Universal Background Checks do nothing to stop criminals from getting guns....

I don't have a problem with background checks. That addresses gun safety. I don't want some guy with a history of, say, mental instability coupled with violence to have a Colt Python.

Gun registration? Ya'll can kiss my entire white ass...
Can they have a glock 19?
Pretty good at weeding out some of the lesser dumbasses, criminals, wife beaters, and people of less than normal self control that do not need to get their weapons through normal supply chains
You're gonna be executed if you think your weed is getting in the way of my guns.
I am a gun owner, carry permit holder and have had access to legal firearms all my life. I support universal background checks and think everyone should
That's bullshit and you know it. You're a corrupt libtard Democrat cop.
Even the NRA supported background checks at one time, back when they were about training, safety and sportsmanship, before they found out there is better money in being an advocacy group
The members did not appreciate the embezzlement of their dues and donations to fund Democrat party policies of promoting and compelling gun control.
Yep....but what they do do is make it easier for anti-gunners to persecute normal gun owners, and it also allows them to demand gun registration...which is the real goal behind the demand for Universal Background checks....

If you really want to stop criminals with guns.....get the democrats to stop releasing violent, repeat gun offenders into our inner city neighborhoods........

The state of California has had a comprehensive background check law on the books for 10 years. Researchers at UC Davis School of Medicine have studied gun violence in CA during that period and found there was no change in the number of gun homicides or gun suicides. The researchers use the term “comprehensive background check” instead of universal background check. And another study by the same authors found that the repeal of comprehensive background check laws in Tennessee and Indiana had no effect on gun homicides or suicide rates in either state.

Johns Hopkins School of Public Health looked at comprehensive background check laws in large, urban counties in the U.S. and found they were actually associated with an increase in firearm homicides in those counties. That study found “no benefit” of a CBC law without an accompanying permit-to-purchase law.

Pretty good at weeding out some of the lesser dumbasses, criminals, wife beaters, and people of less than normal self control that do not need to get their weapons through normal supply chains. I am a gun owner, carry permit holder and have had access to legal firearms all my life. I support universal background checks and think everyone should. Even the NRA supported background checks at one time, back when they were about training, safety and sportsmanship, before they found out there is better money in being an advocacy group.
Help me...
Shotgun or rifle?
My front corridor is only wide enough to allow for one intruder at a time.
I like shotgun for home defense. You can cut the barrel back some to allow more spread, though inside typcal house hall, not going to spread as much as you might suspect. Removing plug will let you carry 5 or 6. Stay low, shoot medium to higher, leaving the lights off as you know where everything is, they don't. Immediate roll back into door only after taking 1 shot if bolt action or pump, two quick ones if automatic. Listen, repeat as necessary. If you hear them hit the floor, reload before going to see what you have bagged.
Pretty good at weeding out some of the lesser dumbasses, criminals, wife beaters, and people of less than normal self control that do not need to get their weapons through normal supply chains
You're gonna be executed if you think your weed is getting in the way of my guns.
I am a gun owner, carry permit holder and have had access to legal firearms all my life. I support universal background checks and think everyone should
That's bullshit and you know it. You're a corrupt libtard Democrat cop.
Even the NRA supported background checks at one time, back when they were about training, safety and sportsmanship, before they found out there is better money in being an advocacy group
The members did not appreciate the embezzlement of their dues and donations to fund Democrat party policies of promoting and compelling gun control.
Don't be a doofus. This is Tennessee, the patron state of shooting $hit, and I certainly did not grow up as a town kid. You are probably one of the lesser dumbasses I referred to. People like me have always had weapons and always will. I ma just not paranoid about having and keeping them, as I said, this is Tennessee, the patron state of shooting $hit.
I certainly did not grow up as a town kid. You are probably one of the lesser dumbasses I referred to
That attitude will be capitally punished. You don't carry a gun and get away insult disarmed and unarmed law-abiding people like that on the record.

Where do you live if it's not a city or town of some sort and you have electric service and access to a computer or tablet or cell phone to post that shite? Tell me there are any windows left in your house, it ain't burned down yet, and your car has gas in the tank and brakes if you wanna drive it.
I certainly did not grow up as a town kid. You are probably one of the lesser dumbasses I referred to
That attitude will be capitally punished. You don't carry a gun and get away insult disarmed and unarmed law-abiding people like that on the record.

