Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

It doesn't work anywhere else either....the only way the social welfare states can manage right now, as their costs sky rocket and the quality of care declines at an ever faster rate.....is the United States is protecting them with our military and Americans are funding almost all medical innovation and medicinal drug creation....without the U.S. to protect them, they would have to pay for their own militaries to actually work.......and without the U.S medical and drug innovation and creation, they would still be using leaches and draining blood from sick people........

let's unpack this bit of crazy as 2TinyGuy tries to put together an argument without the NRA telling him what to think.

The European Social Welfare states spend less per capital than we do, they have longer life expectencies, they have lower infant mortality rates and they have a higher satisfaction rate with their systems than we have with ours.

The reason they aren't spending money on their military is THEY DON'T NEED TO. We don't, either, really. We could slash the military spending in half and stop trying to police the world, and the world would probably be fine.

Oh, and quite the contrary, letting big insurance and big pharma rape us is not leading to medical innovation. In fact, the US is slipping in that regard.

U.S. Slipping as Global Leader in Medical Research

Medical research has become an increasingly global endeavor and investments by other countries, particularly in Asia, are eroding U.S. leadership. In 2004, U.S. medical R&D spending represented 57 percent of the global total. By 2014, the U.S. share had fallen to 44 percent with Asia – led by China, Japan, South Korea, India, and Singapore – rapidly making up ground and increasing investment by 9.4 percent per year. If current trends continue, the U.S. will be overtaken by China as the global leader in medical R&D in the next ten years. China has already surpassed the U.S. in terms of the size of its science and technology workforce and global share of patents for medical technologies, and is closing the gap in published biomedical research articles.
The world isn't binary, Joe. We don't have to choose between socialism and fascism. I'm fighting both.

Single payer health care is neither.

So these are your options.

1) Die when your medical conditions exceed the ability of your revenue to pay.

2) Get a private health care plan, and hope the greedy bastards running it don't decide that they can delay your treatment until you die to try to make a profit.

3) Go to a single payer system accountable to the people in national elections every two years.

I guess that's a "Trinary" view, but if you have a fourth option, I'd love to hear it.
In other words let everyone else pay for it, socialism 101
The solution is there but must be accepted by the socialists, fascists and government supremacists

The Wonders of Free Market Health Care

socialists are in favor of universal Health Care, the only people in the modern world who are not is the GOP, brainwashed functional moron. Ditto global warming ditto taxing the rich more than other people,ditto living wage daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training good infrastructure and vacations. Wake up and smell the coffee you name it they suck. Every other modern country has that stuff including Australia New Zealand.
What did you call me?
What I call all GOP voters, brain-washed functional morons.everything you know is garbage propaganda, total misinformation phony scandals and conspiracies.... The most important story of the last 30 years in US politics.

Yes, we all know.

Projection is your middle name.

Fuck off.
What, no actual argument? I am stunned LOL. Breaking for right-wing propaganda enthusiasts: Hillary bill Obama Lerner the FBI are all honest, and we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes, a gigantic giveaway to the rich. Everything you know is wrong LOL.
When are you going to realize redistribution never works, and on top of that the most inefficient corrupt way to do anything is through the federal government… LOL
It doesn't work anywhere else either....the only way the social welfare states can manage right now, as their costs sky rocket and the quality of care declines at an ever faster rate.....is the United States is protecting them with our military and Americans are funding almost all medical innovation and medicinal drug creation....without the U.S. to protect them, they would have to pay for their own militaries to actually work.......and without the U.S medical and drug innovation and creation, they would still be using leaches and draining blood from sick people........

let's unpack this bit of crazy as 2TinyGuy tries to put together an argument without the NRA telling him what to think.

The European Social Welfare states spend less per capital than we do, they have longer life expectencies, they have lower infant mortality rates and they have a higher satisfaction rate with their systems than we have with ours.

The reason they aren't spending money on their military is THEY DON'T NEED TO. We don't, either, really. We could slash the military spending in half and stop trying to police the world, and the world would probably be fine.

Oh, and quite the contrary, letting big insurance and big pharma rape us is not leading to medical innovation. In fact, the US is slipping in that regard.

