning a gun. There are provisions in Obamacare to do this btw.

If another nut-case attacks another school Obama will call for confiscation and he'll have to gun registry in hand to do it with or without the consent of gun-owners.

But...but...I thought you brave righties were going prevent the government from confiscating our guns?
There are MANY leftie gun owners and hunters - so WHY would lefties want to BAN guns?

Answer: They don't - it's just used as a scare tactic.

Yes, there are many Democrats who own guns and some even shoot them on occasion.

But that is it. They are Democrats first and gun owners second and are willing to eat the crap sandwich that Obama and the Democrats are willing to dish out.

Meanwhile real gun owners, those truly understand the whole thing, are not the ones who voted for Obama and the Democrats like Schumera and Feinstein.

When I walk out of the house, I have a gun on me. When I am driving my car, I have a gun on me. When I am sitting at the kitchen table, I have a gun on me.
There are MANY leftie gun owners and hunters - so WHY would lefties want to BAN guns?

Answer: They don't - it's just used as a scare tactic.

Yes, there are many Democrats who own guns and some even shoot them on occasion.

But that is it. They are Democrats first and gun owners second and are willing to eat the crap sandwich that Obama and the Democrats are willing to dish out.

Meanwhile real gun owners, those truly understand the whole thing, are not the ones who voted for Obama and the Democrats like Schumera and Feinstein.

When I walk out of the house, I have a gun on me. When I am driving my car, I have a gun on me. When I am sitting at the kitchen table, I have a gun on me.

Good for you. I'm not that paranoid.
There are MANY leftie gun owners and hunters - so WHY would lefties want to BAN guns?

Answer: They don't - it's just used as a scare tactic.

Yes, there are many Democrats who own guns and some even shoot them on occasion.

But that is it. They are Democrats first and gun owners second and are willing to eat the crap sandwich that Obama and the Democrats are willing to dish out.

Meanwhile real gun owners, those truly understand the whole thing, are not the ones who voted for Obama and the Democrats like Schumera and Feinstein.

When I walk out of the house, I have a gun on me. When I am driving my car, I have a gun on me. When I am sitting at the kitchen table, I have a gun on me.

Good for you. I'm not that paranoid.

I'm not paranoid either.

Victim once, never again.
There are MANY leftie gun owners and hunters - so WHY would lefties want to BAN guns?

Answer: They don't - it's just used as a scare tactic.

You didn't read the op....obviously.

The trick is getting universal background checks. The nut-cases in the White House will then make owning an unlicensed gun a felony and then will use every means at their disposal to go after anyone who is suspected of owning a gun. There are provisions in Obamacare to do this btw.

If another nut-case attacks another school Obama will call for confiscation and he'll have to gun registry in hand to do it with or without the consent of gun-owners.

As usual, you are full of shit. Same old lies in defense of an industry making millions selling death to the American public. Most people buying guns today should not have a gun, period. The number of children killed by their careless handling of their guns is indictutive of that.

There are quite a number of people that really need to have their weapons confiscated for the safety of the rest of us. People with known psychological problems and violent tendencies should not have guns. People who have a history of assualts against their family or neighbors should not have guns. That is common sense, and would make the rest of us safer.
There are MANY leftie gun owners and hunters - so WHY would lefties want to BAN guns?

Answer: They don't - it's just used as a scare tactic.

You didn't read the op....obviously.

The trick is getting universal background checks. The nut-cases in the White House will then make owning an unlicensed gun a felony and then will use every means at their disposal to go after anyone who is suspected of owning a gun. There are provisions in Obamacare to do this btw.

If another nut-case attacks another school Obama will call for confiscation and he'll have to gun registry in hand to do it with or without the consent of gun-owners.

As usual, you are full of shit. Same old lies in defense of an industry making millions selling death to the American public. Most people buying guns today should not have a gun, period. The number of children killed by their careless handling of their guns is indictutive of that.