Where do you live if it's not a city or town of some sort and you have electric service and access to a computer or tablet or cell phone to post that shite? Tell me there are any windows left in your house, it ain't burned down yet, and your car has gas in the tank and brakes if you wanna drive it.
Are you on drugs? Nobody is going to punish me. Nobody coming for my weapons. The 4 year old Pella windows are just fine, and I ought to know, as I used to be a Rep. Car is paid for and has less than 45,000 on it still under extended bumper to bumper. I live in a small city, but nobody burning anything down around here. Paid $1.79/gal last week because we shop at Kroger. Sorry you life didn't turn out as you planned. Mine did, and it will continue.
Paid $1.79/gal last week because we shop at Kroger. Sorry you life didn't turn out as you planned. Mine did, and it will continue
Oh. You're a lifer at SEIU, then? Two Fred Meyers in town. Cops picked up an old lady in the dressing room at one, clothes all over the grocery department, there was a killing or something at the other about twenty police cars showed up. They've got a jewelry department, too. People are fucking married to that damned labor union on the job at Kroger. Like if some dude is gay, and his partner is the boss, like he's apprenticed to a master in the services trade.
Paid $1.79/gal last week because we shop at Kroger. Sorry you life didn't turn out as you planned. Mine did, and it will continue
Oh. You're a lifer at SEIU, then? Two Fred Meyers in town. Cops picked up an old lady in the dressing room at one, clothes all over the grocery department, there was a killing or something at the other about twenty police cars showed up. They've got a jewelry department, too. People are fucking married to that damned labor union on the job at Kroger. Like if some dude is gay, and his partner is the boss, like he's apprenticed to a master in the services trade.
Not sure what SEIU stands for. Don't think we have a Fred Meyers in town. Sorry you are having these problems in you area. So I like Kroger, sue me. I still get between .40 and .80 off/gal on fuel on average at any of the Kroger fuel pumps and they have clean stores with good selection of the brands we like and still employ full time (union, yes) meat cutters, that I have been known to use on occasion. Yes they are a union store company in most of the places I have been, possibly all. Do I care. No. They have decent prices, their stock is a slow growth. They are one of the largest grocery chains in the United States. Never seen a strike or picket line. Appearently management and the union work together OK. The employees (union?) are helpful and curteous. Go shop at Walmart if you like, but you won't hear any of those superlative used about the Walmart shopping experience and I have heard they treat their employees like crap. We have two fairly large ones in town, plus a Sam's Club. I do like Sam's, but I only get .03 off on fuel there. I'll stick with the 3 or 4 Krogers here, but thanks for your concern.
heard they treat their employees like crap
That's because they treat their customers like crap. Serving people off the property with criminal trespass warrants after they've spent their money at a store doesn't really help their fire insurance rates.
I don't have a problem with background checks. That addresses gun safety. I don't want some guy with a history of, say, mental instability coupled with violence to have a Colt Python.

Gun registration? Ya'll can kiss my entire white ass...

The only reason they want universal background checks is to come back and demand gun registration.

Well, I believe you can have background checks without gun registration. They're completely separate issues...

You can't.....because they will use Universal Background checks to get gun registraton...

Let's say they convince people to give them Universal Background checks...this is what happens...

Criminals still get guns using straw buyers or they steal them...... Universal Background checks only cover private sales...which criminals rarely use to get their guns since they are afraid that private sellers are police officers working under cover....so they use baby momma's, mothers and grandmothers to go to gun stores to get their guns...since they can pass any background check. Or, they steal them.....Dennis Prager spent a day with the L.A. Police and they told them that the gangs have dedicated robbery crews who do nothing but look for homes with guns...

So.....they pass Universal background checks....gun crime in democrat party controlled cities doesn't go down, since it is democrat party crime policies and not guns that drive the crime, and mass public shooters still get their guns since they can also pass any background check..or they too steal their guns..

So...nothing really changes.....and then the anti-gunners come back and lie and say...see...the reason UBCs didn't work? We need to know where all the guns are....and then they use people like you who don't understand the issue, and they start the push for gun registration..the same way they pushed for universal background checks....

The goal is gun registration, they don't care about gun crime.

Well, we need to agree that nothing will ever keep criminals from getting guns.