U.S. Slipping as Global Leader in Medical Research

Medical research has become an increasingly global endeavor and investments by other countries, particularly in Asia, are eroding U.S. leadership. In 2004, U.S. medical R&D spending represented 57 percent of the global total. By 2014, the U.S. share had fallen to 44 percent with Asia – led by China, Japan, South Korea, India, and Singapore – rapidly making up ground and increasing investment by 9.4 percent per year. If current trends continue, the U.S. will be overtaken by China as the global leader in medical R&D in the next ten years. China has already surpassed the U.S. in terms of the size of its science and technology workforce and global share of patents for medical technologies, and is closing the gap in published biomedical research articles.

Your obsession with cock is getting old, what do you do in your mothers basement? Lol
It doesn't work anywhere else either....the only way the social welfare states can manage right now, as their costs sky rocket and the quality of care declines at an ever faster rate.....is the United States is protecting them with our military and Americans are funding almost all medical innovation and medicinal drug creation....without the U.S. to protect them, they would have to pay for their own militaries to actually work.......and without the U.S medical and drug innovation and creation, they would still be using leaches and draining blood from sick people........

let's unpack this bit of crazy as 2TinyGuy tries to put together an argument without the NRA telling him what to think.

The European Social Welfare states spend less per capital than we do, they have longer life expectencies, they have lower infant mortality rates and they have a higher satisfaction rate with their systems than we have with ours.

The reason they aren't spending money on their military is THEY DON'T NEED TO. We don't, either, really. We could slash the military spending in half and stop trying to police the world, and the world would probably be fine.

Oh, and quite the contrary, letting big insurance and big pharma rape us is not leading to medical innovation. In fact, the US is slipping in that regard.

U.S. Slipping as Global Leader in Medical Research

Medical research has become an increasingly global endeavor and investments by other countries, particularly in Asia, are eroding U.S. leadership. In 2004, U.S. medical R&D spending represented 57 percent of the global total. By 2014, the U.S. share had fallen to 44 percent with Asia – led by China, Japan, South Korea, India, and Singapore – rapidly making up ground and increasing investment by 9.4 percent per year. If current trends continue, the U.S. will be overtaken by China as the global leader in medical R&D in the next ten years. China has already surpassed the U.S. in terms of the size of its science and technology workforce and global share of patents for medical technologies, and is closing the gap in published biomedical research articles.
Military spending is a fraction of socialist entitlement program spending in this country you fucking retard
Yes, yes. Life is a choice between being owned by a corporation or government.

Sorry, I'll choose neither. The slave mentality is nonsense. Shake it off, Joe.

So you are going to happily go off and die when you have a medical condition that exceeds your ability to pay medical bills?

"I'm free... freeeeeeee..." Ack.. Gasp... Croak!!!!

The world isn't binary, Joe. We don't have to choose between socialism and fascism. I'm fighting both.
Just as long as you know that communism is left-wing dictatorship, fascism is right wing dictatorship, and socialism is known everywhere in the world but GOP America as simply always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net...."we are all socialists now!"--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed....
Socialism has 100% failure rate long-term, even though it’s been tried countless times and in countless forms you silly little fucker
No, those are the options you are limiting yourself to. Take off your blinders.

What's your fourth option? Again, would love to hear it.

One more time.

You have a medical condition that exceeds your resources to pay for.

do you.

1) Dutifully die to not be a burden on society.
2) Take a chance that the insurance you paid for won't try to rip you off, especially after you are no longer able to work and pay for it.
3) Support a single payer government system where your right to health care is guaranteed.

Waiting for Option 4.

The one that involved Rainbow Farting Libertarian Unicorns.

View attachment 285381
You do realize Socialism has never paid for itself, it never can take any responsibility other than the fucking retarded behavior
No, those are the options you are limiting yourself to. Take off your blinders.

What's your fourth option? Again, would love to hear it.

One more time.

You have a medical condition that exceeds your resources to pay for.

do you.