There are quite a number of people that really need to have their weapons confiscated for the safety of the rest of us. People with known psychological problems and violent tendencies should not have guns. People who have a history of assualts against their family or neighbors should not have guns. That is common sense, and would make the rest of us safer.

the old saw.....'safety'......:eusa_hand:

i'm with the op.....if you give them an inch....they'll take a mile......DON'T COMPROMISE OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS...
There are MANY leftie gun owners and hunters - so WHY would lefties want to BAN guns?

Answer: They don't - it's just used as a scare tactic.

You didn't read the op....obviously.

The trick is getting universal background checks. The nut-cases in the White House will then make owning an unlicensed gun a felony and then will use every means at their disposal to go after anyone who is suspected of owning a gun. There are provisions in Obamacare to do this btw.

If another nut-case attacks another school Obama will call for confiscation and he'll have to gun registry in hand to do it with or without the consent of gun-owners.

As usual, you are full of shit. Same old lies in defense of an industry making millions selling death to the American public. Most people buying guns today should not have a gun, period. The number of children killed by their careless handling of their guns is indictutive of that.

There are quite a number of people that really need to have their weapons confiscated for the safety of the rest of us. People with known psychological problems and violent tendencies should not have guns. People who have a history of assualts against their family or neighbors should not have guns. That is common sense, and would make the rest of us safer.

Govt's reckless policies and decisions have killed more americans than private corporations ever could.
April 10, 2013
Guns: The Left's True Aim, and How to Thwart It
By Lewis Dovland

We must not lose focus on the end goal of progressives regarding guns. Make no mistake; regardless of what they say, their ultimate goal is confiscation of all guns in America. And a "universal background check" will get them closer to this nirvana than the banning of a few selected weapons ever could.........

What the left wants is universal background checks. If leftists get that, they actually leapfrog the restrictions on certain weapon types. How?

No one can buy a modern operational firearm from a licensed dealer today without a background check. Period. There is no "gun show loophole," because to buy a gun at a gun show from a licensed dealer -- the only entity permitted to sell at gun shows -- one must pass the background check or show a firearms license.

Not controlled are sales of guns between private parties. You can sell me your gun in a face-to-face transaction without requiring that you get a background check on me.

Look at where this is going. The left is asking to ban the sale of "assault" weapons. Using the marriage example above, this is moving the marker from "A" to about "N" on the scale, since "Z" would be the total ban and confiscation of guns. The left knows that a ban is not possible, although "Z" is their ultimate goal. But what are they doing?

Ask for "N" when you know that "C" is possible, use the media and lexicon ("assault weapon," "gun show loophole") to pound home the message, demonize those who disagree, and get media support. Use emotion -- see Obama's recent "shame on us" speech with the Newtown families standing behind him.

And then, the final, sneaky step. Say, "Well, the American people just don't understand the need to ban these assault weapons, so at least give us background check legislation. That is not too much to ask for the children's sake." And if we don't agree to that, they call us "obstructionist" and other names, trying to shame us into action. If they succeed, we will have just moved from "A" to "S" on the scale, well past "N." How?

Enforcing the universal background check will require registration of all guns in a national database; otherwise, how and where do we prevent private sales without background checks? And the details of how to enforce the background checks will be handled by the legislation, neatly out of the direct view of the public. Once that occurs, the government will have a list of all legal guns and owners in the U.S., making confiscation extremely easy when the time comes.

And where are the teeth to make a gun owner register a gun, when he never expects to sell it? All the left needs to do is make possession of an unregistered gun a felony -- a "minor" clause in the law when they craft it. Then, when you defend yourself at 3 a.m. from an armed home invasion and your gun is found, you will be in more trouble than the perps. As a felon, you then lose your right to own any guns.

That is the goal here. Watch for the left to cave on the assault weapon ban and "settle" for just universal background checks. Sounds innocuous, right? If granted, it will provide the left with much, much more than they ever hoped to get at this juncture.

Our answer must be: No universal background checks, ever. Enforce the laws we have now. Otherwise, game over for us "Never, never, never -- not one inch." .

Read more: Articles: Guns: The Left's True Aim, and How to Thwart It
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Universal photo ID's are the far far far rights goal; pole taxes, property ownership and a ban of universal suffarage is automatic.

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