You haven't shown the connection between background checks and registration. You're simply insisting that, because background checks won't keep guns out of the hands of criminals that the next logical step is registration. I disagree with that and, I can assure you, I understand the issue completely.

If I want to buy a gun, I have no problem with having a background check (although, as a CCW holder, it's not required for me). Florida requires a background check, but they don't require registration. It's been this way for a long time...

No, you don't....the anti-gun extremists will claim the only reason the criminals keep getting illegal guns after they pass universal gun registration is that we don't know who originally had the guns...so can't know if the background checks are actually being done.....so...the media push will begin, demanding gun registration...just like all of their other nonsense gun control pushes.

You don't understand the anti-gun agenda and their ultimate goals.

I think it's cute how you think you know what I do and do not understand.

Is it your position that if we have background checks we will have registration?
I don't have a problem with background checks. That addresses gun safety. I don't want some guy with a history of, say, mental instability coupled with violence to have a Colt Python.

Gun registration? Ya'll can kiss my entire white ass...

The only reason they want universal background checks is to come back and demand gun registration.

Well, I believe you can have background checks without gun registration. They're completely separate issues...

You can't.....because they will use Universal Background checks to get gun registraton...

Let's say they convince people to give them Universal Background checks...this is what happens...

Criminals still get guns using straw buyers or they steal them...... Universal Background checks only cover private sales...which criminals rarely use to get their guns since they are afraid that private sellers are police officers working under cover....so they use baby momma's, mothers and grandmothers to go to gun stores to get their guns...since they can pass any background check. Or, they steal them.....Dennis Prager spent a day with the L.A. Police and they told them that the gangs have dedicated robbery crews who do nothing but look for homes with guns...

So.....they pass Universal background checks....gun crime in democrat party controlled cities doesn't go down, since it is democrat party crime policies and not guns that drive the crime, and mass public shooters still get their guns since they can also pass any background check..or they too steal their guns..

So...nothing really changes.....and then the anti-gunners come back and lie and say...see...the reason UBCs didn't work? We need to know where all the guns are....and then they use people like you who don't understand the issue, and they start the push for gun registration..the same way they pushed for universal background checks....

The goal is gun registration, they don't care about gun crime.

Well, we need to agree that nothing will ever keep criminals from getting guns.

You haven't shown the connection between background checks and registration. You're simply insisting that, because background checks won't keep guns out of the hands of criminals that the next logical step is registration. I disagree with that and, I can assure you, I understand the issue completely.

If I want to buy a gun, I have no problem with having a background check (although, as a CCW holder, it's not required for me). Florida requires a background check, but they don't require registration. It's been this way for a long time...

No, you don't....the anti-gun extremists will claim the only reason the criminals keep getting illegal guns after they pass universal gun registration is that we don't know who originally had the guns...so can't know if the background checks are actually being done.....so...the media push will begin, demanding gun registration...just like all of their other nonsense gun control pushes.

You don't understand the anti-gun agenda and their ultimate goals.
Another issue to address, regarding gun control, is the fact that as kids are going through the public school system, they're having mental health assessments, which will now follow them their entire life. So, take example, little Bobby, at age 5 or 6, is simply having a temper tantrum, may be pulled into the counselor's office, have a "talking to" about his behavior, and at the same time, have a mental evaluation performed. Little Bobby's parents could be going through some difficulties, such as all parents do, or maybe Little Bobby is just having a "bad day". Could be the next "mass shooter"? Who knows? But let's say he threw a few tantrums, like most of us did when we were kids, yet he grows up to be a responsible, respectful man, maybe with a family, forgetting about those "childish times ", UNTIL he decides to purchase a firearm. Due to the mental health assessments he received years ago in school, which were performed by a licensed therapist, he now cannot own a firearm. Do you see where this is going and the problems that may arise from it? So, the gun control advocates start with future generations, using the "mental health " card, for situations that are common and everyday,(everything now has a diagnosis/label) in order to prevent the sales of firearms to future law-abiding citizens...(yes, I'm sure this tactic will possibly weed out some mentally unstable people, but it will also damage the credibility of others...so where is the line drawn?...)

I just checked, and I'm happy to report that the sky's not falling.

I just don't see your scenario ever happening...
I don't have a problem with background checks. That addresses gun safety. I don't want some guy with a history of, say, mental instability coupled with violence to have a Colt Python.

Gun registration? Ya'll can kiss my entire white ass...