1) Dutifully die to not be a burden on society.
2) Take a chance that the insurance you paid for won't try to rip you off, especially after you are no longer able to work and pay for it.
3) Support a single payer government system where your right to health care is guaranteed.

Waiting for Option 4.

The one that involved Rainbow Farting Libertarian Unicorns.

View attachment 285381
You do realize Socialism has never paid for itself, it never can take any responsibility other than the fucking retarded behavior

Socialism historically fails when it runs out of other people's money.

It leads to total depravity, like what you see in Cuba and Venezuela today. Those two nations used to be two of the most tremendous economic powerhouses in Latin America
Here is the thing. I have Always had American doctors. Jews, actually. The ones you want to kill. Here is another thing, over 150mil are on private pay through their jobs, correct.

Okay... so you don't have a logical answer...

150 million have private pay that someone else is paying for and they could lose if they got, let's say... too sick to work.

I'm not sure how that's a good system. We'll cover you only as long as you are useful to us?
The would also lose their paycheck. Hence low unemployment is great as people get paid and receive healthcare. See how that works? If you’re too sick to work then you go on disability and are still covered. I have A logical answer you just don’t have a logical brain to comprehend it, it’s too busy trying to figure out how to blame the Jews for all the worlds problems.
It doesn't work anywhere else either....the only way the social welfare states can manage right now, as their costs sky rocket and the quality of care declines at an ever faster rate.....is the United States is protecting them with our military and Americans are funding almost all medical innovation and medicinal drug creation....without the U.S. to protect them, they would have to pay for their own militaries to actually work.......and without the U.S medical and drug innovation and creation, they would still be using leaches and draining blood from sick people........

let's unpack this bit of crazy as 2TinyGuy tries to put together an argument without the NRA telling him what to think.

The European Social Welfare states spend less per capital than we do, they have longer life expectencies, they have lower infant mortality rates and they have a higher satisfaction rate with their systems than we have with ours.

The reason they aren't spending money on their military is THEY DON'T NEED TO. We don't, either, really. We could slash the military spending in half and stop trying to police the world, and the world would probably be fine.

Oh, and quite the contrary, letting big insurance and big pharma rape us is not leading to medical innovation. In fact, the US is slipping in that regard.

U.S. Slipping as Global Leader in Medical Research

Medical research has become an increasingly global endeavor and investments by other countries, particularly in Asia, are eroding U.S. leadership. In 2004, U.S. medical R&D spending represented 57 percent of the global total. By 2014, the U.S. share had fallen to 44 percent with Asia – led by China, Japan, South Korea, India, and Singapore – rapidly making up ground and increasing investment by 9.4 percent per year. If current trends continue, the U.S. will be overtaken by China as the global leader in medical R&D in the next ten years. China has already surpassed the U.S. in terms of the size of its science and technology workforce and global share of patents for medical technologies, and is closing the gap in published biomedical research articles.

They don't spend money on their militaries is because they expect us to protect them....and they need us to keep Putin from controlling Europe and China from controlling Asia...you doofus.

The actual innovation comes from us, you doofus.....and if you believe China is making advancements in medical research you need to stop mixing your booze with your meds....
Here is the thing. I have Always had American doctors. Jews, actually. The ones you want to kill. Here is another thing, over 150mil are on private pay through their jobs, correct.

Okay... so you don't have a logical answer...

150 million have private pay that someone else is paying for and they could lose if they got, let's say... too sick to work.

I'm not sure how that's a good system. We'll cover you only as long as you are useful to us?
The would also lose their paycheck. Hence low unemployment is great as people get paid and receive healthcare. See how that works? If you’re too sick to work then you go on disability and are still covered. I have A logical answer you just don’t have a logical brain to comprehend it, it’s too busy trying to figure out how to blame the Jews for all the worlds problems.
Yes, Political correctness has made millions of people fucking retarded
It doesn't work anywhere as well as freedom.

I'm not feeling terribly free if I feel I have to stay at a job I hate in order to keep from dying...
Then switch jobs. The job also pays for housing, food and entertainment. Your argument is ridiculous.

