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Universal healthcare bill fails to pass in California

In my area we very seldom have to wait more than a week to get an appointment. It all has to do with the availability of doctors. UH sure as hell ain't gonna fix that and will probably make it worse.

A few years I developed a cancer. Since I am a veteran I could have got it treated for free from the VA. However, it would have been a long bureaucratic process, typical of the government.

Instead I decided to pay the deductibles and co payments and get it treated right away. There were three excellent facilities in my area that wanted my business. It cost me a few thousand but I got great treatment almost immediately. The cancer is cured now. Had I waited for the damn VA it would have taken a very long time and I have no idea the level of treatment I would have got. I probably would be dead now.

Health care is too important to be put into the hands of the government, that usually fucks up everything it touches.

I trust private enterprise to give me the best treatment at the lowest possible price much more than I trust some government bureaucrat that doesn't give a damn about me and whose boss is a politician elected by special interest groups.
I don't disagree BUT the reason I do not support UHC has nothing to do with long wait times and it should not have anything to do with long wait times, our system has that NOW.

I have been under care in fully socialized systems as well, we started my sons treatment in Germany. The care was reasonable but you have, quite literally, no control over what they do to you. That is not a good place to be, particularly if you happen to fall outside the mean. If you are a one off case, you are dead.
You wanted to see something that is better implode? Why?

You like being screwed over by insurance companies, hospitals, doctors and the whole medical profession?

15% of what you pay goes to insurance companies to do something that isn't even necessary.

Corruption make up like 30% of what you pay.

Literally the US federal govt spends MORE of healthcare than the UK government does for its NHS. And for that you get to buy health insurance on top of already paying for healthcare.
I have real insurance, the same as the congress-critters do.....You know, the same ones that exempted themselves from Halfrican Care.....Nothing but the best for us.....I really appreciate you subsidizing it. ;)
In the USA, today, and for the last several years, like probably since WW2, we have paid for everyone's healthcare. Problem is in the US we do it the stupidest way possible. So I think, we need a healthcare system that is evidence based. If a patient comes into your ER with chest congestion, instead of giving him a written prescription that the ER knows he cannot afford to fill, give the patient the pills. That way his pneumonia goes away and you never see him again. If not he comes back when he cannot breath he gets admitted to the ICU for thousands of dollars a night and the costs is spread out to the insurance companies paying for all the other patients healthcare. We still pay.
I have real insurance, the same as the congress-critters do.....You know, the same ones that exempted themselves from Halfrican Care.....Nothing but the best for us.....I really appreciate you subsidizing it. ;)

What's your point? You don't have anything to reply to what I said, so you go off and talk about something that has nothing to do with the topic?
^^^ this one is triggered. What's the matter left winger mad that you didn't get your universal healthcare paid for by someone else? Denied the opportunity to mooch off others?
Who said I like UHC? I am deeply opposed to it, dipshit.

But Trump LOOOOOOOOOVES universal health care. That's why he lied to your face that he would replace Obamacare, thus making sure it is immortal and brings us that much closer to UHC.

And you tards STILL don't realize you have been massively hoaxed. :auiqs.jpg:

I tried and tried and tried to tell you morons Trump and the GOP were hoaxing you, but did you listen? NOPE!
Of course when there is free public health care, it is paid for through taxes, but it still is VERY cheap compared to private health insurance.
No it isn't....unless you are getting government subsidies that other Americans pay for you...a group plan which are available whether you are employed or not are about the same as unsubsidized plans under the ACA....
The healthcare in great Britain for example seems to be free...its not...if you need care that's not covered you are screwed....people forget that...single payer plans in other countries cover fewer and fewer illnesses medicine and procedures every year...forcing folks to take out loans....
Competition is what works and keeps costs down but the government must get out of the way for that to work....
What's your point? You don't have anything to reply to what I said, so you go off and talk about something that has nothing to do with the topic?
I simply don't have any complaints about my insurance, everything is paid for and what is not is of little consequence. 2+1 costs me $620 a month, no deductibles. Nobody is screwing me over.....Deal of the Day. :)
Do you really think it was intentional though?

I am more inclined to think that he just flat out could not be bothered with actually doing anything that was not stroking his ego. Trump promised a lot of shit and continually failed to bother to actually do anything past what he could get from blathering about it on TV.
It was most definitely intentional. Even after he was elected, Lyin' Donald suggested he was still thinking about UHC.

