Universal Background Checks Are The Left's Goal. Gun Bans Will Be Automatic

Isn't it remarkable that on every major issue the Right takes a stand, their stand is based on some sort of lie?
Isn't it remarkable that on every major issue the Right takes a stand, their stand is based on some sort of lie?

A lie you say?

Democide: Number one violent killer in the history of mankind!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xcJT7F_BXo]2013 Epic DUBSTEP REMIX Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan [HD720p] Edit by Alex Totterdell - YouTube[/ame]
No WE don't. There are some places where a background check consists of no more than a gunshop owner eyeing up the prospective buyer and deciding whether or not he's okay.

It gets old the way the right wingers throw dump trucks full of gloom and doom and fear and misery all over every single thing they oppose. Good thing their 15 minutes are up.
There are MANY leftie gun owners and hunters - so WHY would lefties want to BAN guns?

Answer: They don't - it's just used as a scare tactic.

You didn't read the op....obviously.

The trick is getting universal background checks. The nut-cases in the White House will then make owning an unlicensed gun a felony and then will use every means at their disposal to go after anyone who is suspected of owning a gun. There are provisions in Obamacare to do this btw.

If another nut-case attacks another school Obama will call for confiscation and he'll have to gun registry in hand to do it with or without the consent of gun-owners.

As usual, you are full of shit. Same old lies in defense of an industry making millions selling death to the American public. Most people buying guns today should not have a gun, period. The number of children killed by their careless handling of their guns is indictutive of that.

There are quite a number of people that really need to have their weapons confiscated for the safety of the rest of us. People with known psychological problems and violent tendencies should not have guns. People who have a history of assualts against their family or neighbors should not have guns. That is common sense, and would make the rest of us safer.

Unfortunately these folks in the White House won't stop at taking them from people who shouldn't have them. That's the thing you don't understand and never will until it becomes a reality, and we are so close to it right now. All Obama needs is a Universal background check. Universal is the key word. It means everyone and every thing. Obama wants to make responsible gun owners felons thus removing their rights to gun ownership.

Criminals will continue to own guns but you will become a criminal overnight if you don't register your guns, or if ordered to turn them in you refuse to.

Let's say you have a gun you bought that isn't registered. Obama gets his universal background law. Part of the provisions in the law is that possession of an unregistered gun is a felony. Someone breaks into your house and you point a gun at them, they run off, you can't call the police because you are now a felon. What if you shoot the guy? You will be arrested for owning an unregistered gun. This is essentially a ban on weapons without even actually banning them. The perp who broke into your house get's lessor charge or no charges at all but you go to jail for several years.

All it takes for Eric Holder to take your guns is maintain a national registry under the new "Universal Background Law" and he knows where every legal gun is in America. They can spy on you without a warrant because they've already established you're a threat cuz you've got a gun. They'll simply ignore your rights and get your guns regardless of your civil rights by going around the 2nd Amendment. All it would take once the bill is signed into law is another nut-case shooting up a school. Who cares that none of the laws they're working on now reducing the size of mags and type of weapons can't stop a nut from killing kids. Obama needs a crisis to take advantage of the law and he will take advantage of it and claim he's trying to stop more killings. Congress will ether make amendments to the law after it's signed or Obama will sign executive orders similar to the way 20,000 new pages of regulations have been added to Obamacare.
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They'll make a big show of confiscating guns in isolated cities but the point is to scare you into getting your gun registered. Then if you do anything they deem disqualifies you, DUI, become depressed and see a doctor about it, anything, you're gun ownership rights will be history.
They are now talking about eliminating the private sale provision. We'll see what actually comes out maybe as soon as tomorrow.


however in the bill is a provision

to allow doctors to simply add you to the no buy list
All these hysterical claims were made by the gun nuts back in 94 when the assault weapons ban passed.
Isn't it remarkable that on every major issue the Right takes a stand, their stand is based on some sort of lie?

A lie you say?

Democide: Number one violent killer in the history of mankind!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xcJT7F_BXo]2013 Epic DUBSTEP REMIX Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan [HD720p] Edit by Alex Totterdell - YouTube[/ame]

Your refutation to conservatives being paranoid, conspiratorial, and fact challenged is to post an Alex Jones video?

No WE don't. There are some places where a background check consists of no more than a gunshop owner eyeing up the prospective buyer and deciding whether or not he's okay.

It gets old the way the right wingers throw dump trucks full of gloom and doom and fear and misery all over every single thing they oppose. Good thing their 15 minutes are up.

We already have background checks. I should know I buy guns.

[ame=http://youtu.be/OgsRspRJoII]FIREARMS BACKGROUND CHECK FORM BASICS - YouTube[/ame]
No WE don't. There are some places where a background check consists of no more than a gunshop owner eyeing up the prospective buyer and deciding whether or not he's okay.

It gets old the way the right wingers throw dump trucks full of gloom and doom and fear and misery all over every single thing they oppose. Good thing their 15 minutes are up.

You're lying again! A dealer MUST do a background check on ALL, repeat ALL sales! Claiming otherwise is a LIE!

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