And if you dig into the national healthcare countries....you find that their systems are collapsing......they can't afford them, they can't get quality Doctors and Nurses, and the care level is declining at a faster and faster rate....
It doesn't work anywhere else either....the only way the social welfare states can manage right now, as their costs sky rocket and the quality of care declines at an ever faster rate.....is the United States is protecting them with our military and Americans are funding almost all medical innovation and medicinal drug creation....without the U.S. to protect them, they would have to pay for their own militaries to actually work.......and without the U.S medical and drug innovation and creation, they would still be using leaches and draining blood from sick people........

let's unpack this bit of crazy as 2TinyGuy tries to put together an argument without the NRA telling him what to think.

The European Social Welfare states spend less per capital than we do, they have longer life expectencies, they have lower infant mortality rates and they have a higher satisfaction rate with their systems than we have with ours.

The reason they aren't spending money on their military is THEY DON'T NEED TO. We don't, either, really. We could slash the military spending in half and stop trying to police the world, and the world would probably be fine.

Oh, and quite the contrary, letting big insurance and big pharma rape us is not leading to medical innovation. In fact, the US is slipping in that regard.

U.S. Slipping as Global Leader in Medical Research

Medical research has become an increasingly global endeavor and investments by other countries, particularly in Asia, are eroding U.S. leadership. In 2004, U.S. medical R&D spending represented 57 percent of the global total. By 2014, the U.S. share had fallen to 44 percent with Asia – led by China, Japan, South Korea, India, and Singapore – rapidly making up ground and increasing investment by 9.4 percent per year. If current trends continue, the U.S. will be overtaken by China as the global leader in medical R&D in the next ten years. China has already surpassed the U.S. in terms of the size of its science and technology workforce and global share of patents for medical technologies, and is closing the gap in published biomedical research articles.

They don't spend money on their militaries is because they expect us to protect them....and they need us to keep Putin from controlling Europe and China from controlling Asia...you doofus.

The actual innovation comes from us, you doofus.....and if you believe China is making advancements in medical research you need to stop mixing your booze with your meds....
Socialist Europe sucks Putin cock daily... fact
It doesn't work anywhere as well as freedom.

I'm not feeling terribly free if I feel I have to stay at a job I hate in order to keep from dying...
Then switch jobs. The job also pays for housing, food and entertainment. Your argument is ridiculous.

And if you dig into the national healthcare countries....you find that their systems are collapsing......they can't afford them, they can't get quality Doctors and Nurses, and the care level is declining at a faster and faster rate....
Their doctors and nurses come from 3rd world countries. Trade off.
The free market already said older people are too expensive to insure. Government programs covers seniors, leaving insurance companies to profit off the younger, healthier portion of the population. (You call that a free market?)

There is no substitute good for medical care, and there is an inequality of information between physician and patient. It's not a situation amenable to market forces, as our skyrocketing costs indicate - 18% of GDP in 2017.
The free market already said older people are too expensive to insure. Government programs covers seniors, leaving insurance companies to profit off the younger, healthier portion of the population. (You call that a free market?)

There is no substitute good for medical care, and there is an inequality of information between physician and patient. It's not a situation amenable to market forces, as our skyrocketing costs indicate - 18% of GDP in 2017.
Now that’s the best joke I’ve heard all day… The federal government caring for anybody? Other than fucking career politicians and high-level federal employees...
The free market already said older people are too expensive to insure. Government programs covers seniors, leaving insurance companies to profit off the younger, healthier portion of the population. (You call that a free market?)

There is no substitute good for medical care, and there is an inequality of information between physician and patient. It's not a situation amenable to market forces, as our skyrocketing costs indicate - 18% of GDP in 2017.
Now that’s the best joke I’ve heard all day… The federal government caring for anybody? Other than fucking career politicians and high-level federal employees...

Fascinating, but stupid.
The free market already said older people are too expensive to insure. Government programs covers seniors, leaving insurance companies to profit off the younger, healthier portion of the population. (You call that a free market?)

There is no substitute good for medical care, and there is an inequality of information between physician and patient. It's not a situation amenable to market forces, as our skyrocketing costs indicate - 18% of GDP in 2017.
Older people tend to be wealthier people. Save up when you’re young.

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