Lyin' Donald's lies were definitely intentional. He had no replacement, but kept telling the rubes he had a "beautiful" replacement. That was a deliberate lie. No ifs, ands, or buts.

I tried countless times to warn the tard herd he was lying. I asked the same tard herd for YEARS to show me the Republican replacement for Obamacare, and all I got was open mouth breathing and piss and vinegar. And when I asked them to show me Trump's replacement, they ran away.

It is hard for people to admit to themselves they were hoaxed, especially when it is their cult leader who blatantly lied to them to get their vote.

So now, thanks to Trump, Obamacare is the third rail of politics. It is untouchable.

Traitor Trump was a New York limousine liberal Democrat for most of his life. I saw this coming from MILES away.
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He did?

We are saving $2,500 a year on our healthcare costs? Maybe if you are working at Walmarts stocking shelves. Other than that everybody else with real income is paying more.

Cheaper healthcare plans that are quality and no ridiculous out of pocket or copay expenses? Have you ever looked at any of their plans? I don't call $7,000 deductible and $7,000 out of pocket reasonable.

If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor? Only if you pay for your doctor yourself. I can't get any healthcare plan for my provider, the world famous Cleveland Clinic. If you can, by all means, let me know and I'll sign up.

If you like your hospital you can keep your hospital? Same as above.
Oh, I called Obamacare a bait-and-switch con many times. I also said it would bankrupt the states while Obama was laughing his ass off on the golf course in his retirement. I also called bullshit on his claim that Obamacare would not add a dime to the federal debt.

Don't mistake my stating of the facts as being supportive of Obamacare or UHC.

Obama promised Obamacare. He lied about the nature of his plan, but he got it passed. Unlike Lyin' Donald "On Day One" Trump.

Obama never promised UHC.

Trump and the GOP promised to repeal and replace Obamacare. They were knowingly lying. Right to the faces of the credulous tard herd.
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The reason the Tea Party was born is because of Obamacare. From that day forward, the Republicans swore they would repeal and replace Obamacare. They had no such actual plan. It was all a massive hoax to get votes and gain power.

Once they had both houses of Congress, they passed at least SIXTY partial and total repeals of Obamacare, knowing full well those repeals would never make it past the Senate or Obama. But it was a crowd pleaser for the mouth breathers.

Then, once they had Congress and the White House, they suddenly stopped passing repeals. And Trump never produced a replacement.

If that is not a GIGANTIC FUCKING CLUE it was all a hoax, then you have to be as stupid as a bag of hammers not to get it.

The tard herd was played. Bigly. Just so the Republicans could get back in power, double the deficit in two years, and then help Trump add another $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama.

Wakey wakey, rubes!
I don't disagree BUT the reason I do not support UHC has nothing to do with long wait times and it should not have anything to do with long wait times, our system has that NOW.

I have been under care in fully socialized systems as well, we started my sons treatment in Germany. The care was reasonable but you have, quite literally, no control over what they do to you. That is not a good place to be, particularly if you happen to fall outside the mean. If you are a one off case, you are dead.
That is just as true if you have private health insurance. Some bean counter at the insurance company decides your fate.
That is just as true if you have private health insurance. Some bean counter at the insurance company decides your fate.
No it isn't. I have been through 5 years of cancer care in the US and one year in Germany and we had complete control over the process once we made it back to the states. There is, of course, an issue with what is and is not covered but the difference in control you have over your care here and in Germany is STARK. The doctors do not even tell you what procedures you are going to go under, they just fucking do it and get offended if you ask questions. Some of that is also cultural, asking a doctor why is essentially questioning their ability. You do not get the option where you get treatment or even who your doctor is. You get what you get. When I got a rather questionable doctor here, I simply replaced them, end of story. Only really had to do that one time at least, there are very few bad doctors in child oncology.
When Trump was elected and everyone was excited that Obamacare would finally be repealed, Speaker Paul Ryan had to lay the bad news on the populace that it had all been a hoax.

Strangely, this was not reported by Fox News and their fellow traveler propagandists.

“Obamacare is the law of the land. We’re going to be living with Obamacare for the foreseeable future.” - Paul Ryan, March 2017

On Day One, ObamaCare is gone!