The only reason they want universal background checks is to come back and demand gun registration.

Well, I believe you can have background checks without gun registration. They're completely separate issues...

You can't.....because they will use Universal Background checks to get gun registraton...

Let's say they convince people to give them Universal Background checks...this is what happens...

Criminals still get guns using straw buyers or they steal them...... Universal Background checks only cover private sales...which criminals rarely use to get their guns since they are afraid that private sellers are police officers working under cover....so they use baby momma's, mothers and grandmothers to go to gun stores to get their guns...since they can pass any background check. Or, they steal them.....Dennis Prager spent a day with the L.A. Police and they told them that the gangs have dedicated robbery crews who do nothing but look for homes with guns...

So.....they pass Universal background checks....gun crime in democrat party controlled cities doesn't go down, since it is democrat party crime policies and not guns that drive the crime, and mass public shooters still get their guns since they can also pass any background check..or they too steal their guns..

So...nothing really changes.....and then the anti-gunners come back and lie and say...see...the reason UBCs didn't work? We need to know where all the guns are....and then they use people like you who don't understand the issue, and they start the push for gun registration..the same way they pushed for universal background checks....

The goal is gun registration, they don't care about gun crime.

Well, we need to agree that nothing will ever keep criminals from getting guns.

You haven't shown the connection between background checks and registration. You're simply insisting that, because background checks won't keep guns out of the hands of criminals that the next logical step is registration. I disagree with that and, I can assure you, I understand the issue completely.

If I want to buy a gun, I have no problem with having a background check (although, as a CCW holder, it's not required for me). Florida requires a background check, but they don't require registration. It's been this way for a long time...

No, you don't....the anti-gun extremists will claim the only reason the criminals keep getting illegal guns after they pass universal gun registration is that we don't know who originally had the guns...so can't know if the background checks are actually being done.....so...the media push will begin, demanding gun registration...just like all of their other nonsense gun control pushes.

You don't understand the anti-gun agenda and their ultimate goals.

I think it's cute how you think you know what I do and do not understand.

Is it your position that if we have background checks we will have registration?

Yes......that will be the very next push by the anti-gun extremists........they want gun registration....they know from the experiences of Europe and Australia, that you need to know who has the guns so that when you finally get the power to ban them, they can't be hidden.....
Yes......that will be the very next push by the anti-gun extremists........

But we already have background checks without gun registration. If you buy a gun in Florida, you'll be subjected to a background check. You will not, however, have to register any gun you buy. You can also apply for your CCW, which includes a background check, and not buy a gun. CCW's here are good for seven years. You could get your CCW and five years from now purchase a gun without a background check and no requirement to register it.

As for extremists, they do what they do, but they're never taken too seriously...

they want gun registration....they know from the experiences of Europe and Australia, that you need to know who has the guns so that when you finally get the power to ban them, they can't be hidden.....

Here's the deal: there's a profound difference between the reason to have background checks and the reasons to have registration. Those who want more and more rules and regulations always claim it's in the interest of safety. Hey, super, I want everyone to be safe. It can be shown where background checks can help in that regard.

However, nothing about registration addresses safety, and that's where the argument in favor of it falls apart...
Are you on drugs? Nobody is going to punish me
I already said no to your weed, and those flames of hell burn eternal where you're going. Bastards with guns don't get to put on a badge and a blue uniform to terrorize the people of the United States. You will die for that and you will go hell for it. It's just a matter of time, and when eternity comes, it's already too late, because your punishment is foreordained from on high.
Yep....but what they do do is make it easier for anti-gunners to persecute normal gun owners, and it also allows them to demand gun registration...which is the real goal behind the demand for Universal Background checks....

If you really want to stop criminals with guns.....get the democrats to stop releasing violent, repeat gun offenders into our inner city neighborhoods........

The state of California has had a comprehensive background check law on the books for 10 years. Researchers at UC Davis School of Medicine have studied gun violence in CA during that period and found there was no change in the number of gun homicides or gun suicides. The researchers use the term “comprehensive background check” instead of universal background check. And another study by the same authors found that the repeal of comprehensive background check laws in Tennessee and Indiana had no effect on gun homicides or suicide rates in either state.

Johns Hopkins School of Public Health looked at comprehensive background check laws in large, urban counties in the U.S. and found they were actually associated with an increase in firearm homicides in those counties. That study found “no benefit” of a CBC law without an accompanying permit-to-purchase law.

Pretty good at weeding out some of the lesser dumbasses, criminals, wife beaters, and people of less than normal self control that do not need to get their weapons through normal supply chains. I am a gun owner, carry permit holder and have had access to legal firearms all my life. I support universal background checks and think everyone should. Even the NRA supported background checks at one time, back when they were about training, safety and sportsmanship, before they found out there is better money in being an advocacy group.

No, it doesn't. My brother got a gun at the side of the highway at a rest stop, on his way home from work.

No background check.

The idea that a law requiring background checks is going to stop someone who doesn't follow the law to begin with is stupid.

All this does is hinder law abiding people, not criminals.

And also the worst thing this entire discussion does, is it takes the focus off the problem, and puts it on something irrelevant.

The problem is crime. The problem is criminals. Only an idiot things that if have you have homicidal nut job, that if you only take away his toys, he'll magically turn into a productive law abiding contributing citizen of society.

When the bully on the play ground hits someone with a stick, the solution isn't to take Billy's stick away. The solution is to punish Billy so that he knows hitting people with sticks is bad.

Just taking the stick, will only cause Billy to pick up another stick, or rocks, and if you somehow manage to rid the entire playground of things to hit people with, Billy will hit people with his hands.

The problem is Billy wanting to do evil, not the random tool Billy used to do evil.

And when you ban every single thing people can use to do wrong... they'll make the tools themselves.

Gun control working so well, they are making guns in the forest.

Automatic guns in Gun-Controlled Australia.

Homemade guns in California.

How are you going to stop that? Ban buying metal? Have a background check on metal purchase?

The solution is deal with the criminals. Gun control does absolutely NOTHING. Nothing.
Are you on drugs? Nobody is going to punish me
I already said no to your weed, and those flames of hell burn eternal where you're going. Bastards with guns don't get to put on a badge and a blue uniform to terrorize the people of the United States. You will die for that and you will go hell for it. It's just a matter of time, and when eternity comes, it's already too late, because your punishment is foreordained from on high.
Nothing in the bible about weed sending you to hell. Never wore a badge. Never shot anybody. Hope I don't have to. If thugs will not do thug crap in my presence, probably won't have to, but won't die or watch someone else die to avoid it, if I don't have to, depending on the tactical situation. Don't know about my punishment being foreordained. You obviously have a different version of the King James than I and that part was not covered in Old Testament and New Testament at Union University.
The solution is deal with the criminals
Gun control puts the cops, courts, judges, prosecutors, public defenders and lawyers all on the side of the criminals against law-abiding citizens.
My brother got a gun at the side of the highway at a rest stop, on his way home from work.

No background check
Nah. The cops got all the highway rest stops under high resolution video and audio surveillance to do vice and gun control. Guns in the hands of anyone other than cops are considered vice, but they don't have a problem with the crack, pot, weed, heroin, meth, lsd, pcp, etc., etc. that changes hands at such places.
Yes......that will be the very next push by the anti-gun extremists........

But we already have background checks without gun registration. If you buy a gun in Florida, you'll be subjected to a background check. You will not, however, have to register any gun you buy. You can also apply for your CCW, which includes a background check, and not buy a gun. CCW's here are good for seven years. You could get your CCW and five years from now purchase a gun without a background check and no requirement to register it.

As for extremists, they do what they do, but they're never taken too seriously...

they want gun registration....they know from the experiences of Europe and Australia, that you need to know who has the guns so that when you finally get the power to ban them, they can't be hidden.....

Here's the deal: there's a profound difference between the reason to have background checks and the reasons to have registration. Those who want more and more rules and regulations always claim it's in the interest of safety. Hey, super, I want everyone to be safe. It can be shown where background checks can help in that regard.

However, nothing about registration addresses safety, and that's where the argument in favor of it falls apart...

We have background checks at gun stores, not private sales....they want universal background checks on private sales......and through that, they will be able to demand gun registration......the first thing they will do when gun crime in democrat party controlled cities doesn't go down. They need to know who owns the gun originally in order to know if a background check was done....that is what they will say to push gun registration.
Yep....but what they do do is make it easier for anti-gunners to persecute normal gun owners, and it also allows them to demand gun registration...which is the real goal behind the demand for Universal Background checks....