My replacement is beautiful. Bleev me. Terrific. You are going to get tired of being healthy. Bleev me. Bleev me...



I also have some waterfront property and a bridge I want to sell you.



Congratulations, Mr. President! Just hand me your health care plan, and I'll get it passed immediately.


I thought YOU had a plan.


Oh no you don't! You said YOU had a "beautiful" plan!


And that plan was to take credit for YOUR plan! That's how my scams work!


Jesus Christ...


You've had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement! And you don't have one!?!?


Jesus Christ...
Oh, I called Obamacare a bait-and-switch con many times. I also said it would bankrupt the states while Obama was laughing his ass off on the golf course in his retirement. I also called bullshit on his claim that Obamacare would not add a dime to the federal debt.

Don't mistake my stating of the facts as being supportive of Obamacare or UHC.

Obama promised Obamacare. He lied about the nature of his plan, but he got it passed. Unlike Lyin' Donald "On Day One" Trump.

Obama never promised UHC.

Trump and the GOP promised to repeal and replace Obamacare. They were knowingly lying. Right to the faces of the credulous tard herd.

Well you know something, maybe you should start a thread on Trump and Obamacare instead of hijacking this one about California, because nearly every post you put in this topic has nothing to do with California, it has to do with Trump and your severe TDS problem.
I simply don't have any complaints about my insurance, everything is paid for and what is not is of little consequence. 2+1 costs me $620 a month, no deductibles. Nobody is screwing me over.....Deal of the Day. :)

You're paying 15% for something unnecessary. Every month you throw $93 at a company to do nothing. Then healthcare costs have risen massively because they can charge whatever they like because of the buffer in between you and the hospital.

Perhaps you can send me 15% of your paycheck and I can nothing for you.
In the USA, today, and for the last several years, like probably since WW2, we have paid for everyone's healthcare. Problem is in the US we do it the stupidest way possible. So I think, we need a healthcare system that is evidence based. If a patient comes into your ER with chest congestion, instead of giving him a written prescription that the ER knows he cannot afford to fill, give the patient the pills. That way his pneumonia goes away and you never see him again. If not he comes back when he cannot breath he gets admitted to the ICU for thousands of dollars a night and the costs is spread out to the insurance companies paying for all the other patients healthcare. We still pay.

Never going to happen. The term is called defensive medicine. You go to the doctor for an ear ache. He or she runs you through every test under the sun. Even the doctor knows the tests or their results have nothing to do with your ear problem, but the doctor must run those tests and procedures to protect himself from malpractice suit.

That will never change since the Democrat party gets big bucks come election time from trial lawyers. More than that the more expensive healthcare is, the more successful they will be at getting everybody on a government plan. That's why government plans like Medicare and Medicaid only pay 2/3 of the bill for their patients. To recoup those losses, doctors and health facilities have to increase their prices which gets paid by private pay patients and of course insurance companies. Then we have the illegal problem to deal with. They come here of course with no insurance or money, go to the ER for a cold, and walk out without paying a dime. How do you suppose the healthcare facilities recoup that money.

Yes, our healthcare is expensive much of it because of government, but it's also the best in the world. However only a fool would believe the people that created a problem would bring a solution for it.
Well you know something, maybe you should start a thread on Trump and Obamacare instead of hijacking this one about California, because nearly every post you put in this topic has nothing to do with California, it has to do with Trump and your severe TDS problem.
My posts have to do with the inevitability of UHC.

Since the cult formerly known as Republicans have NO solutions, sooner or later the voters turn to those who do.

All the cult formerly known as Republicans know how to do is complain about the other guy's ideas, and make false promises. I can't believe the tard herd has not caught on to this yet!

So California may have narrowly defeated UHC this time around, but we are getting closer and closer every day that the organization formerly known as the Republican Party fails to come up with answers to a skyrocketing problem which has existed for DECADES.
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My posts have to do with the inevitability of UHC.

Since the Republicans have NO solutions, sooner or later the voters turn to those who do.

All the Republicans know how to do is complain about the other guy's ideas, and make false promises. I can't believe the tard herd has not caught on to this yet!

So California may have narrowly defeated UHC this time around, but we are getting closer and closer every day that the organization formerly known as the Republican Party fails to come up with answers to a skyrocketing problem which has existed for DECADES.

Fine, then talk about that instead of Trump every post.

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