If you really want to stop criminals with guns.....get the democrats to stop releasing violent, repeat gun offenders into our inner city neighborhoods........

The state of California has had a comprehensive background check law on the books for 10 years. Researchers at UC Davis School of Medicine have studied gun violence in CA during that period and found there was no change in the number of gun homicides or gun suicides. The researchers use the term “comprehensive background check” instead of universal background check. And another study by the same authors found that the repeal of comprehensive background check laws in Tennessee and Indiana had no effect on gun homicides or suicide rates in either state.

Johns Hopkins School of Public Health looked at comprehensive background check laws in large, urban counties in the U.S. and found they were actually associated with an increase in firearm homicides in those counties. That study found “no benefit” of a CBC law without an accompanying permit-to-purchase law.

Pretty good at weeding out some of the lesser dumbasses, criminals, wife beaters, and people of less than normal self control that do not need to get their weapons through normal supply chains. I am a gun owner, carry permit holder and have had access to legal firearms all my life. I support universal background checks and think everyone should. Even the NRA supported background checks at one time, back when they were about training, safety and sportsmanship, before they found out there is better money in being an advocacy group.

No, it doesn't. My brother got a gun at the side of the highway at a rest stop, on his way home from work.

No background check.

The idea that a law requiring background checks is going to stop someone who doesn't follow the law to begin with is stupid.

All this does is hinder law abiding people, not criminals.

And also the worst thing this entire discussion does, is it takes the focus off the problem, and puts it on something irrelevant.

The problem is crime. The problem is criminals. Only an idiot things that if have you have homicidal nut job, that if you only take away his toys, he'll magically turn into a productive law abiding contributing citizen of society.

When the bully on the play ground hits someone with a stick, the solution isn't to take Billy's stick away. The solution is to punish Billy so that he knows hitting people with sticks is bad.

Just taking the stick, will only cause Billy to pick up another stick, or rocks, and if you somehow manage to rid the entire playground of things to hit people with, Billy will hit people with his hands.

The problem is Billy wanting to do evil, not the random tool Billy used to do evil.

And when you ban every single thing people can use to do wrong... they'll make the tools themselves.

Gun control working so well, they are making guns in the forest.

Automatic guns in Gun-Controlled Australia.

Homemade guns in California.

How are you going to stop that? Ban buying metal? Have a background check on metal purchase?

The solution is deal with the criminals. Gun control does absolutely NOTHING. Nothing.

Well. You don't see me putting up any of mine for sale, but if you look close, you might see me carrying concealed. I was on the range with a brand new, legal hand AR, just two weeks ago. I have no problem with background checks, as I have been a known quantity to the NSA, and US Army others for most of my life and now Homeland Security and TBI. They did make me get a new computerized birth certificate, not accepting the one issued by the hospital and with the state seal of Kentucky, I have had since birth. Cost me $35.00, but you don't hear me bitching.
Yes......that will be the very next push by the anti-gun extremists........

But we already have background checks without gun registration. If you buy a gun in Florida, you'll be subjected to a background check. You will not, however, have to register any gun you buy. You can also apply for your CCW, which includes a background check, and not buy a gun. CCW's here are good for seven years. You could get your CCW and five years from now purchase a gun without a background check and no requirement to register it.

As for extremists, they do what they do, but they're never taken too seriously...

they want gun registration....they know from the experiences of Europe and Australia, that you need to know who has the guns so that when you finally get the power to ban them, they can't be hidden.....

Here's the deal: there's a profound difference between the reason to have background checks and the reasons to have registration. Those who want more and more rules and regulations always claim it's in the interest of safety. Hey, super, I want everyone to be safe. It can be shown where background checks can help in that regard.

However, nothing about registration addresses safety, and that's where the argument in favor of it falls apart...

So.... you decide to sell you gun to Joe Schmoe who you met at the range........how does law enforcement know that you had a background check done on Joe when you sell the gun?

And this is where the push starts........if they don't know who owns the gun originally, they won't know if a background check was done when you sell it...the only way to know is to register guns to owners, so if your gun is in possession of Joe, they can check to see if you did the background check........

If you buy at a gun store, they have a record of doing a background check for the item in their inventory.........and they do keep a record of that sale and check...for the ATF....you won't have that with a private sale.....and so, they will push for gun registration, using the same arguments they made to get universal background checks.....

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